In a previous post I suggested that for the good of our health
we should listen to our bodies. Thanks to the stresses of modern living, we need to take some quiet time to connect with our inner doctor.
Most people don't feel in control of their health, feel dis-empowered and insecure - not knowing what is going to happen as we age. Or how to change things that have been consistently, or over time, issues in our body.
Most of us don't have a clue what our body is telling us. We ignore it, medicate it, or cut it out; but none of that cures what is at the core. If we ignore what our body is telling us, we are likely to have the same physical symptoms repeat themselves or have new ones occur.
Everything that happens in our body, in our life is on purpose. And for those of you drawn to this blog, it's a wake up call, because it's time for you to take responsibility for your own health and learn how to do it in ways that really work for you.
Stress is the big killer
First I want to talk a minute about stress. Stress is everywhere. We all feel stress at certain times. Our ultimate goal is to feel inner peace all the time. It is my ultimate goal. In the meantime we have stress, in different amounts and in different times - and there is stress in the world. And we can feel it because we are all connected.
Read about natural stress-busters.
Life is so rapid nowadays, and that feels so stressful. We feel we always have to be on the move. But we have learn to do it in a way that is balanced.
When we are stressed, it means our body gets out of balance. We don't like being stressed, and because of this we might try and deal with it inappropriately - for example we might find ourselves overeating - eating when we're not hungry, eating too much sugar, eating too many carbs, or drinking alcohol or something similar to excess to calm us down.
Dealing with stress appropriately by meditating, for example, or doing some sort of physical activity, such as yoga is a much better way to deal with the rising stress levels in your body. If we don't deal with stress appropriately (like eating too much sugar) then it can turn toxic in our bodies. The anger and frustration from stress we store in our bodies eventually materialise as disease. To stop this, we need to listen to the warning whispers of our body, before they become as loud as a falling ton of bricks and damage is done permanently.
So it makes sense that if we listen to our body and deal with the warning signs before it's too late, we're less likely to succumb to the dangers of stress that lead to disease. We were all taught to store anger in our bodies, so we have to learn how to release that anger in a healthy way. At some point 75% of us will have this imbalance in our life. One way to notice this is to notice our digestion feels and how feel when we are eating, and if we're using food to deal with stress.
Stress is a very general word, so we need to look what at the actually underlying factors causing stress and how to release them. You can do this by listening to your inner doctor. You can take your power back. You can have more control than you ever realised.
Five steps to your inner doctor
Before we can learn to tap into our inner doctor, we need to get to know our bodies better under stress, so that we can recognise the signs quickly and correctly when our body is trying to speak to us to warn when something is going wrong inside. How do we listen to our body to understand what it is telling us? There are five ways to achieve this level of understanding with your own body.
- Keep notes on what resonates with you. Keep a record of when you feel insecure, where you've had challenges, where you feel unsure of which way to go. This will eventually turn into a roadmap of your stress, and help you to avoid these issues. Look at how you describe your symptoms and what's going on in your life to stop these symptoms. Physical symptoms are the way your body tells you what is going on in your body and your mind. It is important to understand what these symptoms tell you in order to determine the cause of those symptoms.
- Ask yourself what you do when you have troubling symptoms. For example, when you have a stomach ache what do you do - do you take medication to soothe your stomach? Or something healthier like aloe vera juice? But even the healthier choice is only a temporary solution masking what is underneath the symptom and not getting at the root of it. Although medication and healthier alternatives are a sound temporary solution, when it keeps continuing you are going to want to get at the core of it to stop it from repeating or getting worse.
- Ask others questions about your symptoms. You need to gather information about what your specific symptoms mean now and also understand things that may come up in the future. Make a list of questions important to you to ask before you take a supplement, medication, work with a doctor or practitioner to be sure you are doing what is right for your body.
- Tailor the information to your individual needs. How do you discern what is right for your body when you hear different authority figures dishing out different advice? We all try to search for answers in a variety of ways. We get advice from health stores, from friends, from the TV and online. We look at our symptoms, and if they are similar, we think it could apply to us - but it gets confusing. We need this information, but we need to sift through it to get to clear a path that is right for us. It's an on going process to learn to listen to your inner doctor rather than authority figures. Everything is generalised for the public, for example the dosage of pills, but how do you know what is right for you? You can go by what is on the bottle, or listen to your body. You don't want to get too many vitamins or supplements in your body; it will try to release the stuff it does not need, which will overtax its system and not have the organs working efficiently for optimum health. And to get our power back, and to tap into our own inner body, we have to discern what our own body is telling us - with the help of step 5 below.
- Spend time alone with your body. Your body talks to you all the time and every bit of it means something. You need to spend time alone with your body to get to learn its language using the information gained from the points above. Listening to your body in this way will not only improve your health, but your relationships, too. So make a commitment to yourself to listen to your own body. Understand the language it speaks to take your power back.
Balance is the key
Once you know what is underlying your symptoms, how do you release it? There are many techniques out there through medical and non-medical techniques. It does make a different what methods you use - they all have merits, but all do different things. Your body and your inner doctor will tell you what is right for you. For instance, yoga is good for some of us to keep stress at bay, but for others a quick, intensive jog is just as beneficial. And sometimes, nothing we do seems to work.
This is because unless we achieve inner balance, neither medicine nor complimentary medicine will help us successfully battle stress and regain our health. As there is a delicate balance in the world around us, there is a delicate balance we must maintain in our inner world, inside our bodies.
For example, balance is important to know when to use supplements in our diet. We shouldn't do too much of anything at one time, otherwise our body won't process it all and it will make us more sick. Take too many of the same supplements and foods, the body will not be able to process it all. Learning balance means learning when to use supplements and when to give up supplements and just get what you need through food and a proper diet.
We need to learn to understand what supplements and foods are needed by our body to heal us in addition to core issues, and then tailor fit and combine food supplements for different parts of body depending on the different symptoms. Cleanses are also good, but must be used at the right time and right level for your particular body.
Learning to create this equilibrium between you and your body takes a lifetime - it should be a continuous process of checks, mini-balances and evaluations, all the time keeping an ear out to what our body is telling us on a daily basis. And the combination of being connected to your inner doctor and spirit with love is even more powerful.
Love is the great balancer
We resolve inner conflicts by learning how to be in the world in a balanced way. We trust in divine timing. We act with wisdom to let things be, and voice things in a way that resonates the balance within us. And love is the great balancer of us all.
Allowing love to be our balance, and our inner doctor, and listening to our body with love, will melt the stress away. You need to learn how to listen to your body so that you can be physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy. The same things that affect your body, affect your ability to attract healthy relationships and live your dreams. These symptoms can be in the way of you having your ideal relationships, which can include depression and anxiety to debilitating back problems.
So you can live out your dreams in a healthy manner, age gracefully and become your own doctor, choose the methods that resonate with your soul - all in divine timing. Once we are on track with our higher purpose and fully aligned with it, it is easier to attract love and find true health.
Nothing is more peaceful than being healthy and happy, so take time to connect with your inner doctor. Listen to your body. Let love end your worries, and give you balance so that you can use your own inner doctor as your higher guidance.
Yours in love,