In this true twin flame story lies a warning that unless we are careful, we can destroy something beautiful.
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Martha contacted me recently after reading my "Forever with Your Twin Flame" article, to say that she now realises she may have found - and lost - her twin flame.
Her story was so thought-provoking, I thought I'd let her explain it in her own words below.
"Let it be a lesson to us all, love is like a rubber band," she writes.
I always thought love was like a rubber band, that you stretched but couldn't break, that you wrapped around two people to hold them tight. It's funny, but that's how I met the guy who I now believe to have been my twin flame. One of my girlfriends had picked up one of those red rubber bands that postmen are always throwing on the street, and flicked it at me. When I tried to flick it back to her, it hit this boy who was walking behind us. He was so not my type, but he smiled at me, stared me straight in the eyes, and for some reason I couldn't explain, I was hooked.
I've always had trust issues. From bad experiences with my parents, and having been burned more time than I care to remember by guys, I had closed myself off to ever trusting anyone again. He tried to make me see that he was different than anyone I had ever come across before, but I just didn't allow myself the risk of believing him. I loved him, but I thought if I only loved him in little bits, it wouldn't hurt so much if he ended it. Although he was very understanding, I just wasn't open with him on why I couldn't give him my all, either, so I ended up giving him the impression that I wasn't in love with him as much as he was with me.
Because of the way our relationship was, it was hurting him so much that he decided we should end it, and I didn't argue. In fact I was relieved at first. But then, that my "forever fever" you wrote about hit me. I was devastated. I knew I had lost my twin flame. I am hoping that one day, he'll be able to forgive me and we can sort out our lives, because we are meant to be together. But I learnt a lesson from this, that love really is like a rubber band. If two people keep pulling at it, and someone lets go, it hurts the one who held on."
Yours in love,