Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
Don't be like sheep, lost unless you have something to follow, or you become intoxicated by approval so that you start to believe your own rhetoric.
We need people for love and support, but we don't need them at the steering wheel of our lives. There comes a time in adulthood when only YOU and you alone are the navigator of your life.
But that doesn't mean we should be cruel to people, or isolate ourselves from society. It means taking part in the story of life knowing that we are the ones in the driving seat of our individual journey.
Get the weight off your shoulders
We are here for a reason and it's high time that we all start living that out. Your choices require no one's approval and there's no need to provide an explanation. There is only a requirement to act.
Have you been spending your life living out other people's dreams? You didn't do this on purpose, but it was a habit that developed and got embedded very, very deeply. If that's you, and you're carrying around extra weight like I've described, today is the day to drop it. ALL OF IT. It requires only a decision to be your real self and the courage to stand in that authenticity.
My hunch is that there are things you are holding onto in your life that simply are no longer worthy of your time. Maybe they never even were. It's just not a good use of your life to hang on. Think big, act big. Release what is not yours to carry. Don't be afraid to move on.
We as people need other people for love, support and encouragement, but only one set of hands can be at wheel to our lives! Give yourself permission to be the navigator of your life. Give yourself permission to "lighten up" and lose the weight of past mistakes and failures and the heaviness of a negative mindset. Because it is only when you lighten up that you will fly.
And once you're firmly in the pilot seat, you'll discover that it's the little things that matter. Those little acts. Little acts of kindness, little acts of appreciation - they send a powerful message to the universe and your subconscious. They create a tremendous amount of positive energy.
It's the little things that can turn your life around. These little things can be done everyday. They're simple. Yet powerful. And when you apply the little things you'll enjoy greater success, more happiness and achieve your goals.
Little acts of kindness go a long way. They go a long way in helping other people. They make them feel better. They also go a long way for you. Those little acts of kindness create a lot of positive energy.
Sure they make you feel good. But they also send a powerful message to your subconscious mind and inner powers.
You tell your subconscious that you're willing to help others. Your subconscious then brings you more people who will in turn help you.
So perform little acts of kindness everyday. Then track your progress and see what happens. Send the right messages to your subconscious and inner powers.
Get them working for you so they bring you the success you want and deserve, by appreciating the little things. Even the smallest act of kindness needs to be appreciated. Everyday someone does something kind, now appreciate it. These little acts of kindness can from a stranger, a friend, a husband, wife, child - anyone.
It could be a simple thank you, a hug, a smile or something bigger. Anything at all, but whatever it is, appreciate it.
The more you appreciate the little acts, the more good things you'll attract into your life. By appreciating you create more positive energy. You tell your subconscious mind and your inner powers that you enjoy the kindness you receive. That you appreciate those little things, and you also appreciate the big things.
Your subconscious and your inner powers bring you more things to appreciate, more kindness and more help that allows you to succeed and enjoy life. The more you appreciate those little acts, the more good things you attract into your life.
We all love being appreciated. So today take a moment to appreciate somebody, you'll make them feel good and you'll feel even better. Plus you'll start sending out some powerful positive energy that will only come back to you.
You'll also start this infectious cycle, where the more people you appreciate, the more appreciation goes around and the better everybody feels. All this creates more positive energy, which leads to more success, more joy and more positive situations in your life.
Appreciate your husband, wife, kids, family members, friends, colleagues, bosses, even the person at the coffee shop that serves your morning coffee. A little act of kindness goes a long way.
I want to say I really appreciate you taking the time to read my article. If you've read this much - it means you take changing your life seriously - and I really respect your courage and appreciate you taking a few minutes of your time to read this.
If you like, feel free to share it with others, they might appreciate it. When you appreciate others, you send out a tremendous amount of positive energy that comes back to you tenfold.
Put it to the test. Try it for the next few days and see how things go.
When you appreciate people your subconscious mind picks up on this positive energy and attracts more positive people and situations into your life.
Your subconscious mind says "Hey you're appreciating people, you're being positive, let's get you some more of this good stuff." That's when things really start to change.
We all need little acts of kindness. We all benefit from these little acts of kindness. Sometimes we get too consumed with our own thoughts we ignore the little positive acts that go unappreciated.
Take time to appreciate those around you - you'll brighten their day, feel a lot better and attract more positive situations. Send the right messages to your subconscious mind. Perform little acts of kindness. Appreciate the little things and the big things. Get your subconscious mind working for you and enjoy greater success as you achieve your goals.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
Now I have some words of wisdom to share with you today that I hope will make a positive impact on you and bring a smile to your face.
I think we all can agree on that we have limits, but quite often we meet, see or hear about those who move beyond them in their quest for success. I held myself back for a long time before I understood that I too had the means to move beyond my limits.
It is incredibly easy to just kick back and think of all the 'impossible' things or focus on stuff that in the big picture is actually unimportant.
So I have a few ideas that might help you to go beyond your limits. Please read and ponder and allow the small internal shifts to happen.
It what I call the padlock and keys to living your life with love.
The padlocks and keys to your life
- Self limiting perspective: This belief is a form of attitude. Are you open to the idea that you were put here for a reason? Do you have anything in particular limiting you? It's important to try and look for any negative thought patterns you have - because these are often holding you back from reaching your potential. Once you can pinpoint them, you can then focus on freeing yourself of them and slowly but surely turning them around. An effective way I find to do this is that when a negative thought enters my mind, I automatically challenge it - sometimes this might be to think of the exact opposite to turn it into a positive, but sometimes it might just be to dismiss it. I then say it out a loud which really concretes it into my mind and makes it feel real.
- Procrastination: Not doing anything about anything will eventually lead to stress, anxiety and other unnecessary things. Make a daily plan and stick to it, this will help enormously.
- Lack of focus: Set your priorities in the beginning of each week, know them by having them in front of you every single day and most importantly, stick to your priorities. Work on one thing at a time, rather than trying to do a little bit of everything.
- Say NO: Don't be afraid to say no to the things that might be distracting, unfulfilled or plain silly. Saying no can save you not only time, but also money.
- Say YES: Well, there will be a time when you need to say yes, it pretty much goes hand in hand with saying no sometimes. Don't be afraid to make a decision.
- Be honest: If for some reason you are not honest with yourself, you are probably holding yourself back. It's so important to be truthful to yourself and listen to your inner self. Being honest with yourself will also boost your self-esteem.
- Be humble: The most important of all. I know so many successful people in all walks of life. What do they have in common? They are all incredibly humble human beings. This is one of my core values as a person and not only will you be looked upon with respect, being humble also cultivates loyalty, friendship and integrity.
So what is limiting you? It could be a handful of things or maybe just a few, either way, now is the time to start pushing towards your limit, go beyond it and discover your new self. You'll do that when you start casting off your burdens and focusing on what really matters - living your life with love.
Yours in love,