Either way I firmly believe that self belief and confidence is something that one can learn and apply no matter what.
In my experience a lot of people have done a course or gone to class, whatever it might be, to learn a new skill etc., but after a little resistance or a small setback they give up, even though the are close to achieving the goal they set out. And they might never try it again because they have in a way been blind folded.
Does that make sense? Here's an example for you: If you put some fleas in a jar and close the lid, the fleas will begin to jump, of course with the lid on they will only hit their tiny heads and never be able to escape. After about 20 minutes they learn that they are trapped and they change the height of their jumps, so that they will stop hitting their heads.
Give them a little bit longer and they will grow accustomed that they will never escape and once this happens you can safely remove the lid and the fleas will continue jumping at the same medium height, eternally trapped in the jar.
You see they firmly believe that they will never be able to escape and that's why they stop trying, of course after spending 20 minutes jumping straight up hitting your head, with no way of escaping, who wouldn't? The problem is that they get so used to the idea of being trapped that they never even bother to lift their heads again to see if the lid has come off.
Having a mentor or guide is a great way to help you keep lifting your head to see if there is an opening in the jar, you never know my dear reader, because just like in the case of the fleas, anything could happen in 20 minutes.
Never doubt yourself and what you can achieve, put your mind to it, keep pushing and I promise you that an opening will come.
Let's face it - you've been taught how to do just about everything - but no one ever taught you how to train your mind, no one ever taught you how to unleash the incredible power of your subconscious mind so that you enjoy your life and achieve your goals, by learning how to eliminate the negative thinking patterns and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back for so long. We must not allow our emotional baggage from our childhood to feed our adult neuroses.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
Get rid of all that junk that's in your subconscious. And you'll get what you want in life. That junk is made up of your negative thoughts, your negative beliefs and your negative attitude. And that junk ends up creating junk in your life.
That's because your subconscious picks up on all that junk and thinks you want more. So it creates more struggle, more pain, more poverty and in turn you become more and more negative. That creates more junk.
Having a loving support group can help you to look up, to turn things around. They can push you on and inspire you to get your mind in shape, get rid of all that junk and keep your subconscious mind in shape so you attract more joy, more success, more wealth and more of what you want.
With so much junk cluttering up our minds, we lose perspective. We become short-sighted.
Today I read in the news that singer Sheryl Crow has revealed she has a benign brain tumour, but assured fans that it was just a "bump in the road". Wow. What a gutsy lady. How inspiring is that? The 50-year-old singer is just walking all over her problems, and for some of us with lesser problems, it can help put our lives into perspective.
Sure, we have things that are constantly going wrong in our lives. But we have many things to be thankful for, as well.
Focusing on the good, can help you get your subconscious mind in shape. You need to get rid of the negative thoughts, the negative beliefs and the negative attitudes, because these are the blocks that hold you back. They prevent you from getting what you want and enjoying life. It's all this junk that needs to be cleared from your mind and your subconscious mind.
You know it's important to be in great physical shape. Your body is not simply something to carry your brain around in, but it's just as important (if not more important), to keep your mind and subconscious mind in shape, so that you're life is more pleasant and so that you get what you want. If you're subconscious mind isn't in shape, your life will be completely out of whack. Life's greatest restraint is not death, or the body, but the shackled mind, locked inside a glass jar, it's lid firmly shut.
So, how do you get your subconscious in shape? You start by having a positive attitude. That means creating positive thoughts, focusing on solutions, keeping an open mind and directing your mind and subconscious mind to bring you what you want.
If you workout regularly you know that if you stop exercising you won't feel as good. Your body will end up being out of shape and you'll lose the energy level that you currently have.
If your subconscious is out of shape you won't have the drive, the motivation, the belief in yourself to achieve your goals and live your dreams. You'll get more negative, more pessimistic, you'll doubt yourself and you'll create more negative situations. You'll also attract more negative people who will feed off your negative energy.
When your subconscious mind is in shape, nothing can stop you. With a subconscious that is focused, and with a positive belief system in place you will improve the quality of your life and achieve your goals.
That's because you'll be sending the right messages to your subconscious mind and inner powers. You'll tell them to bring you exactly what you want. You'll stop creating negative situations. You'll attract positive people instead of negative people. You'll get more of what you want. So start directing your subconscious to bring you exactly what you want.
Get rid of the junk in your head and in your subconscious. Eliminate the negative thoughts. Remove the negative beliefs. All that junk will slow you down, prevent you from getting what you want, force you to give up, and compel you to make the wrong choices.
Get rid of the junk by changing your thoughts. Change your beliefs. Change the way you see things. Change your words.
I can almost here you say: Right Mickie, sure, that will work! But just do it for one day. Focus your mind. Pay attention to what you think about. Eliminate the junk in your subconscious and create thoughts that help you achieve your goals. Start making the right choices by directing your subconscious mind and inner power to bring you what you want. It will be an eye opener.
Focus on replacing your bad habits and thought patterns, one-by-one, over time, with good habits and thought patterns. One step at a time, done over time, leads to powerful changes in your life.
And focusing on the good, doesn't meaning ignoring our problems. We all want to find some solution in our lives, because often there will be something going wrong. Finding the solution to a knotty problem requires hard thinking, but the answer often comes only when you switch off - and take a bath. Remember the guy that shouted Eureka!
And you can have your own a-ha moment, if you just try to focus on the good to stop the negativity from junking up your mind.
These days conventional wisdom is being rejected at every turn, and people are looking for guidance from unconventional sources. You can regard it with scepticism, but you ignore the power of your mind at your own peril. You can live the life you want. You can achieve your goals. Eliminate the negative thoughts and create empowering thoughts. Create a positive belief system, and believe in yourself.
Yours in love,