Even if it takes a long while for you to meet up with your twin flame, keep the faith if you're feeling lonely, because your twin flame hasn't forgotten you.
When twin flames meet for the first time, we can "feel" them speaking to one another. We call it that inexplicable pull we feel when we look into someone's eyes for the first time, but what we're actually feeling is the connection being made between souls - two halves of a single source, like two peas from the same pod.
"I had lost all hope," one friend explained to me, "but then suddenly there he was, when I least expected it.
It was like something inside me was angry at him - I felt like saying I was waiting for the longest time. I thought you'd forgot. And then he smiled at me from across the laundromat, and it was as if he was saying: It's hard to forget, when there is such an empty space where you should be. I know it sounds crazy, but I swear I could hear the voice in my head. Anyway, we'll be married 10 years come next spring, and his smile still speaks to me, from even the greatest distance."
Another lady I spoke to recently told me that she and her twin flame had a quote from Winnie the Pooh turned into a wall decal for their bedroom. They had used it as an affirmation on their wedding day. She sent the quote to my smartphone, and it goes like this:
If ever there is a tomorrow when we're not together ... there is something you must remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart, I'll always be with you.
And our twin is always with us, if not by our side right at this very minute, out there somewhere, searching for you as you are searching for him or her. You just need to keep your eyes open, and recognise the signs. And most importantly, keep the faith.
Read other true stories: -1 -2 -4 -5 -6 -7
Yours in love,