I not only do it because I feel a moral obligation, but for selfish reasons as well. You would be amazed at the continuing education I receive from my readers' emails.
Many of my contacts ask me with their typical incisiveness and elan: Mickie why are you giving away all this information and insight about love for free on your blog? Surely all your experience, and the time it takes for research, must cost something with your busy life?
And I reply with this: I believe this type of free sharing and pooling of support and information is the way of the future.
Think of it this way: Today we are blessed with the internet - a vast library of everything, where you can go and search for anything you desire. Recently, during a conversation with a friend over lunch, a show I hadn't seen in years popped into my mind. We talked about how good it had been, and with one click on our smartphones, there it was on YouTube at the touch of a button.
This would have been impossible a few short decades ago. And it is there because of the freedom and openness that was the driving force behind the internet that allowed it to flourish.
Similarly, the probability is very high that you're viewing this with a tabbed browser, a few pages open at the same time. Tabbed browsing might not have become so widespread had Mozilla not provided its Firefox browser for free, promoting itself as non-profit and working for the good of the web (and differentiating itself from its competitors). Any profit earned in such a situation will surely be for the betterment of all, as profits are invested back into other innovative ideas to keep the web moving forward with the same blueprint of freedom.
We see the benefits of online technologies all around us. Another example, reported in the news, is about a boy who lost his mother in 1986 and found her 25 years later from his new home in Australia - using satellite images from Google Earth. These new technologies are helping us in ways we can't begin to imagine.
What creates ground-breaking innovation is the ability to think outside the box of money - not everything is about your bank balance. And this type of free-thinking wasn't invented by the internet. It goes back generations. Who would have thought of producing a book with no linear concept in the 1960s, if the sole aim had been to make money?
Of course we need money; half the reason so many of us are in financial crisis at the moment is because we have been programmed to think money is bad, or believe we're not worthy of attaining any. But the means must justify the end for us to be successful - otherwise what we do have just won't mean a damn thing.
We are the navigators of our lives, we can pick and choose what we should be - as long as we believe in ourselves. This is what my posts are really about - to inspire a spiritual empowerment that will give you power not just over such things as finances (rather than allowing money to control you) but over all aspects of your life.
We must start doing things for each other without expecting anything in return, because when we help others, we help ourselves. That's real empowerment. What's that they say about faith, hope and charity, and the greatest of the three being charity? It outlasts, because it's the tracks on which all others must run.
Helping others, sharing the knowledge that is out there for the betterment of us all, is not only an aim of self-improvement - it's improving the planet for our children, and the generations to come. Sharing is a chain reaction that goes deep down the line.
And my blog is just another pit-stop on that line, where I turn to love to fill my life and share that abundance, in the hope that somewhere further down the road, someone's life has just got a little better, too.
Click here to read an example of turning to love.
Take a road trip with love
If we let love take over our hearts and minds, we notice life-affirming changes. Our thoughts begin to promote our lives, rather than deflate our actions. We need to build places of confidence inside ourselves - places where we can retreat when the going gets tough.
And believe me, it will get tough now and then. Life is no easy ride, because it wasn't meant to be; but if we push ourselves in the direction of love, then sooner or later we'll find ourselves on the right road to true love.
Don't fight the trail. Take what it gives you. Like the fine art of running, think easy, light, smooth and fast. You start with easy, because if that's all you get for a stretch, that's not so bad. Then work on light. Make it effortless, like you don't care how high the hill is or how far you've got to go. Work on making it smooth by practising so long that you forget you're practising. Then you won't have to worry about the last one - you get those three, and you'll be fast through any difficulty on your journey.
Do this, and you'll get to where you want to go. With this attitude you can change your life. You can control your dreams.
We can all live the life we want. What's the real invisible barrier that holds 99% of people from their dreams? Our mind set. You just have to re-programme yourself to love, like you need to do for money and success. It's not so much about worrying how to get to your goal, but to visualise it in your mind and activate some type of action in that direction. But you have to visualise it in your mind first to lay the real foundation for success.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
Because if you don't turn to face love, how do you expect it to turn and face you? You're successful when you like who and what you are. It means enjoying intimate relationships and loving what you do in life.
If I asked you whether you want to be in love, I'm sure you'd answer yes. But if I asked you what love is, could you answer so quickly? And if you don't know what love is, then how are you going to find it once you get to where you want to go?
This is the dilemma facing many people searching for love today. They desperately want to be "successful" in love. But when you ask them what that would mean, they either can't give you a definitive answer, or they say it would be finding someone special. But success includes achievement, while choosing and directing your own activities.
We define success in love by having a partner because that's how the world keeps score. But does finding someone - anyone - really make you successful in love? Or is it (as I believe) that you first need to be successful in love before you can attract the right person?
Let's look at other areas in our life where we want to achieve success. For example, does becoming a millionaire really make you financially successful? If you won the lottery or inherited the money, you are a millionaire - but are you really a success? If you have to do something unethical or illegal to make that much money, are you really a success? If you work marathon days at a job that makes you miserable - again ask yourself the same question.
That's why when I think about success in love, I think about what success means to me - not what others think success in love is. And I came up with this definition: Success in love is having love in my life period. Opening the door to love through the personal choices I make everyday via random acts of kindness. I don't claim this is a perfect definition of being successful in love. And it may not work for you. But it works for me, and all my friends I have shared this secret with. After all, it was a random act of kindness that brought me together with my twin flame.
Being successful in love means running its trail every day, treating the challenges that come my way easy, light, smooth and fast. I know my life is great, when I perform service with love - and I feel secure in the knowledge that, even if I was single, I'd be successful in love.
To me, that is the secret of enjoying life, when you're so excited and enthusiastic about the day ahead, you jump out of bed every morning eager to start the day. If you're the sort of person that hates that type of positive bunny, think why.
Try walking in the direction of love for awhile, and see where it takes you.
Yours in love,