In the first and second part of this three-part mini series covering the "science" of twin flames, we looked at the eternal energy of the universe that binds us all, and how we can tap into and understand this energy via our senses. If twin flame love exists, then it must exist in the physical relationships we make, and so it is just as bound by physical laws and our biologies as every other living thing on our planet.
Today, however, we live in a world of commodities with shorter and shorter lifespans, where our attention is cropped by viral parodies and the meme of the month, and this short attention span has leaked over into some of our relationships, too. Social pressures can make us more negative to one another, even in the animal kingdom. It happens, because our social activities train our habits to some extent. When we start looking for the next "flavour of the month", then we stop looking at things in the long term. Relationships become as throw-away as the latest viral video, or the processed food we eat.
With just under half our time on a computer spent communicating with other people, in our desire to be desirous many of us look for sex outside of trusting relationships. Websex has become a new addiction that has begun to afflict our young, with technology and easy access to sexual materials warping their views on acceptable behaviour. Blamed on a toxic combination of marketing, media and peer pressure, the pace of modern life is so fast that some say it is even snatching away the precious wonder years, and changing our perception of childhood. This affects us in adulthood also; it takes time and maturity to learn that trust is a major building block in any relationship, and without trust your life can be turned upside down - even if the love is real. Because true love takes time, it takes teamwork, and it takes trust for it to be sustained in a coupling. Twin flame love does not die, but for it to thrive in a pairing, it needs to be fought for and worked at, like every other relationship.
In a world of 72-day celebrity marriages, a 73-year marriage is nearly unimaginable, but it does happen. Sacrifice sounds like a corny word now, but in times past people died for their loved ones. In short, twin flame lovers need to rely on each other for their "survival", and although people do find a difficult time living together in this era of self-reliant independence, our human make-up actually thrives on interdependence when we can trust and rely on another. In a relationship, this means showing tangible signs of caring and of empathy, to give our loved ones mental and physical space when needed, but also to respect them unconditionally - rather than just aiming for the unrealistic expectation of unconditional love.
The reason for this is that modern human love is conditional and impatient (whether we want to believe the opposite or not), and can raise unrealistic expectations, but when two people respect and show care for the other's feelings, true love is nurtured and insulated against the challenges that will invariably come our way. And the one simple thing that can change whether we survive or not is information - or specifically data and the sharing of it.
Data is increasingly defining us - from the information we share on the web, to that collected by the numerous companies with whom we interact. We are living in the information age, and in today's world, what really separates those who are achieving success in their relationships is information - learning and understanding the "science" behind something can often give us an advantage. I always say in tantra that you don't need to know the how to feel the pow, but rather than completely rely on physical and intuitive senses, sometimes understanding the why can give you the eye on how to make things work.
Taking away the mystery doesn't necessarily take away the magic - like some card trick, because pulling something apart to see how it works can increase our wonder that it works at all; today we are in an information where we want to know, not to demystify our faith, but to increase our wonder and acknowledge its existence. Science is coming forward in leaps and bounds, and we have at last the tools to explore subjects that were deemed to elusive for scientific research in the past. In regards to the science of twin flame relationships, we are not talking about a love that is "too good to be true". If something feels too good to be true, you can lose trust in its authenticity as a whole - so the data of interest here is in the metaphysical dimensions of life, such as the question of the soul, and its relationship to the body and the physical world.
Although sticking to terms is difficult in subjects where terms are not easily defined, metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world, where the soul can function as a synonym for spirit, mind, psyche or self. In many mythological, religious, philosophical, and psychological traditions, the soul is the incorporeal and, in many conceptions, immortal essence of a person, living thing, or (in some beliefs) object.
Physically we are constantly being inspired by the sheer power of biology and nature - but what about spiritually? Indeed our biology is hard-wired to the heavens, and some believe it's only when we connect to our core (or Self) we can have an instinctive understanding of our place in a solar system where our moods and feelings are joined to the Sun and the movement of the planets. Astrologers, for example, would be the first to agree with this school of thought.
It is thought that many twin flame believers look to astrological clues, or are more in tune with their star signs, to help guide them to their twin flame - and so, astrologists, numerologists and the like are beginning to target twin flames as a recognised niche, like a kind of genetic astrology. Although the term soulmate is used more often (and this creates some confusion between the two) generally what most people do, when they're not sure if they've met "the one", is to test the waters, so to speak, and if their feelings are strong enough, then they take a risk. For many not in tune with their feelings, or core, however, this could feel akin to flying blind.
But it's believed that it's these connections to an eternal universal energy that steer us through life. Tapping into this, is what some call getting "into the zone", or into the flow, when we meditate or practice to master our senses for greater awareness. And while some believe that activating change in how energy flows through your body can promote deep healing, there is also evidence of the effects of meditation on the genetic structure within the body.
These homing instincts are thought to be carried on a river of genetic information that flows through each human, and each living thing. It is a river of DNA; a pack of genes each of us is born with, a genetic hand of cards passed down from our parents. It holds, for example, instructions of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins - the building blocks of all living things - on how to build the physical bodies that house us.
Scientific discoveries have revealed that our DNA has an incredible resistance to destructive change, and that relative stability means it can pass from generation to generation. Because genetic code is highly resistant to error, that fidelity means that translations are faithfully translated from parent to child. And although we think of life as a constant, continuing evolution, our DNA stays the same fundamentally - so, for example, while we are separated from the orang-utan by 14 million years of evolution, our DNA is still strikingly similar.
Orang-utans have many of what we consider human traits, they look after young until the age of 8 - which is a long time in the animal world - and they have memory, which they learn from and pass on through the generations. And that deep connection extends far beyond orang-utans, our DNA contains the fingerprint of 4 billion years of evolution. All life on earth is related and connected, as some will share the same genetic code no matter how different they superficially appear to be.
This sense of belonging is a deep feeling we all share. Every living thing we know to exist is found on our planet - and the thing which makes our planet a rich, colourful living world is the same science behind what makes twin flame love so inherent in our genes. Some even believe that some species of animals in their mating show twin flame tendencies, the swan, golden eagle, angelfish and grey wolf for instance, are all thought to mate with one partner for life. Humans like to think of themselves as a faithful species, but when it comes to true fidelity, that natural world shows us that many other animals offer better examples of how to keep a relationship together. Although monogamy and lifelong pair bonds are generally rare in the animal kingdom, there are some animals that pull it off. Thus twin flames are seen as a natural phenomena, as well as a spiritual one.
Likewise, there are studies that suggest our gender and sexual behaviour may be largely connected to our genes, and that we may even "trap" repressed emotions in the genetic expression of our cells. In this same vein, research is revealing how hormones and genetics create and affect our thoughts, behaviours and even sexual preferences. This is why some believe if you are the child of a twin flame relationship, you are already genetically coded to make it easier for you to find your twin flame. There are also some who believe that our genetic expression can be changed by our thoughts, and thus if we can shift our mindset towards our twin flame energies, it will activate our DNA to that end.
Certainly, along with our brain wiring and structure, and the interactions between different regions of the brain, our hormones have a powerful influence over how we live our lives, but there are many other things we need for our biology and our chemistry to work. Scientists often ask why our world is the only closest inhabitable planet we know of anywhere in our universe. The answer depends on a handful of precious ingredients that makes our world a home. Home, like love, is such an evocative word. If our planet did not have the correct atmosphere or temperature, or food and water, then we would not be able to call Earth our home. Love, too, needs the correct ingredients for it to work.
When we talk of love and home, it will mean something to all of us, but in a scientific sense it means the ingredients are there for you to live and interact, and so, too, with twin flame relationships, the correct ingredients need to be there for us to feel we belong, and can make a home out of our relationship. But what are these ingredients? In relation to our planet, for instance, we have all the ingredients you think you might need for a rich and diverse ecosystem - the Sun delivers energy to each and every leaf, oxygen escapes from the plants and trees, which is breathed in by the Earth's animals - who draw deeply from the planet's water supplies for sustenance.
But some ingredients are far more important than others. If there's one thing that unites all life we've ever discovered anywhere on our planet, is that it has to be wet. On our planet, the oceans flow freely between the skies in to every living thing - most species are at least made up of more than half from water. Water usually makes up 55% to 78% of the human body, and within every one of us water is constantly flowing, around each and every cell. For instance, blood plasma is over 90% water, and in it are dissolved everything we need to live - oxygen, the nutrients from food - is distributed around our body in rivers of water.
Read about the mysteries of water.
To understand why life and water intertwine we need to look deeper into one of the strangest substances we know, and I have heard it said that we won't truly understand biology until we understand water. Some believe a twin flame, like water, is as essential and natural to love as water is to life. Until we understand twin flames, we won't understand our own unique biology triggered by our emotions to interact and bond with another we believe to be "the one". Twin flame attraction is a strong bonding glue, like the attraction between water molecules giving them a special force to bend and flow and pull up against any strong challenging force through the team work of its special bonds. In essence, twin flame love is love at a cellular level.
How our world becomes a home
For the next ingredient that makes Earth our home, you have to look beyond our planet and to our nearest star, to the Sun and the rays of light it sends our way. In the first part of this series, it's been mentioned how almost all life depends on the energy the Sun sends our way. Indeed, the "unconditional" aspect of the Sun's life-giving rays is likened to a twin flame relationship, however science also shows us that the Sun is far from a completely benevolent companion. Its radiant rain can be as dangerous as it is nourishing.
The reason for this is that what arrives from the Sun is far more than just what we can see - beyond the visible, on the higher end of the spectrum there is ultraviolet light, for example, and the UV spectrum has many effects, both beneficial and damaging, to human health. UVB, in particular, which gets through the Earth's atmosphere to reach us can be beneficial to life - we use it to produce vitamin D for instance, but because it is a higher energy it can also be extremely damaging. It can damage DNA, and it can burn our skin (as well as give us a sun tan), and ultimately can cause skin cancer.
However, pigments are one of the ways life has evolved to take on the Sun's powerful living light by using chemistry to increase chances of our survival from high energy ultraviolet photons raining down from the Sun. They can be seen at work on our skin. Skin pigmentation in humans evolved to primarily regulate the amount of ultraviolet radiation penetrating the skin, controlling its biochemical effects. If UVB rays hit the DNA on skin, they damage the DNA, and the solution is our skin produces the pigment called melanin.
Melanin is a sea of electrons which behaves to quickly dissipate the high energy from a potentially threatening photon from the Sun - absorbed to dissipate away as heat, and the natural skin colour darkening as a result. It is so efficient that over 99.9% of the harmful radiation is absorbed, and so melanin can help protect us from the potentially harmful effects of the Sun.
Thus although the Sun gives us life, its energy and rays have to be treated with respect, and due care, and in twin flame relationships, the love of your twin flame can be described as the pigment melanin on the skin of the relationship, absorbing negativity from life's challenges. It increases chances of a relationship's survival, but it needs our help. To illustrate the point, I am always reminded of the Benin tribe in West Africa, who follow the cult of the hand. The Benin tribe's religion sanctified hands and heads, the idea being that what you were born with in the way of brains you were born with, but what you did with your hands subsequently was a question of choice. And as we can make or break or relationships, we can also make or break our complex relationship with the nature and our planet.
We can strengthen our hand by doing the right thing when it comes to both, because although pigmentation protects us from the harmful rays of the Sun, by disrespecting the environment we interfere with the ingredients of our planet that help house all life on its surface. Life is resourceful at dealing with the challenges to survive, and we can learn a lot from the science that shows us life is a survivor.
For example, nature did not just use pigments to dissipate energy to protect us, but also used it to harness the energy for its own ends. By doing so, it transformed our planet by introducing a wonderful new ingredient - our life sustaining atmosphere. Thus we can use twin flame by harnessing its energy, and being respectful of that love, to build a home for it within a relationship based on its own "science" of absolute trust and open honesty. Only in such a healthy atmosphere can the fire of twin flame love burn well.
Earth has an atmosphere unlike any other we know of in the universe. Only in the air of our world do fires burn. Only on our world has a gas we call oxygen been released to allow complex life to evolve. This is down to an evolutionary process called oxygenic photosynthesis, where ancient bacteria first used pigment to split water apart to make food. In doing so it turned our molten planet green, and created an incredibly complex process that essentially harnesses energy from sunlight to make energy for the cell, and eventually turns it into sugars as food for the cell.
Interestingly, science shows us that this complex process is actually two systems joined together, and it was only when life coupled these two biological machines together could water be split apart and turned into food. It is a fitting analogy for twin flame love, where for love to be turned into food that sustains us, there is a process just as complex as oxygenic photosynthesis at work. Nature's most important process, which released oxygen into the atmosphere, is a coupling itself, and every tree, every plant, every blade of grass on the planet, everything that carries out oxgenic photosynthesis does it in exactly the same way as it was first done billions of years before - to eventually transform the face of our planet into a home.
And as the oxygen levels grew, the stage was set for the arrival of ever more complex creatures. But on Earth the arrival of complex life required a rather more tangible ingredient. Something that you can't see, touch or smell, and yet you pass through everyday. It is hidden in the biological clocks found in nature - and almost all life shares in these circadian rhythms. They are the evolutionary consequence of living on a spinning rock.
Our world turns on its axis once every 24 hours giving us a day on its billion kilometre journey around the Sun, and each orbit gives us a year. We live inside a celestial clock, one that has been ticking away for over 4.5 billion years - and that's a full third of the age of the universe. We are mindful, or should be, of that fact in our relationships, that our moments are precious, and that we need to allow ourselves time within those precious moments to nurture our love for each other. The best things take time, and come with time. Time, therefore, is the final ingredient that our home has provided.
We are here because our planet has been stable enough for long enough to allow evolution time to play when complex life began to explode in the oceans, and even further back than that - tracing back events of over 3.7 billion years ago on the primordial Earth. Looking back over that vast sweep of time, you could ask yourself the question: do you need such a long space of time to go from a simple form of life to something as complex as multi-cellular life - to a human being? The answer to the question is not known for sure, it seems you need vast expanses of time, but scientists just don't know because we only have one example - there is only one planet where we have been able to study the evolution of life, and it is this one.
And Earth, like love and relationships, is an interesting mixture of stability and upheaval. We are still striving for a better understanding of the birth and evolution of our planet, but during its evolution, when we look at how the ingredients to life came about, we see that it has had an environment which never completely conspired to wipe out life. But it has constantly thrown it challenges. And like the best challenges, the solutions are the very process of evolution to something better that will survive to thrive. Challenges have their purpose - they are the antithesis to stagnancy.
The deep time that our planet has given life has allowed it grow from a tiny seed of genetic possibility to the planet wide web of complexity we are part of today. Only a few of us have ever stepped outside of this world, but those that have, discovered something rather wonderful that told of the origins of their home. It must be innately human, the desire to understand how our home came to be the way that it is, and seen from space it may look like a fragile world (as our lives must seem to us), but seen by science it is a world that has been crafted and shaped by life for almost 4 billion years.
When we look at twin flame love as analogous to the workings in nature, we are on our way to understanding how we came to be here, but as astronauts who went to the Moon will have discovered from their wider perspective, the journey of discovery delivers much more than facts. It gives us a powerful perspective on the intricacy and beauty of life, love and home, and our place in it.
We are a universe governed by a simple set of natural laws, but the diversity of species is immense. These endless forms have emerged from a lifeless cosmos, from a lifeless cosmos ruled by the laws of physics and chemistry, and science had often asked how it is possible that a planet can produce so much wonderful, varied biology. And within each living thing lies a hidden world of complexity - our bodies are built from a diverse group of molecules, the most diverse group being proteins.
To this end, carbon is really the only element that has the appetite for bonding its electrons and sharing them with other molecules, with nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen, and critically with other carbons, to build up the immensely complex chains of amino acids and proteins which are the building blocks of life. And so carbon, like water, like the very pigments on our skin and the complex duo-process that gives us the very oxygen we breathe, can be analogous to twin flame love which itself harnesses the eternal universal energy of the cosmos.
Twin flame love has been described by some as a secret conduit to that energy (or Self) - like a catalyst that allows us to become who we are, the physical senses that send all the right impulses, the chemistry that bonds molecules together - not to make us more than we were before, but to make us more authentic than we were before. For only when we are true to Self, can we be true in a relationship.
Similarly, to understand our planet's endless diversity we have to begin by considering the life giving element of carbon, and the story of carbon stretches back long before there were even stars in the universe. Scientists tell us that almost 13.5 billion years ago, just a few hundred million years after the big bang, the universe was a carbon free zone. It was an infinite sterile gloom of hydrogen and helium clouds until those vast clouds began to collapse with the force of gravity. And long before the solar system, Earth or life existed, the first stars were born.
The birth of the first stars did much more than just illuminate the universe, because that's what set in motion a sequence of events which ultimately is necessary for the existence of life in the universe. And we can still see this playing out in the universe today. From the perspective of life in the universe, in the collapsing of galaxies new stars are formed from the death of old stars as helium nuclei come together to form carbon, a process which has been going on for almost the entire history of the universe for 13 billion years. And it is the formation of stars which is the vital first step in the formation of life, because stars produce the heavy elements in the universe, including carbon.
The forces that bind us together
From the universe's earliest times, carbon has been created inside ageing stars, and over time, this carbon has built up drifting through the cosmos as dust, until some of it was caught up in the formation of a planet we call home today. And on our planet, we can see how this ancient carbon has been brought vividly to life.
The universe is old enough now that countless stars have lived and died, and so there has been plenty of time to synthesise the primordial hydrogen and helium into the heavy elements, and the question of how that carbon gets into the web of life today is answered easily enough. It enters via one ingredient - carbon dioxide, which plays a key role in photosynthesis. As the Sun rises the trees begin to photosynthesise, and everyday across the planet photosynthesis uses sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into simple sugars - what some call the harvesters of carbon.
From its origin in the death of stars, its capture by plants, through insects, mammals and on, the carbon cycle is the real circle of life; the relentless recycling of carbon through the food chain continues - some die so that others will live, as carbon leaps from branch to branch, across the great tree of life. And guiding it on its way, is just one very special form of chemistry. Every living thing is just a temporary living home for carbon atoms that existed long before there was life on Earth, and will exist long after Earth is gone. And the pattern of life, the information needed to build life (a tree or a human) from generation to generation is passed on in our DNA, a helical molecule with a backbone of carbon. And twin flames believer would say that twin flame love offers this "backbone"; as we the harvesters of its energy, through the complex processes of human interaction, reap sustenance from what we sow.
There was a time when the Earth appeared empty, yet 3.8 billion years ago life was already under-way in the form of tiny living specks that probably all shared the same biochemistry. Science says that every living thing on the planet today and every living thing that will ever exist on this planet was descended from that one speck. It is called the Last Universal Common Ancestor or LUCA - and just as the universe had its origin at the big bang, all life on this planet had its origin in that one moment.
Less than a billion years after the planet's formation, scientists say there was already life on Earth. It's possible the biochemistry of such life differs to living things today, and if so, it has long been extinct. It's also possible that the first life may not have been cellular, just living chemistry in the porous rocks in some ancient ocean. Scientists are not sure, but what is certain is that one day a population of organisms showed up with biochemistry that we would recognise. This was LUCA. The first expression of a form of life which in time would throw up a group of humans to emerge from Africa.
We don't know what LUCA looked like, or where it lived precisely, or how it lived, but we do know if you start to trace our ancestral line back over geological time-scales, over hundreds and thousands and millions and billions of years, there will be an unbroken line all the way back to LUCA. We know this because every living thing on the planet today shares the same biochemistry. We all have the same DNA, which code the same 20 amino acids, which build each and every one of life's same proteins that do very similar jobs whether you are a plant, bacterium or bipedal hominid like humans.
All life uses the same fundamental biology, be you bacteria, plant, bug or beast; your design comes from your DNA. This is why it's believed it is this molecule which holds the key to why life is so varied. And what are the natural processes that causes (relatively resistant) DNA to change? Part of the answer lies not on Earth but, once again, up amongst the stars. Cosmic rays in the form of protons from other stars hits the Earth, and hits DNA to change it. Thus some particle that began its life perhaps in a massive supernova explosion, or perhaps outside our galaxy, caused a mutation in DNA to bring about life as it is today.
Such mutations are an inevitable part of living on Earth. They are the first hint at how DNA and genes that code every living thing change from generation to generation. Mutations are the font in which innovation of living things flows. But cosmic rays are not the only way in which DNA can be altered. Natural background radiation from rocks, actions of chemicals and free radicals, errors when the code is copied - and then all those changes can be shuffled by sex and whole pieces of code transferred from species to species - so bit by bit in tiny steps, from generation to generation, the code is constantly randomly changing.
But while there is no doubt that random mutation does alter DNA, evolution is anything but random. The mathematics of probabilities tells us it can't be, because the chances of something with DNA as complex as our own appearing just by luck are very small. There are more possible combinations in our code than atoms in the observable universe. Thus there must be a non random element to evolution - a natural process which greatly restricts a universe of possibilities and shapes the outcome. We call it natural selection.
Over a vast sweep of time, as the shifting geological shape of the Earth changed, life diversified to find its own niche in a variety of habitats, which allows our DNA to change in amazing ways. The landscape of possibilities is narrowed by genes that persist because they best survive in their habitat, allowing to spread through the population - and this same law of natural selection applies to all life. There are some who hold the idea, due to the immense control humans have over their habitats today, that civilisation is ruining the human species making us less wise to our surroundings than tribes with primitive wisdom, but others decry this, saying that real selective pressures have nothing to do with intelligence, but with resistance to disease, and parasites, and hunger.
If you have a mutation that helps you in the struggle to survive, you are more likely to leave more offspring. And in the next generation that mutation is more likely to survive. The sieve of natural selection produces animals that are perfectly adapted to live in their environment, and even creating their own ecosystem. We live on an ever shifting dynamic world that creates islands in abundance. Earth's mountain ranges, river valleys and canyons all create islands for life where, over great swathes of time, life has evolved into diverse forms.
Twin flames can be said to be a form of "higher" natural selection - where we pass on our relationship successes, instead of swinging back and forth from generation to generation on a pendulum of errors, in fear of becoming our parents. The twin flame mythos is that the more twin flame relationships there are, the more loving families are created, and the more children that come from loving environments to ensure healthy (and more enlightened) future generations. And like twin flame love, it is the chemistry of carbon that allows for the existence of the DNA molecule that is able replicate itself and pass information on from generation to generation. There can be random changes in the structure of that molecule, mutations, and they are tested by their interaction with the environment and other living things. The ones that pass that test survive, and the ones that fail that test are lost.
The separation of living things on to such "islands", which may be physical, or just a different area of the same habitat, results in speciation - the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise, bringing about the explosion of living forms highly specialised to occupy niches within niches. These forms of natural selection scientists say is the explanation for the diversity of life on Earth, which 150 years ago Charles Darwin explained in his publication On the Origin of Species, and why life on Earth is so diverse and complex. The insight of Darwin's publication is still revealing itself to us; it describes how our complex tree of life has grown from a once desolate universe. Darwin wrote that there is grandeur in this view of life, and understanding how it happened, surely only adds to the wonder.
As precise as Albert Einstein's theories of relativity, and as profound as thermodynamics, Darwin has given us another universal law - evolution by natural selection. And if evolution is the law on our "island" of Earth, then it will apply throughout the cosmos. Which begs the question, could there be other trees of life amongst the stars? Although some fear other forms of life, it doesn't devalue the existence of our tree, because our tree is unique. It consists of thousands of branches, all interdependent on thousands of others, and the precise structure depends on chance events like shifting geology.
To illustrate this, look at a little piece of your world, your garden, or your park - because there will be life there, and it will be unique. There will be no where else like that in the universe, and that makes our tree from the sturdiest branch to the most fragile twig indescribably valuable. This uniqueness is shared by the small "island" created within a twin flame family, which makes it at once precious and tough, like a diamond gem stone.
And as twin flame love is evolved and constrained within our physical bodies and relationship, evolution doesn't have a free hand, either. It is constrained by the law of physics. The laws of physics governs the lives of all living things. Fundamental properties of the physical laws of nature act together to dictate how we live and how we perceive. We all live on the same planet, but at the same time can occupy different worlds. Shaped by natural selection, sculpted by evolution acting within the physical boundaries of nature, we are the results of evolution shaped by the laws of physics.
Point in being, the forces of nature and the physics of the size of life dominate us. Scientists have discovered that size has a profound effect on how you move, how you feed, even how long you live - and finally looking a little deeper into this may offer up insights into our own twin flame relationships. It's been noted that when something depends on the fundamental properties of the universe that means what goes for this planet, goes for planets anywhere, and thus what affects us, will affect us in our relationships, too. And here, science says it's your size that determines how the law of physics govern your life in your habitat - and which forces work where can depend on whether you are on ground or in water.
Science explains that not only is the relationship we have with the world around us dictated by our size, but our size also influences how energy itself flows through your body. We eat to provide energy to power our metabolisms, we have a high body temperature by keeping active, and the size we are has a direct effect on our metabolic rate, or the speed of life. Your size influences every aspect of your life, from the way you are built, to the way you move, and even how long you live - your size dictates how your interact with the universal laws of nature.
If size influences your form and construction, it determines how you experience the world and ultimately how long you have to enjoy it. The minimum size is set ultimately by the size of atoms and molecules, the fundamental building blocks of the universe. The maximum size on Earth is set by the size and mass of our planet, because it is the force of gravity that restricts the emergence of real giants - but within those constraints, evolution has conspired to produce a huge range in size of animals and plants, each beautifully adapted to exploit the niches available to them.
But like the protein that was there to begin with and was then inherited into all emerging lineages, twin flame love is a cellular force that can transcend size; it has its own gravity that bind us together in our relationship environments - and by extension to our relationship with the world. It has been said that if one could conclude as to the nature of the creator from the study of creation, then it would appear that God has an inordinate fondness for stars and beetles as they are so numerous, but what of us? If we continue our fondness to smash our shared past, to kill animals to extinction, to creating more intelligent killing machines, we will lose focus of some of the serious challenges facing our species at the threshold of this young millennium.
Why the science of twin flames is important
Our planet is faced by serious global challenges such as overpopulation, starvation, climate change and pollution, while some of the best minds of our times are telling us we are at a crossroads, or a point where we must make a choice. It is about looking ahead to see that the choices made will have the power to destroy our planet, each other, and civilisation as we have known it, or to transform it and take it to the next level.
But provoking people is easier than persuading them, and often such talk of planetary emergency runs the criticism of scaremongering. And if we are too harshly critical, we run the risk of being no better than the thing we criticise. Taking a higher ground can give us a clearer perspective, and rather than focus solely on the problems, can we address the problems facing us in a different way? What if we believed that we can clean up our water sources and our habitats, clean up energy and change the mistakes of the past?
We are told that our young are the first generation that has the power to destroy the human race, and they are going to have to decide whether to go for a deep change, or a slow death. This is not a new challenge. Looking back at how life evolved, we can see it has faced this challenge throughout the history of the universe; life is always on the balance between the deep changes of evolution and the slow death proclaimed by the second law of thermodynamics. But is there some way to align our actions with our heart, and tap into the spirit of love that exists within all of us - seemingly in defiance of the empirical clutches of science?
Humans always seem to need an event to rouse them - where something happens in your life that gets you on the right journey for you, and where you can believe in what you're doing to make a better world. Finding your twin flame can be that event. Some believe finding your twin flame is like searching for your doppelgänger; a unique person you're comfortable being completely naked with, a kind of human fusion, where two souls are fused in one body of a true love relationship.
Some describe it as tapping into our higher frequencies, or vibrations. Everything at the quantum level is believed to be vibrations - even down to the smells we sense - so why not the love we feel? To understand and explore love through the physical senses, while believing it works to transform you at a cellular level because it is from an eternal source that created the stars, and is as elemental as carbon, or protein as the building blocks in our lives makes love as natural - and miraculous - as the oxygen-rich atmosphere we breathe.
Does this view unduly raise our expectations of love? Some say it does, while others see it as too much of a good thing. And science tells us you can have too much of a good thing. Even too much vitamin D can be toxic, for example, while not all higher frequencies are beneficial, as the life giving Sun's rays show. This is why some twin flames "run" at first from a relationship, or need space from its sense of overwhelm. But the ideal of love needs to be housed in the practicality of a relationship, as fuel for its machinery. Rather than complicate, real love can simply and unify lives if we let it.
In every good relationship absence can make the heart grow fonder; every one needs mental and physical space at times, and twin flame love is about having the empathy to sense that redemption and forgiveness are bonding issues for the toughest challenges. But what matters most is how in the corners of all our hearts, love, and what it achieves, lives on - and that is something science has yet to explain. And the love we generate and give out contributes to tip the scales in favour of life's continuation. What we do in our everyday lives affects something much bigger than our personal lives.
Research suggests that television is more likely to make us feel emotional than any other medium; we are stagnating on our living room settees when love should be the medium to which we turn. Nothing transforms us as deeply as love, to drive us to be as great as our potential would have us be. Pay attention to the signs - to your gut, to your heart, to how you're interfacing with the outside world, and with awareness the transformation will start to begin.
Love is not only challenging, but an enlightening topic. The primary romantic relationship in our life is often a symptom of our situation - if we keep making the same mistakes over and over every time we choose a new mate then it speaks volumes about the attachments in our lives. This is not about transcending the relationship, but making the relationship transcendental - being able to see under the skin of a coupling to see the beauty that lies in the every day interactions of two people bonded by an investment in each other's lives.
Towards this end, the route to twin flame love is a window to a greater opportunity, where we can discover how to connect with the energy of all living things as members of one family. Science tells us this is so, and it also shows us that the power of change is crucial to our survival. Thus when we choose the path of forgiveness instead of revenge, when we choose the path of reconciliation instead of retribution, when we choose kindness and empathy we shall have chosen the catalysts for real change in our lives, and the world. It will be as rewarding for you, as the people's lives you touch with them.
Science, too, shows us that our decisions are not just about the personal crises in our lives. We are so connected to everyone else through genetic and social networks, and the way we all mix and merge and exchange information with one another, that we start to realise that we are not just changing our own lives, but are actually having an impact on the broader world. In effect, every child born from a twin flame relationship, or nurtured in one, is another strong link in a chain love forges to bind us tighter together. It's about improving the quality of life for people all over the planet.
So, in order to make that change - for the world to become the love it wants to receive - the world inside us has to shift to trust and believe that true love is possible. It is the power of love that gives us the faith and courage of our convictions to believe that everyone can make a positive difference. And if we need to know anything about the science of attraction, then it is this confidence that makes us truly attractive.
When we love each other well, we are making a conscious decision to make a better world, by identifying with the universal culture of love to bind our identities together. If we all make the commitment to align with our twin flame energies, it means we align with the eternal energy that science describes makes up the universe, to take that leap of faith, and enjoy and embrace the persistence of life to endure - as it has been doing, since the birth of the first stars gave light to the universe from which all love flows.
Read the complete three-part series: -1 -2
Yours in love,