“The future is born today. We intuitively understand that it's the now (not our past or future) where opportunities are born and where we are most powerful and effective. However, if you've ever tried to meditate or focus or control your thoughts - you know getting our brains to be "in the moment", free of the past, feeling positive, optimistic, empowered and excited (all essential for creating a bright new future) is one of the hardest things in the universe to do.”
— Mickie Kent
People go on life-long spiritual quests to learn how to live in the moment. They spend years meditating and focusing to quiet their mind. And that's all good; I'm of the opinion that self-improvement is a lifelong goal, too. However, if you don't want to wait years or even months to see a change, there are many products out there that claim to help you learn how to control your mind and turn your life around.
Practices and techniques suggested for accelerated human change such as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnosis (including self-hypnosis) and meditation are all practices which utilise the unlimited potential of the subconscious mind, and the mind-body energetic system to create the results we want in our lives.
We all want to manifest our desires faster. While some experts say you just have to be patient, others claim it's all about the clarity of your intent (whether it be an avalanche of cash, your ideal relationship or the body you've always wanted). You must SEE what you desire clearly and with PASSION. And if you can't visualise all that well, you can use positive affirmations and strong words to help you visualise, while in a meditative state. People can use audios and visuals as sensory aids, too, to get them "in the zone".
And the emotions you attach to the visualisation in daily repetition will plant it deeply into your subconscious mind - where proponents say all the magic happens. However, others are quick to point out that we mustn't let the word "magic" trick us. Things will not magically appear just by visualising it - it needs to be backed up with positive action. But this daily mindful practice will put you in the most conducive state of mind to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, and to make the best decisions to achieve your utmost desires.
Experts in this field claim you'll release your limiting beliefs and creative blocks to manifest a fulfilling, abundant and joyful life; you'll get all conflicting subconscious parts of you working together in harmony so there's no more self-sabotage; and you'll align your vibration and focus your energy to enable the law of attraction and make the future you desire your new reality, bringing you to the manifestation of your vision and beyond. Some experts in this field say living in the moment (like those on a spiritual quest) holds the key - but the moment seems a place we want to escape from.
On the surface of Greenland's massive ice sheet this month, scientists have said that an "unprecedented" melting took place, over a larger area than has been detected in three decades of satellite observation. And as the climate creeps on towards a conclusion which scientists are not yet able to determine whether is a natural but rare event, or if it has been sparked by man-made climate change, the world feels it's on the edge of a change, too.
Some say the world is constantly evolving, and that change is inevitable. What we as humans can do is to try and ensure as many species survive that change as possible. If human progress has damaged the planet, some say, then we need to remember that one day this planet will no longer exist, and if any life of it is to survive then humans must progress technologically to a stage where we can leave, with astronomers searching for habitable worlds circling far-off stars. But if we are able to leave one day as the theory holds, should we take our human traits with us?
For decades there has been a creeping toleration of cutting corners in Europe (in intellectual institutions like universities, as well as in the financial sector), and it seems that cutbacks having helped, either. The United Kingdom's recession has deepened, and the traditional High Street in many urban areas has become derelict.
I have seen my own home town suffer the same fate as many have done across England. Although politicians are promising aid to regenerate the traditional of the High Street which has been badly affected by the economic collapse of recent years, if the recent figures on the recession are correct, this would be by some measure the worst four-year period for the UK, outside wartime, in at least 100 years - worse than what happened in the 1920s and 1930s, and worse than anything in the 1970s and 1980s.
And in times of austerity and crisis, it's said that people become more intolerant of others. With France slipping down all international rankings on equal rights, Madonna recently got booed by the French while trying to promote tolerance during a private concert in Paris. The event was also streamed live on YouTube, where separate footage showed fans chanting and booing while throwing throwing empty bottles and cups onto the stage after the singer had left.
Madonna had offered veiled criticism of France's anti-immigrant stance, as she paid homage to a country which she said had once "opened its arms to minorities". She told the crowd:
We are entering some very scary times in the world. People are afraid, and what happens when people are afraid? They say 'get out! You're the reason. You're the problem. You're to blame.'
Greece is another prime example - the country that some blame for starting the domino effect of economic woes that has spread across Europe to take Spain as its most recent casualty. Racism has become so mainstream in Greece, that the country's Olympian team have had to expel a Greek Olympian from the 2012 Olympic Games in London, because of her racists tweets mocking African immigrants and expressing support for a far-right party.
It's hardly what you'd expect from sporting icons (who are meant to be above politics), but anti-immigrant attacks have increased as Greeks have hit out during the recession and the extreme right - many say neo-Nazi - Golden Dawn party has soared in popularity, entering parliament for the first time in its history. The rise of such sentiment in poverty-stricken Greece shows that it's not only our internal psychological world that impacts on our life at home and work, but external influences that impact on our inner well-being.
Cultural differences and cost cutting have also been highlighted by the UK in the run up to the Olympics, dimming some of that Olympic spirit. Alongside language mistakes causing gibberish in banners aimed at welcoming international guests, Olympic organisers have had to apologise to over a flag blunder. The British government have even had to call the army troops out, because of the cost cutting measures of a company outsourced to handle security at the Games. A few commentators have called it cringe-worthy, to say the least.
It's hoped that a few blips won't turn the 2012 Summer Games into a circus - although it is a very human one. The opening ceremony focused on the human aspect of the games (as well as a comedic take on British influence around the world) to showcase its multiculturalism in a statement that the games are for everybody. Touching, thoughtful, weird, quirky, baffling - it was a slice of culture, with all the paradox that nationality brings in the games of life. It was a people's ceremony.
And though unity may be the theme of the day, in other areas we're still struggling to loosen sexual and religious chains on freedom of movement and thought. As big business gets busy narrowing the sphere of the internet, and the first Indian appears nude in Playboy, religious groups in Scotland are up in arms against legislation that could make it the first part of the UK to introduce gay marriage after the SNP government announced plans to make the change.
A few will cite that this is just the degenerative progression caused by the death of the traditional family unit, but British cycling hero Reg Harris claimed that he benefited from not being subject to the pressure that a father might place on a son, insisting that "the last person a boy needs around when racing is his father".
But while some would suggest that it just shows how sport allows you to overcome your background, popular culture today suggests that what seemed unconventional a decade ago is now "the new normal". But anti-gay groups are having none of it, and they certainly don't want it on their screens - especially from Glee creator's forthcoming sitcom. MSN UK's TV Talk reports that sitcom The New Normal has incurred the wrath of a group called One Million Moms, and it hasn't even aired in America yet. A creation of Glee's Ryan Murphy, the NBC show revolves around a committed gay couple with successful careers who decide to have a baby via a surrogate.
The group has accused Ryan Murphy of subjecting families "to the decay of morals and values". A (badly written) statement from One Million Moms said:
It is no surprise that openly gay Ryan Murphy, is one of the executive producers and director, who also brought us American Horror Story, GLEE, and Nip/Tuck. [sic]
The statement continues:
NBC is using public airwaves to continue to subject families to the decay of morals and values, and the sanctity of marriage in attempting to redefine marriage. These things are harmful to our society, and this program is damaging to our culture.
So, is the world sick and getting sicker? Is the sense of moral decay reaching unheard of proportions? Others will say that cinema has been equally damaging, especially in the wake of the Denver shootings in the United States during a Batman motion picture première. Trying to stop it all turning into a media circus, a judge has ruled that cameras will be banned from next week's hearing when James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado cinema shooting, is to be formally charged. But what does it say of the quality of human nature, when the takings for a movie rises after such publicity, instead of falling? Or the number of Facebook pages opened up in support of the Denver killer?
Maybe it says something about the quirks of culture, and how criminals are made into celebrities by the 24-hour news cycle. Maybe it's merely a commentary on just how large of a tragedy the Aurora theatre shooting really was - that so many people would feel compelled to do this on a public forum like Facebook. Maybe it's because it can compel a vigorous debate on free speech and distasteful speech, and what Facebook should do in situations like this.
But whether Facebook should be in the business of censoring impertinent speech or not, with November's 2012 elections looming, congressional leaders and President Barack Obama said there would be no movement on gun control in the near future. One senator calling for tougher laws conceding they were unlikely to succeed, but said it was important to start a national conversation about where the country goes in terms of reasonable gun control measures.
With money scarce, death in the streets, and intolerance a staple of our daily bread, is is so surprising if we feel as though your life is somewhat unfulfilled right now? Don't you wish you had a protective halo to surround you and keep you safe from the crazy world and negative people around you? I'm not talking about superpowers that are reserved for the likes of the Avengers or Batman, or even Superman. Instead, there are some experts that believe your personal force field is comprised of the people you surround yourself (along with a strong mindset).
Hang around the wrong people and your force field won't be much of a protective shield. You'll let their negative views of the world, limiting beliefs, and small time thinking bring you down. But surround yourself with optimistic and positive people who can support your dreams, and the world is your oyster.
There's a saying that goes, "Environment will always trump will power." And that's so true considering that no matter how good your intentions might be, if you are surrounded by poisonous people or a non-supportive environment, you'll have a very tough time reaching your goals. That's why experts encourage you to spend MORE time with "A players" and less time with those people that suck the life right out of you.You can think of them as "energy vampires".
And the less time you spend with these "vampires", the stronger your personal force field becomes. Thus experts suggest spending more time with GREAT people and your personal force field becomes even stronger. You become your environment, so choose it carefully.
Read more about energy vampires.
We all know what it's like to need positive support, but are there days where you just feel incomplete, like you're destined to BE more and HAVE more in your life? Are you at that point in your life where you KNOW you're meant for BIGGER and BETTER things, but you're just not sure how to go about getting them?
Some say it's a part of human nature to always be unsatisfied, but do you feel like your life would be better if you had more money, a better job, a new car or house, or a partner to spend your life with? Or have you ever wondered why some people are more successful and seem to get everything they want? Ever wonder what it is THEY'RE doing that you're not?
Life coaches will tell you that everything you have in your life right now is there because YOU attracted it. They'll tell YOU that you're a living, breathing magnet. Right now, you're sending out thoughts and emotions as vibrations to the universe. The universe responds by using these vibrational thoughts and emotions to create every single aspect of your life.
The experts tell us that only through this law of attraction will we be able to achieve all our dreams and desires, as long as we send out the right thoughts and vibrations to the universe.
However, is anything ever that easy? There are literally hundreds of thousands (if not millions) that have tried to master this law to attract what they want in life, and look at the state of the world today. Some say it's due to the misapplication of the law of attraction - because applied correctly, you'll be able constantly attract ALL the right circumstances and opportunities. And you'll have complete control over every aspect of your life.
It's believed that the law of attraction is a natural law of the universe, a very simple concept which can be summarised by the statement "like attracts like". Whatever you think about regularly is what you are likely to attract in your life. For this reason, it is considered to be one of the most powerful laws in the universe. The law of attraction has been defined as being impersonal, it does not see "good" or "bad" - it is a law of the universe that simply receives your thoughts, and then reflects those thoughts back to you as your life experience. The law of attraction simply provides you whatever it is you are thinking about.
This leads to a problem that experts in this field say many people regularly encounter. Most people think about what they don't want, and the only reason why people do not have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don't want than what they do want.
The advice is simple. The experts tell you to listen to your thoughts, and listen to the words you are saying. Because the law of attraction is absolute, there are no mistakes. In other words, this law works every time, no matter what. Whatever you are thinking about is what you are going to attract into your reality - this is why, it's said, the law of attraction is so critically connected to the practice of affirmations.
Bounce back with affirmations.
This once little-known, now heavily publicised law is said to have allowed the world's most powerful and successful people to attract everything they want AND achieve incredible levels of success. There are numerous products infiltrating the internet about how to dramatically increase the effectiveness of the law of attraction in your life.
So is this secret a short cut to the life we always wanted? Will its application attract into your life the people, situations, and circumstances that are in direct harmony with your thoughts? For example, can you think about someone at a time during the day, and soon after the phone will ring and it will be that person on the line? In this way it's believed that the law of attraction, just like other natural laws, is always working whether you want it to or not. Like the law of gravity, whether you believe in it or not, things still fall to the ground.
So, is this your a-ha moment, when the apple hits you on the head, to awaken you to the what the experts say is the secret: that it's up TO YOU whether things come to you easily and effortlessly, and whether you attract negative or positive things into your life. The bottom line they suggest is that the shortest path to getting everything you want in life is by using the law of attraction to focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. And with a simple tweak to your thoughts, you can create positive momentum through manifestation techniques such as visualisation.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
It's said when you learn how to align your thoughts and actions with the things you truly want to have in your life, the universe begins to create exactly what you've been asking for. Interesting events start happening in your life, almost as if they were meant to. You'll start experiencing meaningful coincidences related to what you want to manifest. People appear, seemingly out of nowhere, to help you. Opportunities come up, as if by magic, to make sure you get what you want.
This doesn't mean you won't have any work to do. Positive action to take advantage of the rising opportunity is paramount, but experts say that it will seem as though your thoughts start becoming your reality, almost as if by magic. But this is no magic trick, you'll start attracting all the money you could ever want. You'll experience happiness. You'll manifest your dream job, the dream car, the dream house, or even the perfect mate.
This is the promise of every money-spinning, so-called self-help gurus, but how many of their products fulfil YOUR promise, or have you tried one after the other, simply to be left disillusioned?
Read more about money-making gurus.
They will invariably tell you that if you don't have everything you want in your life right now, it could be that your thoughts and actions about what you want are NOT in line with what you're putting out in the universe. It's like when you open up a bill and think to yourself, "I never have any money to pay these bills" you're sending a signal to the universe to make that statement true. They make it sound like it's got nothing to do with you spending more than you earn. However, if there is a natural law that turns us into a manifesting magnet to attract or repel the reality of our lives depending on our vibrational thoughts and emotions, there is no magic spell you can cast for a better life.
Belief, they say, is very important. If you want more money, but you're always thinking about how you're always broke and lacking money, this is an example of not being in alignment with what you want. If you want to be successful, you need to think of yourself as ALREADY successful. If you never imagine yourself successful, the universe will make sure that happens. But if you stay positive and take advantage of opportunities, positive things will happen. Proponents say you'll begin harnessing the magnetic power that moves you closer to your goals so you can achieve anything you want in your life.
Thus, if we are always attracting - and the law of attraction states that what we give our attention to (what we focus on in the moment) determines what we create, experts state if you focus on struggle, your NOW (and your life) will be full of struggle. If you focus on ease, your NOW will be full of ease. The problem is that most people spend the bulk of their lives, their days, their moments burdened by feelings of guilt or pain from the past, thinking about their problems, or feeling unsure, stressed and worried about their future. Their NOW - what some experts call their "point of creation" - is clouded with thoughts and negative feelings that create more of what they don't want.
They don't know how to end the cycle of struggle because controlling their thoughts, letting go of the past and staying in the now seems like such a hard thing to do. Getting a mind focused on the moment is hard for people to do and most programmes don't have any easy solutions. When you let go of the past, forget about anxiety and stress about the future and put yourself in a positive, energised state, you create an unstoppable point of attraction that will bring you anything you want.
Some experts suggest not constantly trying to focus on the present, but to shift into the moment several times a day and in quick little "now vacations" where you re-charge your energy, get positive, and send out a clear signal to the universe of exactly what you want.
It's believed that by understanding and applying the secrets of manifestation, you'll attract new and better opportunities into your life. Once you unlock the potential for abundance to come into your life, it will flow into your life naturally. As soon as you become aware of this law and you start to apply it in your life, you can engineer "coincidental" happenings and success into your life.
Self-help gurus marketing their products will over-complicate or over-simplify and try to sell a one-size-fits all cure for people, ignoring the subtle complexities that stems from the uniqueness of every individual. They have to, otherwise they wouldn't make any money. In coaching others and using the law of attraction over a decades, there are probably more disillusioned people than ever before.
The big problem with most manifestation guides is they either teach you abstract concepts but none of the easy things you can do immediately to get what you want, or techniques that ignore the complexities of the human mind, body and soul. Subsequently, the money-making self-help gurus have made their dreams come true, but on the backs of a many disillusioned people whose dreams they stepped on.
We are all unique individuals, and the journey to achieving our passions will all take different turns. Some may find success in a month, others it may take a lifetime for their dream to come true. Some will move millions of hearts, others dream only of moving the heart of one. There is no single miracle cure for everyone. Some believe that one of the primary reasons we fail to achieve the results we desire in life is that we often do not allow our positive belief system to mature.
We expect too much in too short a time period, and fail to appreciate that the thoughts we implant today CAN bring us exactly the results we desire if we give them the proper time to develop.
Adherents to this belief emphasise that even if you do not see the results you have been seeking initially, this does not mean you are bound to see exactly the same results tomorrow or the day after. As long as you keep planting the right seeds of belief, and follow through with patience and consistency, you'll reap a harvest in time IF you don't give up.
Naturally, it is WAY easier to throw in the towel early on, and if you ask any successful person what the key to their success was, they will invariably say perseverance. The willingness to believe that ultimately they will succeed.
However, for many of these products that use the law of attraction as its basis, it once again begs the question why - if the law of attraction is being used by millions - has most of the world's most stable countries faced a crumbling economy? It's not surprising, therefore, that articles on such subjects are now treated with suspicion and ridicule by the majority, treating it as just hype. Or can it be that we're all thinking about we don't want, and have attracted it? When in all practically the floodgates to abundance can only be opened by YOU once you discover how you personally work, and what works best for you. Your mind and body is the first journey of discovery that we should all make, in trying to find a better life for ourselves. As most get-rich-quick schemes are cons, so, too, are find-yourself-quick schemes.
Self-improvement is a lifelong journey, it is a way of life, it is not a means to an end. Maybe this understanding is the real secret, and the true success in life. When we follow our passions, and align ourselves with our hearts desires, we should do it not out of the selfishness of ego to attain things for status, but to break out of the confines of an ego that has been programmed to limit us so that we can discover who we really are.
The power of the mind
The human brain sets us apart from all other species on Earth by enabling us to achieve all sorts of wonders that practically no other species have been able to do. Feats such as walking on the moon, composing masterpieces of art, literature, music, innovating and incorporating technology into our lives, all these have been made possible because of that spongy, three-pound mass of fatty tissue.
Yet, for all of its comparisons to our own modern technological innovations - such as a telephone switchboard and supercomputer - the human brain is a far more complex mechanism than we can ever imagine. Despite the vast leap in technological advancements, we still have yet to discover the full extent of the human brain's capabilities.
The brain is the most fascinating of human organs, largely because it remains so mysterious. It is the essence of you. It is the most private part of your body, it is the thing that gives you that rich inner world that makes you the person you are. Even though you can have a transplanted liver or heart and still be the same person, if you transplanted your brain you would be a different person.
Fossil records have shown that the human brain has not changed significantly for thousands of years. We are more sophisticated, but it is due to our ability to learn and adapt from the generations that have gone before us than any physical change particularly in the brain. It's also believed the size of the brain is not a good indicator of mental ability - Albert Einstein had a marginally below average size of brain. It is more the connections between the brain cells that is really important, and which gives you the unique ability to adapt and evolve as a person. For all the years of research in neuroscience, a large majority of the world's population is still only capable of using a mere fraction of their brains; between 5% to 10% - or at least that's how the popular myth goes.
Some say it isn't true, and people think that because only 10% of your brain cells usually are active at any one snapshot moment, that means you are only using 10% of your brain, but that is not the case. A brain cell can be silent, and be working and contributing. We use more than that little of our brain at any given time; each part of the human brain has a purpose (even those with no specific major known function).
This 10% myth sounds so compelling - a precise number, repeated in pop culture for a century, implying that we have huge reserves of untapped mental powers. But the supposedly unused 90% of the brain is not some vestigial appendix. Brains are expensive - it takes a lot of energy to build brains during foetal and childhood development and maintain them in adults. Evolutionarily, it would make no sense to carry around surplus brain tissue. Experiments using PET or functional MRI scans show that much of the brain is engaged even during simple tasks, and injury to even a small bit of brain can have profound consequences for language, sensory perception, movement or emotion.
Yet the average person has no absolute control over the functions of the human brain. The average person lacks the capability to access their own mind at will to prioritise each function of the brain. While others say it is true that we have some brain reserves. Autopsy studies show that many people have physical signs of Alzheimer's disease (such as amyloid plaques among neurons) in their brains even though they were not impaired. Apparently we can lose some brain tissue and still function pretty well. And people score higher on IQ tests if they're highly motivated, suggesting that we don't always exercise our minds at 100% capacity.
And because the human brain is so complex that it is capable of much, much more, there are so many other areas of the brain that you have yet to seize control of. Areas that determine the likelihood of you achieving everything you've ever dreamed of.
Whether it's health and longevity, or a lifetime of success and abundant riches, all these can be achieved through the enhanced mental capabilities of a highly evolved brain, so some experts claim. Although human evolution has enabled us to make significant progress with regards to our physical and mental capabilities, it would take hundreds, or even thousands of years before we’re able to tap into the full potential of our brain.
Some point to the fact that brainwaves really are in part radio waves - they work at certain frequencies. Examples given are in the ways the brain can be influenced by external signals - conspiracy theorists use these to illustrate how covert mind control works.
There is evidence from a study in the 1990s that shows extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic waves can affect brainwaves when sustained for a long period, and experiments have been designed to study the effects of ELF rotating magnetic fields on the brain. Generally, specific brainwave frequency ranges can be associated with mood or thought patterns, with frequencies the same as those produced by the human brain (as in the theta and alpha states for example).
Aside from the health dangers this seems to suggest from prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or electromagnetic radiation from smartphones, microwaves and and wireless technologies, conspiracy theorists claim that this type of brain entrainment can interfere with the mind so covertly, that people wouldn't even realise their mind is being controlled. Infiltration via sound waves would mean they wouldn't even know what hit them.
Study of ELF fields on the brain |
Although the American military claims it is a research programme, others accuse H.A.A.R.P of being a weapon of mass destruction, which can emit radio waves strong enough to cause earthquakes or control the mind. ELF radio waves are generated by lightning and natural disturbances in Earth's magnetic field, so they are a subject of research by atmospheric scientists, too.
H.A.A.R.P critics say that the human body and the mind is able to pick up a signal, similar to searching for a radio station where you dial through the static to hit a resonance (the harmony between the transmitter and receiver) to get a good clear signal. It's said the same is true in terms of human chemistry, our cell structure, body organs or the brain. In this way the transfer radio waves can affect the human mind, not by just transferring sound information (whereby you hear voices not through your ears or external sound, but inside your head where no one else can hear them) but by the ability to change your emotional state.
Conspiracy theorists go back to the sixties, when the research first started, and point to the Unabomber (a notorious killer the Denver shooting suspect is said to be obsessed with) as being one of the first research subjects in the early days of this technology.
An American mathematician, social critic, and Neo-Luddite, the Unabomber, real name Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski, engaged in a mail bombing campaign that spanned nearly 20 years, killing three people and injuring 23 others.
Adherents to the theory believe that a covert war can be engaged through these types of technologies. Rather than using it for the reason it had initially been conceptualised - to elicit weather changes for the greater good - conspiracy theorists claim that the American military have turned the technology into a death ray, sounding like something out from the realm of science fiction.
They point to Nikola Tesla, an important contributor to the use of commercial electricity, who first suggested the use of a death ray via his theories for generating electric power from the energy of empty space, and whose ideas were cited in the patent for the technology behind H.A.R.R.P. and its like. Now some claim this is American's own weapon of mass destruction to carry out mind control and eco-terrorism, affecting climate change and causing natural disasters across the world.
A way to change through ELF waves
There are some that believe by using our brain and controlling its brainwaves, we can entrain our brain to heal, and even entrain other brains in the process of healing (which is how psychic healing is said to "work"). Researchers at Zhejiang University in China claim they have developed a way to control a flying drone using brainwave-reading technology. By wearing a special headset, Zhejiang's researchers say they can pilot the drone by thought alone. This is just one example that brain-control technologies are progressing.
Although there are plenty of conspiracy theories that whole populations can be controlled by ELF waves, and that nations such as America and Russia have carried out intensive research on the "behaviour modification" of such waves on people, certain frequencies are also an aid to concentration and can be reproduced in others for beneficial results.
It is suggested that if we can channel the energy from our brains to resonate at certain frequencies, we can elicit our own mind control to get what we want out of life. Proponents to this theory say that being successful and happy in life isn't just pure luck or skill. They claim a lot of famous and successful people have actually been secretly utilising this method to attain success.
It's cite scientific research which has revealed that many leaders, scholars and the most intelligent share similar brainwave frequencies and display distinct peak brain states while engaged in mental tasks, which produces dynamic thought.
The human brain is a very powerful tool, and although the 10% brain usage might be a myth, if this type of channelling of the brain is possible, then it means there us much potential left unlocked within our minds. Therefore, to use more of your brain, you have to learn to use your brain not just consciously, but also at SUBCONSCIOUS levels. It is your subconscious mind that is the real power centre of your being.
Some experts say that the subconscious mind serves as our personal computer. It regulates your heart, plays chemist for your digestive system, and analyses input from your senses like an ultra sophisticated computer - and that we can supercharge and reprogramme the mind into a super computer, so that the possibilities for achieving anything are endless.
However, others say that the "brain is a computer" idea is a myth. We speak of the brain's processing speed, its storage capacity, its parallel circuits, inputs and outputs, but they say that the metaphor fails at pretty much every level. The brain doesn't have a set memory capacity that is waiting to be filled up; it doesn't perform computations in the way a computer does; and even basic visual perception isn't a passive receiving of inputs because we actively interpret, anticipate and pay attention to different elements of the visual world. Simply put, computer's (however advanced) are fundamentally adding machines, and we're more than that.
Those that believe the "brain is a computer" is a myth, claim there's a long history of likening the brain to whatever technology is the most advanced, impressive and vaguely mysterious. René Descartes compared the brain to a hydraulic machine. Sigmund Freud likened emotions to pressure building up in a steam engine. Later the brain was resembled to a telephone switchboard and then an electrical circuit before evolving into a computer; lately it's turning into a web browser or the internet. These metaphors linger in clichés: emotions put the brain "under pressure" and some behaviours are thought to be "hard-wired".
This idea that the brain is hard-wired is also seen as a myth by some. It's said that it's one of the most enduring legacies of the old "brains are electrical circuits" metaphor. There's some truth to it, as with many metaphors: the brain is organized in a standard way, with certain bits specialised to take on certain tasks, and those bits are connected along predictable neural pathways (sort of like wires) and communicate in part by releasing ions (pulses of electricity).
But one of the biggest discoveries in neuroscience in the past few decades is that the brain is remarkably plastic. In blind people, parts of the brain that normally process sight are instead devoted to hearing. Someone practising a new skill, like learning to play the violin, "rewires" parts of the brain that are responsible for fine motor control. People with brain injuries can recruit other parts of the brain to compensate for the lost tissue.
Research is showing that our DNA also has this nature of plasticity - the potential to change, suggesting we are not born-locked into who we are. And so if we want to make changes in your life, some express that when we focus on our original behavioural programmes, we should focus on our behavioural DNA.
Read about rewriting your DNA.
Experts say there are many styles of behaviour and they can be fit into basic categories which can serve as a model for how you behave and how you view the world, how you make decisions, choose what serves you, and even how you make choices. These programmes also influence how you perceive the world around you, including other peoples behaviour and your perceptions of what their behaviour means to you.
The importance of behaviour can be illustrated when we look at how we are programmed to take cues from the body language of others, to a larger extent than words when we communicate. Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, which consists of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans send and interpret such signals almost entirely subconsciously.
Body language may provide clues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. For example, it may indicate aggression, attentiveness, boredom, relaxed state, pleasure, amusement, and intoxication, among many other cues. John Borg, in his 2010 publication Body Language: 7 Easy Lessons to Master the Silent Language made the claim that words only make up 7% of human communication - the rest is constructed via body cues.
But although Borg attests that human communication consists of 93% body language and paralinguistic cues (while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves), Albert Mehrabian, the researcher whose 1960s work is the source of these statistics, has stated that this is a misunderstanding of the findings (also known as the Misinterpretation of Mehrabian's rule). Others assert that research suggests between 60% and 70% of all meaning derived from non-verbal behaviour is a more accurate view.
Whatever the percentage, we are influenced by subconscious cues all the time. Thus if you look at your core DNA programmes - those unconscious behaviours that influence you so deeply in your view of the world at large and your place in it - you have the capacity to then take that awareness and choose your own new way of being in the world from a new perspective. Below are some guidelines to one method experts have provided for people to work from to release the behaviours and beliefs that aren't working and replace them with the thoughts, actions and beliefs about the world and our place in it that are fulfilling for us.
This method requires you to see which of the 4 basic categories you belong to in deciding which behavioural mode you may be living with, and what you can do to change it.
- Are you by nature a person who is very direct and straightforward, a person who speaks his/her mind fairly easily, takes charge when necessary and tends to keep their private life private? If so, it is likely that these behaviours have served you well as long as you have also developed your capacity to listen well to others and take their ideas and feelings into consideration, to open your heart to those closest to you and to allow yourself to play a little.
- Are you by nature a person who is often called a visionary, a person who tends to be very social and outgoing (but often feels shy inside and has a need to retreat into yourself sometimes), a person who has a million great ideas and shifts gears very easily? If so, it is likely that people love to be in relationship with you, but tire very quickly of your attention-seeking ways. It's not all about you. It may serve you well to develop your innate compassion into a higher level of listening to and attending to others closest to you in your life. There is a saying about this particular pattern of behaviour, "Well, enough about me, so what do you think about me?" You are charming and charismatic, and it may serve you well to truly open yourself up to the vulnerability of a deeper connection to others – you have that capacity inside, and you are truly loving, let go.
- Are you by nature a person who loves to know how things work, how things fit together, what patterns show up in life and nature? You are often quite brilliant, very curious about many things or at least about everything in one area. You can be very focused on your project or work and you often prefer to work alone, to be the master of your own environment. Where you might choose to expand is in your willingness to let others into your world, to go beyond the walls of your home and office and open to more variety of experience in your life. You are a great family person, in fact your family can be the major part of your world other than your work. Where you can gain even more from life is by being a greater part of your community.
- Are you by nature a person whose nature is focused more on others than yourself? Are you known for your compassion and caring and helpfulness and kindness? These are all obviously great things to do and great ways to be. Where you can decide to expand your experience of life is to offer yourself that same level of compassion, caring, helpfulness, kindness and respect to yourself. You also get to choose to have fun just for the sake of it. Break a few rules, not the ones about speed limits and the such - this isn't permission to act irresponsibly to life and limb, but those you impose on yourself for the sake of others. Include yourself in the rules you carry inside about loving yourself as much as you love others, attend to your own needs, and speak your truth always – knowing it is perfectly fine, and you will still be loved and accepted.
Be who you want to be with positiveness
Experts say this is just the tip of the iceberg of behavioural DNA patterns that reside in the core of who you are, and with a little appreciation of those patterns and a little awareness of how these patterns shape your view of the world, how you make choices, how you process information and how you behave toward yourself and others – you can use those core patterns as a starting point and then refine them into just the person you have always wanted to be.
Experts also state that being positive, and using techniques to rewire your mindset away from negativity is another tool necessary when redesigning your life for success.
Read about challenging negativity.
Thinking positive thoughts every day will allow you to live a more positive life. It's easy to be overcome by negative thoughts and experiences, and it's important to create a positive dialogue with yourself to get you through tough times. Some people call these thoughts positive self-talk, and this form of inner dialogue can allow you to reach new heights as a person, overcoming all that stands in your way.
Positive thoughts really can change your life. If you want to lead a positive and fulfilling life you must have a positive mindset. In order to think positively, you must replace the negative thought processes that are already running through your mind. Two methods experts suggest are interconnected - positive self-talk and positive affirmations. So, expect some overlap in the advice below.
- Positive self-talk. This is the practice of responding to those negative thoughts that creep into your mind throughout the day. You know the thoughts: the ones that have you thinking, "you can't" instead of "you can," or "it's too hard" instead of "you can do it".
What we say to ourselves throughout the day, whether verbal or simply inside our heads, is a critical part of our success or perceived "failure". This is not just "positive thinking" i.e., looking at the positive side of life and trying to turn a difficult situation into a positive. This comes before that, this is in your deep subconscious thinking - the way you speak to yourself within your mind
Negative self-talk is like a leaking tap of acid dripping on your positive self-image - it is super corrosive. Unfortunately negative self-talk does not go away on its own. Here are some steps that you can take to stop the negative self-talk and install positive, self confidence loops.
- Put those old negative self-talk loops on hold. You already know what your negative self-talk tapes sound like. The first step is to stop the ongoing loop. Simply press pause mentally. When those defeatist tapes getting going, acknowledge them, cancel them and verbally state a positive personal statement.
For example, you hear the "you will never find true love" tapes. From the onset acknowledge the fact that you have been unhappy with some of your past relationship choices. Next, state cancel, cancel and make a positive personal statement such as "Now, I am open to receive true love.
- Purge the negative. Purge as many sources of negativity in your life as you can on a daily basis. These sources can be toxic people and depressing events. For example, do not join in the Monday morning gripe session with your office co-workers. While you need to keep informed, you do not have to listen to the ongoing updates of natural disasters, crime and other negative developments that are available from your news station, every hour on the hour, if it has a detrimental affect on you.
- Accentuate the positive. You must take responsibility for increasing your personal focus on the positive. This can start by injecting some meditation or yoga into your morning routine. You can also invest your time in reading personal development books or in acquiring new skills which will boost your feeling of self-esteem and confidence. Deliberately engaging in these activities also reduces the amount of time that you have available to think negatively about aspects of your current lifestyle.
- Live in today. Yesterday's poor decisions, misfortunes and disappointments are dead and buried unless you resurrect them on a daily basis. Stop beating yourself up and live fully in the today. If you keep mentally reliving an unhappy past, not only are you torturing yourself unnecessarily, you are also setting yourself up to repeat your past mistakes. Today is full of its own challenges and opportunities, give it some breathing space by throwing out regular recalls of past hurts.
- This too will pass. Present difficulties can be used to give more power to old negative self-talk or they can be swiftly dealt with as you move forward to more desirable future outcomes. Unfortunate events such as losing your job can be very traumatic and can reinforce the negative self-talk. The way to remain composed and positive through such difficult times is to remind yourself that "this too will pass" as the one certainty is change.
Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of your past, mentally picture your desired future outcome. Then go to work on doing what you can to bring that future into reality as quickly as possible.
- Be thankful. Acknowledge and celebrate the good that is already present in your life. Sometimes we take those supportive people in our lives for granted. Take some extra time to surprise them with a thank you phone call or visit and let them know that they are appreciated.
Remind yourself of your past successes and play mental tapes of those happy memories over again. This builds your confidence in your ability to take actions that lead to positive and enjoyable results. Negative self-talk left unchecked can become an unhappy self fulfilling prophecy. Now you know that you can eject these defeatist tapes.
When you replace such negativity with positive thoughts, it's believed you can bring about astounding changes in your life and the way you feel about yourself. For instance, when you're starting a new job, and your mind says, "There's no way I'm going to fit in here. I don't deserve this job" you can stop this dialogue in its tracks.
Instead of letting your mind go on and on, envisioning one disaster after another right up to the moment you're fired, you can respond with positive thoughts. These positive thoughts can also be called positive affirmations.
- Put those old negative self-talk loops on hold. You already know what your negative self-talk tapes sound like. The first step is to stop the ongoing loop. Simply press pause mentally. When those defeatist tapes getting going, acknowledge them, cancel them and verbally state a positive personal statement.
- Positive affirmations. It can take a lot of practice to make the change to positive self-talk when you've always experienced negative self-talk. Perhaps you can't even remember a time when this negative dialogue wasn't playing in the background of your life. You may need to put some effort into responding to the negativity with positive thoughts, but by using positive affirmations, the effort required is an easy task. Positive affirmations allow you to replace your negativity, one thought at a time.
Many people seek out lists of free positive affirmations to help them come up with positive responses. You can find some of these lists on self-help websites or in book-stores and libraries. At first, you may wonder if it can be this easy to change your life with affirmations. But experts suggest you consider that it's all those negative thoughts running through your mind which forged the path that you've followed throughout your life and gotten you where you are today. And if negative thoughts got you where you are now, can you imagine where you could be if the negativity was replaced by confident, positive thoughts?
Since positive affirmations activate your mind to replace negative thought processes with a positive mindset, for ease and convenience experts say they simply make the most sense. Once you become used to using affirmations on a daily basis, you'll wish you'd started with them sooner.
When you engage your subconscious mind using positive affirmations, it will allow the mind to absorb and treat these affirmations as reality. When these end goals are repeated constantly, the subconscious mind will act so that it becomes the reality around you. This can be achieved and sped up with the use of subconscious mind power techniques.
- Meditation. Meditation is a form of communication with your subconscious mind, and ideally should be conducted in a peaceful environment that allows you to relax without interference. With meditation you also get the same spread of ELF waves that some believe can help a brain to heal. To generate these brainwaves you must get rid of all body noise — aches, itches, every disturbance.
By integrating your affirmations with meditation, you will see results a lot faster. The combined usage of positive affirmations and meditation is at its optimal just before you go to bed. By repeating your affirmations over and over before you sleep, you are allowing your subconscious to work on it throughout the night as it does not rest.
- Visualisation. Another technique for enhancing your affirmations is by incorporating a visual aspect to each affirmation. Visualise each affirmation as though it is the current reality, and this will increase the effectiveness of your positive affirmations.
- Using your vision. It's said that 40% of your mind is used for vision, and by writing down your affirmations and leaving them in places where you can see them easily, it acts as a constant reinforcement and reminder. Leave these lists in areas where you are able to constantly look at them, such as on the refrigerator at home, or on your desk at work.
- Include greater details. Make sure that you are as clear and detailed as possible for all your affirmations, so that your subconscious mind knows exactly what you want to achieve. Be careful that you should limit this to the end goal, and not the process that the subconscious mind should take to achieve it. By adding in more details, it would make the affirmation more precise.
- Use positive words. Always use the present tense in your positive affirmations. This gives it the power of now, enabling the subconscious to act on it faster to match it with the reality around you. Use positive and stronger terms such as "will" rather than "might", and you will see that it makes a difference.
- Meditation. Meditation is a form of communication with your subconscious mind, and ideally should be conducted in a peaceful environment that allows you to relax without interference. With meditation you also get the same spread of ELF waves that some believe can help a brain to heal. To generate these brainwaves you must get rid of all body noise — aches, itches, every disturbance.
These are just some of the techniques that experts say you can employ in your everyday life to help you achieve results faster and more effectively from positive affirmations. It is a good idea to create a plan for yourself, to choose a new version of yourself that will fulfil your need to be renewed.
And whether these practical tips work because we are harnessing the power of the mind or not, the most important tip is that we must know ourselves - become more aware of what makes us tick, know what to let go, and what to hold on to in and re-creating a new future for ourselves.
Information gives you the freedom to figure things out for yourself, to see what works best for you. If you believe that expanding your knowledge will expand you life, then this is another behavioural DNA pattern that will serve you well. We all live, but only the successful live and learn. And with practice and time, those who do will soon find themselves a more positive person in mind, body and soul - working with every moment to lovingly forge a better future.
Yours in love,