“When the world feels like its going down the toilet, what are the self-help gurus plugging away at? Is it the basin of our mind, or the basin of their pockets?”
— Mickie Kent
Is it the end of the world as we know it? If we look at the news it reads like there are fault-lines all across the globe getting ready to crack wide open. Religious and political fault-lines dividing once united nations now buckled under by economic woes, climate fault-lines shaking up the Earth's poles, with icebergs the size of large islands breaking off from their glaciers. It echoes what eminent inventor and scientist Dr. James Lovelock said decades ago, when he warned about the importance of maintaining the Earth's delicate balance.
Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis from the sixties fathered the theory that the Earth is an organism with its own intelligence. The Earth's unstable atmosphere gave Lovelock the idea that something must be keeping it constant, because it couldn't be kept constant on its own, which led him to think about a regulating system on the Earth's surface, which presumably was life itself. This gave birth to the idea of Gaia.
The theory has since been furthered by scientists, environmentalists and new age philosophers who believe that Gaia is a sentient being with the capacity of intelligence and emotion - even vengeance. However, in an early 90s episode of American paranormal documentary and news television series, "Sightings", Lovelock went on record to state that he didn't regard the Earth as a living organism.
In the early days, we used the term "the Earth was alive" metaphorically. What we meant was that the Earth has properties like those of a living organism. It's able to regulate its temperature, and it's able to regulate it's chemistry. And that was what we meant by it.
Lovelock also refuted the theories put forward in the nineties that disease epidemics such as AIDS and Ebola were some sort of revenge by Gaia on the "parasitic human" to get rid of them. According to Lovelock in the 1995 episode, the Earth is not some angry, vengeful planet, but rather the Gaia theory is deeply concerned with the apparent disregard we as humans have for the delicate balance between our planet and its life sustaining atmosphere.
I don't like [those theories] one bit. Gaia is in no way sentient, and there's no possibility of fighting back. There's only consequences.[In terms of human dangers] there's a distinct possibility that a large chunk of ice on the water that is supported by a ridge in Antarctica called the West Antarctic ice shield may slip off into the ocean. It did so 120,000 years ago ... and if we go on warming the Earth ... it may well slip off again.
When it does, it's estimated there will be a maximum rise of sea levels of about 15 feet. But even if only a part of it drops to only a rise of 5 feet, this will be enough to take out many of the major cities around the world. London would certainly go, New York would be under threat, Houston would probably go, Miami, all sorts of cities. ... I honestly don't think there is much we can do to slow [this process]. It would be too difficult to get all of the world's nations together to say we're going to stop burning fossil fuels, and we'll just have to hope that the cooling off towards the next Ice Age offsets the global warming due to the CO2 increase. But it's not very hopeful...
The rules are quite simple: If you live well with the environment and improve it, you improve your chances of your progeny. And that means according to Darwin that you species will survive and flourish, but if you do things that are bad for the environment, your species is doomed.
It's disturbing. To some the world has been placed in a rack (whether by human mismanagement or or a destined entropy), pulled in opposing directions by powerful forces - and everyone feels that the time is near when it will just break apart. And when we speak to our friends, we all get the feeling that our lives are mimicking the burgeoning crisis of the times.
Many will have seen that movie or read the book The Secret where all those super successful people seem to effortlessly attract what they want from life? Have your tried it? How well is the law of attraction working out for you so far? Getting everything you need?
Or is it really just all hype? And if so many people are getting what they want out of life, why has the world been hit with its worst economic crisis in decades? Is it because of some covert secret society vying for world dominance? Or are you scratching your head and saying to yourself, "There's got to be more to it than just thinking."
Well, you know what? You're right. There is only so much that positive thinking is going to do for you, not matter how big that brain of yours is.
Now, let me tell you a little secret. I am very open-minded, but I'm practical, too. I like advice to tell me how I can achieve my innermost desires, with scientific research to back it up. Because real life isn't a kind of mystical influence that you can tap into; real life is the day-to-day living we must all wake up and face. And we are all different individuals, unique in our own ways.
What one person calls the law of attraction, another might call self actualisation, or visual preconception, or visualisation, or a host of other labels that all relate to manifesting your own destiny by taking charge of your life and believing in the power of your mind to manifest the things you want out of life.
I constantly write about how you can't just sit there and visualise what you want, turn yourself into a human magnet and watch it come streaming into your life like magic. The universe won't drop your desires into your lap. To be effective at manifesting what you want, you have to realise that it does NOT work simply because thoughts of what you want out of life will somehow manifest those things that you want. It works because thoughts become beliefs, and beliefs become convictions which influence your actions. It is those actions that manifest the eventual results.
Now, let me tell you a second secret. Positive thinking backed up by positive action is the key. Act to become the change you want in your life.
In other words, your thoughts are the "seeds" which you plant, and as those seeds are fed and nurtured over a period of time, they begin to grow until they manifest themselves in actions. Like real seeds, these ones cannot produce something which is inconsistent with their intrinsic design.
So your consistent thoughts will eventually manifest themselves in the results of your life - and the reason this does not work for most people is simply because they forget that none of it happens instantaneously. Time is required. Nurturing is required. That's the key to making the law of attraction work for you. Patience, faith and effort. With positive thinking this effort may seem "effortless" (or as your life changes for the better, it seems you need to exert less effort) - but know that you NEED to act.
And the thoughts that you "plant" when you are practising the law of attraction bring forth results the same way that a seed you sow in the ground grows into a plant. This means you can plant it, water it, fertilise it, and nourish it for a long time before you even see it break ground.
This also means you cannot keep digging it up and planting something else every few days. You have to decide what you want, plant the seed and tend to it long enough for the law of attraction to do its job.
This is a major reason why I have constantly said that we must be specific about what we want to achieve, and what we don't want to achieve. Then we focus on the positive, and bring that into our thoughts every single day without fail, in harmony with our actions.
For most of us, the hardest thing to do is to decide what we want and to keep believing in it even when we don't see immediate results. Remember, it may materialise with your thoughts, but it all begins with the first step of taking action.
Even if your actions seem completely contradictory to what you're thinking, don't give up. As long as you keep planting the right seeds and follow through with patience and consistency, you'll reap a harvest in time - if you don't give up.
Everybody is always looking for ways to make their lives better. You want to be healthy. You want to have money. You want great relationships. All these things make the human experience more rich and satisfying, so there's no wonder you want them.
And people go about getting these things in all kinds of ways. You study for years in school so they can get a good job. You learn about health and fitness so they can live longer and feel better. You do your best to be attractive to other people - and not just physically - so that you will have people in your lives that make the experience better.
People do all sort of personal development programs and "work on themselves" trying to find the key that makes it all work. However, ultimately these approaches will only work if one thing is true - that you are grounded in an understanding of how human beings work at a deeper level. Learning about the theories and science behind our mind, body and soul can give you an outrageous advantage when it comes to living the life you truly want to live.
Resonate with your desires
Have you ever played with magnets? Have you ever had more than one magnet and tried to get them to stick together? If so, you'll know that depending on which end of the magnets are touching, they will either attract or repel, right?
At the danger of over-simplifying, experts say this is how the entire universe works. If you can understand what goes on behind the attraction process, you can tap into that power yourself and - like a magnet - attract anything into you life you can imagine.
It does sound "out there" and New Age and mystical, but we are governed by principles as old as the universe itself - there are things that have been around a lot longer that we have. It is egotistical to think the Sun revolved around us, and that life begun when we did - when evidently there is surmounting scientific geological evidence that clearly the universe is much older that our race.
It does seem that in the past decade this has come to forefront more recently thanks in part to the beliefs re-discovered in The Secret.
But one of the definitions of the law of attraction that you hear a lot is like attracts like, but could that be wrong? For example, in a magnet's law of attraction, like does not attract like, it repels it. The north ends of two magnets repel each other, as do two south ends, while a north end and a south end mutually attract. Thus if you are becoming a magnet, then by its laws, like polarities repel; unlike attract.
Maybe it's just a little ridiculous to think about attraction in such simple terms. Because obviously in life there are times when like attracts like, and when opposites attract, too. Maybe there's a LOT more going on here. And maybe if you understood more about what was going on, you might actually be able to get results with using visualisation to actually create a life you love.
So what does determine attraction? And what does that have to do with your life? Your money? Your health? Your relationships?
Well, attraction has to do with something called resonance. If something is in energetic resonance with something else, it attracts it. If not, it repels it, like these two ends of the magnet. Simply put, if your energetic resonance is aligned with something (however opposite to you it may seem) you will attract it.
Science says that the universe is energy. And energy vibrates at certain frequencies. Depending on what those frequencies are, various energetic systems will either be attracted to each other, or they will move away from each other.
And while some people even understand that, the deep implications are not considered by most - and as a result they don't realise to what extent every aspect of who they ARE is an energetic system of some kind. Those energy systems are either in resonance with things or not.
Now, let me tell you another secret. The vast majority of things that we as humans resonate with are things we're NOT thinking about, they AREN'T our goals, and they AREN'T our visualisations. Hence the global crisis and panic we seem to find ourselves in 2012. For those reading this decades in the future, they will know the outcome - and know that these challenges were necessary for our evolution.
When you can understand that resonance and attraction aren't some new age terminology, but that there is scientific basis steeped in understanding how the human body and psyche work as energies, then you realise that we are always putting out energy, with which the rest of the universe is either resonating with or not.
It isn't a secret conjuring trick, or spell you cast that needs to be activated. It's a law of the universe the ancients knew about, and that modern society had forgotten. It needed to be re-discovered at the right time, and so it was - but it wasn't a complete picture.
This "failure" isn't actually an oversight on the part of The Secret re-discoverers. It's a necessary part of the process, because doing our own research helps us to grow with the knowledge we attain, so THEN we can begin to understand more about how the universe really works, and what's going to be necessary to see the results in our life that we visualise daily.
In one sense, the law of attraction is not a personal development tool. It's a principle that explains the very nature of the building blocks of our universe (a very complicated thing indeed) which if we understand, can help us in our own private goals for self-improvement.
Universal designs for life
Every living thing has energy. Our bodies have energy. The foods we eat have energy. The process of life and death is energy converting into matter and then back into energy again, and energy - in addition to being atomic (having protons, neutrons, etc.) - also has information associated to where the rules are mainly made about how things resonate.
The negative polarities of magnets attract because that's how that energy is encoded with information. Some atoms come together as wood, some as water, some as mineral, but when you break it down, it's all atoms. So, experts say it's the information - information that doesn't show up on any microscope - that makes the rules. And to get the law of attraction to work in our lives with any consistency, we have to know how to influence the information that is in our energy system.
There's a lot of conflicting information out there from The Secret experts. Bob Proctor says you don't have to understand, just keep repeating on a daily basis and decades down the line you might get a green shoot pop up in your derelict garden. Meanwhile, Bob Doyle tells us that his programmes won't ask us to do ANYTHING until you fully understand why you're doing it, and how it's going to work. So, do you just keep on visualising your lottery win day in day out, hoping one day decades down the line that you win without needing the know-how? Or do you need to know how something works, before it actually does?
In the interim, Doyle and Proctor have even brought out other money making programmes (for them) and sequels to The Secret to tell us why what they said didn't work in the first place. After The Secret, Rhonda Byrne had to publish The Power to tell us why the world hadn't got better after learning the secret. And the fault wasn't with them, apparently it was with us.
Or more accurately, with life. Because it's more complicated than they first thought. Who would've guessed that life could be difficult to understand? It's as if all the great thinkers throughout the ages have been trying to come to terms with the meaning of life, is it?
This is why I constantly say that you need to tailor fit the information given to YOUR needs. We are all individual. It's also why I have made it a my mission to NEVER take any money off anyone for the systems I provide, because these are just the bare bones. You have to do the hard work. YOU need to work out your goals. YOU need to work out what visualisations work for you. YOU need to find the system that you prefer. YOU need to how how much information you need to digest.
For some people, they don't need to understand how something works, they will just learn it off by heart and in doing so programme their brain into a positive mindset that will affect the outcome of their actions. For others that just won't work, they need to know how something works, before they'll believe in it - and themselves. And for others they won't want to everything, only some basic information to get them started.
Now, let me tell you another secret. A bare bones programme is all any self-guru can provide if they are honest with you. A one-size-fits-all product is a sham, because it won't work for you. Even though they do give you techniques and tools to put real principles into action, they're giving you THEIR tools, not YOURS!
For example, a personal trainer or nutritionist can only do so much, the rest is up to YOU, and seeing as you're in your body, only you have the real means to listen to it. Our needs will varying according to each person's individuality, and if count up the people we have on the planet - this means billions. The Secret is said to have opened the door for a wider audience to an ancient knowledge that many have used throughout time to set themselves apart from the crowd, but has The Secret helped billions, or even millions?
When we look at the state of the world today, we have to say sadly that's a resounding NO. Though I'm in no way blaming Byrne, Doyle or Proctor for the global crisis we face in 2012, it's still true that the mass disillusionment and disappointment on the wave of their revelations can't have helped anyone but those gurus that made money off the unhappiness of others.
And I'm not happy about that, because I believe our future is only great if we all become greater together - the physics of our interconnectedness tells us that we need to unify for survival.
Self-help programmes fail to make sure that the message you're sending the universe about what you want your life isn't cluttered with a bunch of information that you're not conscious of - which will cause unpredictable results or no results at all. However, it's through no fault of the particular system, apart from the reality that there is no single cure for everyone. If that was true than there would be 100% cure rate for cancer (a disease which evolves with its host) with known therapies, rather than being baffled why some people survive their illnesses, and others don't on the same treatments.
But the entrepreneurs wanting to make money off their programmes won't tell you that - they'll only offer you a money back guarantee. Many customers won't even use the opt-out guarantee, because they feel they must be to blame (or it is such a small amount of money as not to be worth it). Or they will have missed, too, the disclaimer at the end which says these sorts of programmes, although promise to be a one-stop cure, write in their small print they "are intended for entertainment purposes only" and not intended as a "cure" for any ailment. These disclaimers are almost printed ad verbatim on many self-help guru websites. Namely:
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this [self-help programme] are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher or the advertiser, unless otherwise noted. The information in this e-mail is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the publisher or advertiser. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The information in this [self-help programme] is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
There are very few wholly original ideas in the world, there are usually people coming to the same conclusions or carrying out experiments, whether publicly or privately. So many of these self-help programmes all come off sounding the same, with just a different spin put on to the same regurgitated information. There is even a term for this (especially in body-building circles): broscience. It's a derogatory term for misconceptions and ideas of questionable scientific credibility, passed around among laymen by word-of-mouth as if factually true.
Thus Doyle and Proctor pass around their broscience in their own programmes promising to help transform your life out of the doldrums, still trying to make money off an old idea that hasn't seemed to help the billions of lives it promised to change.
Critics of such programmes will say that Doyle and Proctor are just examples of a long line of pseudo-scientific nonsense being sold to the public with misappropriations that promise miracles. Of course the person reading their website will not be 100% satisfied with their life. NO ONE EVER IS. And their critics state that no matter what they claim, nothing they do will make you 100% satisfied with your life.
Human beings are incapable of being 100% satisfied. Even if everything was going right with your life, you're a rich, famous, powerful, have the most beautiful spouse in the world whom you love, have great kids, have loads of loving friends and family, etc., you'll still find something missing in your life. It's just human nature.
Maybe you'll be satisfied for awhile, but eventually you'll get bored with having everything and will crave adventure or something different. Or maybe you live an adventurous life already, so you'll get tired of that. There's an old (and rather crude) expression: "Show me a beautiful woman and I'll show you a man tired of making love to her".
The critics of The Secret and their like say that it relies on people's natural capacity for self-deception. As is pointed out in the recent film, The Brothers Bloom, the perfect con is the one where "everyone gets what they want". And if enough people try it, there's a high statistical likelihood that enough small coincidences will occur that will reinforce the belief that the programme actually works, because if you want to believe badly enough, you'll seek out any reason to justify that belief. Critics often use the two psychological phenomena of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance as prime examples. I mention cognitive dissonance in the theory of acting-to-become in my article "Love When All Goes Badly".
So, when we give out our money to these self-help programmes are we really helping ourselves, or are these self-proclaimed self-help gurus really just helping themselves to our hard earned money? To be honest it's not the critics who need to be convinced. If any programme can demonstrably prove the claims made, then there must be scientific studies which can be peer-reviewed by the appropriate scientific experts in whatever field that is. Personally, if the programme can convince appropriate scientific experts, that's when I start to pay attention and see if those scientists have a good reason to believe in it. Let these programmes convince those far more knowledgeable than myself first.
On the other side of the coin, self-help gurus and their programmes are saturated with the intent of SELLING. As with their disclaimers, they use cookie-cutter templates, and we'll have seen hundreds written and organised in exactly the same way (down to the signature they add at the end). Critics needs to push that aside and weigh the value of the core ideas being peddled. Doyle and Proctor and their ilk may cheapen the message with their money-spinning tactics, but what about the message itself?
The ideas are completely within the realm of human potential. In this case, it is the use of one's mind to engage the resonance of their current state, to visualise the goals yo want to achieve, in order to have an actual emotional imprint of what that feels like. Most advocate to do this in a meditative session with the feeling still fresh, and use that to aid your positive acts towards your manifestation efforts.
But what the money-grabbing gurus don't want you to know us that YOU could probably put together your own method and program to achieve those ends, if you follow the creative visualisation, meditation and alpha-brain-state information I have provided (with credible scientific opinion). Because that's a REAL self-help programme - it's YOU helping yourself.
The keys to creative visualisationCreative visualisation involves the use of mental images to project the achievement of a particular task, performance or any desired outcome. It might sound all fuzzy, new age and far fetched, however experts suggest that, if you can put aside your doubts for a moment and give it a try, the results of your creative visualisation exercise could surprise you.
The key here is the fact that your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between the images that it is feed during the creative visualisation process and reality. As such, perfect outcomes can be created in your own mental lab and used to increase your levels of self belief and confidence. Of course, experts say the only way that you can "see" for yourself what creative visualisation can do for you is to give it a try.
Here are some recommended steps to get you off the mental imaging starting block:
- Recall a strong, positive memory: You can make this positive memory as racy or inspiring as you like - nobody else will know anyway. The recall your graduation day or the birth of your child is the kind of strong, positive memory experts provide as examples. What you want to notice is how you recall the memory. Are you able to see the past events in full colour, do any scents come to mind or can you recall some of the words that you said with only a vague recollection of the actual event? Use your dominant areas of recall to model your first visualisation exercises.
- Start with an easy first visualisation exercise: Now that you have recalled your past, mentally project a future event or reality based on an aspect of your daily life that you can easily recall. For example, you can visualise yourself reaching to the office on time in your favourite blue shirt and red tie or feeling great while doing your usual morning exercise.
- Practice frequently: Do not put off your visualisation sessions or you can easily never get to it. Instead, be sure to practice your visualisation on a daily basis, preferably at a time and place where you will not be interrupted for at least ten minutes.
- Set clear, short-term goals for your creative visualisation sessions: Seeing some early success from your visualisation sessions will inspire you to keep on practising. You can easily use visualisation to start to develop new habits such as being punctual or being calm with a rude customer by mentally repeating these desired new behaviours in your sessions.
- Capture your feelings: Allow yourself to truly feel positive emotions such as joy, pride, excitement during your creative visualisation exercise. The strong feelings you experience while performing your visualisation exercises appear to act like a magnet to draw the desired imaged results to you faster.
Like so many other worthwhile activities, the more time and energy that you invest in creative visualisation, the more personal benefits you will be able to enjoy.
Being sceptical is not about having a closed mind. Sceptics aren't debunkers. Sceptics do have an open mind, only not so open that their brain falls out. Thus when it comes to money-making self-help programmes, I prefer to follow the science (wherever that may lead). Science is a meritocracy, so ideas either sink or swim on their own merits. If you put forth an idea and it can't stand the scrutiny of scientific inquiry under the same standards that every other idea is scrutinised, then these self-help programmes have no business even mentioning the word science.
Get wise to money-making gurus.
However, this is more than healthy critical thinking and scientific scepticism. Science itself hasn't unlocked all the mysteries of the the universe or the brain or how we work in alignment with our thoughts and emotions. Science is still learning, science is a tool in our learning. It is a great debunker, but it can sometimes be misleading, too. Sometimes we need to question the very science that has become accepted wisdom, because once it was accepted that the world was flat - it took new vision and a new way of thinking to realise that the Earth was elliptical.
To quote the motion picture Men In Black:
Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the centre of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.
However, the reason the scientific method is superior to all others in the quest for real knowledge is that it's a rigorous meritocracy where only good ideas backed by high-level evidence survive while bad ideas backed by only low-level or no evidence at all are discarded. Science is self-correcting, where all facts are subject to revision upon the arrival of new evidence. Science is by nature sceptical of claims and those who practice scientific scepticism understand how flawed human perception is - and, thus our perception of science, too.
If you can reduce science to two things, they would be validity and reliability. Validity, in simple terms, pertains to the extent to which a claim is true, while reliability, pertains to the consistency of the claim. To put it another way, does the claim produce consistent and considerable results over time? These two things are important, since they separate actual scientific knowledge from scientific belief. If history tells us anything it's that the truth doesn't just suddenly reveal itself for no reason but is determined by the hard work of people willing to test and challenge beliefs.
As to my beliefs, I believe in things that science may never be able to prove (or disprove) or explain. For example, you can't grow twin flame love in a laboratory test tube, and my personal, anecdotal experience will not be very convincing in a scientific study. The difference is I'm not here to make money out of my beliefs! I'm here to freely share lifestyle information, so that we can all get enlightened together. No mystery is closed to an open mind. We can indeed all carefully consider a proposition, apply critical analysis to it, and then reach our own conclusion on whether the proposition is simply idiotic, out to make money, or it's the real deal.
Likewise, self-improvement is not (or should not be) a sales-tactic, it's a lifelong journey which can even elude the best scientific study, which must be taken with a light heart, but with an underlying seriousness to the sacredness of life. We want to better our lives, bring transformational change that we can see working in our lives, not decades from now, but in good time for the individual concerned. We don't want to be lining the pockets of people who misuse scientific knowledge, and whose programmes leave us as unfulfilled (and sometimes more so) than had we never tried their product.
Perspective is important
Subsequently we have to separate the self-help gurus and their programmes (which are inevitably there to make them money - which isn't a bad thing unless it's the ONLY thing their product does well) from the core ideas they've used (or abused) in them.
Now people reading this article might ask, why have you singled out Doyle and Proctor? Why the witch hunt? Who are they hurting? So, they're capitalising on the average person's greed and laziness, but who doesn't do that when looking to make a buck? If he passes along some good information on meditation, deep breathing, self awareness and mental projection practices that will most likely only affect his readers/subscribers in a positive way, who are you to judge him? It is already a well established fact that meditation and structured breathing practices reduces stress and has many positive affects to overall mental and physical health and happiness.
Click here for more on meditation.
And I agree (and have felt the benefits) with all of the above - but capitalising on the weakness of others to get rich is not what they're saying they (or their broscience) is about. They're saying it's their aim to turn those weaknesses into strengths - not to create more disillusionment.
It's not their wealth that bothers me, either (but you can believe what you like on that score) it's the disillusioned people that will end up feeling like bigger failures falling at the feet of these self-help gurus and their programmes that worry me. Because people are my business. If we don't all unite to raise each other up, we will all fall. It's that simple.
Some will say of these programmes that it is irrelevant as to whether or not the pseudo-science behind is real, that some will still get results. But the problem is that it won't be because of what they're selling. The point IS NOT whether you get results from the programme (because the core tips that are all freely available such as meditation, etc., will benefit you) but rather whether the product does what it claims to do. A placebo might make you feel better, but if it's not the thing that actually cured what ails you - for example, if you were sold a sugar pill instead of aspirin and it says aspirin on the box - wouldn't you feel ripped off? It's fraud at any rate.
And even if their followers feel it's perfectly fine to be wilfully ignorant of being taken advantage of, it would still be morally objectionable. Because of the onslaught of law of attraction products after The Secret, some of them extremely incomplete, there were thousands of people who THOUGHT they were learning about the law of attraction and how to use it, but had only a fraction of the information - and when they, not surprisingly, didn't see results, they tossed the whole thing off as a joke or a fraud.
It's no surprise that if you buy most of those super-cheap self-help products that you're not going to have a profound life change (even Doyle and Proctor admit that much) you're almost always going to need more than something like that can offer you. Years of negative programming usually needs years of therapy to be changed - in so many potential areas, and there are some foundational things you need to learn and understand. You can't just rush it and expect miracles. You need to take the time, however long it takes, to have to life you truly want.
We must start sharing information that will truly benefit us freely and honestly. If it's a good product, then wealth will come - and wealth is not a bad thing. Making money is DEFINITELY not a bad thing. But we have to be responsible, otherwise bad products will start to generate growing mistrust against the core messages - and that really will lead those looking for self-improvement and enlightenment into disaster.
However, if you're paying a lot of money for someone's product, and they've got you thinking that this is all some kind of "magic trick" – then you're setting yourself up for a fall. The science says the universe just doesn't work that way. Furthermore, at some level, if that's how you look at it, you're going to run into some level of resistance (and disillusionment) because it will all seem too good to be true, and therefore, it won't occur as true for you.
Experts in this area emphasise that the energy of the belief that "it's too good to be true" will not resonate with the experience of reality that is true. Just like the magnets described further above, they will repel each other. But when you shift into energetic alignment with "anything is possible", "I deserve anything I desire", and "abundance is everywhere" – what the gurus call true energetic alignment - then the information encoded in that energy is said to bring on the attraction process.
So, will simply resonating a strong emotional belief, or perspective, of possibility in a meditative state manifest your dreams? Well the good news is, you don't need to know every detail of the intelligence behind the good core ideas of the power that lies in our bodies and brains.
To illustrate, in my articles covering tantric sex secrets, I write that you can practise tantric sex moves without first needing to know what it works. You get the pow without needing the how, as I like to say. But you won't become a dream lover just by dreaming about it. Meditation and mindful breathing will bring you into the zone, and practice of the necessary techniques (and their mastery) is required for the necessary results. With sex you need to put in positive action to see the results, whether that be on your own or in a trusting relationship. It's not so much different in life. What you put into it, is invariably what you'll get out.
And while the science (or philosophies) behind cultivating sexual energy is not necessary to see results from practical tips (that even the most reputable sex therapists use), for some knowing the how can give a deeper understanding to the pow. It adds depth to the technical mastery brought about by practice. Getting the knowledge is in a sense unifying the mind and body to work together in harmony.
It may seem that you are getting too much information to clutter your mind, but think for a moment about how many years of information you've absorbed through school, society, television, parents, and many other sources which keep on teaching you. The brain is all about absorbing information.
And whether there is a profound truth to be found in mind blowing sex or a reality creation mechanism to attract what you want - or not - you may feel you still need all the information to make up your own mind. Is it some silly marketing scheme or new-age concept with no basis in truth? Or is it the key you've been looking for to unlock your potential?
Still, if or when you do find the key, remember it's up to YOU to turn the lock. It won't turn magically on its own, either by willing it to, or because of giving your money to some self-help guru's product that promises to magically transform your life.
You won't improve if you want dramatic change in you life, but refuse to look at what has gone into creating the circumstances you want to change – because it's an understanding of that which empowers you to create the change. You need to start eliminating years and years of negative and limiting beliefs - to start resonating at a higher level, so you can go from repelling what you want, to attracting it to your life. Meditation will move you into energetic alignment with what you want, but you have to know what it is you want, and go for it with positive action.
Adherents to this belief say that evidence of the law of attraction is all around us - our very experience of reality is proof that energy in various forms and configurations is a part of our life. If there are specific reasons why everything in your life is there (i.e., because of our choices and actions influenced by a programmed negative mindset of the brain) then we need to be aware of that to change it. We don't think about it most of the time, but when do, we start to see the big picture, and an amazing world of truly infinite possibility opens up.
You'll be more confident than ever as to who you're here to be, and more empowered that you probably ever thought possible. The bottom line is this: if there is anything you want to be, do, or have in your life that you're not currently doing, then YOU have to assist you in being, doing and having it.
If you're really ready for profound transformation in your life, then understanding this last secret will mean there is no way you'll be the same person on the other side of this series of articles.
Yours in love,