“It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.”
— William Somerset Maugham
In this journey we call life we're all moving somewhere. It's just a matter of whether you're moving towards the things you want, or away from them. The truth is, your perception is your reality - and that means you literally create your own reality.
It is said that if you move a single pebble on the beach you set a different pattern and everything in the world is changed. It can also be said that love can change the future. If it is deep enough, true enough and selfless enough, it can prevent a war, prohibit a plague, promote decency, rebuild a family, and keep the whole world - whole.
So are you creating the future life that you want to lead? have you found true love yet? Success has to be hard, right? I know I used to think so. I thought that success was synonymous with suffering - long hours, no sleep, no time for fun. But all these are just inviting negativity into your life. And as long as you continue to work this way, you'll find that success will remain constantly just out of reach.
The truth is, this idea of "No pain, no gain" is a limiting belief. That means it's a belief that can actually hold you back from your true potential.
It's very liberating when you finally realise that you don't have to suffer for success. You deserve success. What you gain isn't taking away from others. Success and happiness are not burdens which you must shoulder the responsibility for - but you have to open your eyes to its possibilities before you can see them. Love sets you free, when you free up your mind for love.
I'm sure you relate to this and can think of things you say to yourself that focus on the negative, or focus on the problems instead of the possible solutions. I encourage you to take one positive action today towards your ultimate happiness, and let go of something not serving you.
My "Heal Your Mind with Love" post helps you begin to understand WHY you act and think a certain way. No matter what, remember that there’s nothing wrong with the way you think, it’s just programming you picked up along the way. Either it serves you or it doesn't.
What's exciting is that once you know WHY you think and act a certain way, you no longer need to be held hostage by the programming of your childhood years. You can be and have everything you've ever wanted.
This is where my 90 mind healing programme comes in. You learn how to completely re-program your subconscious mind with the thoughts and habits that ensure long-term success and happiness in the areas that are important to you.
Most people have it wrong, however, if think that by gathering more stuff, they'll finally find happiness. They're just using things to stop up the gaps in their live. Often, you can find true happiness RIGHT NOW, in this moment, simply by letting go.
Here are 4 things that you can let go of that will make you a happier, more peaceful person by the time your head hits the pillow tonight:
- Let go of the need to impress others. If you're a human being, chances are you care about what other people think of you. After all - we are naturally social creatures! But if you find yourself spending too much of your time, money or energy trying to impress other people and get their approval, you're not being true to YOU. There's no need to try and be something you're not, because who need to love you are right now.
Focus instead on living the most authentic version of yourself. When you fully embrace who you are and share it with others, you'll find that people will appreciate how REAL you are and will flock to you effortlessly.
- Let go of the need to be right. Sometimes when we feel we've been mistreated or misunderstood by someone, we can get caught up into wanting that person to admit they've wronged us. And we want an apology! Or at least acknowledgement that we are right and they're wrong.
The problem is that not all human beings see things from the same perspective. In your world, you're right, but in their world, so are they.
There are definitely times where an apology is necessary. But most other times, rather than allowing feelings of negativity to take root inside you and start spilling over into other areas of your life, it may be best to ask yourself this:
"Do I want to be right? Or do I want to be happy?"
Often it's just our ego that keeps us holding on to past resentments and upsets. Instead, consider letting go of the desire to be right and you'll find you'll instantly restore happiness and contentment in your life.
- Let go of the desire to gossip. I've heard it said that gossip is just a cheap way to make yourself feel good, and I have to agree. We all know that gossiping about other people is… well, not so good. But when the people around you are doing it, it can be easy to slip into doing it too!
Consider though that the quality of your life depends on the quality of the conversations you have. If you want to live a more fulfilling life, start by embracing the power of your word. Your voice is powerful! And what you have to say makes a difference.
Be committed to having more positive conversations about things that matter, not people, and you'll be surprised how quickly you'll brighten your outlook on life.
- Let go of the past. It's easy to dwell on the past, especially when the future is so unknown. Looking to the past can feel safe, we know what has happened and we know what we could do to change things, if only we had the chance.
The truth is though that you never will have the chance to change the facts of the past (not unless scientists finally invent a time machine). Your past has served its purpose - its brought you to the place you are today and made you the person you are now. You have to accept that, and accept who you are right now, to change the way you view your past to erase its negativity. The past is past; and it shouldn't be able to negatively impact your life.
Be grateful for your experiences, but know that NOW is all you have. So do your best to enjoy each moment. Give yourself the gift of being present. Be in the present moment.
So here's a challenge for you: Out of the four things I've listed above, what one are you willing to take on THIS WEEK for your own happiness?
Yours in love,