In actuality, a very small percentage of tantra concerns sexuality, its primary purpose was to weave together both genders into a harmonious and unifying whole. The idea was to extend the realization that the entire world was interconnected, that a union with all beings was the ultimate ecstasy.
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Growing up in our societies in the world has divorced people from their sexuality and left them with many emotional traumas. This can even lead us to divorce ourselves from our twin flame when destiny brings us together.
Due to this we are cut off from an infinite source of power, creativity and expression, and because of our sexual and emotional blockages we cannot cultivate sexual energy. A build of sexual energy in the body is harmful, it must be released, but done so in such a way that the energy is not lost, or drained, but replenished through the act of sex.
Scroll down for 5 secret tantric tips for twin flames.
The true use of tantric sex is in transforming the energies in our body, to raise the vibration of the physical body and release these blockages. With this raise in vibration, the physical body becomes extremely healthy with a thorough cleansing of all organs, glands and the central nervous system. Also with the gradual clearing and raising of vibration the practitioner is cleared of negative conditioning from the past.
Releasing sexual frustration
The consequences of a build up of sexual energy are basically the same for men and women, but the female evacuates her built up energy through menstruation and the male evacuates his through ejaculation.
A man must ejaculate often or he will become totally preoccupied with sex, he will become frustrated, emotionally irritable and have little control over his mind. A woman will gradually build sexual energy through the monthly cycle and towards the end just before menstruation she can become irritable, very emotional and even endure physical symptoms.
It is not necessary that the build up of sexual energy should cause such symptoms. The built up energy can be circulated throughout the entire body leading to a strengthening of our energies and a rejuvenation of the physical body. For this to occur however the sexual energy must be able to move into the body. In most people this is not possible because emotional issues cause a contraction of the energy in and around the genitals which in turn causes muscle tension in these areas.
As a result of this blockage of energy, the built up sexual energy has nowhere to go. It will quickly fill the genital region and then begin to put pressure on the energetic blockages caused by the emotional issues. This pressure will cause many unwelcome symptoms. What tantric sex teaches is how to raise our sexual energy into the body and circulate it instead of leaving it in the genitals.
Thus at its most basic circulating sexual energy back into the body for the male it means having complete ejaculatory control, and for a woman, it means ejaculatory orgasms that release fluids overflowing with very beneficial energy which could rejuvenate her entire body.
When our life force is full of blockages, we are cut off from a higher consciousness and our own intuition. We can't listen to our hearts, we can't focus on love. We can't cultivate the insight to help us recognise our twin flame.
So, similar to seeing our singlehood as an opportunity of self-improvement, tantric sex with yourself (including masturbation) is a good way to learn to control our sexual energy in alignment with the divine purpose of love. This in effect will prevent the loss of our energy not only to raise our conciousness, but to boost our body's health and immune system so that we can live into very old age with our twin flame when we find him or her.
Tantric sex for singles is known as White tantra, which is essentially a type of celibacy, and the best form of safe sex. It involves practices that can be done by yourself, like meditation and chakra focus - which can be paired with a partner later on when you're in a trusting relationship. This is known as Pink tantra, which strikes a balance by incorporating elements between White and (what most of us think about when we read about tantric sex) Red tantra.
The rejuvenating effect of tantric sex
Red tantra is all about achieving liberation and transcendence through the joining of sexual energy with a partner. This form of tantric sex is not learnt to amaze multiple sexual partners with your sexual prowess; it takes time and needs to develop in a trusting relationship. It's about spiritual strength, not physical stamina.
As I already mentioned in part 2, practitioners of tantric sex believe it has a rejuvenating effect on men and women. It improves sexual health and alters the chemistry of the body by means of brain waves. Frequent and powerful orgasms are a sure way to change someone's mood and relieve anxiety and depression.
All the ills plaguing the modern mind (such as stress, depression and lack of trust) can be cured by having sex more frequently and experience more and more orgasms. And along with these problems of mind, one can easily get rid of other problems. One of the goals of tantric sex is to stimulate endocrine glands to produce more hGH, serotonin, testosterone and DHEA - all of which help keep us vital as we age.
These substances help to improve sexual health, promote the flow of blood through the body, wash the toxins and strengthen the immune and nervous system to enhance the health. A practitioner of tantric sex feels healthy and rejuvenated without the use of substances or devices. Sex is sufficient to effect these changes in a person.
However, one must know how to engage in sex and what to do in bed in order to achieve this healthy state. Men can get a lot of benefits of tantric sex, which also focuses on the improvement of erection and ejaculation the two pillars of sex for men. Sexual satisfaction also results in a huge boost to confidence in themselves, which is very likely that the strengthening of triggering a psychological model of successful implementation and increased confidence.
Paying attention to your breathing helps, as well as taking the time to connect with and appreciate your partner. It's about having the type of focus so that the woman can come to orgasm and replenish both her and her partner.
But these are all (very important) bonuses to the true importance of the practise of tantric sex, which is to raise us to our higher consciousness and about cultivating awareness between partners. Those making love tantra-style can then have the potential to feel a sense of oneness not only with their lover, but with all of existence.
Tantric sex secrets for twin flames
The feeling of oneness experienced in tantric sex is similar to the connection felt by twin flames, and so tantric sex can really be a roadmap for twin flame lovers on how to enhance the already existent psychic link between them.
In that context, I decided to prepare a book about tantric sex with twin flames specifically in mind, with some secret tantric sex tips devised for those wishing to add a third dimension to their sex life.
The 5 techniques I provide below in the book's excerpt will give you control over your sexual energy so that you can have sex just as you do now (albeit for much longer and more often) and let your passions and instincts run wild. The difference is that your sexual energy will naturally spread into your body instead of outwards or only into the genitals. You will be more in touch with your sexuality and as you clear emotional blockages you will be far more passionate and sexual with your instincts running smoothly.
My secrets also focus on the close similarities between the theory behind tantric sex and twin flame coupling, enhancing your body's vibrations to awaken your higher conciousness and connect with your partner's spirit as you make love.
The techniques available below are for those who desire to know how to transcend the earthly ego and get in touch with a higher consciousness, and to experience a tantric spiritual transformation first hand. So, even if you haven't found your twin flame yet, these tips can still be of benefit to you.
If you want to skip the information in the first few chapters in the preview below, and go straight to the 5 tantric sex secrets for twin flames, you will find them in chapter 3, between pages 14-36. If you have a slow connection, please be patient while the pages load.
Ultimately, remember, what matters most is the journey and if it works for you. To experience is to know! So get practising with your other half to find out!
Read part 1 | Read part 2 | End of part 3
Yours in (sexy) love,
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