One of the curiosities is interesting: The month of February (which some of us see as the month of love) has less days than the other months because it suffered from the ego of Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus, pinching the days from February to add to the month named after him - August. It works well as an analogy to remind us love is lessened when the ego is involved, too.
Uncovering another interesting detail connected with love in the BBC article is the tradition of women proposing on leap year. MSN UK also picked up on this in a report aimed at women on leap year proposals and how to get it right.
The Perfect Proposal Plan/MSN UK |
Obviously good advice for anything we're planning to do, but love sometimes requires a leap of faith into the dark - and though jumping blind is dangerous, it can also be exhilarating.
Very often it is the best laid plans that go awry, when a spontaneous action may bring about an unexpected but pleasurable surprise!
Except what do you do if he says no? If the guy in your life is your twin flame, then it will be for external reasons that can be resolved (financial worries, already planned to do it himself!), and not because the relationship might not be the right one. However, in either circumstance, MSN's "perfect proposal plan" has the right advice - stay calm. And for those not with Mr Right:
If you can't accept the decision, don't stay and try to live with your resentment; few couples recover from a rejection of marriage. Instead, try to think of it as a positive thing – you are now free to find someone who does want to say "I do".
Maybe more importantly, it's best to remember that love is always about taking risks, putting yourself out there with the chance of getting hurt. And when things fail to go according to plan, don't make it an ego thing. Pick yourself up to try again. Then you'll discover that the loss is just another chance to finally find your twin flame. Because if we don't risk anything, then we'll never gain anything. We'll never find our twin flame unless we are prepared to take that leap of faith.
Ever yours in love,