Alexander the Great conquered the known world, and now the only thing he is remembered for is being gay. Did Marie Curie rot away in her laboratory for nothing? What do you see in your mind's eye when you think of Marie Curie? Some frigid virgin? Did you know she was married? But who cares about that in a world where feminism has had as many peaks and troughs as the rise of the corset? And what will Steve Jobs be remembered for? Wearing turtle-neck jumpers and jeans at the annual Apple tech unveiling? Or will we care? Aren't we simply evolving to one day be made defunct by our own inventions - becoming screen slaves to technology.
Have you ever wondered how much time you spend online? For instance, typing a Captcha - one of the most annoying features of web surfing, those online security checks involving random words - takes about 10 seconds. Multiply that by 100 million, and humanity as a whole is wasting about 500,000 hours on these security codes every day.
Life has just become a series of distraction from work. So what if some encyclopaedia will never mention you? So what if you'll never be popular. Pop stars fade into obscurity every day. So what if you're name won't come up in a Google search in 2150? While half the world risk their lives for democracy, democracy is taking a bashing online. Think of Ozymandias, as in the famous poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley:
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away".
No Ozymandias is greater than the passage of time. Are you where you thought you would be five years ago? Do you think that in five years time your dreams will come true? Should we just accept we are all insignificant in the face of time and cosmic irony, and stop what some would call our whining?
Or how is it that for some success comes so easy - and isn't it like a punch in the gut when these "success stories" say they didn't even dream of it happening in their "wildest dreams" when here you are dreaming your life away, never getting anywhere, never going anywhere but down?
The key to all of the above lies with your mind. A lot of people tend to overlook this one painfully obvious fact: The human mind is the most powerful element in the known universe.
Scientific studies have shown that the human mind is capable of limitless possibilities. No other element can influence reality and destiny as much as the human mind can. Just think about any technological marvel that seemed impossible a mere 50 years ago. They were just an image in someone's mind once, until they manifested into our reality.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
Everything you've ever known and experienced has been the product of the human brain. And while most of your conscious experiences make up most of your memories, the reason you are where you are right now is also determined by the power of your mind.
For example, when you're faced with a perceived threat, your brain triggers the "fight or flight response", which then prepares you to respond to the threat accordingly through the release of adrenaline and cortisol into your body.
People go into flight or fight mode, and will have adrenalin coursing through them. Those adrenalin surges are important because they will determine how people survive. These hormones give you a burst of energy, lower sensitivity to pain, and increased heart rate (among other things) that gets the blood flowing to your muscles so that you're ready to run or fight against the threat.
Even without the "fight or flight response" the human brain regulates the function of practically every organ, every muscle, and every cell of the human body, because it is the core component of the central nervous system (which comprises of the brain and the spinal cord).
In fact, your immune system, the very thing that determines your health and general physical well-being, is largely dependent on the human brain. Advances in medical science have revealed surprising correlations between chronic illnesses (such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease) and the state of a patient's brain.
Because the brain is responsible for sending "instructions" to various parts of the body, it would stand to reason that a healthy brain would ensure a healthy body, as the release of specific cells and hormones that keep you healthy would be regulated by a perfectly functioning brain that is in sync with every single cell of your body.
So we know your brain has provided you with survival instincts, and we know that a healthy brain makes for a healthier you. But what does all this have to do with: Making you a success? Making your dreams come true? Improving the quality of your life? Why should we care if it's all going to end tomorrow? You want to race towards your passions, but does this thought cut your at the knees?
Ozymandias was wrong: It is not those works of power and dictatorship that will survive time. The "Great" Alexander's bloody and destructive greatness is truly history. Ozymandias was right: we should look on him and despair not to be like him. What will survive time, what is timeless? Curie's benefits to humanity. Jobs' passion for innovation. These will survive in ways we may not be able to envisage today, but they will leave lasting legacies.
The service we do to others, the goodness we show and pass on like a torch from one person to the next that lights the way to break the darkness is what will endure. Humanity is a relay race, and the only we thing that truly survives is the good we do. That's not cosmic irony, that's fantastic divinity.
Do not waste time bothering over whether you love your neighbour, act as if you did. As soon as you do this, you will discover one of the great secrets of life. When you are behaving as though you love someone, you will presently come to love him/her. Likewise if you behave as though you are wealthy, you will attract money. Make you obsession your profession and never work a day in your life!
The power of the universe is in our brains. All we need to do is unlock its secrets to make our lives as purposeful as is possible. Step into its power and change your life, and the world.
In fact, in recent years there has been an explosion in the "Whole Brain Integration" movement amongst the scientific community, with experts advocating change in how we use the human brain to achieve complete mastery over our cerebral faculties. While health is a crucial part of achieving a better quality of life for yourself, experts say the evidence seems to suggest we can't simply live off health.
You may not be aware of this, but the most successful, well-known personalities that you might already be familiar with have the ability to take full advantage of their complete cognitive abilities.
I'm not going to start listing celebrities here just to draw attention to this import topic. You don't even have to look what some call the upper echelons of society for an example we can all relate.
There are people all around us pursuing and achieving their dreams, big and small. All possible because they had access to both parts of her brain. Using your "whole brain" to excel in anything and everything that you do is possible. However it's unfortunate that most people out there are using only one side of their brain throughout their lives.
But you can discover the incredible secret that will finally unlock the long dormant power of your mind. Once you achieve total control of your mind, you'll have total dominion over any aspect of your life. Be it your health, your relationships, your career, your wealth, your overall quality of life - anything you seek will be yours for the taking.
The universe is about maintaining a delicate balance of opposing forces, and destiny is about a working paradox of both the mechanics of the universe and its ambiguity. And that lies in the universe of our brain, where we need to control and maintain the perfect balance right for us. My 90 day mind healing programme shows you techniques on how grants you FULL, UNRESTRICTED ACCESS to the most powerful resource in the known universe your brain.
Combining ground-breaking "mind evolution" techniques and a revolutionary technological breakthrough in brain entrainment, healing your mind will change the way you live your life - and the way you view life - forever.
You won't need to ask the purpose of life. It will be in your hands to define it. You are the navigator of your life, on the route to your true destiny - to be the best you can be.
It's not mystical. My mind healing programme uses meditative techniques that you can use to virtually unlock the full power of the human brain that has lain dormant for years. It's a scientifically-proven system designed to accelerate the evolution of the human brain and enhance your cognitive abilities beyond human limitations.
This means, you'll be able to achieve anything you can possibly imagine, because you'll have the full potential of a hyper-evolved brain at your disposal. It dramatically accelerates the process of "encoding" positive messages for success into the brain, by triggering a mental state conducive for the absorption of such affirmations, and then delivering those affirmations directly into the subconscious mind.
Bounce back with affirmations.
But success is reserved only for those who are serious about making a dramatic change in their lives. And we have to get serious. With over 85% of the people experiencing negative effects from diminished self-esteem, while most others often lack self-esteem so subtle that they don't even notice it.
Lacking self-esteem is the top cause of the most negative emotions such as anger, hurt, greed, fear, and guilt to name just a few. You try and conquer your world with these, then your on your way to being an Ozymandias, committed to the dust of history.
What you need to do is replace negative messages with new core beliefs that support your happiness and excellence. Heal your past and stop the downward spiral of self-sabotage. If you are currently receiving important medical help, you MUST continue this, but you can use my programme alongside your current therapy. If you are currently receiving medical help, always remember to seek the proper medical advice before you implement and follow my 90 day system to impact your life in a dramatically positive way.
If you love life, then don't waste it by wasting its time. In truth we are machines that can be wiped; everything we were, everything we feel can go so quickly, so live only for what the moment brings, and then let it go, because the next moment will be something completely different.
We live in a beautiful world which we all have for a short period of time, so let's focus on each moment we have now, and the one to come, and be grateful for the time we've had, however small, and grateful for all the love we have in our lives. Because time spent with love means it's time well spent.
And ultimately isn't that the grand design of life? If we bring love into every moment of our loves, then even though the time we've had is gone, it's not been wasted.
Yours in love,