One of the joys of Mickie Kent is sharing true stories of readers and their experiences with twin flame love. And this time I have not one, but two, tales of true love to share with you. The thread that connects them is the lesson that we must always bravely seize the opportunities that come our way.
Read other true stories: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -7
To start off, we often think of love as young person's game, and don't realise that love can strike at any age. But love knows no bounds, nor holds any understanding of time as we know it. Case in point is the first story, from a reader in Malvern in England. Her experience moved me so much, I felt I had to republish it here with her kind permission. This is Jane's true twin flame story, in her own words.
Dear Mickie,
I want to start by saying that I am probably one of your more mature readers, but I love your blog. You have a very old head on young shoulders - as we used to say in my day - and I really enjoy being inspired by your posts. I count myself as one of your most avid and regular readers.
Even so, it's taken me a long time to get up the courage to write to you, but ever since I discovered your true twin flame stories from other readers, I have wanted to share my own personal story with you. Many people would probably make it into a joke, but if you are anything like your posts, I know you won't do that.
Anyhow, here goes. I first got married in 1968, to a man I hardly knew. We got married on a Sunday at a registry office, and on the Monday we got back to our day to day lives. The morning after I got married, I just woke up with this heavy heart and this huge doubt. I looked across at the sleeping stranger next to me - who was now my husband - and I immediately began to question myself. I felt embarrassed, and I remember saying to myself: You foolish girl. You're so stupid. You should have thought about it before rushing into it...
But although I felt what was done was done, the heartache was real. All of a sudden, the enormity of it almost crushed me. I had to get out of that bed, and out of the house. I just wanted to walk around and clear my head. Thinking about what I should do, and if I should tell him that I might have made a mistake - but that would hurt his feelings. I just walked all day long, but finally when it got dark I went back.
I knew my doubts had been right when he hadn't even noticed, or cared, that I'd been out all day. I don't want you to misunderstand me, he was a good man in many ways. He was a product of his time, and so was I, and I thought, at least I have a man, I should give it a try. I was too much of a coward to see the sense in a clean break. We were bad for each other, I knew this deep in my heart, but as I said, divorce wasn't a decision you took lightly back then - and it still shouldn't be now, if I am honest.
I just didn't feel I was a very good wife, or friend. We had two children, and I tried to cover my guilt and shame by being the best mother I could. Thinking back now, I was probably a very smothering mother. When they flew the nest to go to university, I suddenly found myself alone. Very alone, living with a stranger I had been married to for years, but didn't much know, or even like. And I was filled with shame over this secret.
About seven years ago, I finally decided it was time to do something different. My children had lives of their own, my husband had admitted to having an affair, and wanted a divorce. And I was relieved! Can you believe that? I was actually relieved. We started divorce proceedings, and the split was amicable. It was what we both wanted.
After the break-up, I decided to move house, and start up dancing again. I love to dance, and I used to dance professionally as a youngster. So I looked around for some dance classes in my new neighbourhood.
It was about the time that a dance known as Ceroc had become popular in Britain. It's a partner dance best described as a fusion of Salsa and Jive. I didn't have a partner, but that wasn't a problem. The dance classes I found in the local newspaper were offering introductory classes for singles at a nearby gym. I decided to be brave for the first time in my life, and give it a go.
I met David there during the first lesson. We had a lot in common. We were both single. Both recently out of disastrous relationships. And again, it may sound like romantic fluff, but the minute our hands touched, the music started, and we began to move, I felt the decades-long heartache lift from me.
I didn't dare say anything, though. Even when the next week he came straight up to me and asked me to partner with him again, I thought he was just being kind. You see he is ten years younger than me. Up until then younger men had never interested me. In fact, I was never really a believer in "true love" or "love at first sight", either. Not until it hit me, that is.
And I was hit hard. I began to sense he felt the same way, but that old questioning, doubting me kept whispering in my ear that I was living in a fantasy. It would never work. He was far too young, too good-looking and just being friendly. I was wary of reading too much into his attentiveness. Besides, I had just escaped from a loveless marriage, and I had made a promise to myself that I never, NEVER wanted to get married again!
Then, one night before class, in the gym cafeteria, I had just got myself a latte, when he walked up to me and asked me to go out. I couldn't speak, and I think he thought I was going to say no, but I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. I thought that he was on the rebound from his own break-up. Usually it doesn't last, rebound relationships. It's not like it was going to be who you're starting your life with, I thought. You don't hear things about rebound sweethearts, do you?
And I felt like my life - or that part of it - was over anyway. I had embraced by single life, and was happy.
Only problem was, I wasn't happy. I tried to deny my feelings for him. To reason away why things couldn't work between us, but he wouldn't let me go. He asked me out after every class after that, until I finally relented, and said yes. We went to a dance together, and our courtship began soon after that.
I say courtship, because it took him four years to finally persuade me to get married. The memories of the first day of my first marriage still haunted me. I didn't want to be back in a situation like that again. But he seemed so perfect. He was so attentive, so kind, so romantic. My kids got on well with him, and his children seemed to like me. So, when he took me to a hotel in the country, and went down on bended knee in its regency garden to propose, I said, "YES" without thinking.
Our wedding was a merry blur, it went so quickly. Our wedding song was Doris Day's "I'll Never Stop Loving You", which if you listen to the lyrics is a real twin flame song. My ex-husband came to the wedding, and for the first time, we treated each other as real friends. But in the back of my mind, I was still worried. Had I made another mistake? What if I just wasn't cut out for marriage?
Doris Day - I'll Never Stop Loving You The next morning when I woke up next to David, I began to cry. He woke up, and I could tell from his face he was worried about me. I saw the concern in his face, and I tried to reassure him. I was crying from happiness, you see. I finally realised the morning I had woken up next to my first husband, my heartache was because he wasn't David. Although I didn't know David then - he wasn't born - my soul knew. Three years on and I have never questioned my decision to marry David. Never. Not one day goes by that I still don't feel about him the way I did when we first held hands.
When I talk about him to friends and family, they tell me it sounds like we've only just met. And he loves to tell me how much he still has a crush on me. I don't talk about David a lot, though, because I don't want it to feel like I'm gloating. Sometimes, I get upset that we met so late in life, and that he is younger than me. And so much time has been wasted.
I keep telling myself: We have the now, and will make every second of it count. Thanks to you, I now understand that twin flame "now" means forever, like in the Doris Day song, and the time we weren't together wasn't wasted. It was preparation. And although I was hesitant at first, I was also prepared to believe, when the reality finally hit, that David was the one.
It's difficult to describe how I feel with him. At our wedding, I had just been so exhilarated. It was like a teenage adolescent rush of adrenaline. I didn't know my body was capable of feeling that any more. But it had been that experience, and with David beside me, I feel like a young girl again. Besides, he has an old head on young shoulders - like you - and acts mature enough for the both of us!
But it's not all happiness. Sometimes I get these emotional crashes. I often find myself thinking - usually as I watch David getting dressed to go into the office - that one day this will all end. One of us will die, and then the other will die, and it will all be over. But now I have your blog, Mickie, I know the love I have for David will go on."
The second story was sent in by Victoria from New York City, in America. Her true tale of love makes for shorter reading, but is none the less sweeter for it.
Matthew and I had always just been friends, but madly obsessed with each other for years. When I was a senior at high school, I had a crush on Matthew for about four years. But I first saw him on television. There was a local talent show which was like a teenage type of dance show, and I saw him, and I was absolutely captivated. And I never believed in love at first sight - it was cheesy. I couldn't believe my luck when I found out we went to the same school.
I was giving out hints, but not really saying anything. When we walked down the hall, it was like we were playing a game of trying to touch hands - to see if he'll actually grab your hand and stuff. This one time I sneezed he looked at me and said, "You have a really cute sneeze." I was like, what are you doing to me? And I was all day on that sneeze comment. I must have told every single one of my friends. I was like get over it, no big deal.
But my relationship with Matthew was always like that at the beginning. Hit and miss, of moments not taken. After graduation we became closer, we both decided to go travelling for a year before studying. I remember the day we took the decision to go together. We just decided enough of this then, and stood facing each other leaning against our respective cars.
Everything around us kind of stopped. Nothing moved. All the background noise kind of dropped out. Like in a movie or in a dream, with everything spinning really quickly, with just the one spot where you're standing stays still.
I thought this was going to be our first kiss. But nothing happened! Matthew just asked me if I wanted to go travelling with him, and I nodded. We just stood there. And the funny thing about it was, it wasn't the first time we were destined to have our first kiss and miss it.
We had a great time together backpacking through Europe, but again, nothing happened! We came back home, went our own separate ways, and to different universities. We exchanged beaded bracelets we had been given by a fortune teller at a spice bazaar in Istanbul.
I was lonely during those years at university, never really dating. Matthew was always in my mind. I never took off his bracelet. Even in the shower. But you put away your dreams. You stop being a student, become an adult and go into the working world.
I was still alone. But then a co-worker of mine put me up on a blind date. She said her boyfriend had a cousin she was going to set me up with. And I was unsure, because blind dates never work. You hear the horror stories.
But who should I be paired up with? Only Matthew, looking as hot as ever! My heart skipped as it had done that first moment I had seen him on TV. He showed me the bracelet I had given him, still on his wrist. I showed him mine. We just knew we were meant to be, and finally got together!"
Yours in love,