“I never thought I would look back at the times when I cried ... and laugh. Or think of the times when I laughed ... and cry.”
— Mickie Kent
Imagine how your day was yesterday. How was your morning today? Did you wake up feeling tired and stressed again? Then to change your life, you need to think about changing your energy. Scientists now say that the universe is not made of matter, but energy - and that there are many energies we need to balance for an optimum life. The body needs energy as in food, but our mind, body and soul unified in the vibrational energy of love is the most healing of all.
And before you think of taking any over-the-counter medication to "cure" your sickness, spend a few moments pondering on this question: "When was the last time you felt full of energy, happy, and confident that you can do anything?" Last week? Last year? Back in school? Chances are you no longer remember.
It's an increasing reality that in today's stressful world, you just can't afford to relax and rest. You're inundated with work and your body's almost giving up. But what if there was a way to "internally" charge your mind and body with more zest and energy so you can do more in life? So you can accomplish more, whether that's in your career, relationships, business, or anything you like?
Need to know about the energy of food?
You've been meaning to find that "charge" of positive, powerful energy that can get you going and accomplishing more goals, but just don't know where to begin? Well, here is the big secret most self-help gurus won't tell you, because they want to make money off you: The secret is that everyone's secret will be different. No can sell you a one-system-fits-all miracle cure for your problems. YOU need to discover your own secret power resource.
Once you realise that YOU are the key to your success, the power will come from making sure you have a healthy mind, body and soul that can work in unison - but the ways in which that power must be utilised by you to transform your life for the better will depend on YOU. On who you are, and where you want to go. Your dreams are your own. Our lives may seem the same, but imagine if we were romance novels. The plot might be the same, but the psychology (our motives, driving forces) will be different.
Unequivocally, we are all individual. We are all unique. And so our secrets will be, too. But once you unlock these secret systems, you'll be able to enjoy a more balanced health, allowing you to avoid sickness and get more out of life.
Knowledge is the first step. When I provide the accumulated knowledge of experts and guidelines, they are maps that lay out the general terrain. But only YOU can draw the trails that will lead to your individual treasures.
Naturally we all wish there was some book to discover with all the secrets of the universe and about life itself. The reality is that our own true calling in life will drive us to uncover the golden mysteries of existence. That's why it's so important to follow your bliss - and re-align your life to get on track to follow your passions. You won't find treasure by raking in manure. You need to chase rainbows to find your pot of gold. If only we all had a treasure map to point the way!
Of course having to discover your own secrets doesn't mean you have to figure everything out on your own. I've learned that true excellence leaves behind many clues. if you're ready for your life to be extraordinary, often the fastest way is to model your everyday habits after the habits of extraordinarily successful people you admire - check out the treasure maps they use!
Want to find your treasure map? Click here.
You'll discover that with their accumulative knowledge you gain the second step of understanding - and the more you learn, the more you'll intuitively realise what is right, and what is not right, for you. And if you're ready for a treasure chest of proven ideas, strategies, and techniques that are guaranteed to dramatically improve your lifestyle, then all you have to do is read on.
On the trail of enlightenment
Unfortunately, we have been programmed to think there are no larger answers to the small ones we can supply to the big questions of life. But there are answers for everything. It's just that we know very few of them. Let's look at a few of the examples below.
Who knows what time really is? We can dream whole years in seconds; a drowning man can have decades of his whole life flash before his eyes in a moment. Then we turn time into an egotistical "age" of our life, and treat people according to a number. Depending on the culture, we ignore or revere the young and old accordingly. In the west, if you look online or on TV, most commercials are aimed at a certain person and a certain look we believe shows people to be in their prime. The media programmes you to think that a certain age is what counts - an imaginary target demographic of the young, hot and all powerful. It's a fairytale ideal which many will try to aspire.
In doing this, we focus too much on the container, but YOU are not simply a body. We believe women look old when they get grey hair, but men look distinguished. So women feel they have to dye their hair. However, when females get breasts we say they're sexy, but when males get breasts, we say they're past their prime! So men have become very body conscious, too.
Look at how the passing of time rules our lives. However, if a year is not a year anywhere but on Earth, what does that make time in the universe? Thus time is relative. We have to keep adding seconds to the world clock to compensate for irregularities in the earth's rotation. The truth is time measured in years would have no significance at all if the Sun hadn't pulled us into the suck party we call gravity, causing everything on it to wither and die by radiating away energy.
Look instead at time as a warning that life is not forever. You're only on this planet a short amount of time, but every moment counts, and you can be in prime at any age if you make yourself count. My father's favourite saying is: When you get over the hill, you might as well enjoy the ride down! Your life shouldn't end, until it ends. Your appointment with death is a given, but your appointment with LIFE is down to YOU.
Another example of the relativity of time is our memory. The memory can either be a wonderful or debilitating thing - with it the past is never the past. Every incident can be clear as it was yesterday - like a haunting ghost that never goes away or a motion picture that constantly replays in the mind. And if this past is filled with a litany of abuse and negativity, the corrosion of the spirit feels inevitable. But science suggests that with the power of the mind, there is nothing in the world so damaged that cannot be repaired. New research suggests that the plasticity potential of the mind - and now our genes - to be reprogrammed for health is limitless.
Learn about the power of thoughts.
While our memory can be affected by time and ageing - tired brains forget more easily while youthful synapses store the information and retrieve them in a flash - their is a body of scientific research that suggests our positive energy can reverse ageing. In essence, the elusive and legendary Fountain of Youth is in the mind - or more accurately the energising source to halt ageing can be tapped into by the mind.
As the scientific evidence suggests, your subconscious mind governs a myriad of vital processes within your body. It is your subconscious mind that instructs your body to produce whatever enzymes, hormones and cells that the body needs to function properly. But while this is usually an automated process, you can gain control of your subconscious mind and instruct your body to produce what it needs to reverse the ageing process.
You become the master of your mindset to transform both your mind and body into attaining a state of perpetual youth, by having your body produce more anti-ageing "building blocks" that you need to reverse the ageing process. The united power of the triumvirate of the mind, body and soul could keep you young well past what the media on TV considers to be our prime
So the science in this area says we should forget about everything we've ever feared about growing old. Wrinkles, lethargy, sore joints, dementia - all symptoms of ageing can be wiped clean from our mind and body completely.
Learn about the mysteries of the mind
Once we open our minds to the mysteries that govern us, and begin to read about all the unsolved laws of time and space, you realise that our actual human experience is limited to what we know - not what we don't.
Vexing as it might be, we live and are governed by rules we either don't fully understand, or have just skimmed the surface of understanding. Why do thoughts have so much power? Where does the power of the mind come from? Today scientists are trying to prove what some theologians and spiritual masters have been saying for centuries, to create a convergence of science and spirituality.
Enlightenment in its fullest sense might be a long time in coming, but I believe it will come, and I also believe that enlightenment in a micro sense - i.e., our own enlightenment and purpose - will differ according to the individual and their unique perspective. We may all be part of some grand design, but we all have our own unique stitch to add to the tapestry of time that makes up the bigger picture.
Maybe you have already had experience of the unknown, and so it has formed part of your actual human experience and your mind is open to evidence that falls outside the boundaries set by accepted wisdom. Have you ever been certain your phone would ring in the next ten seconds, or have you ever walked down a strange street and knew what lay behind the unturned corner? Or have you ever shared the same thought with someone you knew hundreds of miles away at the exact same time, as though the thought had travelled the great distance in an instant?
Experiencing something you can't explain means you've had a brief encounter with the world of the unknown. It can be unsettling, and we feel we need to find answers to bring us back into the secure playpen of traditional thinking.
However, being sceptical about this is healthy. A REAL sceptic isn't one who doesn't believe, rather it's someone who is undecided, and who has an open mind. I fit into that description of being a true sceptic; I keep my mind open, read expert opinion on the evidence science reveals, and I make up my own mind.
Of course, there's also the factor that works for one person will not necessarily work for another, but the power of positivity and a good mindset has been suggested by a plethora of studies to give you a healthy outlook on life.
Notwithstanding the benefits to health, who doesn't want to achieve their most desired dreams that have been burning in their heart? Imagine if you could create all the money that you truly desire to have and enjoy it fully. You could manifest perfect health every day of your life and never live in pain.
Eventually you could experience total happiness and cause the ones you love to have it, too, because happiness is knowing what you want. You could be free from the system of the world and never be bound by it again, but rather place yourself firmly in the real system of the universe - mindful love.
You just have to open yourself up to the mysteries of the mind.