“Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.”
— Anais Nin
What do you really want and what do you need to get there? Simple questions with important answers. That's the theme today. It's all about taking a personal inventory to make sure you are on the right track.
However, making an accurate appraisal of where you are right now in regard to actually living your dreams takes more than simply saying, "Well, let's see ... I work in an office as a clerk, but my dream is to be president of a Fortune 500 company. So I guess I'm not there yet."
That's simply not enough information to enable you to make meaningful changes in your life. In order to truly change direction, you must take some radical actions. Only when you see your situation with clarity, are you able to formulate a plan to change it.
Click here for 5 ways to change your life!
Momentum is a powerful force in physics, and also in your life. If, for example, you are on course to work in a large company as a low-level administrator, you continue to be propelled in that direction by momentum. Factors in that momentum include the way you get supervisors to perceive you, the set of skills you acquire, and your behaviour patterns.
In order to break out of this path and get yourself headed toward a higher goal, you must recognise how you got started in that direction in the first place. Once you determine how you got started, it will be easier to see what you need to do in order to change course.
That is why a cumulative appraisal of your life is so important. It compels you to dig deeper and identify the true reasons your life has taken the wrong direction. Facing those reasons isn't a lot of fun, but it is necessary.
Taking a personal inventory
A good friend of mine, when she was very young, had a strong interest to become an actress. She was very talented. Yet, by the time she was in my 20s, she hadn't done anything about it. It would have been easy for my friend to tell herself that it was because she was so busy with other goals. But that wasn't the truth. The truth was that she was afraid of going on stage and having people not like her.
Once she accepted that reality, she was able to find a solution to her problem. She created a "dramatic character" for herself that made it easier for her to give acting a try. When she had enough experience and confidence, she gave up the character and revealed her true self in castings. Since then (I'm proud to say), my friend has appeared as an actress in several independent movies, on stage, and as a member of a theatre travelling group.
Now, your circumstances are probably entirely different from hers. But if you don't identify the true reasons that have prevented you from living your dreams, you won't be able to overcome the tremendous force of momentum pushing you down the wrong life path.
Are you ready to make your own cumulative appraisal and start turning your life around? It's a two-step process and here's how to get started:
- Determine your actual life position. This step is not easy for most people, because it's natural for us to minimise our shortcomings. Let me share the example of my actress friend again.
My close friend spent four years telling herself that she was just one step away from catching that big break - or moments away from being able to jump into another career of her own.
But that wasn't the case. She was just in a job that she hated – a job with no future. She had no specific life goal (only a dream), much less a well-planned strategy to change her situation. Until she took a realistic look at where she was and where she was headed, she was stuck treading water.
Once she finally realised that she was staying with her job because she had a lack of self-confidence, she was able to change things for the better.
After completing the cumulative appraisal, she realised that she'd built up some substantial acting skills already (to mask how much she hated being in her current job). With a new perception of herself, she found the courage to get an agent and start going to cast calls. Now, instead of punching a time card and making just enough to get by, she is doing something she loves, acting, while also travelling all over the world.
While there are times to put a "positive spin" on things, you don't want to sugarcoat your cumulative appraisal. You need to be brutally honest with yourself. It's not always easy to accept reality - but console yourself by remembering that any negative life circumstance can be changed.
- Identify your dreams. When you've determined where you truly are, you've got to figure out where it is you want to go. It's easy for some people to pinpoint their dreams. But others may not know for sure what would make them happy. All they know is that they don't like what they're currently doing.
To determine what you would really like to do, ask yourself, "If I had a $50 million windfall - and never again had to work to support myself - what would I like to do?" The answer to that question is very likely the dream that you should pursue.
Be very specific - and realistic - about your dream. The first part of your cumulative appraisal will give you an accurate picture of your strengths and weaknesses. So if, for example, you're a heavy-set man in your late 40s, don't say, "I'd like to be a leading man in action movies." That's not realistic.
But you can still be a movie star. You just need to "tweak" your dream a bit. Perhaps you could say, "I want to be a character actor who works regularly in film and television." That's possible. And then, with this specific goal in mind, you could figure out what specific actions you need to take to achieve it. You might, for example, decide you need to enrol in acting school.
The point is, you've got to take action based on an understanding of who you are now, how and why you got here, and your (very specific) dream. Completing these two steps will make that possible.
Time is the one commodity you have that is truly limited. Don't miss the deadline for your life. If you aren't living your dreams now, I strongly urge you to change your life for the better. Believe me, my friend is living proof that it can be done.
No matter what life situation you're in, you actually possess the power to change your life in the blink of an eye. This is especially true when you have the right tools and information to guide you.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
However, when you're the one stuck in the situation, it can feel impossible to see clearly. That's when you need to realise that your values shape your destiny.
The value of love
“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.”
— The Dhammapada (as translated by T. Byrom, 1993)
It may sometimes feel like there are no options, that the weight of the past is crushing you, that you're unable to break through to a new future. When this happens, you need to become clear with the following question: What are my values?
In other words, what kind of person do you want to see when you look at yourself in the mirror each morning? The answer to this question often makes the next step clearly come into focus. By the end of this article, you'll be several steps closer to knowing what your REAL values are - the ones that will shape your destiny.
This is important because if you try to move forward in a way that goes against your core values, you'll never be truly happy. People can sometimes waste months or years of their life lacking conviction on what to do and suffering from guilt, shame, or feelings of inadequacy. Don't let that happen to you! Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.
In my "Heal Your Mind with Love" post I show you how to begin training your mind to work with your subconscious mind - so you live the life you want and achieve your goals.
By following my 90 mind healing programme which I outline in that article you'll make lasting changes in your life - changes you may not have been able to make until now.
It's a lot easier than you think. You do it by simply training your mind, and by using the techniques outlined in the article. Healing your mind with love will change your life in ways you never thought possible. Your dreams can come true.
It starts by changing your thought patterns, including unconscious thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. You'll begin to use your emotions to empower you. With my mind healing techniques you'll reach your full potential and perform at peak levels in every situation while increasing confidence and self esteem.
Whether you want to quit bad habits, start new positive habits, achieve your goals, make more money, meet the right person, increase confidence, or simply get your life back on track - it's all in the correct mindset.
All the details on my powerful, effective and yet simple program, which will help you overcome any negative beliefs that have been holding you back for so long, are in the article. It will boost your confidence and push you to achieve success in all areas of your life. And because you tailor your own affirmations, it gives you the power to create the life you want.
Bounce back with affirmations.
You'll begin to believe in yourself - knowing that you'll be able to achieve all your goals - and you'll feel confident that you can reach for and achieve some really amazing things in your life. Imagine if this program had been your way of thinking from a very young age, how different would your life be now?
How to get started
By now you probably know that quitting a habit or achieving an important goal can be extremely difficult. You could go crazy trying to succeed at just one seemingly simple thing, only to fail again and again.
You may have already given up on yourself. But don't quit just yet - there is a way to begin living the life you want and more.
You have everything you need already inside you. You can achieve anything you want - and all you have to do is train your mind to work with your subconscious mind. It's like training for success.
And my 90 mind healing programme shows you how to get the most out of yourself and your inner powers - so that life becomes easier and more fulfilling.
But before you can begin achieving your goals, as I mentioned at the start of this post, you first have to know what you want - and that means a three step process: you need to get focused, discover what you want and learn how to use the power of the brain. I've already touched upon the first two at the start of this article, and I'll continue with them below.
- Getting focused: If you want to achieve your goals, improve your life, enjoy life or discover your true calling - what ever it is you want to achieve you first have to decide what is important and then come up with a plan. Be specific with details (or at least brainstorm avenues you can try). Come up with a list of what you want to achieve, and have a clear idea of how you plan to get there. Write it down.
Did you know that 80% of people who write down their goals achieve them? Yet less than 5%of people in the world actually write down their goals and desires? Those are astounding figures - and think about it - just by simply writing down your goals, objectives and plans you increase your chance of success and achievement by 80%.
And did you also know that most successful people and the wealthiest people in the world write down their goals and come up with a solid plan of action - before they became successful? Now you know why they're successful.
So, why does coming up with a plan and decision make such a difference? Because when you make a decision, write it down, come up with a plan - you tell your subconscious mind, and you send out a message - that you're ready for success and that you will accept nothing less than success.
It's a powerful message that supercharges your subconscious mind to get moving on achieving these goals.
I find writing things down and making decisions so important, not only do I practice it regularly in my life - but I also use this process in the start up to my mind healing programme.
Start by getting focused, learn to decide which goals you truly want to accomplish then begin sending your subconscious mind the right instructions to help you achieve your goals.
- Discovering what you want: Now I know some of you may say: "Mickie, I don't know what I want to do. All I know is I'm not happy. I can't decide what I want to do - how can I write down anything if I don't know what I want to do?" This is a typical response. But you know what? You do know. Deep inside you there is a passion that has been covered up by negative thoughts, negative thinking, and confusion from all those years of doubt and fear.
How do you discover this? Well, I've already mentioned this at the start of the post, by taking a personal inventory of your life.
First you have to start thinking. Just start thinking about what you want to accomplish in life. Fast forward to five years from now - what does life look like? What are you doing? Think of the ideal situation.
If you start doing that you'll get your mind moving in a certain direction. Decide what you want then supercharge your subconscious mind by giving it the right instructions so that you begin attracting the situations and people that will help you achieve your goals.
- The power of your mind: I explain in my mind healing programme that the mind is an incredibly powerful tool. Yet we only use a small portion of it, and when we do - and we use that portion poorly. Researchers have proven that our mental state has a direct impact on our body.
If you're stressed - you stand a better chance of getting sick. If you're worried, you stand a better chance of getting sick. The mind is an incredibly powerful tool - and when you use it correctly - you'll be able to get back on track, discover what you want and why and start creating wonderful opportunities in your life.
Why? Because your subconscious will pick up the messages from your mind and act on it. We create what we think and what we think sends out a vibration that attracts similar thoughts and people who share similar thoughts. Think of thoughts as vibrations - that are picked up by the subconscious and the universe and manifested in reality.
Beliefs have powerful vibrations and will be manifested sooner. So, if you constantly say you don't know what you want to do, or you're not sure, or you can't figure it out - you're only going to create more confusion and you're only going to attract situations that will confuse you even more.
Stop this never-ending cycle of confusion and begin thinking about what you want. Negative thoughts create negative beliefs, which are negative vibrations - in the end you attract negative situations, negative people and a negative lifestyle.
Begin creating the right vibrations, and the right energy to attract the opportunities, people and situations to help you achieve your goals.
With my mind healing programme you'll learn how to get your mind and subconscious mind working for you. When you work with my simple system which you tailor to your own individual needs, within days you'll begin creating the right energy and discover how to attract opportunities to that you start succeeding.
Your values shape your destiny
Once you start incorporating affirmations into your day with my mind healing programme to help you feel good, and to help you maintain a positive vibration, you'll be in an even better position to start focusing on what you want.
And in frankly, when you're in your positive vibration, that's you should start thinking about what it is you really want, what you're passionate about and where you want your life to head next, because you'll be able to focus more clearly. Because when we contemplate goals in a positive vibration, our goals will be set from inspiration, and not desperation.
As I mentioned half-way through this article, another way this clarity can be achieved is by working out what your core values are.
When figuring out what it is you really want, especially if you're one of those people that find it difficult to figure our what that is, an important step is to identify who you are, and what's important to you. What do you stand for? What stance do you hold for yourself? What really matters to you?
I call this identifying your core values. Understanding who you are is a very important step in identifying the goals that you want, because the goals that are aligned with the deepest and strongest version of you will bring you the most happiness - not what family friends or society dictates for you.
How many stories have you heard of people that follow a certain career path - where they've become a doctor, lawyer, or dentist, etc., because that's what their parents wanted for them, or because that's what their parents did? In such circumstances, they spend a large amount of energy, money and time on a career, only to realise once they achieve that goal, that it isn't what they really wanted. It wasn't what they thought it would be, and they find they're unhappy.
Identifying your core values helps you know where you stand, and why you make certain decisions. Think of it like a career aptitude test (you may have taken at school) where your school's career adviser tells you what job or occupation you should do depending on the results.
Not identifying these before you sit down to discover what it is you want and what your goals are can explain why past successes haven't been fulfilling. Maybe you're one of those people that opened up a successful business, got to where you thought you wanted to be, and discovered you weren't happy, because it wasn't aligned with who you are deep down inside and what's important to you.
If you lose sight of what's important to you, you might even find yourself working in a career where you are struggling to keep your head above water, working for survival or the pay packet.
To help you figure out what your core values are I've prepared a spreadsheet of core values for you to use. Just click on the top left picture to see an enlarged version after the jump. Print it out. You can use this spreadsheet in three ways.
Put a tick against any of the core values that actually resonate with you. This list might also trigger some other core values that are not listed here so you can write some extra ones in the spaces I've left for you at the bottom of the sheet. Use a coloured pen, your favourite colour if possible to tick these.
Another great way to use this list to is to put a star against the core values you would like to have. Maybe you're thinking of someone you love and respect that has a certain characteristic or a certain core value that you would like to adopt yourself. So make sure that you put a star next to these, so you can write some affirmations to add to your mind healing schedule to focus on them everyday, and help to adopt them for yourself. Mark these stars with your second favourite colour.
Go through the core values a third time and put a cross next to those that you want to avoid (or add them in the spaces provided). This list will be handy for when you're looking for a business or romantic partner to create affirmations that are the opposite of them, so you are specific as to not only want you want to attract, but what you don't want, too. If you have these values, you can also focus on the opposite values in your affirmations, so as to eliminate them from your mindset. Mark these with a least favourite colour.
Finally, look at where you are now and think about where you want to be in the next year or 5 years. Come up with a plan. Then see how your mind responds to this new plan. Is it excited or is it giving you excuses for why you can't accomplish your goals?
Examine your thought patterns - pay attention to what you're thinking then take a look around you - does your life reflect the thoughts you regularly think? What you come up with will give you a good idea of what you've been doing and what you need to do to improve things.
Remember every day you waste is a brand new day lost, so start thinking about what you want and decide on your success today. Know that I want your success - not your money - because the more we all get the lives we deserve, the better the future will be, for all of us.
Until then, keep moving toward your goals and always believe in yourself, as much as I believe in you.
Yours in love,