“When we survey the world we can see increasing imbalance, where the force of love is not guiding this planet (or more accurately our minds). Negativity and destructive thoughts are poring out of our minds. Most people can't explain why the world has become so full of crises and wars. Still, they refuse any explanation that doesn't suit the size of their own mind.”
— David Icke
Many would say that our society is dominated by an emphasis on masculine interests or points of view, but when warmongering becomes the norm, it goes beyond androcentricity.
And when Norway is preparing to commemorate one year since 77 people were killed and 242 hurt in gun and bomb attacks in Oslo and on the island of Utoeya, a 24-year-old gunman wearing a gas mask sets off gas canisters and then opens fire in a cinema showing a Batman film première near the city of Denver in the United States, killing 12 people and injuring 59 others, you wonder if Western civilisation hasn't become sickened and died.
There are some that would say, however, that this is all part of the plan. That the "dark" is rising; we are coming to the end of our time as we know it by the plan of a secret club that wants a new world order.
We've all heard that kind of talk before - of secret societies made up of a handful or people that rule the world. But not all evil is done under cover of darkness, or all good in sunshine.
For example, an elite club known as the Bilderberg group is said to be more powerful than any nation on Earth, meets openly under the light of day. First set up in 1954, the group counts among its attendees the rich and the powerful from all major political, financial and royal institutions, including the leaders of North America and the European nations, and the leading lights of mainstream media. The Bilderberg conspiracy theorists believe that these 120 people effectively rule the world - and that the Bilderberg inner circle has in fact been around for centuries, stretching to the Venetian nobility right after the Fourth crusade.
Theorists believe that such select group club of participants are driving for a new world order (a catch-all phrase for a one world government type conspiracy or vision), with bad intentions towards the future of humanity. Their goal is to control everything on the planet.
Dates for the very secretive Bilderberg meetings have said to coincide with the world economic crash and with many other global economic events in history. By controlling the purse strings, so the theory goes, you control the world.
Adherents to the existence of ruling secret societies argue that are our freedoms are slowly being eroded for the sake of an elite global order, but they are quick to emphasise that this secretive ruling class are plotting far worse than mere world domination. It's said the Bilderbergs are aiming to effectively cull the human race, because the control of billions of people is a logistics nightmare.
Depopulation means a smaller global population that is easier to control. Simply put, the conspiracy theorists say that the Bilderbergs think there are too many people to herd, so they have started to eliminate the masses down to a so-called manageable level with the use of genetically engineered famines, disease epidemics, war and mind control.
Proponents to this theory cite the writings on a North American monument called the Georgia guide stones (known as the American Stonehenge) where it writes that the ideal global population should be under 500,000,000 (half a billion). And the critics say, while the figure may differ, all agree that a planet with 7 billion people is far too large a number to control.
And like a tightening noose, the Bilderberg foes add a terrifying twist to the conspiracies. They say that these type of secret societies are using the science of controlling populations, controlling information and becoming map-makers of the mind (by laying out through popular culture and the different media arms the system and direction they want to go) to achieve what conspiracy theorists fear will become part mass-enslavement and part genocidal holocaust.
Some have even compared the annual Bilderberg talks to a large scale Mafia-like commission meeting on the running of their different enterprises. It's said there are other such societies, too, like the Hidden Hand of the Illuminati, which claims to belong to one of 13 bloodlines that have ruled the world from the dawn of time.
These "Houses" are said to perform functions like organs in a body, which is the "Family" united in a common cause of world domination. They all have an area of speciality: military, government, spiritual, scholarship, leadership, and the sciences, and hold key positions in all of these main areas. With the addition of a complicit media machine and ownership of financial establishments, conspiracy theorists say all bases are covered.
Some even claim there is a more secret society that runs the world that is higher than the planetary dictatorship of the Bilderbergs - a 7-man group that has no affiliation to any religion or nation or institution we know. Very little is known about them, or about the meetings which take place.
So, too, the Bilderberg group, which comes together to make major decisions, or to tweak and maintain their overall programmes, operating via covert means to establish a planetary government and to set up the means to carry out the extermination of at least 80% of the world's population. Experts in this area say that many of the Bilderberg members, such as Dr Henry Kissinger, have gone on record to day that the world population needs to be decreased, to back up their frightening claims.
Why would secret societies like the Bilderberg group want to do this? The reasons theorists give is that it's elite trying to get a hedge on the future with total control over humankind's destiny, and to only allow their bloodline to survive with life extending technologies.
And the deeper we dig into the conspiracy theorists claims, the more we enter the realms of science-fiction horror. It seems that healthcare is out to kill you - or at the least designed to make you sick. And not satisfied with targeting the human immune system by tampering with our medicines and vaccines via the Big Pharma cartel, and poisoning the world's food supply with pesticides, even the additives we consume in our food and drink (such as aspartame and fluoride) are all part of the global death plot.
And the plot thickens. One-time British TV celebrity turned international conspiracy researcher David Icke says those controlling the world are not even human, but reptilian alien hybrids left on the planet by their former extra terrestrial creators. Icke was publicly humiliated and ridiculed when he went on to a British TV talk show to go public with his claims in the nineties.
Click here on how to deal with criticism.
Icke said the interview had been the making of him in the end, that the laughter had set him free. Icke revealed that he had fears of being laughed at as a child, and he wrote that every bridge back to his past was ablaze, giving him the courage to develop his ideas without caring what anyone thought of him. He believed that the majority vilifies anyone who knows their own mind, and that people are kept in line keep by ridicule. Since then, Icke has been spreading his message all across the world. He wrote in 1999:
Thus we have the encouragement of wars, human genocide, the mass slaughter of animals, sexual perversions which create highly charged negative energy, and black magic ritual and sacrifice which takes place on a scale that will stagger those who have not studied the subject.
Some conspiracy theorists say the plot has already been hatched and put into action. Natural medicine advocates claim that vaccines are a medical tyranny, which will kill you over time. In the UK alone their is a drive to vaccinate all children between the ages of two to 17-year-olds with nasal sprays. They call this a "soft kill" - a gradual deterioration rather than engineering a worldwide epidemic to wipe out billions in one swift "hard kill". Some even believe both methods are being used as some type of "double-punch" combo, with the vaccines causing permanent sterility or mental problems. Thus when masses die from government induced pandemics, those remaining survivors will be sterile.
Adherents to this conspiracy theory (and Icke is a major critic against vaccination) point to the World Health Organisation (WHO), which it's said has decided that the world has 90% too many people. The WHO has been creating vaccines since 1974.
We know that the truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction - but can fiction (however fantastic) become reality? Are there really secret societies of power brokers out to destroy our sovereignty and dwindle our numbers by poisoning our food sources, and weaken our minds with media to reprogramme our mindsets into a sleep-like stupor?
To the logical mind it sounds insane when said out loud, but is it not more insane if we can't step outside of our media driven culture and the world which has been woven over our eyes? Some claim there are far too many forces that we cannot even perceive pushing down on us, like a foot to an ants nest, and yet we are blind-sided enough to state otherwise despite the odds being against us.
However, when the economic system of this world must destroy the Earth simply for that system to survive, then we can all to some extent sense the fear, guilt, and aggression as dark energies trying to consume us, and causing the disruptive imbalance in our lives. Some say that even though they might not see what is happening, they can sense something is approaching, like a shadow looming out of the rising darkness. They say it is a form of intuition, but intuition, it's been said, often describes some fact that is so deeply buried in the subconscious that the subject is not aware of its existence. Others call intuition that inner voice, that links us to the soul.
Wisdom suggests that we must be open to all possibilities, for it took a great scale of possibilities for us to even exist. And whether any of this is part of our reality or not, that the world is in a state of crisis in 2012 is undisputed. And if we want to see change, then we must begin with change in our selves.
And if there is a secret society trying to exterminate our future, how can we defend against it? Experts say the key weapons are love and awareness. Love counterbalances the negative energies, and provides the initiative for us to unite - as we have population numbers on our side. History has shown when we speak with one voice, those in control have taken a step back.
For instance, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is to pay $3bn (£1.9bn) in the largest healthcare fraud settlement in US history. The drug giant is to plead guilty to promoting two drugs for unapproved uses and failing to report safety data about a diabetes drug to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). And should we have not guessed, fraud is rife in the financial and banking sector, too, with news of corporate banks like HSBC allowing drug money laundering and banks such as Barclays being fined over the rigging of inter-bank lending rates.
The media itself (said to be a mouthpiece for the emerging world order) has also been attacked over its own scandals in its vie for political influence and power. In England, the Times newspaper is being sued for computer hacking, while phone-hacking scandals have led to the closure of the News of the World newspaper, the establishment of the Leveson Inquiry, an MPs' inquiry and the launch of three police investigations. And Rupert Murdoch, who owned both papers, has resigned from a string of directorships controlling his News Corporation's UK newspapers following the spotlight over his dark dealings in the press.
It paints a frightening prospect when we look at the larger picture - we use medication when we're ill, we put our money into banks, and our mind is filled with the popular culture of the papers, telling us what we should look like, and how we should think. In the face of such scandals, it's hard not to listen to the warnings of the conspiracy theorists, at least at the very basic level of being practical and aware - to question the medicines we take, the institution we trust our money to, and the papers we read.
Alongside mass unity, awareness or conciousness can rewrite the software of the mind to erase a negative mindset. In short, we need to love who we are, and we need to know who we are.
Who do you think you are?
Most of us have an idea of who we are, how we feel, how we behave socially and also, how we are deep down inside. We play roles within our family, at work, at play, and in our community. We have our secret hearts, the way we think we are that no one else knows, the way we wish we were and the ways that we fear we are.
My grandmother gave me this piece of advice, and I often remind myself of it:
Go out there and follow your dream; don't let other people decide for you or tell you who you think you are. I know who I am. Do you know who you are? You are who you think you are.
Some experts believe that who you think you are has a lot to do with your original DNA programming, and who you really are at your core has nothing to do with your original DNA programming.
What creates this split? Well, science says that we come in with half of our DNA from our mother and half from our father and along with that is our ancestral DNA and added to that is the information we receive as we develop in the womb and beyond.
The discovery of DNA has broadened many areas of science, e.g., forensics and archaeological science to name just two, but what the Human Genome Study seems to demonstrate in the science of "self" is that the DNA we bring in with us is just the start. It's a core set of programmes that can have a profound effect on how you make decisions and how you view yourself, your unconscious beliefs, and what feels "right" to you in the world.
However, research by scientific luminaries as cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, suggests that many of your DNA programs are epigenetically created. Epigenetics is a cutting-edge branch of science that explores the language of DNA - specifically, how DNA and our genetic expression can be "rewritten" by external influences. Some scientists believe that exposure to certain chemicals in the womb can cause changes that are passed through generations. Some say not just health, but behaviour is shaped, too, citing evidence that memories may be passed down through generations in DNA in a process which may be the underlying cause of phobias.
In this sense, life before birth can help shape who we are and who we can become. For health and well-being in later life, conventional wisdom dictates we turn out the way we do because of what we eat as a child, or the lifestyle choices we made as adults - from diet to exercise we were encouraged to take control of our own destiny. If an individual is exposed to an environmental toxin they can potentially get a disease state, but now with the epigenetic phenomenon the environmental toxin no longer affects just the individual exposed, but the two or three generations that follow.
Experts say understanding this can help us lead not just healthier lives, but longer ones, and that you're looking after your health not just for you, but for your children and their children down the line. The building blocks to build a better foetus therefore begins from well before pregnancy until they are born. In effect as parents our actions are influencing the DNA - and thus the health and mental development - of our children even before they are conceived. It is believed that health development is affected in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, while behaviour is influenced in the last third quarter of term.
Mental and physical health is essentially about the body's ability to maintain equilibrium in the face of challenges. That balance may be written into our genes by our parents, or it can be written into our genes by ourselves. For although this theory suggests those lucky enough to have a good destiny written half before their life began don't need to do as much, it's not only those with a weak resistance that have to take control of their lifestyle choices.
Our early development may set up our constitution, and thus how resilient we are to negative things that we'll counter in life, but once written this isn't the end of the story. We are navigators of our destiny. Even if our genes can't be changed by the food we eat, for instance, food can change whether genes are switched on or off. Having a bad start does not mean you will not win the race, nor having a good start guarantee you will.
This gives us a chance to intervene in two ways. First to rectify the issues we have, and secondly if we know how that DNA destiny has been written in the womb, we can more effectively rewrite it. And it's not just food in the womb but hormones, too, that have a say. For example, there is some thought that the more testosterone in the womb then the more typically "male" a child's behaviour may be when born - or the attributes we describe as "manly" that are usually evidenced by high levels of the hormone.
There is even general agreement that as a species we may even be able to alter the health destiny of future generations in effect by building a human being more resistant to disease without complicated lab technology, but naturally by diet and lifestyle choices. Simply by pregnant mother's being more aware of what they eat, think or listen to might help form a stronger generation to come. In other words, new DNA programs are created by information coming into the cells from the outside, possibly from your thoughts, your experiences and even your deliberate intentions.
Where it was once thought that you come in to this world as a fully-formed being, with all of your beliefs and behaviours and capabilities and identity set in stone and immutable; we know now that you are changing all the time, either consciously or unconsciously, or both. Regardless of your "genes", therefore, it's believed that factors in your environment ultimately determine behaviour.
Genetics may set the stage but your choices determine how your "script" actually reads. This approach claims that if you make the right choices, you can overcome any genetic predisposition. You have the capacity to change who you are, how you view the world, and how you want to be in the world at any given moment. We know about the plasticity of the brain, but this suggestions of the plasticity of our genes offers great potential for bring change into our lives.
Advancements in this field show how various factors (dietary, lifestyle, environmental, mind/body, etc.) "talk" to specific genes, changing their expression for better or for worse. For example, some experts believe that a lot of people get well on their way to the doctor.
The conscious versus the subconscious
We have two different minds: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Some of us have learned how to control our conscious minds, but our subconscious minds are a bit more difficult to manage.
It's believed that your subconscious mind has been downloading belief systems since you were a child (and even when you were in your mother's womb). You were particularly susceptible to other people's influence for the first 6 years of your life, when your high-level brain functioning was too low to express conscious thought. If a child is told, "You're sick and we have to take you to the doctor", her subconscious mind interprets that as, "I will not get well unless I go to the doctor." This belief that can play in the background of your thoughts for a lifetime, regardless of what your conscious mind may later choose to believe.
Without this subconscious interference, the body heals itself remarkably quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, the subconscious exerts a powerful influence on our bodies, and healing stops in the blink of a thought. What is so interesting is that as soon as we make the commitment to go to the doctor, healing begins. Why? Because the subconscious says it can.
The effects of the conscious mind on the body are easily measured. When you are afraid, your heart beat races and chills run down your spine. When you focus your conscious mind you can change your body temperature, your heart rate and even your blood pressure.
The subconscious controls these same faculties, but to an even greater degree. The conscious mind controls our brain only 5% of the day, whereas the subconscious mind has a hold of our thoughts 95% of the time. Even if your conscious mind thinks, "I am healthy", your subconscious mind may be running a different, and much more powerful program in the background, such as "I have bad genes and my family has a history of cancer".
The old paradigm of thinking - that genes determine your health - has shifted dramatically. Science has found that the mind exerts a much more powerful influence. In fact, less than 5% of humans receive inadequate genes. Some believe that less than 5% of all cancer cases are caused by genes. If 95% of us are blessed with perfectly acceptable genes, then why do the rates of chronic illness continue to rise?
Consider a study that found that children adopted into families in which cancer was part of the lineage demonstrated a high risk for developing the disease, even though these children had no history of cancer in their biological lineage. Researchers discovered that cancer was not determined by genes, but by behaviour and thought patterns passed down through generations.
Genes are merely a blueprint to health, but our minds are responsible for interpreting that blueprint, and it is up to us to decide how we want our health blueprint to manifest. How do we do that? By managing our thoughts and emotions.
A marriage of mind and body, and the power of visualisation
The hypothalamus is the area of the brain responsible for translating emotions into physiological responses. It regulates appetite, blood sugar levels, body temperature and bodily systems - such as the heart, lung, digestive and circulatory systems - by receiving emotions from neuropeptides.
Neuropeptides are chemical hormones that carry emotions back and forth between the body and the brain. Neuropeptides essentially link the thoughts in your brain to the organs in your body, thereby impacting every bodily system, including the immune system. When your thoughts are negative, fear-based, or stress-induced, your body responds by turning off the immune system, but if your conscious and subconscious minds are aligned with positive thoughts your body responds with enhanced healing and health.
The University of Arkansas medical faculty in the United States demonstrated this concept by testing the effects of visualisation on the immune system. A woman who had previously had chicken pox received an injection of the virus. Her immune system responded by developing a nickel-size bump at the sight of the injection. She was tested several more times in this manner; each time researchers saw a significant increase in her white blood cells. For the next round of injections, researchers asked the woman to visualise fewer white blood cells; the bump was not as large and her white blood cell count was significantly lower.
Visualisation is just one technique for controlling your conscious mind and reprogramming your subconscious. The key to good health starts with rewriting those limiting belief systems that are negatively affecting your health. The first one to go? "I will not get well unless I go to the doctor." Then experts say, watch as your body heals itself as it was naturally designed to do.
The following step is to strengthen this with positive action, to listen to your body, and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle fuelled by a nutritious diet.
In this sense, therefore, when the dark rises in our lives, we can use the power (and the knowledge) within us to hold it back - but more so to prevent it from entering our lives.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
In studying the science and mechanics of why visualisation works when backed up with positive action, the evidence suggests it's the repetitiveness of visualisation with the associated emotion which is key.
Experts use the analogy of the power of words. Although research has shown that only 7% of human communication is through actual words, they can be dangerous; a wrong turn of phrase can make or break a relationship, which, for instance, is why talking too much about consensual private affairs to others outside of the relationship is not always a good thing. There is a reason why personal things stay personal - it isn't about censoring yourself, but keeping what's special between that special someone.
In the same way, words on their own don't really work unless there's meaning and emotion behind it. So, if some called you a horrible name, without the inflexion of emotion behind that word, it would not have the power to hurt you.
As another example, when we put a descriptive term - an emotion word - into a sentence, we are giving that sentence power. So, experts stipulate, when someone hurts your verbally, it's the emotional experience you attach to it that is causing the pain.
Similarly, if our life is filled with challenges, if the dark is rising and we're locked in a state of need - while it's completely understandable to feel needy - the unfortunate reality is that remaining in this state actually prevents the individual from getting what they really seek - whether that be control over their lives or their finances, or to calm anxieties over global issues. Paradoxically, money (and friends, success, love) goes to those who want them, they don't go where they're needed.
No matter how reasonable our negative feelings may seem when faced with adversity, we need to adjust how we view challenges, at least if we want to create real change in our life, say experts.
There's a world of difference in your results for change when you come from a place of, "I'm angry and frustrated, and I need this money to make things work" versus the mental state of "It would be really nice to have more money right now, but I'm going to find a solution either way".
Likewise with relationships, want and need are two sides to the same coin, one attracts while the other repels. Again and again, being in a state of need (being needy) seems to subconsciously repel everyone who could help you. The opposite way of thinking (being delighted when good things enter your life, but choosing to find a way no matter what) seems to cause everything you need to fall effortlessly in your lap.
Proponents link this with the state of mind - the mental vibration - that you're projecting to the universe. The universe rewards those who are open to receiving, but not those who expect everything to be handed to them. So, how do you make sure you're projecting the right message to the universe?
It's said you need to cultivate an automatic response, so that whenever you notice that you're experiencing a negative NEED feeling, you instantly become aware of the feeling and find a way to put a positive spin on it. Then you must practice it, that's the only way to make this a good habit. You need to get your mind to automatically focus on what you can control in any situation, instead of what you can't control.
Click here for more about the habit of choice.
Experts point out that we should look around us and notice that our entire physical environment is the materialisation of our beliefs. Our sense of joy, sorrow, health or illness - all of these are caused by our beliefs. Our beliefs form our reality, our body and its condition, our personal relationships, our environment, and en masse our civilisation and world.
For example, just changing the words you use to describe a situation will create a huge difference in your mental state. Think about the difference between asking yourself, "Why don't things work out for me?" to the more empowering question, "How am I going to make this work?" If you knew that changing a few words in your head would transform your life for the better, would you do it? The experts believe we would.
The way you feel is your point of attraction, and thus it's believed, the law of attraction is most understood when you see yourself as a magnet getting more and more of the way you feel. When you feel lonely, you attract more loneliness. When you feel poor, you attract more poverty. When you feel sick, you attract more sickness. When you feel unhappy, you attract more unhappiness. When you feel healthy and vital and alive and prosperous - you attract more of all of those things.
When you are able to accomplish the feeling of abundance before the evidence has shown itself to you, the evidence must come, and will continue to come as long as you maintain the feeling of abundance. Any time you are feeling good, no matter the reason, you are accomplishing the feeling of abundance; and in your absence of resistance, everything that you have asked for is making its way right to you.
Acting-to-become is effective to change.
From a visualisation perspective - if we adhere to the science that says we use the majority of our brains for visual processing - this would also mean that if we want to ingrain an image into our brain, emotionalising it creates an association to the vision. If we repeat the visualisation over and over again, we're going to create something known as a neural network, or a software programme of that image. If we feel and act as though we are already living that visualisation, the universe will match and move to that emotion.
As already mentioned, experts state that all we're seeing in this physical world of ours is a reflection of what's happening in the brain. Your outside world is an absolute mirror image of your internal world.
Imagine you're sitting in a movie theatre and watching a motion picture, and on the screen you're not enjoying what you're watching. Imagine getting up and spray painting the screen hoping the movie is going to stop. This doesn't make any sense, because what you're seeing on the screen us nothing more than a reflection of what's being projected from the DVD or reel up in the projection room of the brain.
So, if you don't like what you're seeing or experiencing change the DVD - you change the reel, rather than try to black out the image. Your neural networks are your movie, which then has to be played out in the physical world, so you want to make sure when you visualise, you are doing so with emotion and repetition, for this creates the neural networks in the brain.
Our brain is making sure that 100% of our experience in life matches up our physical world with our internal world. And as soon as you can get the picture to match in your mind, that's when you start to see it manifest in the physical world - you begin to attract the people, read the books and blogs, find the CDs, DVDs, mentors and teachers you need for success - but more importantly that's when you start to behave differently.
Here, experts say that your behaviour is based on how your implicit memory system works (our subconscious mind where our memories and habits are) and not your explicit memory system. That's why athletes close their eyes and visualise and feel going through their motions over and over again. For instance, footballer Wayne Rooney has gone on record to say that he finds out what kit his opponents will wear in advance so he can picture himself scoring.
NASA has their astronauts use visualisation techniques. They go through every sequence and motion with their eyes closed so that they will be able to perform any of the sequence in pitch black darkness. One of the reasons for this experts surmise is because it's not the eyes that see, it's your brain that sees.
Eyes just let light in, your brain deciphers what the information is. Thus, if you close your eyes and create a sequence for your heart's desires - like creating a movie in your mind - then the clearer the visuals are in your mind, the quicker you take on the behaviour, without having to see it around you first. But you must focus on it, and be in the present, to attract it into your present state.
How to fight the rising dark
But what if the dark has risen in our lives? Of course, the greater global concerns will have to differing greater or smaller degrees all encroached into our lives, but are you struggling with disease? Struggling with your job, barely surviving on the breadline? Or are you just out of sync with yourself in sympathy with the deepening crisis that has maligned the world around us? Ask yourself whether you're a YES or NO on the following six areas for satisfaction and fulfilment in your life:
- Do you often find yourself in an upset state?
- Are you living the life of your dreams in the following areas:
- Health
- Job or business
- Appearance
- Wealth and finances
- Relationships
- Spiritual and personal development
- Having fun, recreating, pursuing your passions
- Do you have a level of abundance that allows you to live your life like money is no object?
- Do you do what you love for work and would you do it for free because you love it so much?
- Are ALL your relationships rewarding and fulfilling?
- Are you living your dream life?
Naturally we're all going to say NO to a few of the above questions. So, the next thing to ask is whether the NO is by choice (because you're happier that way) or whether you're unhappy with the answers you've given. If you want to change a few things on that list (or even one you have of your own) - or if you simply feel your life is in the doldrums - then those in the know say there is a way out.
Experts have provided some tips on how we can bounce back, and become unsinkable on this life journey which is increasingly feeling like a sea journey on the Titanic. It uses and summaries much of the information provided in this article, so it is a good way to end.
Proponents of this field state that to rise above and overcome challenges in your life, you must:
- Set your own declaration statement of your intention. Be specific. Exactly what is going wrong, and what is it you want to change? Be realistic, but don't limit your intentions.
- Next follow a 3-step programme to bounce back stronger than before. Namely:
- Reprogramme your concious mind. In order to be functioning at a high level in your life you need to recreate your reality. Ask yourself, do you know what's causing your suffering? You may be surprised by the answer: It's the thought you have about events outside of you that makes you feel the way you feel, not the event itself, experts say. That's why different people will experience the same event differently.
This is not to belittle the challenge you're facing, but (like the power of words) it only has as much power to bring you down as the weight you attach to it. Yo control the different reactions to same circumstance - so it is your thoughts and your way of thinking which is in effect causing your pain.
By realising this, you'll become aware of your negative thoughts and feelings - your bringing the subconscious mind into alignment with the conscious mind. You can do this by using affirmations. Affirmations, really, are simple. They are you being in conscious control of your thoughts. They are short, powerful statements. When you say them or think them or even hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality. Affirmations, then, are your conscious thoughts.
Bounce back with affirmations.
Research has shown that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. That's about 150 to 300 thoughts a minute. Research has also shown that for most people 80% of those thoughts are negative. Most of these 51,000 thoughts are said to be "sub-conscious" thoughts meaning that they are below our conscious awareness level. Affirmations actually make your sub-conscious thoughts conscious. Affirmations make you consciously aware of your thoughts. When you start making conscious positive thoughts, you actually become more aware of the negative thoughts that are always threatening to take over.
Affirmations make you conscious of your thoughts. To affirm means to say something positively. It means to declare firmly and assert something to be true. Affirmations are statements where you assert that what you want to be true is true.
So, when a challenge comes along, repeat your declaration of intention (an affirmations), or find a silver lining in the current cloud, this means your shifting your mindset and taking a step back of the problem to shift your focus on solutions, rather than just drowning in negativity.
You have to be practical, however. It does involve an amount of surrender, in that we have to accept the way things are, and they way they are not. If you don't accept it, you can't change it - and in this way you're releasing the negativity and moving forward towards a solution.
What is done, is done. The past has now power, except the power you give it. There is only the present. What problems do you have right now in this present moment?
- Reprogramme your subconscious mind. The second step experts suggest is to be able to reprogramme your subconscious level to the concious level, so that you can become aware of it and shift it. In this way you can stop your negative and limiting programming or beliefs, because this is what's stopping you from overcoming the challenges in your life.
It's an interesting phenomenon, really. It actually proves the age-old warning: be careful of what you think because what you think is what you get. It's basically telling you that you create what you think about.
You don't manifest what you want, you manifest what you believe - experts in this area stress it depends on what you believe. Ask yourself, do you have any limiting or negative beliefs? What areas of your life aren't working like they used to? What are your thoughts and beliefs around this area?
When you're not aware of your thoughts, they tend to be negative. And not being aware of your thoughts tends to cause a nasty spiral downward. Remember that 80% figure of negative thoughts? It gets worse. Whatever you are thinking about, 90% gets carried over to the next day's 51,000 thoughts. So, if you're thinking negative thoughts, you will cause yourself to think more negative thoughts. This is not going to get you out of your rut.
We have to unleash our negative beliefs, and that will also mean letting go of the past. Usually we'll discover that some negativity stems from holding on to the hurt and pain of the past. However, the past no longer exists, it only exists in your mind - if you keep it alive.
- Elevate your vibration. The third step happens as a result of doing steps 1 and 2 - which is to elevate your vibration above what is described by the experts as the 500 level. Adherents to this theory believe that every person, thing and emotion on the planet has a vibrational number assigned to it, and people who fail to manifest their desires is because they do so without the right vibration.
It's said that the same energy we release to the world is the same one we attract into our lives. Negative energy is below the 500 level, while love, for instance, vibrates at 500, joy at 540, and all the other things like gratitude, peace and enlightenment vibrate above that. The theory goes that by doing the first two steps of reprogramming the concious mind and reprogramming the subconscious mind (to unleash all the negative clutter), you are auto-vibrating at a higher level.
In this step, you need to continue to focus on elevating the vibrations and, it's believed, everything will turn around in your life. Objects have energy. You feel the energy of the objects around you at a subtle level, so surround yourself only with those items you love and feel connected to. Broken or useless possessions clutter your energy; it is wise to keep the things around you in good repair so there is order and harmony about you. Keep around you only the things you value and appreciate, and they will reflect that energy back to you.
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Choose your friends carefully, gather your own "soul posse" and hang out with people that elevate your vibrations, and whose actions don't drag you down. If these are loved ones (you can't pick your family) then learn to shield yourself from their negativity, or even better, help them raise their vibrations, too. It will help bring balance and harmony into your familial relationships.
Our family members are the ones we are the most connected to throughout our childhood where the habits, beliefs, programming and patterning are being formed. Each member of the family plays a significant role in developing these qualities and sharing them with each other. Furthermore, the advice here is to forgive people that have hurt you in the past, because by not forgiving you're not hurting that person (although you think you are), you're only hurting yourself. You're lowering your vibration, and attracting more negativity into your life.
And remember, be responsible for the energy you bring into a room, and thus into the world as a whole.
- Reprogramme your concious mind. In order to be functioning at a high level in your life you need to recreate your reality. Ask yourself, do you know what's causing your suffering? You may be surprised by the answer: It's the thought you have about events outside of you that makes you feel the way you feel, not the event itself, experts say. That's why different people will experience the same event differently.
And ultimately, what about the negative energies that seem to have taken the Earth ransom? Are we as a society attracting this global crisis, or do we need to use these core universal laws to thwart the plan of some secret society hungering for planetary dominance?
You decide. It's your world, it's your life. But whatever side of the fence you come down on, you have to believe it's worth the fight.
Yours in love,