Sunday, 18 January 2015

Has Your Love Bubble Burst?


“What’s your prediction for the year ahead? Will it be fulfilling and extraordinary? Or unprofitable and plain? Imagine for a moment it’s December 31st of 2015 and you’re thinking back to the beginning of the year. When you think of everything you’ve accomplished, you feel SO happy that 2015 was finally THE year that you made the decision to give yourself the kind of life you’d always dreamed of… It was a year where everything took a turn for the better and it was the start of many, many great things to come. Will this be what you’ll be thinking at the end of this year? If not, then how can you ensure it is?”
— Mickie Kent

Let me begin this post on finding direction and purpose with a story on existence: There is a belief that reality consists of three "bubbles" of existence. Imagine that our universe is a bubble. This is bubble one. This bubble universe seems complete and always expanding. Inside this vast, near-infinite universe, bubble two is our one tiny planet Earth, an ideal platform for life as we know it thus far.

Encompassing both bubbles many believe is a third, were its vibratory dimensions have become known in religious circles as heaven and hell, and in spiritual and psychic circles, as the etheric and astral planes. These planes exist inside this third bubble, but are not visible with the human interface or physical senses.

External to the other two bubbles of existence, this third bubble is seen by some as another more vast universe or dimension of existence from which our life essence originated from prior to its insertion into bubble one and two, and so not only encompasses us from without, but within, too. Some believe that everyone's life is pre-programmed in this third bubble, and searching for their purpose means discovering that programme and following it.

Some of us don't believe in the existence of this third bubble and believe looking for purpose in it is the root cause of our disillusionment. On the opposite end, others wholly eschew the physicality of the second bubble, point to the vastness of the first as proof to something greater, the third, and look for purpose on platforms we can't physically see or easily comprehend on the temporal plane or bubble.

A few believe that all three bubbles are in fact one and equal, and it's the concepts of division in material form that makes our life purpose so elusive to some of us. The purpose or meaning we seek in life isn't about looking for it solely in one bubble or the other, but harmonising all three in modes of connection that skip over superficial dividing lines.

Balancing our mind, body and soul within the micro (inner/spiritual) and macro (outer/temporal) world is believed by some to be the way to connect with the third bubble and channel its purpose into the other two. Mindful meditation, physical well-being, and some notion of a bigger divine perspective tying it all together is the journey that many believe will help give us purpose, or bring us the clarity to discover it.

For the less esoteric and more pragmatic among us, this attempt can be translated as: How can we use our time on this planet more meaningfully? Being physically and psychologically fit will help us in this, but we also need to discover in what way the word "meaningfully" resonates individually with us. If we are unique, then the key to what is meaningful to us will be in exploring that uniqueness.

What makes you tick across the platforms of your mind (or bubble one), body (bubble two) and soul (bubble three)? What resonates in all three? What unifies them? In this way, searching for our authentic self, by using our core values and likes and dislikes as cues, we can work out what we need to do to bring purpose into our life. It will be different for each individual.

Regardless of where you stand right now in life, it’s never too late to wake up and start creating your future. If this is YOU and you need help deciding what you’ll do for the rest of your life, then here are 3 very simple questions you need to ask yourself today to discover what your biggest dream in life is:
    Q 1. What values are most important to you? I.e.: family, health, freedom, love, achievement… etc. Pick your top 3 and prioritise.
    Q 2. What’s your gift? Are you good with people, organizing, solving problems, cooking, teaching? What have people complimented you on most consistently?
    Q 3. What are you most passionate about? If you’re having a problem defining this, list all of the moments in your life that have been the most joyful or meaningful. Maybe it was when you were caring for a child, exploring a new place, or finishing a project.

Whatever your dream is, make sure it is one that excites you and motivates you enough to overcome obstacles like procrastination and fear.

This is also true for the well-being of our bodies and minds. There is no one diet or food regimen that will suit everybody. For example, dieting according to your metabolic rate would generally mean eating more (intake of protein) and exercising more (in intense short bursts), but this could be dangerous advice for some of us.

Consequently when things seem to "fail" for us, we say life has knocked us down, when it could be just don't know ourselves well enough to achieve what we really want. If you've ever felt like giving up on your dreams, or you feel your bubble has burst, it could just be you're searching for something outside of it. Thus it's important to allow yourself to hope, to believe and to trust again, and not to let any bad experience stop you from living your best life.

Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one. Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. Our self-respect tracks our choices. Every time we act in harmony with our authentic self and our heart, we earn our respect. It is that simple. Every choice matters.

Because when your fire goes out, we shouldn't blame the direction of the wind. Look to what fuels your fire to get you to where you want to be in life. This will also fuel you to take motivated and inspired action, and to devise your own unique tips and insights on how to use your brain, body and spirit as your main source of energy and power. It will help you use ALL your life experiences (perceived as "good" or "bad") to live a more purposeful life by inspiring and teaching you about yourself in a more enhanced and constructive way.

If you're still struggling to make your dreams come true or making really slow and painful progress toward achieving them, then you really need to wisely tune into what feels right for you and do something about finding your true purpose in life. And when you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us - the reality of our existence starts from there.

Yours in love,

Mickie Kent