“Like the DNA strands of our human genome that run through us, there is a golden thread that ties our bodies to our spirit which runs through the mind. When we fail to live consciously, we are disconnected from this golden line of communication; we are in effect shut off from our real source and running like automatons on battery power, not really alive at all. Activating this cosmic energy means living in syngenesis with your mind, body and soul - all three working together, in sync and in unison, to fulfil our human potential and purpose. This is the next stage of human evolution.”
— Mickie Kent
Today, you're faced with stress 24/7. The demands of career and family pull you in a million different directions. You worry about your loved ones. You struggle to make ends meet. You're under the gun with work deadlines. Your finances hit a snag and you feel anxious about your future. Your family life starts to suffer; the guilt kicks in.
Even simple things like traffic jams, long checkout lines, and a difficult commute all help to break down your defence. Then factor in environmental toxins, processed foods infections, pain, insomnia, and allergies to the poisonous mix that has become your daily way of living and it's no wonder you feel constantly at breaking point.
It's a vicious cycle. The more stress you experience, the harder you work to ignore it. So how are you going to react to all this stimuli month after month, year after year? Eventually you'll run out of juice and before you know it, you're running on empty.
If I've just described you; then this foreword is for you. If you're breathing a sigh of relief and inwardly gleeful your life is nothing like that at all, then this introduction is a heads up. Because it could be you in a few years from now. Read on for some life-saving information on how to preserve the health you have before your ageing clock runs out.
In a recent survey, most spiritually-minded people confessed that they know there is a powerful connection between the body and the spirit; but over 70% admitted they were doing nothing about it. Of those 70%, 62% cited, "I don't know what to do" as their reason.Well, as a Mickie Kent fan, my series on the synergy of the mind-body-soul threesome will help you know "exactly" what to do. The knowledge in it will prime you to live a life in its prime. This powerful synergy (meaning two or more things functioning together to produce a result not independently obtainable) must be prevalent in every area of your life; not just in your thoughts and deeds towards others, but towards every aspect of your lifestyle from how active you are physically to every single morsel of fuel energy you put into your body.
This goes way above nutrition and food, but includes the shampoos, the face creams, the make-up, the type of dentistry fillers in our teeth (mercury metals kill people, people!) to the containers we keep our foods in, the utensils we use, the way we chew the food, the way we sleep and keep active, the clothes we wear and the shoes we lovingly buy. In short, you have to protect every inch of your life.
Now, to some of us (well it does to me) this will sound horrific and completely obsessive. But before we turn around and "walk out of the door", let's think about this for a moment: the first step towards health is to be consciously aware of the issues. Whether we like it or not, the things I listed above have a visible, measurable effect on us, because they are all part and parcel of our lifestyle. You can't change one small area, and expect a miracle transformation. You need to look at the whole package; you need to scrutinise your lifestyle with an awareness of their impact on you, and what you really want in life. For example, you might be less bothered about the pounds you need to lose, and more worried about finding your purpose.
I parrot on about this constantly, but the truth bears saying often: You are unique. So, what works for one individual will not work for another. That's why you need to get in touch with your emotions and thoughts (your soul) to "know yourself"; activate your conscious awareness with your mind to act as a conductor (or receiver if you will) to affect your physical reality - which includes your body (health, appearance) and your life (interactions with others, relationships, your moods, your purpose and so on).
Some experts use the terms "spirit" and "soul" interchangeably (I do throughout the articles of this series), but others choose to differentiate spirit as the "source" that all souls comes from. But the point is that neither the body, mind or spirit-soul can exist as YOU without each other; their existence really depends on co-existence - it takes correct synergy to make them a complete and working whole.
And if in a similar fashion to ignoring our lifestyle as a whole entity - preferring instead to target "red-flag" areas or reacting only when a problem occurs - we make the mistake to ignore the causal synergistic energy chain that reaches from the soul to the body via the mind, then we are not going to achieve real self-mastery over our lives.
If that energy thread binding the powerful threesome of soul-mind-body is blocked or cut (more correctly disconnected) from each other then we will never truly fulfil the great potential each and every one of us has to reach the apex of the person we were meant to be. We will not be in the flow, but rather be cut out from the flow of spirit that connects the living community.
Imagine everyone being hooked up to the World Wide Web apart from you; think what you would miss out on. Without achieving synergy, you are unplugged from life's very stream of (sub)consciousness, and all the knowledge and insight it has to offer. Consciousness is the primary core component of the entire planet; you need to be hooked up to it.
As for those who would dismiss my synergy theory as new age nonsense - condemnation without investigation serves no one. Take a look at the natural world, synergistic phenomena are ubiquitous, ranging from physics (for example, the different combinations of quarks that produce protons and neutrons) to chemistry (a popular example is water, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen), to the cooperative interactions among the genes in genomes, the division of labour in bacterial colonies, the synergies of scale in multi-cellular organisms, as well as the many different kinds of synergies produced by socially-organised groups, from honeybee colonies to wolf packs and human societies.
Our tools and technologies are all synergies to lesser or greater degrees. The best inventions marry art, science and technology. Take a look around you and see examples of synergies at work all around you. We are part of nature, so utilising my synergy theory is in essence getting in touch with your very nature. You have to work with all your component parts as a family. It is the way we used to live, before modern society disconnected us from our natural lifestyles.
Now I'm not saying to connect with ourselves we have to pack a bag and head for the Himalayas, and seek out a tribe untainted by modernity and rich with primitive wisdom, to adopt a lifestyle of lifetime denial. Any advice given has to be practical; we no longer live in primitive times. Thus, my series is not just about the synergy within ourselves, but about attaining a successful syngenesis with our modern lifestyle. It needs to fit in with our families and our work schedules and our daily responsibilities.
Moreover, getting this synergistic line of energy connected up inside us is just half of the equation; it has to be open at the right frequency, too. It must be in sync, aligned correctly in harmonious vibrational energy to be at peak performance capability. And that is about finding balance, and learning moderation in all things.
And the good news is, that once you are working with yourself in synergy, this power source will act as a shield against the daily "red-flag" areas in our lives, so we don't have to completely deny ourselves modern amenities (unless we want to). Because of course we can't control every little thing outside of our own flow! Sometimes we will want to have a treat and pig out! Some of us have a tremendous sweet-tooth, why should we make ourselves miserable if eating red velvet cake makes us feel good? We will want to go a little crazy now and then. If it's not fun, then it's not working.
Keep in mind it's about being consciously aware, not constantly obsessing; sometimes we will need to know when to let go. As long as it doesn't inviolate another living thing, we must all do what makes us happy. You don't have to become "a fitness junkie" or a nutritional expert, not unless you're that way inclined. But if that's what you desire, then go for it. Naturally we all need to be physically active, as we all know we should be, but for those of us that weren't born to be gym bunnies, we don't have to be a spiritual or physical "slave" to the gym, or starve ourselves, or hide away at home to get optimum health (although sometimes reading all the self-help books out there it seems like this would be the only way to achieve it!).
Plus as we are all individual, we need to customise our lifestyle to fit in with the desired goals we want to set for ourselves. Therefore we need to learn how to discover and follow our passions, and motivate ourselves towards success in everything we do. In doing so, not only will joy and happiness follow, but these emotions will be what keeps our vibrational energy at the required levels. And aligning our synergistic soul-mind-body triumvirate to hum harmoniously with its own unique vibrational energy will radiate out to the world to inspire others. From a vicious cycle, we will turn in a victorious one.
When we know our minds and bodies and moods well, we will know what we need to cut out of lives with greater clarity. We will know what is good for us and what is not - we won't need money-making gurus trying to line their Paypal pockets with our hard earned money! And do I hear you ask: Oh Mickie, why have they NEVER explained this so simply and clearly before like you have?
There's a simple answer to that one: because they either want to keep it to themselves, or make money off you selling you only part of the solution, so that it works a little (just enough), but not completely - and thus you keep going back for more, so they can keep milking you of your hard earned money, and feed off your misery and your disillusionment. It's no wonder you are crying out for help!
Until now, there hasn't been a simple, well thought-out process to connect all the dots in one clear picture, and to focus all that precious, magnetic, powerful energy of yours into one, laser-targeted method, which reveals the process of creating the life you want for yourself, without confusion, information overload, or frustration. Well, that was in the past. The future is here; the future is now.This isn't a revolution or a call to arms; it's a sure-footed evolution that's been a long time coming. This is a new guide for modern living; and a new future means a new way of doing things; of sharing information, not hoarding it and spoon-feeding it as though we were imbeciles. The knowledge of how to better our lives and ourselves should be readily available to everyone for free, because the sacredness of life commands it. To me anything less is like slapping a tax on the very breath we take into our bodies.
All human lives deserve dignity. None of us are charity cases, and we shouldn't be treated as such. I'm not doing this for charity; I have charitable causes I volunteer for already. I'm doing this simply (and importantly) because it's the right thing to do.
I don't profess to know everything, either. I am learning all the time. The journey of enlightenment, of self-improvement, or knowledge is a lifelong one. I learn from you as much as you learn from me. I don't say "you must do this" or "you must do that"; I say take on board whatever resonates with you. You make up your own mind; you're in control.
And let me make it clear: I am here to give a helping hand, but I can't hold your hand all the way through; transformational change in your life will require huge effort on your part - and sometimes there will be times you take a few steps back. Long lasting progress is not a rushed revolution, it's a slow, steady, gradual evolution. It will take time, but the time it takes is necessary; it isn't wasted. It's all part of the learning process.
Recovery is not a straight, long, upward line. It's a zig-zag of highs and lows, until you reach your own unique harmonious ideal and the dips balance out. The steps back and the steps forward all help to make us grow - as long as we keep moving forward. So, don't be disheartened, but believe in only one miracle. The miracle of love, and the opportunities granted for us to share it.
We are in this together. We are all part of the community of life, and I am proud, happy, and grateful to be sharing this with you. Some of the articles are long, chock-full of life-enhancing information, so I recommend you take your time and bookmark the pages for future reference. Hand on heart, this is the best way to connect the spirit and the body, bringing them together in vibrational harmony, and empowering both to ultimately realise that both are actually one. Each individual travels on his or her own path, and if they have the courage they will meet their true self and find their power. Synergy is about uniting you with your true self.
You owe it to yourself to connect, because when you are in synergy, you'll discover deeper states of meditation - where your body is flooded with spiritual and natural energy. Once powered up, you'll feel good physically; your digestive health will improve. It will connect you in a profound way spiritually to yourself, your loved ones and to the Earth. The time has come for love, forgiveness and understanding to be the modus operandi of our lives.
Besides, once you're in tune with your energy, control will be at your fingertips. Your belief will be so strong, that you'll achieve because you believe, and the gap closes between what you believe and what you know. This will no longer be a "belief", but a truth in your life.
Your relationships with people will thrive; you will love well, and wisely. You'll be more tolerant of the differences of others, more forgiving of any minor slights. Life is not only too short, but too wise to hold a grudge. We'll be confident, but not arrogant, because we will treat everyone as self. We will stop labelling ourselves, and others. It we refuse to call ourselves things it won't lead to duality, i.e. Jew/Gentile, which is all rooted in a "us versus them" mentality. If we're all one, we can resist labels and just keep growing and searching the wonders of our world.
And think of the possibilities that will open up to us when we harness the power of the mind. Science is making new discoveries all the time. What if you could rewrite your DNA with your thoughts? What if through our syngenesis we are rewriting our DNA to create a more enlightened next generation, and they in turn a more enlightened one? The future looks bright already.
Or what about the plasticity of the brain, and how we can accelerate and upgrade our intelligence and memory? Your memory will be yours to command; if you forget something, just think "recall" and you'll remember because you're already on the right wavelength. Becoming a "superhuman" is no longer the stuff of science fiction.
Thus having scientifically mapped the mind and the body, we understand some aspects to each of them, but what do we know about the soul? What is it? Where does it come from? Without any one of these three we could not function properly, yet in today's world we have only really tried to understand two of the three. We left the soul to major religions, as though our soul belonged to them, rather than to us.
For centuries religions have been the primary source of answers pertaining to the human soul, but they haven't been concrete. Many different religions have different answers and ideas about how things work on this level, yet only a synergistic approach to life shows us that the mind, body, and spirit is the true sacred trinity that allows us life on Earth, and which strengthens and protects us.
So, if you ever had a desire to receive more universal energy, a greater sense of physical and spiritual well-being, and achieve the ideal body, one suited for YOUR spiritual and physical journey, then look no further. You'll discover that this information will strike a kind of knowingness in you; it's all part of the "waking up" of our consciousness. Enlightenment is here. It's ours for the taking.
Yours in love,