If life is the thin line that separates the living from the dead, then love is the motivation for us to walk it. And, for those of that us that believe in the eternal love of twin flames, there is an interesting theory as to the science behind why some of us feel this way may be found in that most enduring of questions: what is life?
The traditional answer for many is one that invokes the supernatural, and our fascination with death. The popularised celebration of Halloween and spirits coming back from the dead is one such example. However, twin flame believers offer an alternative answer that preoccupies itself with life: one that is bound up in the flow of energy through the universe, and which can be answered with scientific rationality.
Today, virtually all living things derive their energy from the Sun. But there's a paradox to this, as according to the laws of physics energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This is a fundamental law of nature, known as the first law of thermodynamics, which is that energy is neither made nor destroyed - and this has a profound implication. It means energy is eternal. So, life doesn't "use" energy up. It can't remove it from the universe. The energy that was there at the beginning has always been there. But how does energy enable living things to live?
One scientific theory claims life to be a conduit through which energy in the universe passes, just one part in a process that governs the life cycle of the entire Universe. By diverting energy in the cosmos, living things are able to grow and thrive. And whilst this flow of energy explains living things, life persists because of its DNA, which is a record of the evolution of life on Earth, one that connects us to everything alive today and that has ever lived.
On the basis of this, some put forward the theory that there is intelligence in everything, and all "stuff" is in one way or another "thinking stuff". There is a mental programming present within the matter that arranges the atoms, molecules or subatomic particles in a particular manner. Every single elemental type of matter has its own default state at room temperature. That is because, some believe, it has a mind, consciousness or memory to exist in that state and have its corresponding properties.
Some even argue that our emotions can get trapped in our cells, and that when you have emotional trauma, ongoing stress, or just regular negative emotions, it can all be trapped in your cells to severely limit your health and cause chronic illnesses. The belief is that all matter is basically one and the same. All matter is different manifestations of this universal energy, merely condensations of its highest state or form. Even thought which is conciousness, and consciousness is mind comes from what some describe as a universal mind of which ultimately all things consist.
Thus energy gives us life, and life endures through cellular memory and our DNA. In this sense, life isn't really a thing. It's a chemical process, a way of tapping into the energy flowing through the Universe and transmitting it from generation to generation through the elegant chemistry of DNA. Far from demanding a mystical explanation, the emergence of life might be an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics.
Thus it can be said that as life, so, too, does twin flame love come from this energy that has been around since the dawn of the universe, and endures each "lifetime" by passing its specific energetic frequency on the record of our DNA. If it is true that our DNA can be affected and corrupted by toxic environments - how we are nurtured in the womb and outside of it - then it also explains why not everyone finds their twin flame, or why not every twin flame relationship survives.
No matter how unscientific it sounds, this idea that there is some kind of soul or spirit or animated force that makes us what we are and persists after our death is common. Virtually every culture and religion has that deeply held belief. And there's a reason for that. Because it feels right. It's hard for us to accept that when we die we just stop existing, that we are just this life, emerging from nothing more than an inanimate bag of organs.
And if we are to say that science can explain everything, then it is incumbent on science to answer the question of what it is that animates living things. As Lao Tzu would put it, how did we go from being formless to having form? For millennia spirituality has been evoked to explain what it means to be alive and the origins of life itself, but it's only recently that science has begun to answer these deepest of questions.
In February 1943, the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger (famous for being one of the founders of quantum theory) gave a series of lectures in Dublin where he asked what is life. Schrödinger didn't believe life was mystical, or some magical spark that animates our bodies. He saw life as a process, the interaction between matter and energy described by the law of physics and chemistry - the same laws that describe the falling of the rain or the shining of the stars.
Is there a quantum theory to the soul?
And our very atoms are made from the extra-terrestrial chemistry of stars. The story of the evolution of the universe is said to be the story of the transformation of energy from one form to another. The origins of the first galaxies to the ignition of the first stars to the formation of the first planets, every single jewel of energy today was present in the big bang over 13 billion years ago. Potential energy, held in primordial clouds of gas and dust, was transformed into kinetic energy as they collapsed to form stars and planetary systems just like our own solar system.
In a bit of celestial magic, that transformation of energy led to life on earth, and to us. Science says because we are processors of energy, the answer lies in how we process this energy. Like our landscape, our bodies and minds can be violently or peaceably transformed by energy. From which the first sparks of life came, water, for instance, can reserve or hold chemical energy like a battery. To make that energy useful and create into power we can use, all we have to do is complete the circuit. Twin flame love is believed to be similar, coming from this eternal energy, and activated deep in our cells and DNA when we encounter the same special frequency to complete the circuit, and spark life into a twin flame coupling.
Likewise, it's thought that first life on our planet might have somehow completed a circuit by exploiting acidic and alkaline waters to create the first spark of life. By exploiting this spark, it's believed that this magnificent complexity of life assembled itself on our planet, which itself was created from nothing more than collapsing cloud and dust. In twin flame mythology, some say that the original being or "eternal energy" (phrased by some as "Adam Kadmon" from the religious writings of Kabbalah meaning "original man") carrying the male and female polarities must come together to complete the circuit, and thus create the "spark of life" in a twin flame relationship.
Subsequently, some have adopted the Taijitu symbol as a symbol of twin flames spiralling into infinity - or the eternal energy - with each carrying the same identical soul blueprint. Although we believe that one carries the "male" polarity and the other carries the "female" polarity, these polarities are more akin to electrical charges such as protons (an atomic particle that has a positive electrical charge) and electrons (an atomic particle that has a negative electrical charge) of a battery, or the essence of yin and yang as represented by the Chinese Taijitu symbol adopted by some twin flame experts.
The symbol is a circle divided into two by a curved line in the shape of an S. Half of the circle is dark, while the other half is light. Within the dark part, there is a white dot, and within the light part, there is a black dot. This signifies yin within yang, and yang within yin, and in Daoist or Taoist philosophy it is seen as an endless cycle.
Yin and yang are actually complementary, not opposing, forces, interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part; in effect, a dynamic system. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, for instance shadow cannot exist without light. And these polarities are not restricted to gender, as is often misinterpreted by some twin flame experts, and so many mistakenly believe that twin flames are solely confined to heterosexual relationships.
Twin flames are soul lovers, and soul has no physical gender. According to the twin flame mythos, somewhere in cosmos, each one of us has our very own divine other, who carries either the feminine or masculine polarity. This soul memory of our twin fame is so powerful, that we can feel very alone in this world, as we search for that promise of that original perfect love, the twin. It is believed that no other love can compare to your own twin flame, and that it is indeed like a "spark" that brings us to life.
And deep within ourselves, the chemistry that first life exploited in ancient deep sea vents underwater, is wrapped up in structures called mitochondria - microscopic batteries that power the processes of life. Mitochondria are the cell's power producers. They convert energy into forms that are usable by the cell. Scientists think that, because living things still get their energy from what are known as proton gradients today, if we are looking for a universal spark of life, then proton gradients is it.
Indeed, some say twin flame couplings can be described as proton gradients coming together, too, to process an eternal energy, and power the cells of the soul. Indeed, some twin flame proponents say that true connection to the soul (and to one's Self) is not wholly possible without the spark of a twin flame coupling to power the universal soul.
The immortality of twin flames
Virtually every living thing on the planet uses proton gradient energies to live, because science tells us that all the radically different forms of life share the same ancestor, which possibly lived in ancient undersea vents 4 billion years ago when naturally occurring proton gradients provided the energy for first life.
In 4 billion years that spark has become a flame of magnificent diversity that covers our planet today. We have a beautiful, intimate and complex relationship with the world and living things. Illustrative of this, deep within the energy-harvesting machinery of plants lie distinctly quantum tricks. Quantum mechanics starts with the simple idea that energy does not come in just any amount; it comes in discrete chunks, called quanta. But deeper into the theory, some truly surprising - and useful - effects crop up and we still don't understand much of it.
For example, some parts of the established scientific community now say the vibration of energy even produces smell, but it still has yet to gain general consensus. It is still a tentative, even speculative discipline, but what scientists are learning from it might just spark revolutions in the development of new drugs, computers and perfumes - or even help in the fight against cancer.
Science tells us that for every form of life on the surfaces of our planet, whether directly or indirectly, we use universal energies from the Sun to power our processes of life. However, as the laws of physics tells us that life doesn't eat up or remove this energy from the universe - because the first law of thermodynamics shows us that energy is neither created or destroyed - how does energy sustain life, and does it compliment the "science" behind twin flames?
To understand that we have to understand what happens to it as as the cosmos evolves. In the first instance after the big bang, there was nothing in the world but energy. As it changed from one form to another, galaxies, stars and planets were born. But while the total amount of energy in the universe stays constant, with every single transformation something does change - the energy itself becomes less and less useful.
Like grains of sand that soaks in the Sun's energy during the day and then releases that energy back into the universe when night falls, this energy is of "a lower quality", meaning it can do less. Thus we take high quality and ordered energy, and turn that same amount into low quality disordered energy. We take in energy from the Sun and give it off as heat, a lesser form of the original source.
This descent into disorder is known as the second law of thermodynamics, which states that everything must decay. As time passes, every single joule of energy is converted into heat; the universe cools to absolute zero until with no ordered energy left the cosmos grinds to a halt, and every structure in it decays away. However, it's believed that twin flame love processes the disordered energy into a "small world of order" by energising our DNA, before releasing it back into the universe again.
Within twin flame love, the concept of yin and yang is seen as the great ultimate, a blending of the universal and the personal, or the universal working within the personal. Imagine the dark part as the pure source energy or the "universal" (the universe is believed to be made up mostly of dark energy and dark matter), and the light part as that heat energy expressed through us, or the "personal".
Viewed in this way, twin flame love can be said to be eternal energy that is expressed through two complimentary polarities to spark into life the cycle where the two parts blend as one, to process that energy and return it back to the universe. More importantly, because of the two-part process rather than the single processor or one human being, it's thought that the energy is re-ordered, and the cycle continues without atrophy, or decay. This is why many see twin flame love as imbued with healing properties, too - while those blessed with having children passes on our DNA to another generation.
Because while the universe is "dying" according to the second law of thermodynamics, everywhere we look life is still going on. Schrödinger was well aware of this deep paradox of life continuing to evolve while the universe is decaying away. When physics tells us the universe is tending towards disorder, most physicists believe this second law of thermodynamics to be an "iron" law that will never be broken, and that immortality is a dream. Twin flame believers see twin flame love as achieving that immortality.
Through the eyes of science, though, the key to understanding how life obeys the laws of thermodynamics is to look at both the energy it takes in and the energy it gives out. Heat is a highly disordered form of energy - so we are radiating disorder out into the universe we take from the ordered energy of the Sun.
By converting chemical energy into generating heat, life transforms energy from order to disordered form in exactly the same way as every other process in the Universe. Every single human being generates six thousand times more heat per kilogram then the Sun. And it's by converting so much energy from one form to another that life is able to hang on to a tiny amount of order for itself - just enough to resist the inevitable decay of the universe. Twin flame couples believe this process is doubled by their coupling, not just creating more heat, but actually creating an ordered form of energy.
Heat is essential to being alive, and although we borrow order from the wider universe and then export it again as disorder, it is not entirely balanced either. We have to export more disorder than the order we import (because although the quantity of energy is same, it is of lesser quality) in correspondence with second law of thermodynamics - so we all shall burn out in time, as shall the brightest star. And as physical structures we have to obey the law of physics. It is the same for twin flame love - for it to process its potential it has to be nurtured within a physical relationship in a healthy environment.
Therefore it's believed that in this way, a twin flame love should be like the energy the Sun gives to the Earth, unconditional, for only then will such a relationship light up the sky. And if living things can be explained by the law of physics, then the same laws that explain the shining of the stars and falling of the rain must be able to explain how we fall in love.
Ultimately just by being alive, we are all part of this process of energy transformation that drives the evolution of the universe. We take sunlight that has its origins from the very start of time, and transform it into heat that will last an eternity. Eternity is not a long, long time. Eternity is the opposite of time. It is, as Saint Augustine said, "The now that does not pass away". In twin flame love we take the eternal energy, and power the cycle that returns that energy back to its source, as we take the energy of the Sun to live.
We borrow order from the universe to make the intricate architecture of our bodies, from cells and tissues, the underlying machinery that powers all life on earth. There is no mysticism required, they operate according to the laws of physics, but this delicate balancing act is only maintained for so long, as each living thing will die - although life itself, like twin flame love, endures. This is because there is something that separates life from every other living thing in the universe. Thanks to a molecule called DNA we can pass this process on.
As with twin flame love, and all love in general, DNA is what makes life unique. Only living things have the ability to encode and transmit information in this way. DNA is the blueprint for life, and its extraordinary fidelity means it also contains a story. From the present day back to very first spark of life, DNA tells us we are connected not only to all living things now, but every single thing that has ever lived.
Although life isn't really a thing; it is a collection of chemical processes that can harness the flow of eternal energy to create local islands of order (like us) by borrowing order from the wider universe, and then transmitting it from generation to generation through the elegant chemistry of DNA. The origins of that chemistry can be traced back 4 billion years, most likely to vents of primordial oceans, and and the echoes of that history stretching back a third of the age of the universe can be seen in every cell of every living thing on earth. So, too, the energy harnessed by twin flame love is ancient, it is eternal, science has shown this with the discovery of laws that govern all physical bodies. But science has yet to discover laws for everything, and although the physical is a host to the spiritual, that, too, must play a part as a conduit to the universal energy that we process in life.
The human spirit being what it is, we all need to believe in something, and whether we believe in the supernatural or the scientific, the question of what life is, is surely one of the grandest questions we can ask. If you believe in the rationality of science, instead of life being a chance event (or not) ignited by a mystical spark, the emergence of life on Earth might have been the inevitable consequence of the laws of physics. And that it is these same laws that created a twin flame persona for all of us to process the universal energy correctly, and - for some - to pass on that process through the codes in our DNA.
If that's true, then a living cosmos is the only way a cosmos can be, but possibly what is more important is that whatever you choose to believe, like love, the belief should give you meaning. After all, that is what underpins the science of twin flame love.
Read the complete three-part series: -2 -3
Yours in love,