Do you find your life lacking in love? Is your life just a dark cabaret of going through the motions of living, and you feel as though you're just an audience to your life? Do you feel impulses of terror or destruction, like a child that hasn't grown out of them, or worse taken joy from these things? Do you feel negative, and that your life is filled with haters, and people who are jealous of you? Or are you secretly jealous of the success of others around you? Do you find this seems to block your achievements or the potential you know you have inside you to be something greater than you are today?
If you want to radically change or improve your life or be successful at anything you first have to believe that you can accomplish something. Your key to success is your belief system or mindset. If you have a negative belief system then your success will be limited. If you have a positive belief system then you will enjoy success after success and a rewarding life.
In my "Let Love Shape Your Destiny" post I talk about how beliefs are vibrations sent to the subconscious mind and the universe. These vibrations are then manifested in reality. Today, I want to talk a little bit more about how your limited beliefs create a limited reality, and what you can do to change that.
Unfortunately most people don't believe that they can achieve their goals. They often wish they can - but they don't truly believe this. In the end they have a negative belief system that limits them. This is because a lot of people have been conditioned from a very young age to believe that things are difficult, that life is tough, that you have to fight to get to the top, etc. These are all limited belief patterns that will destroy your chances for success.
Any negative thought pattern or belief will create a vibration that will ultimately limit or destroy your chances for success.
These negative thought patterns and negative beliefs primarily come from your mind, which for most of your life has been reacting to situations, listening to others, following what other people say and basically going in a negative direction. There's your mind - which contains all of these negative thought patterns and negative beliefs - and then there's you - who wants to achieve all these wonderful goals.
However you have negative thought patterns that go against your ability to achieve your goals. If you have such a negative thought pattern and negative beliefs about your abilities - no matter how much you may want to do better and no matter how much you may want to improve your performance at work - it won't happen.
This is because you don't believe it will happen. Every belief you have is picked up by your subconscious mind and manifested in reality. Negative thought patterns lead to a negative belief about particular areas of your life.
You see your subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between what is good for you and what is bad for you. It doesn't say: "Hey, let's not do that - it won't be good for you." That moral clause is in your mind - your subconscious simply responds to the instructions from the mind. Those instructions are your thoughts, and beliefs.
That's why if you have a negative belief about something - your
reality will represent that belief - and you continue to believe it - because you think it's true. It becomes a vicious cycle, which you created in the first place because of the negative thought pattern that you held on to for so long.
The only way you can break it is to change your beliefs - then your reality will change. Start changing your beliefs today and begin taking control of your life right now. This is what my 90 day mind healing programme teaches how to do.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
With my free mind healing schedule you get step-by-step instructions, real exercises to train your mind and subconscious mind to create the life you want. You tell your mind what to do. These exercises are built in to your day - it's not homework. Instead, it's a simple, effective process that has already helped many of my friends improve their lives significantly. With a mind healed by love, you regain control of your life.
Look at it this way: It's 100% free, has no side-effects, completely flexible for you to tailor it to your own individual needs, and is simple enough to incorporate into your life without much effort. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain by trying.
Start by examining the areas in your life that you feel need improvement. Then take the next step and make note of your thought patterns. Do they limit you? Are they getting in the way of what you want to achieve? Do they help you accomplish your goals?
Let's take a look at an example. Suppose you want to meet the right person - but you believe that there are no good men or women out there. You believe that relationships are difficult and that you can't have a long-term relationship with someone. You believe that all relationships come to an end.
No matter what you do, no matter what you try, you'll never meet the right person because your limiting belief system will stop you and sabotage every relationship and every opportunity for a long-term relationship.
If you have a negative belief system about love, money or success, if you worry, stress out, or get scared about the future - your subconscious will act on these beliefs and make them your reality. In many ways you destroy your own life based on the negative thoughts that you constantly have. Negative beliefs and negative thought patterns will make your life miserable.
As already mentioned, these negative beliefs and negative thought patterns come from your upbringing, from your childhood experiences, from how you interpret your past experiences, they come from conversations you've had with friends, neighbours, and people you trust.
But the good news is that your negative beliefs don't have to live with you forever. They don't have to be a part of your life from now on. You can change these negative thought patterns and negative beliefs - into powerful positive thoughts and powerful positive beliefs so that you achieve your goals and live the life you want.
Start changing and eliminating negative thoughts. Create positive thoughts and positive beliefs. Start living the life you want today by healing your mind with my 90 day programme. You'll begin eliminating the negative thoughts in the very first week and you'll begin creating positive thoughts that direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want.
To change your thoughts, take a look at what you want to achieve in life. Think about those goals and then start paying attention to the thoughts you have as you think about achieving those goals. Write down your negative thought patterns, negative beliefs - and see what you come up with.
Click here for 5 ways to change your life!
As you work through the programme, get ready to begin living the life you always wanted, to enjoy success, happiness, to be more confident. Start today and begin achieving all your goals and your heart's desires.
Over the years, I've always tried to celebrate the accomplishments of my friends. Because I know the more I give, the more I praise them, the more they can accomplish with my support. The same is true for my readers. And if you find that my programme has changed your life, pass it on to your friends, and support them fully in their transformation.
It feels amazing to have someone behind you. Pushing you further than you thought you could go. And when you get there, they are still your loudest cheerleader.
We never forget to celebrate the success of others, because they didn't get there without hard work. And we must be willing to do everything they did, because we'll never reach our dreams without hard work. Even though the more we heal our minds the less effort our successes will need, we still need to work hard. Not only because hard work pays off, but because complacency limits your greatness and hard work will reveal it.
The sky is the limit for your potential. Don't let reaching your goals stop you from setting new goals, either. After you reach a goal, your positive mindset will help you hit the ground running for the next target. Because sometimes reaching your goals isn't something that is finite – it's a never-ending and ever expanding process. One success can inspire another, or take you down avenues you never thought of before.
Life is about striving everyday with your potential, and you should act everyday as if your loved ones are watching you, because you are setting the example and teaching them about their own potential. And the more successful we get, the more we'll realise that the things that matter to us will not be what we have in the bank, but the relationships we have with our loved ones. The relationships with our partners, our children, family and friends. The relationship I share everyday with people who visit my site and share their experiences with me matter more than money.
You can never be loved if you do not love others more than you love yourself. Being human is about humbling yourself to the fact that you can never be respected if you don't respect others - and the way our subconscious works tells us that we can make a difference in other people's lives. Finally, your words must inspire, influence, motivate and elevate others up to a level they never thought they could achieve.
Words are powerful and we must choose our words wisely and understand the importance of words. We shouldn't yell at people, or put people down. We need to watch how we talk to others and how we talk about ourselves, and how we react when others are speaking about us. We need to forgive (and not speak with) the language of the past, and those that hurt us in the past.
But, we need to set ourselves free by cutting out the haters from our lives today, and we must stop making excuses and being jealous of others. That will just keep us in the gutter of fear from changing our lives. It's all about empowerment. We need to get out and take action to achieve our own unique greatness.
If you take the chance and take the step forward with this understanding, then with the dawn of every new day, you have an opportunity to change. An opportunity to be great. An opportunity for your life to become love's very own wonderground.
Yours in love,