What is being with your twin flame like? Well, it's the Rolls Royce of relationships and you're in the driving seat, and making love with your other half will be like journeying to the Shangri-La of sexual intercourse. But does something this good last eternally? Yes, but it won't be a plain sailing path to perfection.
Let me clarify, the love of twin flames is forever, and once tasted in your lifetime, will give you "forever fever" for the rest of your time out. Your twin flame is the only essence in your life that will be with you constantly, and is the only person, once found, who'll be fully on your side. You will move the world to be with him or her, and no gap between you will be too wide.
However, perfect situations must go wrong, because nothing is perfect. And yet, it doesn't prevent some that have found their twin flame to want more, possibly because they've wanted far too much, for too long. Even the 'ideal' of a twin flame can raise our expectations.
Or maybe when troubles arise, as they will even in the most happiest couplings, it might shake our faith in the love that binds us. In such situations, many of us will forget how to simply be happy with what we have - to appreciate, be thankful, and count our blessings.
Finding love is in the detail
You may have heard the well-used phrase "the devil is in the detail". You may also have heard it stated more positively as "god is in the detail". Well, I believe that what's important is to find love in the detail of our lives - especially in our darkest moments.
It's those small details in life we sometimes overlook, but need to find the opportunity now and then to stop and realise how precious those moments can be - to appreciate the beauty in the detail of a look, or touch, or quiet moment together.
In yoga, some believe that focusing on the detail of practice and form will bring about a state of bliss. The reasoning behind it is when you focus on the detail of your postures, it will benefit you more, and thus bring you closer to the true goal of yoga - your own slice of inner nirvana.
Likewise, focusing on the minutiae of a moment with your twin flame can enhance the connection between both of you, because you're aware and in the moment of your love for each other. There can be no greater sense of awakening to your twin flame's presence in your life to strengthen a healthy relationship.
The poet Rumi is often quoted as saying, "Give your loved one a rose. If you don't have a rose to give, give them a smile". I'd go further to add: Give your loved one a kiss. Give them a steamy sex session, even! Because a loving touch is worth more than any price tag on a gift, and if true love is in the details of a relationship, then the detail is worth focusing on - especially during some hot, passionate sex!
Click here for 5 secret sex tips for twin flames.
So, go lose yourselves in the detail of the moment. Dim the lights, and light the candles. Get your bodies talking the same language of your souls - they were both created on the same wavelength, that's why your twin flames burn after all. Enjoy each other, and appreciate the small details that make up the sum of your love.
Show understanding when bad things happen
But sometimes we also need to know when to take a step back.
Every relationship - even those with your twin flame - will throw up challenges for you to face. And even when we're lucky enough to have the full support of our twin flame, sometimes in our anger we can't see the forest for the trees, and we may not see any good reason why bad things happen. But we need to take a step back; create a space where we can think, and try to understand a crisis.
Seeing is about perspective, and only with perspective comes understanding. Because while details are important, in situations like these it's only when you step back that the entire picture comes into view.
We need to understand that hardships are a fact of life, because they help maintain the balance to all things. In order to get the water it needs to thrive, a fruit suffers the storms. We, too, must endure hardships to live, as it's the struggle that gives us strong wings - such is the way of the world.
So, when bad things happen, try to understand them. You see, when we fail to look at the bigger picture, it becomes impossible to see the consequences of our actions.
This is when we run a real risk of losing love in the detail of a bad moment. Because instead of helping you focus and appreciate the present, failing to see the bigger picture causes you to stay stuck in that moment of crisis, with a blind spot to the future - making you say or do things you'll later regret.
Read the 4 steps to successful communication.
Looking back you don't want to wish you could have played things differently, to win back those lost moments and take the time to understand the situation better. Wishing we were a little less careless after the fact may not help the madness you'll feel when the person fated for you is physically no longer in your life.
That's why we must find love in every detail (in other words try to understand why bad things happen to enable us to put a positive spin on them) to find love, and to hold on to it.
And when the good times roll, we'll be able to appreciate each tiniest moment - in detail - that much better.
Yours in love,