What's the real difference between abundant people who honour their time on this world with wealth, freedom and purposeful love, and those who spend their lives struggling to find the time and money to live on their own terms?
Here's a hint - it's got nothing to do with education, or intelligence, or luck, and more to do with the little things your parents told you as a child.
What do I mean by that? Well, the only thing you need to guarantee you abundance in life is a mindset that has a strong belief in yourself, filled with love. Our mindset is the collection of concious and subconscious thoughts that shape how we see the ourselves and our place in the world. It's when our mindset is blocked to our potential that we don't achieve our goals in life. What's worse, we fear we lack the strength for the struggle necessary to attain those goals, and don't believe that our hard work will pay off. We forget that reaching the mountaintop is all the more rewarding for the difficulty of the climb.
What causes our abundance mindset to get blocked? The answer is both simple and complex. From the day we are born, to the day we die, society programs us with countless messages and ideas that influence our abundance mindset. Some of the messages are good, but what you may not realise is that many of them are bad and are actually creating reverse abundance. This causes you to reject wealth, love, and even good health, instead of attracting it.
Consider this: As a child did you ever hear your parents complaining about rich people being unethical and greedy? Were you disciplined to believe you would only be loved if you were good? Have you ever read a book, watched a movie or listened to a song that rejected love, dismissed happiness, or called money as the root of all evil?
Whether you realise or not, all these seemingly harmless messages root themselves in your abundance mindset, and sabotage all your efforts for an abundant life. We need to overcome the blocks society has programmed in us and liberate our abundance mindset to become wealthy - in money, mission and love. In this way we can also use our new found wealth to make the world a better place.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
What's more we need to factor this in to the upbringing of our own children, so we are not inadvertently giving them messages that could potentially harm them in their adult life. All the answers we need can be found in the way we transmit our love to our children.
This doesn't mean spoiling our kids rotten, but giving them a sense of self-worth that is as unconditional as your love for them. As parents we are responsible for securing a safe space for our offspring, where they can learn to be themselves, and discover who they are and want to be. We have to let our children figure things out for themselves, and give them the confidence, and courage and the tools necessary to do just that. Subsequently, when the time comes for them to fly the nest, they will do so with strong wings.
Have you ever watched a butterfly in transformation? My brother once found a chrysalis, which is like a nurturing shell where a butterfly lives while it's changing from one kind of bug to another kind of bug. Well, he put it into a glass bottle to wait for the butterfly to break free from its cocoon. When he saw it was having trouble, he reached in and broke the shell open, but in doing so, the butterfly just flopped about weakly and then died. I found out later that this would be a recurring image as I was growing up, because the struggle in youth is what makes strong wings.
And remember, when things go wrong, take a moment to be thankful for all the things still going right, because people are going to judge you no matter what you do. You can be whoever you want to be, as long as you have the right mindset to make certain your actions work best for you.
Yours in love,