The first person to cross the whole of Antarctica on foot, he has suffered for his achievements, getting frostbite to the tips of the fingers on his left hand during an expedition to the North Pole in 2000. He later sawed off the damaged tissue and bone himself. What a man!
This shows you ways to stop being a victim and take more control of your life. I mean, why get tossed around in life like a cork in the ocean when you can chart your own course and set sail toward your dreams?
Sometimes we have to break free from our own stereotypes and envisage going boldly into new terrain. This autumn more than a million students are going to take part in an experiment that could re-invent the landscape of higher education. Great things are happening in the world. Take a look around around you. Be part of the future.
Don't be disheartened by difficulties, turn them around and use them to move you forward. Overcoming our handicaps is a part of what makes us human. And suddenly, what we thought was a disability becomes a new facet to ourselves, to makes us unique.
In our brains lies a power guide, with which the right techniques can help you gain control of your life. You can break through what holds you back, eliminate worry and guilt, get what you really want out of life, increase your persuasion, increase your energy to enjoy yourself, be filled with happiness, protect yourself from negative influence - the list goes on and on.
If you're reading this post the same day as it's date, then you're an "early bird" to the power of mind manifestation. Because in your brain lies all the secrets of the universe to get everything you ever wanted.
And if you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE manifestation of all the miracles, success, wealth, health, love and happiness that you have always dreamed of them you must realise that the magic keys of the universe to create your perfect reality, and be all that you truly desire to be, lies in your mind.
Experts in this field maintain that the imagination (and all suggestive phenomena) has a very real impact on our reality. What we imagine can become a real, but success is always dependent on the field of concentration and the intensity of emotion. With practice (like a magician practising a magic trick) some successes become apparent over time, others almost instantly, but manifestation may not always occur in exactly the form or in the temporal sequence as you may want, or think. Think of it like playing a long-tern bet you know you'll win, but not exactly when or how, you just know the end result.
So, the next question is, how to use your mind powers to influence the physical world and greatly attract abundance, love and freedom to you.
The secret knowledge of the universe
The secret knowledge of the universe that enables you to understand everything in reality and to live a very fulfilling life begins with the understanding that everything you need lies within you. The possibilities that you can achieve with mind reality are endless - they are limited only by your imagination.
My blog contains a lifetime worth of information gathered from the experts. But the good news is you do not need to take many lifetimes to learn this information. It has been condensed down to the most concise and powerful form that you can use as quickly and easily as possible.
Due to the way society has evolved, today many of our minds are broken, or the connection to our minds via awareness and self-belief are offline. We need to reconnect with our brain to get to a higher level than where we are now - to exist in a much more blissful and prosperous state of life.
There many times in life where you probably find yourself gaining knowledge and coming to a place where everything is working well for you at the given moment because of your new-found awareness, but then it all fall apart again at the next moment?
Sometimes it just makes you wonder what on earth is going on. The reason is because you still haven't possessed the rest of the awareness you need for it to happen. As you keep learning and growing, you will keep getting more and more pieces of the puzzle so that you are able to acquire better and better mastery in different areas of life for creating your desired reality. This realisation is the answer to the mystery of ups and downs in the journey of life. Your life will get better and better when you keep picking yourself up in those areas that you have fallen and walk on.
Be the intrepid adventurer of your life; face the dangers and your fears, deal with the challenges that life will confront you with head on.
True learning is about discovering yourself and how you create your life at every level. All mistakes are mistakes of ignorance. Awareness is power, the more you have it, the more power you have over every area of life. Perception is the key to solving all problems. Understanding the problem dissolves the problem.
Awareness is power because awareness gives you choice. Choice is an illusion created by those in control for those who are not. To be in control, you must know. You must understand how things work and know what is going on. You need awareness to make conscious choices.
Awareness is the first step, the second step is change. You should understand what you intend to change and the reasons behind it. Knowledge brings awareness therefore knowledge is power. All of life is a learning experience for you to become all you can be.
The power of self-actualisation
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.””
— Carl Jung
Self-actualisation is the most important of all the entire hierarchy of needs. The fulfilment of all other needs is for the purpose of self-actualization. All other needs make up self-actualization. Without self-actualization, everything would be redundant. Living would be in vain and life would be wasted.
The background knowledge that contributes to the knowledge of success in any area of life is found in the knowledge of the mind and reality. This place is about the reality of the mind. You are here to know all the secrets of life and the universe.
The science of attracting whatever you desire into your life comes from the conscious creation of reality through the use of consciousness. Your mind is the place where you have the potential to achieve unified knowledge and full understanding.
Have you come across different interrelated subjects that talk about the same thing in essence, but each subject alone by its own individual frame of reference cannot give you a full perspective or complete picture of understanding the matter? I explore expert opinions from the different subjects of the mind and reality with an integrative approach for a clearer perspective of the bigger picture. To integrate is to make into a whole by bringing all parts together, to unify. To be complete and total.
The integrated subjects of the mind and reality are consciousness, metaphysics, quantum physics, psychology, philosophy, law of attraction and reality creation. It's been said that we have grown in our science and technology, yet we still need to grow in our consciousness. And this will be the greatest growth of all, making all the rest of our advances look insignificant by comparison.
This is because consciousness creates and directs everything. And with consciousness, anything is possible. All it takes is the awareness of individuals to this wonderful force that we all share together.
The ultimate nature of reality is cognizance. The universe is made up of conscious, living and intelligent energy that is the mind. The universe is made up of it and is ruled by it. Therefore the mind controls everything and has the overriding power over all reality. We all truly create and influence the reality we live in with the power of our mind. Mind is reality. reality is Mind. The master of their mind is master of everything. This reality is the true secret of the universe and spiritual mysteries.
Have you ever wanted to seek out the hidden secrets of the universe? Have you ever wanted to know what makes certain individuals sex magnets? Or how some companies make millions? Why certain individuals are financially more secure that everyone else, and even have the time and freedom to enjoy their lives. Or why medical knowledge is so contradictory, and why some people enjoy perfect health at all time, and how some miraculously recover from incurable diseases?
I wanted to know the answers to these questions. I started reading everything I could find on self improvement, mind power and spirituality. Nearly every expert claimed they had the one or two key concepts that would lead to success and riches. I would read one material and think I had the answer, but in the next material, a different concept was revealed that was supposedly the key to limitless success.
Then it finally hit me! The answer all along which could not be found in almost any other place is called integration. When I integrated all the secrets in every area of life, I started seeing the results I wanted, and experienced such power like I'd never seen before.
Bring the balance of the universe to your mind
We all have the power to create a sensational life. It is in our minds, but most of us have been programmed with a self-defeating mindset. without a strong mindset to shield us, negativity and the actions of others act like harmful radiation to create a malignancy in the brain. We are in effect walking around with broken minds.
If you don't believe you can achieve your goals - you won't. It's really that simple. You need to create affirming beliefs so that you achieve your goals and live the life you want. Eliminate those limiting beliefs that hold you back, and create new beliefs that catapult you to success. The key to your success is your ability to change your belief system. Your beliefs create your reality. Change your beliefs and you change your life.
Change your belief system, and create a new belief system and a new mindset that allows you to accomplish your goals and live the life you want. How? By working with a series of powerful techniques used by the experts and utilised in my 90 day mind healing programme.
With the right mindset for you, you will attract abundance, make the right decisions, while creating the life you want. These are simple, effective exercises, when worked with daily will allow you to experience success, happiness and accelerate your results while creating the life you want in just days.
If you're ready to begin changing your beliefs and creating the life you want then you need to have, then you owe it to yourself to be your best to achieve your goals. You owe it to yourself to learn as much as you can and to utilise all your powers. Remember, you get one life. Make it count. Don't let a negative or limiting belief system destroy your chance for success and happiness. Start creating the life you want, because you deserve it.
Let go of the past and enjoy each moment everyday for the rest of your life. Create the changes you want with ease - so that you're always moving in the right direction and enjoying life. Create a new belief system and attract what you want and when you want. End procrastination, so that you're clear while motivating yourself to success. Attract and recognise the right opportunities. Turn setbacks into opportunities.
It's time to let go. Say goodbye to all those bad memories, and negative thoughts that hold you back or block your success. Today you start moving forward. You start achieving what you want. You get things done. You start making more money. You start enjoying life again.
Hanging on to the past blocks your success. It prevents you from enjoying life. And it's only because you keep thinking about something that happened yesterday or years ago. Something that someone said keeps bothering you. Or something someone did - you wonder how dare they. Or something that happened, you think it's unfair. Maybe you were hurt, or you're angry, or sad or feel down, maybe depressed.
Do you feel like someone passing the autumn of his or her life? Have you suddenly realised your partner has no love for you, or that you've never been able to accumulate anything of value, let alone wealth? Have you suddenly arrived at the realisation that your whole life has had no meaning? Do you need to see things around you from a new perspective, while contemplating your past and perhaps coming to some understanding of it in the time left to you?
Having a sense of no human worth is very painful. You want to go back and change things. But you can't. The past is done, it's a fading memory. You want to move on. But you can't. You keep thinking about it. You keep hanging on. And you keep going through the emotions over and over again. They keep coming up every time you think about it. And these thoughts that you hang on to, keep blocking your success.
That's because you're stuck and you can't move forward. And it gets worse, because by hanging on to the past you destroy your health, your life and your future. Sure it's easy to say: "Just let go, move forward, forget about it, just let go." But you can't. Your mind is filled with all those negative thoughts. You keep thinking about what happened. When you hold on to these negative experiences you block our ability to move forward and you can't heal.
How many pleasant memories do you recall everyday? Chances are you don't recall all the good things that happen. Instead you think about the negative things that happened. The things you didn't like. The things that annoyed you. The things that you complain about.
And as you carry these negative thoughts you cripple your chance for success. Think of it this way; you're on a hiking trip and along the way you keep picking up heavy objects, things that really don't serve you but you want to hang on to. After a while these objects begin to weigh on you, they slow you down and unless you get rid of them you'll never get to where you want to go.
Each negative thought, and each negative event that you keep thinking about weighs on your subconscious mind. They slow it down. Those negative thoughts and negative events that you keep thinking about force your subconscious to create more negative situations and events in your life.
So let go. Let go by thinking of something different. Let go by thinking about the positive aspects of your life. Let go by thinking about something positive that happened today and yesterday.
If you really want to start moving on then you have to fill your mind with positive thoughts. Then you you'll automatically let go of the negative events and situations that have been slowing you down.
Start focusing on what you want to happen. Let go of the past and negative situations by getting your mind to focus on different things. Direct your subconscious mind to create more positive situations. Get your subconscious to bring you exactly what you want. Let go of the past and start creating the future you want by giving your subconscious new directions.
Hanging on to bad memories can kill you. Because these negative thoughts and painful memories that you keep carrying actually destroy your nervous system and alter your cells.
Scientists have found that if you hold on to negative feelings and sad emotions or depressing memories you could reshape your cells to the point where your thoughts of the past have a negative impact on your cells and your physical health. Hanging on to negative events can destroy your life in so many ways and now science is proving this. Sure there have been negative things that have happened, I'm not asking you to ignore them. Instead, acknowledge them because they did happen.
But ask yourself these questions: Does thinking about these negative things help you? Do they let you move forward? Do they work in your favour in any way? Do they help you achieve your goals? Do they let you get what you want in life?
The truth is they don't. Instead, by thinking about these negative situations you tell your subconscious mind to create more of them. You see your subconscious simply follows your thoughts and beliefs. Keep thinking about those negative situations and your subconscious will keep creating more.
So let go. Let go by thinking about what you want. Think about the good things that are taking place in your life today. You have to look hard, but you'll find them.
There's something positive happening in your life right now. When you focus on the positive things you shift your energy. You start creating positive energy. You start directing your subconscious mind to bring you more positive situations. Start moving forward by letting go of unwanted and
negative situations. Start moving in a new direction by focusing on what you want. Begin taking steps to create the life that you want. Shift your energy and get your subconscious mind to bring you more positive situations. Let go and direct your subconscious to bring you exactly what you want today.
You can eliminate the negative thinking. You can let go and move forward. You are a powerful person. You can overcome any setback - once you direct your mind and subconscious mind to bring you the success you want.
Love the adventure that is your life, and no mountain you have to climb to get to the top will seem to high.
Yours in love,