Some would say that believing there is a twin flame out there for us all requires more than a belief in the power of love itself. A few twin flame experts would no doubt say that a healthy dose of spirituality, mysticism and belief in symbolism is also required in finding your twin flame.
Finding your twin flame: -1 -2
The reason given is that if we have a cosmic destiny to meet a special someone, then like the breadcrumbs laid down by Hansel and Gretel to get them home, there must be signs that we can follow to lead us to find the one who resonates with the same frequency of our soul.
On the subject of finding your twin flame and the phenomenon in general, you will discover more practical signs and tips throughout this love manual, but this article shall focus briefly on one area of symbolism that some twin flame experts say can have a direct impact on twin flames. Namely numerology and, more specifically, the number eleven and the connections it's said to have with the mythos surrounding twin flames.
It's no coincidence the publication date of this article is the eleventh day of the eleventh month at 11:11 a.m., either; I thought it the perfect opportunity to write about the number eleven - to dig a little behind the spirit of the number, its combinations and connotations, and what it might mean to those of us searching for twin flame love.
The number 11
- -noun
1. a cardinal number, ten plus one
2. a symbol for this number, as 11 or XI
3. a set of this many persons or things, as a football team
4. amounting to eleven in number
In taking a look at the literal and spiritual meaning of the number eleven, and the influence people say it has had on our lives, let's first take eleven in its most literal form, as a number and as a word. Relevant sources explain the word comes from the Old English endleofan, meaning "one left" as in "one left over ten". This literal sense is found in common parlance; for example "the eleventh hour" is used to describe doing something at the last possible moment. The everyday expression can be traced to a parable on salvation in the Bible (Matthew 20:1-16).
Staying on the theme of expressions, both the Spanish and English have terms utilising eleven for snacking before a midday lunch. In England the term "elevenses" is used, while "las onces" means "the elevens" in Spanish for regalement taken at eleven in the morning. Just as a marker of time, and as a word, the influence of the number eleven at its most basic is obvious.
But what if we look a little deeper into the number? All numbers stand for quantity, but it is through the symbolisation of numbers they can also signify qualities. This identification of numbers is called numerology - the belief that numbers are symbols to more than just measurements. And almost in all numerology books, the number eleven is the most that is described because of the original energy that it expresses.
The symbolism and spiritual significance of number 11
To numerologists every number in the universe represents a specific symbolic meaning, holds a certain vibration and as a result, has the power to impact every area of your life. By using numbers, adherents believe you can gain insight and clarity on your hidden talents, strengths and capabilities. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions (even the food we eat), are also said to carry an energetic vibration, as do the energies twinned with our partners, and numerologists believe we are ruled by these invisible fields of energy.
It's outside of the remit of this article to go into any long depth solely about the number eleven itself, but in summary: in maths eleven is a prime number, while in systems such as astrology and basic numerology, eleven is considered to be a master number. As a master number, the vibrational frequency of the prime number is said to double in power.
This means that the attributes of the number one are doubled. The very basic and primary understanding of the number one is of new beginnings and purity, and when we see this digit doubled - as with the eleven - numerologists believe these attributes double in strength. It's believed the number eleven is a master vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number, although it's interesting to note that when broken down (1+1=2) eleven comprises the two of duality (which gives it the diverse and balancing aspects dealt with further down below).
Singularly, people attached with this number by various numerological calculations could be both idealistic and visionary. They are attracted to the unknown. They can be both unusual, interesting and magnetic personalities. The number eleven is said to possesses the qualities of intuition, patience, honesty, sensitivity, and spirituality, and is idealistic. Others turn to such people for teaching and inspiration, and are usually uplifted by the experience, and so the number is described by some as the "illuminator", "messenger" or "teacher".
As such, eleven brings the gift of spiritual inheritance, and is gifted as the "light-bearer". It is the number of the light (or flame source) within all, strengthened by the love of peace, gentleness, sensitivity and insight. Eleven is said to be the ability to reach spiritual enlightenment, and its greatest facility is the awareness of the universal relationship. It's thought to be related to the energy of oppositions (of ying and yang) and the balancing needed in order to achieve synthesis.
In relation to eleven and the attainment of balance is the Zohar, the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah. It's group of books including commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah (the five books of Moses) and scriptural interpretations as well as material on mysticism, mythical cosmogony, and mystical psychology. Written in an eccentric style of Aramaic, the Zohar first appeared in Spain in the 13th Century, and was published by a Jewish writer named Moses de Leon. It contains a discussion of the nature of God, the origin and structure of the universe, the nature of souls, redemption, the relationship of Ego to Darkness and "true self" to "The Light of God", and the relationship between the "universal energy" and human beings.
In the Bible the word "Zohar" appears in the vision of Ezekiel 8:2 and is usually translated as meaning radiance or light. It appears again in Daniel 12:3, "The wise ones will shine like the radiance of the firmament." There are people of religions besides Judaism, or even those without religious affiliation, who delve in the Zohar out of curiosity, or as a technology for people who are seeking meaningful and practical answers about the meaning of their lives, the purpose of creation and existence and their relationships with the laws of nature, and some adherents to these beliefs hold that the 11th of August is a special day of the year when nature's elements align in harmony to re-set the equilibrium of all things. This facet of eleven is often termed the "peace-maker".
On this plane of thinking, many committed Christians are now beginning to consider their love for Jesus Christ as a spiritual and metaphysical twin flame relationship of sorts through the attributes provided by the number from their own readings of the Bible. In other fields of thought, the Tarot card related to the number eleven is the Justice card. It's also related to the star sign of Aquarius, while the Age of Aquarius we are in currently is said to be causing greater turmoil, to make room for the new values of love, unity and integrity.
Eleven is also important as a cycle in astrology as solar cycles have an average duration of about 11 years. The Sun switches its polarity, flipping its magnetic north and south, once every eleven years through an internal mechanism about which little is understood. The pole reversal happens at the peak of each solar cycle as the Sun's "inner magnetic dynamo" reorganises itself, effectively flipping upside down as its magnetic field reverses polarity in an event that sends ripple effects throughout our unpredictable solar system.
As the entire structure of the Sun's global magnetic field changes on an 11 year cycle, intergalactic weather fronts such as geomagnetic storms, which can interfere with satellites and cause radio blackouts, are often attributed to the event. Thus, while the Sun brings us life and light, every 11 years it also bombards us with electromagnetic storms that threaten some of the technology we now depend on - although its magnetic "flip" is believed to protect the Earth from cosmic rays, as well.
Various colours have been attributed to eleven, too, including silver, gold, salmon, prune, white and black - the last two suggesting that it encompasses both sides of the universal source. Many believe this is why the spiritual meaning of number eleven is so diverse. Eleven can also represent sin; transgression and peril. Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. Depending on how you approach eleven, it can be both curse and cure, or sin and saviour it seems, coming back to the point made about duality previously.
Although Christian teaching extols its virtues especially in the number of apostles (eleven plus Judas Iscariot, who is also said to be tied in with superstitions over the number 13), biblical readings also see eleven in a number of situations as representative of incompleteness, disorganisation, disintegration and even sin. However, the heralding in of Christianity involved several spirit visitations, and it is recorded in the New Testament that Jesus appeared eleven times after his death upon the cross. Jesus died in the flesh and was resurrected in the Spirit, thus demonstrating, it's believed, the reality of ancient spiritualism and its tie in with the number eleven for Christians. The modern nom de plume of Jesus Christ (derived from Joshua the anointed one in Greek) is made of eleven letters, too.
It is not just Christianity or Judaism that uses symbolism, but all the major religions and beliefs in some way have anointed the number eleven with spiritual aspects. The Islamic holy book the Koran designates eleven times the Christ as the Messiah. We have mentioned the Zohar already, but kabbalistically it is a number of tremendous importance for it alludes to one of the most prized possessions in all of history: Da'as Elokim or godly-knowledge, while according to the Buddha, we are burning from eleven kinds of physical pain and mental agony, there are eleven groups of kindnesses and eleven virtuous mental factors. All of which arguably lead to spiritual redemption and greater awareness.
Nevertheless, many of us now believe in bespoke belief - where we would rather unshackle the spirit from convention and rigid dogma or ritualistic practice, and feel the number eleven will evoke its true meaning to the each individual internally. The higher vibrations of the number eleven in your life may not carry every single attribute mentioned here, it will all depend upon your own particular circumstance, and what is right for you. This viewpoint holds that there is no one-size-fits-all description, or singular or even dual sense, but a pluralistic one, where there is no single way to a truth, but many paths to your own truth.
In pursuit of that truth today, some are even advocating mixed-status and polyamorous or pluralistic relationships outside of the traditional and religious ways of thinking. For those who believe it is right for them, there have been stories of twin flames trying to hook up with soul mates, too. And although it rarely works, the important factor is freedom of choice. To believe and behave in consensual, non-violent and non-harming ways, while experimenting with what feels right for you.
Is first date sex right for you?
I'm not saying I personally advocate multiple partners (I don't in my own private life), but it's out there and we have to be aware of it. We need to be non-judgemental over the lifestyle choices of consenting adults who understand how to have sex safely, and protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases. Some sample studies even suggest health benefits to taking multiple partners when done responsibly, although other problems more than cancel out any positive effects on our health. Sexual well-being is an important factor, because whether one finds monogamy old fashioned, noble or ridiculous, it's currently the gold standard of sexual health. Whatever you believe in, though, it seems that eleven has a lot to say for itself when it comes to "one-on-one" partnerships. It is said to symbolise a very uncommon energy in all modalities of belief, and is not ordinary by any means.
Fateful combinations of 11
Outside of the individual, the number is said to be influential on groups, and world events, as well. From the micro to the macro, in an attempt to look at the wider influences of eleven, we now need to turn even more to the spirituality many believe the number holds - and which many believe has so compelled it to be at the forefront of human history.
Eleven as its number, and especially the combination 11:11, has caught the interest of those dealing in the numerology phenomenon. Some believe that such combinations hold mystical powers, and that too many historical happenings have appeared on the pages of this particular calendar combination, for it to merely be a coincidence of the cosmic clock.
And if we take a look at the long list of occasions marked by numerologists citing its significance, this year's combination marks the serious to the entertaining - ranging from the official end of World War I in 1918 to the birth of Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio in 1974. The list is so long and eclectic that it won't be hard to find an event that holds special significance for you, whatever country, culture or nationality you feel closely related to in your lifetime.
It's possibly for this reason that the date and the number is not only only associated with love and salvation, but portents of doom, too. Case in point, the "eleventh hour" not only conjures up imagery of being saved, but of the coming of the end of the world - or of civilisation as we know it - and all the connotations of uncertainty that come attached with such doomsday predictions.
Read more about the apocalyptic number 11.
Eleven has been used by conspiracy theorists, too, connecting it to occult symbolism used by elite groups bent on world domination. Along with the number 13 and 33, another two-digit number that finds itself surrounded by mysterious legends and myths as to its influence on world events is the number 23. Conspiracy theories are ever increasingly a sign of our times, and there are many theorists that link the "enigma" of the number 23, and the Illuminati, and various other shadow organisations said to rule the old world order.
On this basis, this adds a more sinister dimension to why a lot of people believe that the number eleven is one of the reasons why unusual things happen to us. Those that believe in the more spiritual aspect of numbers say that when they have fateful dreams or see ghosts or visions of the future, if they attach it to numerology, it's almost always attributed in some way to the number eleven.
Some also suggest that the more the number is present, the more difficulties you will have in your life, while at the same time still providing lots of possibilities for progress and spiritual growth. People and world events influenced under the number eleven is said to have the potential to overcome incredible hardship, and even if it seems that they face a lot more of it than others, they have more experience due to their excessive wisdom to manage their life path - giving fertile earth to nurture those light-bearing qualities mentioned earlier.
Many in the spiritual community believe the combination of 11:11 is a twin flame number that is meant to synchronise with this spiritual awakening and alignment - like a "wake-up call". You will hear many accounts from twin flame believers who say they will have "visitations" from this combination in their lives. Some will say they keep turning to their mobile phone to see the clock say 11:11, for example, but what is the number eleven about in this context, and why is 11 or its combinations of 11:11 and 11:11:11 etc., (sometimes called a sychronicity) designated as a twin flame number amongst believers?
Is 11 or 11:11 a twin flame number?
So, why has the twin flame mythos adopted the number eleven as its unique number? What spiritual properties do experts say the number holds for combining twin flame energies? Could it be because the number physically looks like two twins standing together, or that the Roman numeral version suggests to our modern eye the sum 1x1 equalling 1?
Or is it just coincidence that the number eleven looks like the equal sign sideways (=)? Thus, eleven can be said to be two equal whole ones (beings) who come together as two beings in a singular unit, symbolising two individual flames coming together to create a divine twin union.
Furthermore, could it be the association of salvation that has so attracted the mythos to the number itself? Could even the apocalyptic nature of the number eleven be a side to twin flame love, which suggests the end of the old to bring in the new?
In the spiritual community, the number eleven is commonly thought to be a number representing twin flame energy, as some say it's representative of duality (separation of the digits), and oneness (1s), aligned in harmony. The date 11/11/11 was seen as an important milestone for some energetic shifts, numerologists were stepping us into a new twin flame paradigm that meant during this time more twin flame couplings could occur naturally within the collective, preparing for more spiritually enlightened and awakened future generations.
The reason being that the offspring of twin flame relationships, even adopted children (because same-sex couples can be twin flames, too) have a greater chance of being more artistically prodigious, talented and mindful individuals. This is as a result of the specialised nurturing environment fostered in such loving, open and honest relationships, which is more conducive to producing children more spiritually in tune with their lives. The logic is the more twin flame relationships there are, the quicker we will reach the next stage of our spiritual evolution (described by some as the ascension).And taking advantage of the positive mysticism the number eleven was said to evoke in 2011, many twin flame couples declared the year as the year of twin flames. It was a year that saw the once-in-a-century combination of 11:11 11/11/11 (also known as a palindrome date, which reads the same backwards and forwards), marking the passing of the eleventh minute on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of that year, with many twin flames choosing to get married on or near that date, because of the association with the number eleven and the twin flame mythos.
In general twin flames have married on similar dates, or are known to choose the eleventh month, or the number eleven in their anniversary dates to add more meaning to their twin flame love. Meanwhile, everyone in the spiritual new age world generated a lot of excitement over the symbology of 11/11/11 at 11:11:11, with many expressing it was a period where they were seeing 11s all the time.
As the combination of numbers change, so will the spiritual meanings attached to the number eleven. If we take a look at today's date, for example, 11/11/13, some would say that its meaning is about aligning twin flames (the 11s) with the number thirteen. What does the number thirteen signify? Aside from the conventional unlucky superstitions connected with the number, a few experts suggest 13 is the number representing upheaval, so that new paradigms can be born. The old is pushed away to make space for the new.
Read more about the number 13.
The number thirteen is also said to relate to self-empowerment, or empowerment of the individual within empowerment of the whole. So, if you are single right now, it isn't something to run away from, it's the perfect opportunity to crank up your attractiveness and open yourself to your own energies to attract that special someone into your life. It's all about preparing for the opportunity; timing can sometimes be crucial, as numerologists will testify.
There are many other spiritual and numerical theories put forward in regard to what the combination 11 and 13 could mean; some suggest it is the time of the goddess, heralding the awakening of a global consciousness pushed by twin flame "light bearers" to spread the goodwill of love. Another theory following this unification argument explains thirteen as the number that bonds multiplicity into oneness, as a holy trinity symbolising three into one. What are the three parts? It's said the trinity can represent anything with duality as its separate and conjoined parts, i.e., the feminine side, the masculine side and the union itself.
Read more about goddesses and the number 13.
Adherents to this way of thinking express that there is also a fourth aspect (1+3=4) of this trinity, which is the source or energy itself. To connect to that source, therefore, first we need to empower our soul, and then attract and unify with our twin soul love. This fourth dimensional aspect is said to be the natural conclusion of twin flames, which must first begin within the inner journey to our true self.
For while eleven is said to signify duality, it is also rooted deep in self and the genetics that make us up. As eleven is a single number with double digits, some believe it to be a parallel version of the two strands of DNA which run in opposite directions to each other. Others equate it to the kundalini of yogic philosophy - the sleeping, dormant potential force in the human organism. It is a form of feminine corporeal energy believed to be lying "coiled" at the base of the spine, often represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened.
In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force that runs up the spine (which is reported to feel like an electric current once awakened), and its awakening results in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss. Its two polarised counterparts create a strong whole, the yin and yang energies together creating the fusion it takes to create what is often described as "new universes". This is seen as an embodiment of the number eleven, and brings to mind the saying, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts", often attributed to the Greek philosopher Aristotle and finding a home in Gestalt psychology.
Thus eleven suggests a fourth dimension of a greater sum made from two whole components conjoined; a kind of ascension of our DNA opening dormant triggers within us to help us progress spiritually. In this sense, eleven is said to represent the parallel universe or flow of energy through which twin flame energies coincide. Twin flames share the same direction on one level, and on another level they are "apart" or separate energies. It has been described as two sides of the same coin, but more correctly it's like two cogs needed to turn a wheel. Separate parts that come together as a unit to achieve a greater objective, and which can only be reached with equal teamwork.
This description makes a case for the number eleven also symbolising the perfect relationship. We can only work harmoniously with our partner as a fully conscious separate identity, not by giving up our independence, but by becoming a union of two equal parts that can live and breathe for themselves, and once harmonised together can be greater than the sum of its parts. This "whole greater than our parts" approach also allows us to breakup a twin flame situation into its elements - and this is where it gets really esoteric!

The twin flame theory is that our separate lines of energy, running along the pathways of our spine, are connected to the source or spirit and once twinned with another creates a connection which, when housed in a union, combines that energy. As shown in the diagram above, it creates a "house" or the home of a relationship in which the energies are nurtured to their full potential.
Within this house all things are possible. The red lines in the diagram are the grid-line of magnetics said to push the energies back and forth between individuals once twinned. Unless twinned, the energy flows solely from source to ourselves. The source is both in the form of a cycle and a line, feminine and masculine respectively; the circle emphasises the source itself, the line the need for connection.
Entering the house of love: Twin flames and the number 11
It's often been said that when someone comes into your life, they have been sent for a reason. Either for us to learn from them, or to be with them until the end. This is what many twin flame believers would say is the most fundamental, and distinguishing, definition of a twin flame.Such an important soul-embracing event, therefore, is naturally going to be a historical marker in our lives - maybe not so grand as global turning points in human history, but certainly a turning point of sorts in our own individual history. Not so surprising then that the number eleven, which marks so many turning points in the history books, has been used to denote an occurrence believed to be just as soul defining in our own historical diaries.
This will often be a time of internal questioning and retrospection for those wanting to find their twin flame. You will need to ask yourself: "What do I want as an individual within my twin flame partnership? What do I want to receive? What am I looking for? When I find it, what do I want to give to the relationship? How will my uniqueness serve the relationship, myself and the planet?" It will be a time for a spiritual renaissance, of rejuvenation, restoration and reformation.
Click here to transform your mind, body and soul.
This Zeitgeist of upheaval is not necessarily an antithesis to twin flame definitions. People think that a twin flame mate is going to be your perfect fit - and isn't that what every one wants anyway? However, rather than finding our twin flame leading to our soul "completion", the more apt keyword here seems to be "transformation". Sometimes a true soul match is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life, in whatever time frame and rhythm that will work for you as a team.
In essence, true love relationships are mirrors for us. They mirror back to us things we may not even be consciously aware of, such as aspects to our personality that we often project onto others without realising it. That's why relationships are so important for us, because they give us an opportunity to see deeply inside of ourselves to really get to know who we truly are.
Like an inner doctor, such love is the true balancer in your life. Indeed, some would say that the point of love in life is to help us capture the necessary equilibrium to be able to obtain a powerful synergism with our everyday lives. It is in this sense that a true twin flame mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and shake you awake from your unconsciousness stupor.
Indeed in relation to this, the 11:11 is a representation of two worlds coming together - of the higher self (subconsciousness) and the human self (consciousness). Twin flames share the same frequencies of this higher self, two separate entities of the same light source (or divine whole), while on the physical level they are separate - like the parallel lines with the number eleven. And yet they make one whole number, with two separate digits. Two separate inner worlds that are at the same time as one. From this viewpoint, eleven and its combinations are a number signifying an energy that represents a timeless place, or a placeless time where two worlds (or all worlds) meet. We often call this plane of being love.
As we have seen, like love the number eleven cannot be explained or predicted; it's very surreal and usually interferes with the routine everyday life. Eleven is described by many as a wild card, and in many ways experts believe that a twin flame's purpose is to shake you up to be more consciously aware, to tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so out of control that you HAVE to transform your life.
By balancing the yang of your everyday practicalities with the yin of your spirit, you are also focusing on your relationship with yourself. For instance, November 11 is China's anti-Valentine's Day, a day when young people celebrate being single (where a one-day online sale of shopping is observed similar to Cyber Monday). The Chinese are as much into their numbers as anyone else, and this shows that being lonely really is a state of soul and mind. Taking action to first find love for yourself is thought by many to be the most emotionally healthy step to finding that special someone.
Read how to be a healthy valentine.
This seems to echo the aspect of the number eleven which influences health as well. Numerologists believe it raises a hypersensitivity of physical body and nervous system, and some people who have a superfluity of this feature usually have to restrain their lifestyle and diets to manage their excessive sensitivity. A healthy way of life and periodical meditations can help you to handle this issue.
Mickie Kent on Valentine's Day: "The Awful Truth?" |
Looking at twin flame love from this viewpoint of rebirth and upheaval, it seems that it holds more than just trait similarities with the symbolism attributed to the number eleven. But can one number really symbolise twin flame love for many of its recipients? And does its appearance in our lives hold real clues as to our twin flame? Do the incidences of this number in our lives actually help point to finding our twin flame? Does the recurrence of these number patterns really have any significance in the twin flame experience? Do they provide any kind of confirmation that you have actually met your twin flame?
Well experts would say that due to the historical mystique built around the number, seeing 11:11 and 11's on their own are very powerful psyche as they are. But as a number that denotes spiritual awakening, twin flame experts say that the number eleven is letting you know that you are on the right path, you are nearer to a cosmic union.
It is believed that seeing the number eleven becomes very common as you come nearer to the physical reunion with your twin. You may find yourself seeing 1:11 or 11:11 on the clock, for example, or the minutes on a song you listen to, or purchases you make, messages you receive. In this context, it should be viewed as a powerful number of awakening, calling on you to focus your attention.
Experts in this field suggest that seeing these combinations of numbers a lot is a way to let you know that you are on the right path; you are awakening further along your path of spiritual growth and divine union with the divine essence already within you, so that you can then experience it in the physical as well. Yet is a number all we need to tell us this? The truth is there are many other numbers that represent alignment, and if we adhere to numerology, then we all have our unique numbers and vibrations anyway - just like our horoscopes.
For instance, this year saw Mercury's retrograde ended in the eleventh month, close to the eleventh day. Astrologers believe these periods can cause our plans to go awry, but is also believed to be an excellent time to reflect on the past, where intuition is high during these periods. For some of us this may have direct significance, where the elevens direct us towards our twin flames, but that will not ring true for all. It will mean many different things to different people.
Similarly, not every twin flame union will necessarily be heralded by the number eleven or its combinations. It will all depend on the particular instance and the individual facts, taken as a whole, within the greater context. Arguably, if the number eleven is about the "greater whole" then we mustn't lose sight of that by focusing too much on one small, symbolic part. This isn't to say that just because you are seeing 11s everywhere you won't meet your twin flame, but it doesn't guarantee you will, either.
A few experts on twin flames have expressed that it is not our twin flame, but the twin flame energy that brings these numerical instances into our lives, and so we might be "tricked" into thinking a person is our twin flame when they are not - but this doesn't make sense. The twin flame energy and our twin flame is one and the same, a magnet does not attract on its own. It could simply be that we are reading the symbolism of the number at that particular time wrong, or reading too much into it without looking at the circumstances as a whole.
Just because the number eleven might be accorded as one of the "signs" to twin flame love, it is not enough ON ITS OWN to decide whether the person we have just met is our twin flame or not. That takes time, work and effort to read the energies correctly. If it doesn't work out, don't be disheartened. Keep moving forward, because you take the spiritual essence of your own configurations with you. The confirmation that you have met your twin flame really comes from within you, it is a soul recognition that resonates from the deepest parts of your being. Mystic poet Rumi is attributed to have said that lovers don't finally meet somewhere - they're in each other all along.
The union with your twin flame starts with you realising that you are already connected to your twin flame, and unified within your hearts and souls. Whatever stage you are at, you take the energies of the eleven and its combinations with you, and harnessing this energy to attract your twin flame depends on many factors. This is an important step to get to before physical reunion is fully established. The number increased incidences of the number eleven in your immediate environment, therefore, is something that would create such certainty for you as there will be no doubt, experts say.
It's a wonderful feeling to synchronise with your spiritual alignment, but pragmatically, the only way to really find the answer to the influence of numbers is to look out for it in your own life. Has the number eleven heavily played a part in your environment recently? In answer to this, numerologists say it could be anything from someone having eleven letters in their surname, to finding eleven unread emails that day. What matters is if it holds significant value to you and the day in general.
Ultimately it might just be a bit of fun, and - as the science says - we are attracted to such repetitive numbers simply because our brains are just pattern-matching machines. But for those that believe, it could be the extra nudge needed to open our eyes to the everlasting opportunity twin flame love holds.
Yours in love,