Follow your passion. Do what you love. You'll enjoy life a lot more when you do what you love. You'll have more success. You'll attract positive situations and positive people. Life becomes a lot more pleasant when you follow your passion.
But you think you can't do what you love. Or you tell yourself you don't know what you love doing. Maybe you lost your passion. Forgot about it.
You're so caught up with your day to day demands you don't think you can do what you love. You tell yourself you don't know what your passion is. And so you get more and more busy. You have more and more stress. There's just too much to do. You think about what you'd like to do. Then you realize all the things you HAVE to do. Where's the time? you ask yourself. You just can't do what you love because you haven't got the time. A few weeks go by, then a couple of months and you're still as busy as you were, maybe even more busy.
Then one day you'll wake up to discover you have NO time left. We all have an appointment with death, and before we are called up, it's time to discover your passion, do what you love, make more time for yourself and still get everything done without all the stress.
There's always time to do what you love. Don't believe that there isn't time. Even a few minutes can be precious when you spend them doing what you enjoy. But over the years you spent all your time doing what has to get done, instead of doing what you enjoy. You stopped making time for yourself. You think one day, one day you'll have the time to do what you love. To follow your passion.
Before you know it the year has passed. Then another. And another. And you still haven't done what you enjoy. You still haven't made the time to do what you love. Or maybe you just forgot what you love doing. Maybe if I asked you: "What do you enjoy doing?" You might say: "I don't know." You've buried your passion. You've lost your passion for life. How can you enjoy life if you don't do what you enjoy? You can't. Instead you go through life doing the things you don't enjoy. Things that you HAVE to do.
Then you get angry and frustrated. You want more. You want to enjoy life but you tell yourself you can't. You're too busy. And so the misery continues. If you're not enjoying life you're not living. You're just struggling. You're just surviving. That's no way to live. You should be out enjoying life. You should be out doing what you love. But you're not. You lost that passion. You let it slip away. You buried it. Forgot about it.
You've told your subconscious and your inner powers that you're too busy. Your subconscious and your inner powers think you want to be busy. That you don't want to enjoy life. And so the struggle continues and things get worse.
Your subconscious and your inner powers are your good servants. They just go out and create your life based on your thoughts and beliefs. When you believe you can't enjoy life, they'll create situations so that you don't enjoy life. If you think and believe you're too busy, you'll always be busy - too busy to enjoy life. It's a vicious cycle that you've created. And if you don't break that cycle now - it will only get worse. You'll miss out on all of life's little pleasures because you're too busy.
Stop telling your subconscious and your inner powers that you're too busy. Give your subconscious and inner powers new information. Give them new beliefs so that you enjoy life. So that you live life with passion. So that you no longer struggle. Tell your subconscious and your inner powers that you want to enjoy life again and you will.
If you think and believe that you're too busy, you'll miss out on a lot because you believed you were too busy. How many birthday parties, family events, weddings have you missed of loved ones because you believed you were too busy. Hell is the truth learnt too late. If you don't take a break you'll never enjoy life. You'll be busy, but you won't be having any fun. And if you don't have any fun now, you won't have any when you're a long time dead.
I used to be a slave to my schedule. I tried to change it. I tried to slow down. But I still didn't have any more time. Then I thought, let's try a different approach. I changed my thinking and soon after, changed my beliefs. In a matter of months I went from being super busy to having the time to do the things I loved, like concentrating on my loved ones, on spending time on my gourmet baking.
I didn't change jobs. I didn't get a demotion. I didn't quit. Things just changed around me. I began getting new opportunities, the kind that let me finish up early and leave me with time to enjoy my life. I discovered my passions. I now do what I enjoy. I no longer think and believe that I'm too busy. I put new beliefs on my subconscious mind. Gave it new directions and that's when everything changed.
You too can do the same. I know you may have some doubts. And that's really your mind fighting back, trying to keep you busy. But once you change your thinking you'll change your beliefs. When you change your beliefs your subconscious mind and inner powers go out and create the situations that reflect your new beliefs.
When you do what you love you'll never feel like you're working. That's because you'll be "busy" enjoying life. You have more time and you live your life with passion. Yes you can discover your passion. It's in you - now let it shine. That passion will drive you to greater success, and you'll have the time to do what you enjoy. And then you start enjoying life again. Start directing your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you more time, more freedom, more joy, more happiness, more wealth, more of what you want.
Take a few moments out of your busy day to do something you enjoy. It can be anything. Do something you think you might enjoy. Just take a break for a few moments. Enjoy life - it's too short so make the most of it.
You are a powerful person. You have tremendous powers. Those powers are in your mind and subconscious mind. Start directing them to create the life you want. Get your subconscious mind to achieve your goals. Feed your mind and subconscious mind the right information and you'll enjoy greater wealth, happiness, confidence and more success. Remember, this is your lifetime, make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself. Create all the success you want and deserve today.
Now is the time
When my grandfather passed away, my grandmother had to manage the entire farm all on her own. They had been farming well into their seventies, and we all thought he'd live for a lot longer. He came from wealthy, farming stock. But twelve rooms, a yard that required two hours just to cut the grass (on a riding lawn mower), and old fixtures that seemed to break down one-by-one on a regular basis now that her twin flame had gone was too much for a woman who had come from a genteel middle class background. All those years, she had realised that she had loved farming because she had loved the farmer.
One day, she had enough. It was time to move to a smaller house with fewer stairs and a smaller yard. She had reached her breaking point and was ready for a change. Every farewell combines loss and freedom. She had lost her greatest passion, but she took the decision to fill the remainder of life with other passions. She died a year to the day she lost her husband, but for that year she followed her passions.
When will it be time for you to make your change? When will you have had enough with the way things are? When will you be ready to dedicate your resources to taking control of your future? Don't wait any longer. The time is now. Don't think it's too late to start over. You can start again. My message to you is this: things change.
You may end up starting from scratch at any age. The world is much more dynamic now than ever, for better or for worse. You could, I suppose, bury your head in the sand with excuses, but that's clearly not the type of person you are, or you wouldn't be reading this. If you sheltered yourself with excuses, you certainly wouldn't have made it this far.
Like my grandmother, you're up for the challenge to go after your passions. To turn sadness into a chance for something new. You're ready to take advantage of the incredible opportunity that the world has to offer. You have the ability to choose your location, dig your foundation, and lay down your driveway for prospects to come into your world for you to go after the things you love to do.
Look forward to each new journey. This is a good time to be alive. Sure, there will be obstacles, but with a positive mindset as your blueprint to overcome whatever the world throws at you, how can you possibly fail?
The world simply cannot stop you. As Victor Hugo once said, "Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come." The time is now, the idea is to let your passions guide you. Let go and get started so that you can experience the success you deserve.
You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the "I'll give this a try" mindset, and switch to a "I'm going to succeed" belief. However, also remember that personal responsibility is the ultimate freedom. When you accept that everything is your fault, and that it's up to you, and only you, to save yourself, then you'll be free. No more depending on others to rescue you. It's your decisions that control your future. That mindset is the ultimate freedom. YOU are the navigator of your life from this day on.
And to plan a journey, first you must know where you are going. You need to know what you want to achieve in your long-term vision. Only then can you chart the path that will take you away from a schedule that keeps you from your passions, and puts you on the path that will lead you directly to them.
It's amazing what just writing it down and putting the intention out there does for your progress. It immediately puts your mind into a positive mode, and you start to ask yourself (if you can be honest with yourself and list things that truly excite you), "How could I start doing some of this now? I don't want to wait!" That gets the ball rolling. Here's what you need to do:
- First, get out a pen and some paper and write down what excites you. Write down what excites you about getting out of bed.
- Second, identify what you want you - and your loved ones - to be able to do without compromise. Be clear. Clarity is an important factor here.
- Third, don't hold back on writing down what you want to achieve. A powerful vision creates a strong push towards taking action that moves you towards your goals. Don't hesitate to put your vision "out there". Put it in the present tense. Give it emotion, give it power.
- And finally, share it with positive people who will support you. There is a powerful 2-minute written exercise you can do for this one which I share below. Moreover it's the smartest way to assess and measure your progress in life - or lack there of. It's also the easiest way to precisely predict your own future.
The 2-minute test
Write down the 5 people in your life that you spend the MOST time with. Next, take a good hard look at this list and consider the "influence" it's having on your life. Why is this so powerful? Because this is your personal crystal ball. It's THE biggest predictor of what your future looks like. In fact, I can 100% guarantee that the five people you spend the most time with will have the biggest influence on the outcome of your goals in every area of life.
I've experienced this first hand and believe me - I've been on both sides of the fence. And every single time my success or failure is directly related to who I'm spending my time with. What about you? Just think about the times you've been with great people versus the times you've spent the majority of your time with negative people. There's probably a HUGE difference in your experiences and outcomes.
Many authors and big shots have always said, "success is a choice" but it all starts with "who" you spend all your time with. No matter how disciplined you are or how hard you try to get ahead in life if you're spending a lot of time in the wrong environments and with the wrong people, you won't get far. Especially if these people don't share - or more importantly support you - in your passions.
Focus spending more of your time learning from higher level mentors, coaches, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders and fitness business experts. The people you hang out with will determine the environments where you spend all your time and this ultimately will control your outcomes and your destiny. I'm not saying you should ditch all your friends and family if they're dysfunctional or abusive. I truly believe we should make our best effort to have unconditional acceptance of everybody regardless of his or her shortcomings. Besides, every time you point the finger you always have three pointing back at you.
But it's still in your best interest to do everything you can to spend time with quality people who support your goals and have a positive influence on your life. So don't delay. This 2-minute exercise has easily had the largest positive impact on my body and life of any other exercise I've ever performed. If you've never done this exercise before it won't take you long to see the light and reap the rewards. Do this powerful 2 minute exercise today.
- Take out a piece of paper and write down the five people you spend the most time with.
- Make a column that says "pros" and "cons" and start listing the positives and negatives for all five relationships.
- Make the necessary changes to brighten your future and improve your quality of life.
There are 2 types of people in this world. Those who brighten a room when they enter it, and those who brighten a room when they leave it. So which ones are you spending your time with? Negative or positive? Even more important, which one are you? I have to admit it's not always easy, but it's definitely worth it. We ALL rise and fall to the level of who or what we follow.
Don't delay, your lifetime is a finite term. The only thing you should delay is gratification.
Don't mistake passion for simple gratification
What do I mean by delaying gratification? Isn't pursuing your passions all about gratification? If you want to turn your passions into a route to success, then delayed gratification is a valuable tip that will help you succeed in life. Someone once said, the temptation resisted is the true measure of character. In fact, it will help you focus, and promote incentives for you to do what must be done, so you have more time to pursue your passions. It's all about balance, and moderation.
The power of delayed gratification is, in fact, a research-proven phenomenon. There's a famous study that was performed at Stanford University in America. In the study, researchers tracked a group of four-year-old children, each of whom was given a marshmallow and instructed to wait twenty minutes before eating it. The children were then monitored for their developmental progress into adolescence. The scientists, led by Professor Walter Mischel, discovered that the children that were better able to wait to eat the marshmallow - delaying gratification - were generally more dependable and achieved greater scores in their Scholastic Aptitude Tests.
The experts don't believe, however, the ability to delay gratification is something that you are born with. Instead, it's a powerful habit you can build. However, it seems that most people (from the Boomer Generation to the much-maligned Millennial Generation) have missed this lesson. Instead, too many people spend their pay-packets when they get them - or even before. As a result, they get deep into debt. They want it all. And they want it now. But that's not how it works if you want to be successful.
With the right mindset, it will feel like success comes easy, but if something is worth it, you put in the effort. Work comes first. Then reward. It's not the other way around. No matter where you've stood in the past on this success equation, you can change. Just like we can all learn to get up earlier, make exercise a daily habit, or improve our diet, you too can build the habit of delayed gratification. The rock star Sting even suggests we can learn delayed gratification for the benefit of tantric sex, and you can read my tantric sex series for more information on that.
For other areas of your life, an easy place for you to start working on developing your power of delayed gratification is your emails. You and I will surely both agree that if you can avoid getting sucked into your email each morning that you'll be able to get more done each day. So do it. Just delay it. Wait one more minute each day before checking that first email of the morning.
I learned to do this and started my progression back in the summer of 2007. Up until that point, I was an email "first thing in the morning" person. I rolled out of bed and practically right into the chair at my computer (it helped that I was living in a 400 square foot single apartment at the time). Some days, I didn't even have to roll out of bed. I was able to check my email on my inappropriately named "smartphone" (as it wasn't making me any smarter at all) while my head was still on the pillow.
Over time I worked to decrease my dependency on morning messages. First, I stopped all email from being sent to smartphone. Next, I began the habit of writing for just fifteen minutes before checking my email. Slowly the fifteen minutes blossomed into thirty, expanded into sixty, and has grown into a magic five hours of productive time before I finally check my email in the morning. If I can do it, you can do it too, I promise.
Struggles will come first. But you must look at the work and the struggles as blessings. Practice (i.e. training) is the only way you can build up your delayed gratification muscle and with it the benefits you'll get in many areas of your life.
Like running hills or going to the gym, it's going to be hard at first, but you will come to appreciate your new power of habit. The rewards are well worth it. Mastery takes time. But mastery is worth the effort. Take action. Struggle. Fight. Flex. And work. The more you do this, the more the struggles will become effortless. The more your time will become productive. Remember, your passions shouldn't waste time, they should give your time a purpose - that's why you need to make time for them. You can do it. You will do it.
Stand up today and take action
So stand up to a challenge today. Face a fear square on. Attack an attitude that is holding you back. Make today your day. If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy, because it's not failure itself that holds you back; it is the fear of failure that paralyses you.
Miyamoto Musashi was one of the biggest toughest swordsmen of 16th century Japan. He also wrote of one of the greatest books on tactics, strategy and philosophy that my twin flame reads constantly - A Book of Five Rings.
Musashi knew what most modern success gurus can't seem to figure out: success takes work, even if it becomes effortless. And the key to making your goals a reality is massive action. That's the greatest difference between those who live their dreams and those who WISH for stuff. Hard work. We all know this.
So here's the question for you: If you know what you want and you know you have to take action to get it, why aren't you doing it? Experts will lay bets that it has something to do with fear.
You'll tell yourself it has nothing to do with being afraid. There are a thousand ways to rationalise your lack of action. You want to get in shape but you don't have all the right foods in the fridge yet. You want to buy those new running shoes before you start exercising. You just need to wait until things are quiet at work before you start learning that new language.
If a couple of those sound familiar then you'll know just how EASY it is to find an excuse NOT to take action. But the real reason you don't make progress is something else entirely. You're scared of the hunger and deprivation that might result from changing your eating habits. You're afraid of missing out on your favourite TV show if you start using those Spanish language CDs. Or maybe you're just worried you'll disappoint yourself again by quitting your new workout right after you start.
No matter what it is, I guarantee there's some sort of fear lurking beneath whatever justification you're giving yourself for not taking massive action on your goals today. And experts say this is completely natural.
Fear goes hand in hand with success. You'll never unlock your potential if you hide within the shell of your comfort zone. Keeping that in mind, here are 5 keys to dominating fear and taking massive action to achieve your dreams:
- Get some perspective on your fear.
- Take your first step - don't wait for the perfect time.
- Put one foot in front of the other - do the WORK.
- Don't compare to the "ideal" - compare to where you've been and seek PROGRESS.
- Divide your goal into small chunks so you can create SUCCESSES that motivate you.
The first secret to overcoming your fear is to put it into perspective. Think back to a time when you were scared out of your wits to do something. I bet once that mission was accomplished, you felt great about the outcome - and maybe even a little silly about being so scared in the first place. Take some time with pen and paper to make a list of all those experiences. And the next time you're having trouble getting out of your comfort zone, look back at that list for inspiration.
Once you've managed to put your fear into perspective. The next thing is to just take that first step. As Lao Tzu so eloquently put it, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So take action.
On to step three: Put one foot in front of the other - do the WORK. Ask yourself: What's one small step that you can take towards your big dream goal? Figure out what that is and just TAKE IT.
Put one foot in the door and the rest will eventually follow. You might falter a bit in the beginning. But if you never take that first step, you won't get anywhere - ever. Let your passion guide you, and you will go far.
Yours in love,