Everyday your intuition guides you, helps you, tries to save you time, sends little messages that will make life better for you if you listened and followed. But most of us (myself included) don't always listen to that little voice - that some say comes from the heart. You don't always follow what it says.
It will say something, you may hear or recognise the message, but then you get distracted and you forget about it, only to realise later "should have listened to that voice". That voice is your intuition. It's like your best friend; it only says and does things to help you. It only wants to make your life easier and more enjoyable.
Once you know how to ask your intuition for guidance you'll get the right responses and the right instructions. Then you have to listen and follow, which is where most people fail. That only happens because your conscious mind, that rational thinking part of you, doesn't always agree with your intuition and will often put up a fight, it will resist and try to get you to do the exact opposite of what your intuition wants you to do. But once you know how to respond, life gets easier and you get more of what you want.
How do you tap into your intuition? How do you get the right answers so that you get more of what you want? And how do you follow your intuition so that things work out? It's actually pretty simple.
Our intuition is always communicating with us and guiding us. We can communicate with our intuition to get help when we need it. Here's how it works.
First realise that what you want already exists. It's here, it's in this world, you're within reach of it all you have to do is find it. So decide what guidance or information you want. Realise that the answers already exist.
If you want something in particular like a better job, a new relationship, a new home or trying to find an important document, realise that what
you want already exists.
This is very important. Because if you don't believe it exists you'll never see it, even if it stands up and stares you in the face.
Next, ask for what you want. If you want the right job, ask for it. Say: I want the right job, where is the right job for me? I know it exists so where is it? I want the right job.
Then let go. Tell yourself you've found what you want and leave it alone.
You need to let go and you do that by realising that your happiness does not depend on something happening in your life, and that you'll find a solution. Your happiness doesn't depend on whether you have a job or not. Your happiness does not depend on whether you are in a relationship or not.
If you want to be happy, be happy. Focus on positive things and let go of what you want. Then it will flow to you easily.
So think about what you want. Know that what you want exists already. Ask for what you want. Let go of it by accepting that your happiness doesn't depend on you having what you want.
Get your intuition working for you today. Develop your intuition, this is a powerful partner who can make your life easier and guide you to success.
Your subconscious mind and your intuition work together, always bringing you what you want. Begin directing your subconscious and inner powers.
Your intuition is your powerful partner. It is always guiding you and bringing you answers everyday. You just need to see them and recognise the guidance you're getting. You ask your intuition by using your thoughts. It brings you what you want based on what you think about. So think about what you want. Believe in yourself. Believe in your ability.
You are a powerful human being, capable of creating what ever you want in life. You can achieve your goals. You can succeed. You can live your dreams. You can enjoy a better life. Get your intuition and your subconscious mind to create more of what you want. Everything you want already exists. Learn to recognise it and follow your instincts.
You are a powerful person. You have tremendous power within you. That power is in your subconscious mind. Start working with it and directing it. Your subconscious mind will bring you exactly what you want. Just give it clear instructions.
Now if you don't have any desire to be healthier, happier, or more productive then ignore the exercise I provide below to help you develop your intuition. But for those of you who want to live more focused and productive lives, have deeper - more meaningful relationships, and just feel "happier" on a daily on going basis - then keep reading.
Some of the leanest, most successful people on Earth - and even many of the greatest minds in history use this type of exercise. It truly can be a game-changer. I call it:
The daily ritual (or the hour of power)
Block off 30 to 60 minutes at least 5 days a week to escape ALL technology and interruptions of any kind. Get off the social media bandwagon for just an hour a day. You could use a park outside a quiet room in your home, whatever works.
This is also a perfect time to use my 90 day mind healing programme to reset the negativity that has been hounding you in the past.
A couple very important things to remember in order for this particular exercise to work properly:
- You must be alone and avoid ALL interruptions.
- Make sure to leave your smart phone on silent and out of the room.
- Try to avoid having technology of ANY kind with you (unless you're using meditation audios or something else that "cultivates" your mind such as my 90 day system).
- Avoid all computers, television, media and news outlets. Kind of obvious, but I've seen people do some really strange things.
- Lastly, you must have an agenda and plan on what you're going to do during this cultivation time - even if you're just going to relax and get some peace and quiet.
The exercise and goal: Feed your mind
Use this time to be all by yourself and feed your mind.
There are many strategies you can use during this time, but make sure to pick a method that personally matches your personality.
Lots of options here: You can read a book, listen to an inspiring audio (again such as my 90 day system - the one exception to the technology rule), meditate, pray, employ mindful breathing, or just simply relax. Whatever floats your boat.
I personally use my mind healing system, read my goal cards, pray about what I'm grateful for and do some reading.
Now I know what you might be thinking: "I can't afford to make time for this."
My personal opinion is you can't afford NOT to make time for the hour of power. My system doesn't take as much as hour, so even if you can't spare an hour, you can still use my system.
However, our world is loaded with interruptions, fast moving information, and too much technology. ALL of this will make you go insane if you don't get some "alone" time and feed your mind with positive energy and thoughts.
I often say our body is a garden - well, think of your mind like a garden.
If all you do is plant seeds of interruptions, negative news, and media overload on a daily basis your garden (mind) will grow a bunch of poison. This ends up carrying over into other areas of your life in a negative way so you (and your loved ones) end up suffering.
This isn't about avoiding reality, I read the news on a daily basis - but it's about balance. Don't overload. If you plant seeds of positive thoughts, look over your goals, read an inspiring book, or just give thanks your garden will grow a bunch of healthy fruit in every area of your life.
Now I'll be the first one to admit I slack on this "hour of power" frequently, but I still use my mind healing system everyday, and force myself to get in an hour at least 2 or 3 days of the week.
Why is all of this so important anyway? It rejuvenates, recharges, and recreates our brain to be more focused and stress free the other 23 hours of the day.
In fact, there is a direct correlation between my productivity on days I do this versus days I don't. EVERY time (without exception) I get more done and feel more fulfilled throughout my everyday activities when I do this. Plus, I treat the people around me so much better. The stress just rolls off my back and all the little petty stuff doesn't get to me.
It also helps you connect with your inner voice - your intuition. The more you listen out for it, the more you'll hear it, and the more you use it, the more it develops, and become fine-tuned with use.
There is no single great instruction manual for your life, apart from the one YOU write for yourself. Remember, success leaves clues and there are two ways to learn: mistakes and mentors. Following a mentor might be much less painful than making a bunch of stupid mistakes, but when you make mistakes you're more likely to grow your own set of balls that much quicker!
One last point - especially for us ladies out there. Using a technique like this and taking time for yourself is NOT selfish IF you structure it properly.
Just like exercise - if you block off time alone without any technology or distractions and read a good book, or listen to meditation music, or pray, or just relax and breath, than you'll be able to give everybody else your best.
In fact, by taking just 30 minutes to an hour 5 or 6 days a week to do this you'll get more done in 4 hours than you normally would in 8 hours because you'll be more focused and centred.
Make love your centre and it will centre you. And you can do this any time of the day, but just like exercising, I recommend the morning before the day gets crazy on you. Like a good breakfast, it's the best way to start your day.
Remember, it's not a "maybe" option. It's an absolute guarantee that if you apply this technique - EVERY other area of your life will get better. You'll be more energetic, more focused, and you'll get a lot more accomplished on a day to day basis.
After all you're either regressing or growing, NOTHING in life stands still. So get busy living or get busy dying.
By applying this exercise ritual you'll eliminate all the unimportant stuff in your life that's vying for your attention and focus your energy into things that really matter.
Make love your true focus
Focus on improving yourself and you'll improve your lot in life. The most important question to ask is not "what am I getting?" The most important question to ask is "What am I becoming?" Focus on planning ahead to overcome obstacles, rather than reacting. Be a driver, not a reactionary. Be the cause, not the effect. My mother taught me that this is particularly important when raising children. Her best advice was always: Don't let your children grow up to be strangers.
I'm not a psychologist, but I tend to spend a whole lot of time examining the modern human condition as I seek to constantly improve myself.
One of the questions a lot of my readers ask is: What does it really mean to provide for your family? It's not easy to answer for most mums or dads.
Parenting is a magical experience, but that parental dynamic can push children and their parents apart. I'm sure there's some fancy psychological word for it, but I call it the estrangement cycle. It's easier explained as a short parable, the story of Harry.
Harry is a married father of two kids, a 4 year old girl named Sally and a 7 year old boy named Tommy. They've got a 4 bedroom house in a nice neighbourhood with a pretty hefty mortgage and the thought of paying their living costs, along with starting to save enough to send two kids to university is worrying Harry. He wants the best for his kids, so he puts in long hours at work, so he can advance up the ladder and earn enough to send his kids to a better school, buy a bigger house and afford nicer things for the family.
At the same time, though, the job Harry is working at, along with the hours he is putting in, are beginning to hollow him out. He dreads Monday, and gets home most nights long after the kids are asleep. Every day is filled not only with the stress of getting his work done, but the increasingly soul-sucking realisation that what he's doing has little intrinsic interest beyond a pay-packet. And, on the rare occasion when he gets home in time to see his kids, whom he genuinely loves, he's so burnt that all he can think about is hiding away from the family so he can "wind down".
Now if Harry used the daily ritual of the hour of power, things could change in his life. Then his intuition would probably tell him that what he doesn't realise at the moment he comes home, his kids see what's happening differently.
Harry is home so infrequently his kids barely know him, and he barely knows them. Which makes Sally and Tommy not only desperate for random glimmers of attention from their dad, but also angry and frustrated at the fact that their daddy is never home. And, here is where all this pent up anger and desire starts to spin into something tragic.
Every time Harry is home early enough for dinner, his kids run and jump all over him. Why? Because they know it's likely a short window, and they want as much of daddy as possible. If Harry loved what he did, he'd be more likely to come home in a far more energised, fulfilled state and have more to give. Or if he took that hour of power to reboot his energy. But he doesn't, so his need to wind down and recharge his battery conflicts almost violently with his kids' need to have more time with the dad they love and miss terribly.
So, as the kids clamour for Harry's attention, he begins to withdraw more. They're all over him, and he can't take it. So, he tries to push them off, to create a little space to breath. His intuition niggles at him, he feels he is making the wrong choice, but he is just too tired to do anything about it. The guilt begins.
Sally and Tommy respond by getting even more aggressive with their need for attention because now daddy's home, but he doesn't want to be with them. So, they start to act up in a big way. Not out of genuine aggression but out of frustration. Daddy's home, but he doesn't want to play. Harry misreads what's really happening and, already agitated from long hours and a draining job, gets angry wondering why his kids are so wild "all the time".
And that leads him to withdraw further because it's uncomfortable spending time with them. Sally and Tommy sense the withdrawal and fight even harder against it, making time together downright painful. As the cycle ramps up over months, then years, Harry chooses to work more so he's home less and doesn't have to "deal" with his increasingly alienated kids. Which, over the years, turns his kids' desperate desire to be with him more into frustration, anger, alienation and, eventually, hatred.
What started as Harry's genuine desire to provide the best possible future for his kids turns into a family that may benefit from wealth, toys, prestige and power, but those things become poor proxies for what the kids have really wanted from day one - a dad who's there, truly present to love them, to play with them, to listen to and share thoughts, ideas and dreams.
Because what Harry never realised is that providing isn't about presents, it's about presence. And, this doesn't even touch on the dynamic between Harry and his partner. The question becomes: what do you do to stop the cycle? As I mentioned before, I am not a psychologist, so all I can offer is thoughts and observations. But two things immediately come to mind.
First, a simple awareness of what's really happening can go a long way toward identifying patterns and cycles. That awareness creates opportunities to deliberately break those patterns and cycles by changing your behaviour. By committing to becoming more present, more engaged and involved. And, yes, that may well mean, difficult conversations, hard work and a healthy dose of apologies. It may also mean leaving money on the table.
But I'd rather pay the price in loss of "stuff" than loss of the extraordinary connection I have with my loved ones any day.
Second, you may want to look seriously at the impact your career choices have had and continue to have on your relationship with your kids (and your spouse, lover or partner).
Is your job, regardless of what it allows your family to "have," leaving you so depleted, stressed, angry and exhausted that they no longer get to "experience" what it's like to have an engaged, loving, energised, present partner and parent?
And, are you left so burnt and estranged that you're now largely incapable of drinking in the love, the conversations, the endless moments and opportunities that make being a parent magical?
Simple truth that we have difficulty understanding as parents is that being a "provider" isn't all about money, it's also about "providing" love, attention, support, inspiration, compassion and guidance.
It's about being there to snuggle and hug, to listen and play, to encourage dreams, and to foster within our kids an understanding, through our actions, that these are the things being a parent is all about. And, that, despite the fact that we need to work, we love, more than anything else, to be with them. That's pretty hard to do when you're never there or worse, when you've become so alienated from your kids, you'd all "prefer" to be apart.
Maybe if you've found yourself in Harry's shoes, it's time to call that family meeting, and some substantial evolution may need to unfold over time. And it might not be a bad idea to bring someone a bit more qualified to guide your journey forward.
But let your intuition be your guide. Energise with an hour of power. Centre yourself so that you can show love to those most deserving to bring those you love closer to the centre of your life.
Yours in love,