The most common question people ask about twin flames deals with exactly how we determine who our twin flames is - How will I know when I meet him/her? It's all well and good to say, Oh, you'll know, but sometimes we might not know, because unfortunately life is just not that easy.
Scroll down to read 4 essential tips for twin flame first-timers.
The stress of modern living has got us all out of tune with our mind, body and spirit, and sometimes - due to bad experiences from past relationships - we begin to doubt our instincts. When we get a "feel" about someone, we end up wondering and worrying: Could he/she be the One? We become unsure of our feelings, because we don't want to make the same mistakes again, or end up getting hurt. Naturally, we lose faith in our feelings, or begin to second guess ourselves.
For those in this dilemma, it's difficult to keep the faith, or to stay confident in matters of the heart - but remember, it's darkest just before the dawn. Visualise that there is someone out there in your exact situation, waiting and thinking about you, too.
First remember the five steps
For starters, keep your mind, heart and eyes open. Memorise the five steps I wrote about previously, to help you recognise the signs for finding your true love, or - if you're in a relationship - to make sure that you're not already with your true love.
I can already hear some of you ask - If I'm with my twin flame, how could I ever doubt my love for him/her?
Well, many of us will not know what a twin flame is, or have become so disillusioned we've stopped believing in ourselves, or that we are worthy of true love (and doubt that it even exists). Being in a relationship with this mind-set is not only unhealthy for you, but for your partner, as well. A twin flame will offer his/her full support, but you need to believe in yourself, too. It requires a balance between the momentary details of a relationship and being able to see the bigger picture, to get through the challenges that will inevitably arise.
You may be going through a rocky patch, or may feel that the relationship isn't living up to your expectations, or it could just be financial worries, or family issues. So, just check the the five steps to see if your current partner really is the one for you. Because to realise after the end of an relationship that you were with your true love all along, and find yourself suffering from forever fever, is not good at all.
Remember that we only have one twin flame, and we are fated to meet him/her in this lifetime, and if we lose our twin flame, we lose the person but not the love. However, sometimes we get so jaded that we can rebuke unconditional love as a myth, even when we see it with our very own eyes - and only realise what we've got once we've lost it, much to our regret.
And what about those who are single, and not currently in a relationship, or may be interested in someone they haven't plucked up enough courage to talk to yet? What initial signs do they need to look out for that will tell him or her that they have possibly found their twin flame?
Below I give four essential starter tips for those seeking their twin flame. If you answer yes to all four in total (not either/or but all of them) then the probability is very high you've just found your twin flame.
It's best to note that every individual is unique, and you will need to tailor fit the tips below to your own particular circumstances, but the general points are the same for everyone.
- There's an almost instant connection that begins with the eyes. Generally when we notice people we're sexually attracted to, it doesn't necessarily mean that we feel the pull of a deeper connection. We know what we like in physical beauty, and so when we see something we like, we're attracted to it - a nice body, a suitable build, age, well-dressed, etc., but when you meet your twin flame, you'll be surprised at how it's their eyes that instantly catch your attention. You won't understand why, but this feeling is the recognition of your souls. Eyes truly are the windows to the soul, and the moment souls first see each other, they'll remember the covenant that binds them. It just might take our temporal entities some time to catch up - but as I always say, half the fun is in getting there!
- Both of you will equally feel the pull of twin flame attraction. Reciprocation is key here. For instance, we may be sexually attracted to someone, but they may not feel the same way about us. You can't force someone to be your twin flame, but in the same vein if there is an instant attraction, it doesn't mean your twin flame will instantly swoon into your lap, either. A little flirting, a little chasing, a little effort is always appreciated! But, however disillusioned we might be at the start, that first eye connection will be felt by both parties. If you don't have that, you don't a basis on which to build a future together. Having faith in first impressions, and building a great relationship on that will take the right mind-set, belief in love, and hard work. But when it's with your twin flame, it's worth the effort, because the love is for keeps.
- You won't be able to get each other out of your minds. This might be hard to believe, but when you meet that special someone, they will occupy your thoughts 24/7 - when you wake up in the morning, to when you go bed at night. It's this factor which will inevitably reawaken the psychic link between your souls the more time you spend together, so that you'll get to know what the other is doing or thinking, even if you're continents apart. This is an essential element for twin flames, and in time it will create an aura over you that will literally make people stop and stare when you're together.
- Sex will be out of this world. The pull of the attraction between twin flames will be so strong, that they'll want to express it in every way possible, and one of those ways is sex. Now, I do say that sexual attraction alone is not a factor for twin flame love, but making love with your twin flame will add a whole new dimension to sexual intercourse. However, the other three tips above need to be apparent between you, in order for this fourth factor to work.
The physical act of coupling is enhanced because, where sex is a state of body and love is a state of mind, a physical connection between twin flames combines the two. This creates a psychic link as you make love, meaning you'll be in each other's bodies, and in each other's minds at the same time.
Click here for 5 secret sex tips for twin flames.
Throughout a relationship, every couple will have their share of good sex, bad sex and mind-blowing sex, but a spiritual link-up during lovemaking, which lasts long after copulation, is only experienced with your twin flame. The connection transcends the act, and sometimes this connection can even be created from a single touch - this is why I emphasise that sex is not the be-all-and-end-all of a twin flame relationship (although it makes it very enjoyable!). But in whatever way that spark is created, you can't capture that fire with anyone else, except your twin flame.
Yours in love,