“Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.”Love can be strong. It can be full on, energetic and powerful, and yet still retain that gentle spirit within. And it's expressed and explored differently by millions around the world, while still shining with the same strong light.
— Eric Fromm
My friend's call me the "Love Coach" and it's usually because I just get so impassioned about love, that I want everyone to know its joy.
I can already hear the naysayers among you: Yeah. Right. Easier said than done. Who are you to tell me what love is?
And I don't blame you.
We live in an opinionated world. We live in a world that seems like hell in a hand-basket. Let's face it. This world is crashing and burning around us. Our world is dying and there's nothing any of us can do to stop it. But while most of us are wrapped up in world hunger, global pollution and the impending threat of nuclear devastation, there are some that would argue the opposite - that the world is actually getting better. I am one of those people.
Call me sentimental, but I base my belief firmly in love. There is no dark so powerful that a single candle flame can't chase away. But what should it matter to me what you think about love, or if you have an abundance of it in your lives?
Does it matter to anyone but you? Well, it could, couldn't it? It may matter to your circle of influence because of the way that you relate with your world. But beyond that, what others do, and whether it's something you have done, would never do or would or would not recommend, is simply none of our business.
And if you ever notice yourself judging others about things that have nothing to do with you, just adapt that phrase and turn it around - because what you think of me is none of my business, either. But what you think about love is. It's the business of everyone that shares this planet with us. Because we can only spread love by being loving and accepting, and if we don't spread our light, then we'll all be in the dark. And we start by spreading the love on ourselves. Love begins in the home of the heart, because love is a reflection of the heart - it reflects what you are and what you desire most.
Find strength in love to chase the dark away
Try this: When you're next in a situation when you feel any kind of defensiveness or undue anger about something, just sit with that for a moment. Pause and see whether the next thoughts and conversations are trying to placate your ego or whether you're able to love or be at peace with things as they are. This will bring the wisdom to know if we can change things, or if we need to accept them as they are for that moment. It might be that things are not really as bad as they first seemed.
“The tiniest flame can chase the dark” |
Just don't lose that fire, that never back down attitude that shows you're living every moment to the fullest - even down in that hole. Because you will dig yourself out. And do it with a smile, do it with love - that essential balance of gentleness and strength that we all carry the potential of within ourselves.
Remember that every second, every breath is important, so don't waste a single one by not believing in love or yourself. If you want something bad enough, go out and try to make it happen! The attempt will make you stronger than if you never tried. Because there is no yesterday you can do over again, and there is no tomorrow that comes with a guarantee. Today is all we've got, and do we really want to waste it out from the light of love, and in the dark?
I know, thanks to the hardships we endure in life, that this is a lesson which is hard to learn - but it's not how quickly the lesson is learned, but that it is learned at all. And once you've discovered the power of love, use it, share it. For love is unlike any other commodity, it does not lessen when you share it out, it expands.
So grab a hold of love to give you the strength you need through your dark days and to get out there! Do what's right for you. Be true to who you are, enjoy your life and witness the joy of others choosing their own path and know that it's all good!
Yours in love,
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