And I can understand how some days it feels like reading the news is to misalign ourselves with love. Reports that the British government is considering placing surface-to-air missiles on residential flats during the 2012 London Olympics, the seemingly cruel irony of drought areas in the UK being attacked by floods, and just general negativity from the backlash that comes from being a popular TV show don't make great reading, do they? But we need to recognise negativity, so that we can put a barrier up to it.
I advocate erasing negativity from inside us, but we can't do this and isolate ourselves from the universe. We are a part of it, and we must take part it. We need to know the state of our world, so each of us, in our small way, can do something to help bring balance back into our world. This is a real purpose of love, because it is the true balancer in life. To do that we need to become more aware of ourselves and the world around us.
We are not here to conquer nature, but to learn how to work in harmony with it to achieve inner and outer balance, but in doing so we need to connect - not conquer - the nature of ourselves. And that begins with our thoughts.
As I wrote in my "Get on Track with Love" post, thoughts are powerful; thoughts become things. This is 100% true because your thoughts can create your reality through your awareness of them, and through the language you use.
Read about the power of thoughts.
And I want to carry on a little today about the power of thought. I'm even going to provide you with an opportunity to do an exercise where you'll be able to turn your negative thoughts and statements into positive ones. I'll provide everything you need and it's totally free. I'm also going to share a great example of how thoughts can become things.
More about the power of thoughts
If we have any limiting beliefs, we've already discovered where they came from and how to release them.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
Now, normally what's attached to those beliefs is a series of recurring negative thoughts, negative language (words) and negative perceptions, which is what I'm going to address now.
So first, let's think about our thoughts becoming things. Not only do they become things, but thoughts become your reality. This is why it is of the utmost importance that we are aware of our thoughts and the language we use because of those thoughts - and insure they are positive and not destructively negative and holding us back.
I first became aware of this a couple of years ago when my friend had set herself the goal of dropping two dress sizes - in seven weeks just before her 25th birthday. She went from a size 10 to a size 8 - and although I thought she was absolutely fine the way she was, she has always seen her weight as something of a struggle ever since were were in high school.
She confided me in a guilty confession that she would actually catch herself thinking specific negative things especially when she was noticing other women. We all do it, right? We'll be thinking horrible things like; "Oh my, what is she wearing?" or "Goodness, aren't those pants a bit tight on you?" But when we do this, we are judging others on what they are wearing, and I'm ashamed to admit that I've actually had these thoughts, too.
I'll be frank, it's embarrassing to share that with you. I look back and think, "What a nasty piece of work I was in my mind!"
But what really hits home, and smacks you right in between the eyes is when we realise that these are the same negative thoughts we worry about that others are thinking about us.
And of course they probably were! If you're thinking negative thoughts, you're putting it out there and that's what you attract back. And you don't just attract back those thoughts, what you also attract - like my friend for example, is what she saw as her big, fat weight problem that she is always battling with!
We have to realise that our thoughts and our judgements massively contribute to our problems (and my friend's perceived weight gain) and that we are completely responsible for the current situation that we are in.
The revelation is that if your thoughts had got you into your problems, your thoughts can get you out. As I explained to my friend after her confession of thinking bad thoughts about others: if her thoughts had gotten her to a size 10, then surely if she concentrated to change them into positive thoughts, they could get her down to a size 8.
When I realised that I was guilty of thinking negative thoughts, too, from that time onward I genuinely make a point of complimenting everybody, whether it's in my mind or out loud on something nice about them.
I strive to focus on only the positive. I compliment them about their haircut, their hair colour, the way they've kept their hair. I don't lie, but you can always find something nice to say. For instance, their attractive shoes, how their outfits are co-ordinated, their personality, how lovely they are, and so on. It might seem insignificant, but it isn't.
I also had an awakening about the language we use about ourselves. We have to be careful in choosing the language we use when we talk about our problems, especially our health - because your body believes everything you say.
That's very profound, and the truth is, you believe everything you say! I believe everything I say! I used to say that I was really bad at maths and numbers. But just because I was possibly not as good at maths as I was in other subjects at school, doesn't mean that has to carry through and that I'm bad at it now. I'm actually good at numbers when I apply myself, so I've taken that out of my vocabulary.
Do the same, and you'll realise once you stop saying you're not good at something, it will open the floodgates to your productivity. You need to realise that all the things you constantly say about myself that you don't want to be true become part of your reality, and through repetition you believe that they are you're truth!
So, with my 90 day mind healing programme you can change your truth, but with speedier results because the change is being done at a deeper, subconscious level - if that is holding you back. It engages a bit like super-learning. For example, if you think you are "bad" at being creative, make it part of your affirmations to be more creative, and watch what happens!
Bounce back with affirmations.
It works to release you from the chains that bind you to a limiting mindset. But we need to know who we are and how we function, and then apply this in a practical manner to improve the quality of our life.
An exercise in positiveness
I am sure you can relate to this, and at one time or another you've thought things about yourself that you don't want to be true, or definitely aren't true.
So, a good exercise is to ban all negative statements about yourself. I'm lucky that I've been able to enlist the support of my twin flame, and we help each other to eliminate these types of statements or negative statements from our language all together.
The other thing I did was not only to eliminate these statements from my vocabulary, but to be proactive in eliminating these thoughts and language all the time. I did this by writing down the negative things as I became aware of them - or as I said them - and then I would write the opposite positive statements and then include these positive statements into my current list of affirmations I used in my 90 day programme - where through daily repetition you are reprogramming your subconscious mind.
Subsequently, my question to you is what area of your life are you challenged in at the moment? Are you aware of the thoughts and language that you use around this challenge or difficulty? Are you aware of any judgements or gossip you participate in? Or do you say things about yourself that you don't want to be true? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then use this simple exercise.
Take a piece of paper and draw two columns - title the first column as "Negative" and the second column as "Positive". And as you become aware of the negative thoughts or internal judgements you have about yourself or other people, write it down in the first column. In the second column write down its positive counterpart or affirmation so that you can include it in your positive affirmations that you will use every day in my 90 day programme.
Another thing you can do as an alternative to filling out the columns, to to carry a small notebook around with you - and as you are saying or thinking these negative things you can jot them down straight away. Then at the end of the day, when you have more time, you can write out the positive statements later. It's up to you how you want to do that, allowing for your own particular lifestyle.
Erasing the negativity from your past
I hope my post thus far has been helpful in identifying some of the negative thoughts you might have, and inspired you to take some positive action to eliminate these from your daily language.
Taking positive action is the keyword here. We need to be proactive in our thoughts and actions if we are going to rewire our mindset and change the truth of our lives. And for some of us, that truth is a bitter pill to swallow, but we can turn it into a medicine that heals.
A reader from Oregon in the United States, who has been using my my 90 day programme, got in touch last week with a very moving mail about how my articles and 90 day programme has been influential in helping her eliminate the reach of her past into her today. With her kind permission, I have replicated parts of her mail for the purposes of this post. She writes:
I am a massage therapist and I've wanted to change my financial experience for a long time now. I have some clients, but I am barely making ends meet. I'm tired of struggling every week just to pay the bills. I know I have limiting beliefs, but nothing I've tried has been working. So, I decided to try your 90 day schedule to sort my mind out of the mess it's put me in. I can't believe you're putting all this stuff out there for free, I would pay serious moolah for this stuff.
And your posts have touched so many chords within me, that I just vibrate with the truth of what you write. Your [Speak to Your Child with Love] post really resonated with me.
I want to share with you that my childhood had been a really rough one. When I was growing up my mother was an alcoholic, and that was a very difficult experience for me. I remember one time, which really stands out for me, when my mother tried to end her life. I was 6 or 7 years old at the time, and I walked into the bathroom and seeing my father help my mother stop the bleeding from her wrists. I didn't really understand until much later what I saw. Fortunately my mum lived through that and she is OK today, but can you imagine what it must have been like for me as a little girl to see that and have that in my life?
In the past, I have talked about my negative childhood experiences. I gone to a psychiatrist, I have close friends I have confided in, I've even tried hypnosis, and for a while I've felt better, but I found that more often than not I've just re-ingrained those same negative patterns.
The big wake-up call for me, my a-ha moment was your [Get on Track with Love] post and that amazing diagram you gave us with it. I have never seen anything like that anywhere else, but it opened my eyes to the truth that my childhood experiences might be permanent, but their effect on me was not. I could change them by reversing the process with your 90 day mind healing schedule.
I decided that was what my affirmations were going to be about, not goals for my career, but a goal to change the way I remember my childhood, and doing that maybe change my childhood even! It's worth a try, because I had tried everything else up to then, believe me!
And I just wanted to say that it's only been a week and two days, but I feel fantastic! The effect it has had on me is amazing. I am also re-evaluating my relationship with my mother, and I feel as though this is in some way giving me something more than finances, but the mother I never had - before it's too late. I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, even though I know I can never repay your kindness. Early days yet, but I can already see a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel I've been stuck in for so long. I finally feel at peace in my body."
There is a lot of important points we can take from what this reader had to say. The reason "talking therapies" or support groups don't work all the time, or are very slow, is because you're talking to everyone but the person that matters - your subconscious. What my programme does is show you how to get your brain wave into a state where you can reach your subconscious and rewire it to help you attract the life you truly deserve - in a way that goes deeper than even hypnosis can. Choose your own positive affirmations, and with my method, make them a permanent part of your life to put new patterns into place of the old negative ones.
Many of us will have negative childhood experiences. It doesn't necessarily mean our mothers were bad mothers; their mindset was damaged probably by their parents with similar negative patterns, and that in turn damages ours - but this reader shows that when you take the chains of your life into your own hands and brake free of them. They can no longer shackle you, because they are no longer there. That's why it is permanent.
The science behind it is when you relieve the negativity of your childhood experiences, you get into a fight or flight experience - your body freaks out. You think about your negative experience, what happened to you when you were 6 or 7, for instance. Science shows that the meditation part of my programme calms the amygdala in the brain.
The problem is in this day and age we have a fight or flight experience over so many things. You think about your financial situation and body enters fight or flight mode. Your body starts to shake because your boss wants to have a private word with you. You look at your body in the mirror and think you're fat, and fight or flight experiences increases cortisol levels in your body - so on top of all that you get even fatter!
So you stack up the stress of negative childhood experiences you think you might have got rid of, but often times you haven't, and you stack up the stresses of daily living. And it's from this overwhelm that you get sick, you get tired, you get overwhelmed and you get frustrated. We take stress for granted (like a tense muscle we're unaware of until we relax it), and don't realise the damage it's doing to our bodies until we release that stress.
What my 90 day programme does is not only change your mindset, but through the meditative process it tells the body its safe to stop the stress, and that the experience can heal and be processed through the body.
Take note that even though my programme works really well on its own to support you, it is not meant to replace any medical or psychological diagnosis you've been given previously. It actually works as a team with any existing healthcare professionals you may be seeing, so be sure to consult with them, and make sure my programme is right for you - because in almost all cases my programme will help you get the most out of everything you are doing with them.
Now, I know at the start of the post I talk about focusing on the positive - and some may ask why are we focusing on the past? Surely we should focus on the future, and the positive?
It's a bit like my news addiction I started this article with. Hiding from negativity won't protect us from it. Facing it head-on is the only way forward. Focusing on the negativity in our past (and making sure they are processed through the body) means facing it, recognising it and through process eliminating it, so that you're not changed to a wall of negativity, and your positive affirmations today have a clear path to take hold.
It's all about realigning our lives with love, the love we never had, the love we lost, or the love we have and never realised - and then watching that love become the only truth in our lives.
Yours in love,