That's the scene that was painted in the article I was reading yesterday morning. It sure nearly ruined my breakfast I can tell you. To me, whether or not you believe our society is going down the global hole, it's more about a question of how you think, and on what level. If your entire day is spent obsessing about small things and chump change, you're not getting a good return on your thoughts. As Donald Trump famously once said, "You have to think anyway, so you may as well think big." Like him or loathe him, Trump is where he is all because he thinks on a different level, and because he has a coherent philosophy about money.
That's why I believe love is the key to life, because it is an incentive to make you "big minded" rather than "small-minded" (although my grandmother used to say there's no such thing as small minds just big heads!). Real love can raise the quality of our thoughts, as to does keeping positive. The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.
Compare the person who lets nothing but quality information into his head, someone who reads books on growing rich instead of watching reality shows about scavenging. Which person will be wealthier in the next five years? Reading all the wealth of positive information I provide on my blog, as well as my feel-good fiction, is changing you for the better.
Now imagine reading negative articles, that just complain about the state of the world and how it has become a Hell on Earth. Don't think all that stuff going in your mind isn't doing anything to you! It's the equivalent of a junk food diet slowly destroying you. Your body is a temple, and so is your mind.
Your hormonal system is like a symphony orchestra. All the hormones interact and harmonize in a healthy balance. When they go out of balance, you need proper testing to help set you back in the right direction to better health. Negative thoughts can knock you off balance, just like illness can do to the functions of your body.
But if you believe that your beliefs can create your reality - then it follows if you change your beliefs, you change your life. And if you work with the exercises I've outlined in my "Heal Your Mind with Love" post, you can start to create the changes you want in life. The key to your success is your ability to change your belief system.
My 90 day mind healing programme offers you the chance to change your belief system, and create a new belief system and a new mindset that allows you to accomplish your goals and live the life you want. You're not going to pay me for this life-changing opportunity, because YOU are going to be the one that does it!
How? By working with a series of powerful techniques I share provided by experts in their field and my own testimonials, as I use this programme daily.
It holds a golden formula that shows you how to attract abundance, make the right decisions, while creating the life you want with affirmations and visualisations. Plus it's a simple, effective exercise, daily exercise that will make you a PLAYER in your real life story, rather than an onlooker as your life passes you quickly by. My programme has been the blueprint to my success.
I discovered some time ago that most of the self-improvement programmes deal only with the symptoms, not the cause. My system provides you the core solution to your life problems. It goes deeper into the root of your problems to resolve it once for all.
Through the advanced brainwave entrainment process which helps you rewire your subconscious mind, it will help YOU erase your old bad self image that has been causing your physical, mental and emotional challenges and has been holding you back for years.
Once this happens, you will NEVER experience these problems again. The only requirement from you is to repeatedly take a little time each day to listen to the specifically designed affirmations YOU will custom make to listen to daily in a mindful state. And change will happen automatically.
You can:
- Learn to let go of the past and enjoy each moment everyday for the rest of your life,
- to create the changes you want with ease,
- to create a new belief system and attract what you want and when you want,
- to end procrastination - so that you're clear and while motivating yourself to success,
- to attract and recognize the right opportunities,
- to turn setbacks into opportunities, and
- hundreds more benefits that could go on for pages.
I want you to make the most of this life, because I am selfish! We share this world together, and the happier more of us are, the better our world will become for all of us.
But the choice mus be yours. I can't force you - not even for your own good. Because the first step to the power of believing is believing in yourself to get started on the road to success.
By working with this power of believing you'll be able to experience success, happiness and accelerate your results while creating the life you want. You can reap the rewards by writing your own handbook for success. The secret is that as much as we share so many common links, we are all different, too - and this uniqueness requires sometimes infinitesimal tweaks to make something just for us.
So, if you're someone
then prepare to be blown away, because my secret golden formula could be the missing piece of your manifesting puzzle.
- who has ever tried visualisation for a few days, but hasn't seen results so has given up,
- or think that to see results you have to spend a few hours a day focusing on what it is you want but are too busy and there's not always enough time in the day to get to it,
- or has put so many ideas from others into practice it feels like you're wasting your time as you haven't seen any real life results, and the images in your mind still seem so far out of reach
And if you've ever given up on visualisation or have just not seen the precise results you were looking for, then in just moments from now you could be on your way to manifesting your best life yet. It could have a life-transforming effect on you.
The secret is that my programme provides you with the mechanics to rewire your subconscious, but the affirmations and visualisation must come solely from YOU. You must go on a spiritual journey and discover your purpose and passion, and align these with your emotional visualisations and positive affirmations. This love of life, of self, of others is the key to unlocking candy store of the universe. Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
Bounce back with affirmations.
Keep in mind that success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success. If you love what you're doing, you'll be successful. And be grateful for the things you already have, because it's not happy people who are thankful, but thankful people that are happy. And let us be grateful to people who make us happy, because they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. Cherish good friends, because every friend is to the other a sun and a sunflower, too, and learn to look past people's imperfections.
Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. Then the pursuit of perfection is the pursuit of sweetness and light, because nothing but sweetness can remain when hearts are full of their own sweetness.
Add these secrets into your own personal handbook for success, happiness, wealth and much more. With the power of believing you'll learn the secrets that allow a small percentage of people to enjoy tremendous success. in my "Heal Your Mind with Love" post I show you how to these tried and tested techniques the experts use, so that you experience the same level of success and happiness. And I don't provide you with a 100% money back guarantee, because I don't take a penny!
If you're ready to begin changing your beliefs and creating the life you want then you need to check out my article to help you harness the power of believing.
You owe it to yourself to be your best and achieve your goals. You owe it to yourself to learn as much as you can and to utilise all your powers. Remember - you get one life - make it count. Don't let a negative or limiting belief system destroy your chance for success and happiness. Start creating the life you want today.
Walk tall with success and happiness at your side, with the key of love in your grasp to unlock every door that has been hitherto closed to you in life.
Take inspired action in direction of your goals. Influence your life from the inside, and be careful of external influencing factors you surround yourself with, because we need to be very careful what we put in our minds.
For example, you might be in your later years, but if you don't THINK old you won't feel old. Youth has no age, and retiring from work, doesn't mean you have to retire from life - that's why isolation is not a consideration from the challenges of life. A heart in love with life never grows old. Retirement will cause atrophy in your body, soul and mind.
The human brain, as a whole, is a truly fascinating specimen, but the real "star" of the show is perhaps the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is responsible for a myriad of bodily processes that, truthfully, would boggle your mind if you had to consciously ensure that each of these processes was not neglected.
Whether it is regulating your heartbeat, or blinking to constantly moisten your eyes, or to play chemist to your digestive system, your subconscious mind runs like an ultra-sophisticated computer that perpetually ensures all vital functions run as smoothly, and as seamlessly, as possible.
But apart from being the "maintenance man" to your body, your subconscious mind also works as a data repository, storing away memories and experiences and processes that your conscious mind deems important. It works around the clock, even as you sleep, and automates certain tasks for you, so you don't have to consciously manage them, like waking up every morning at a specific time so you are not left waking up at random hours.
The subconscious mind can be more than just an internal alarm clock, believe it not. Have you ever had a particular dilemma, only to have someone tell you that perhaps you should "sleep on it?" And then somehow when you wake the next morning, you are struck with an idea or inspiration that would resolve the dilemma which had troubled you the night before? This is the subconscious at work.
Although the subconscious is not capable of rational decisions, remember that the subconscious mind also serves as a repository of information. The subconscious may try and match relevant information that it has stored over the years, and upon your awakening, it relays the information it has to your conscious mind, which then engages in the analysis and rationalization of the information it receives, resulting in a "eureka" moment when the answer to the dilemma is found.
Feel free to try it for yourself. Give your subconscious a problem to solve before you go to bed. Ponder over the issue at hand, focus on it, and then go to sleep. Chances are you will be able to "stumble upon" an answer in the morning.
Even though you require sleep to ensure a healthy mind and body, your subconscious never sleeps. Instead, it is constantly providing you with a treasure trove of inspiration, aspirations, ideas, solutions and motivation. Not a lot of people are aware of this fact, but the world renowned painting Mona Lisa by Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci, was the result of the famous painter's subconscious.
It was through the subconscious that Beethoven managed to produce masterful symphonies, despite being completely deaf. Numerous other artists throughout history have also created masterpieces thanks to their subconscious minds.
Your subconscious mind has the power to make anything possible. It holds the solution to practically any question; any problem that you may have. This power only needs to be tapped into once you are made aware of its existence. Once you truly understand the magnitude of the power that lies within, you only need to give it the attention it needs to manifest into reality all that you desire.
This is what the techniques in my mind healing programme utilise, but of course it is always difficult to put your faith in something new. So, here's how you can begin manifesting the deepest desires in your life below. If you find it works for you, try the techniques I outline in my 90 day system.
- Calm your mind and eliminate all negativity from your body. Simply instruct your body to release all tension, all manner of stress, and tell it to relax fully. The removal of such tensions will clear the path of communication to your subconscious, so that you may better relay your desires to it. The absence of negativity will make it easier for your subconscious to obey your will. Do this twice every day to ensure maximum effectiveness.
- While in such a receptive state, focus on one specific desire in mind. Know with utter certainty that that specific desire is what you wish to manifest into reality. Put all your faith and belief into it; convince yourself that it must come to pass, because you have willed it to be so. Fully visualize your life as if you have already manifested that desire into your reality. Envision the joy you would feel, the feeling of contentment that comes with the realization of your desires. If you desire a beautiful home, picture yourself in that very home, walking through the expanse of your dream home, enjoying the gardens and raising a wonderful family there. Make that mental picture as vivid as you possibly can.
- Once you have a clear picture of your desire, turn it to your subconscious mind. Form it as a request to the divine, to the infinite wisdom of your subconscious, so that it may reveal to you the means of how you can manifest your desire into reality. Release the mental picture of your desire with the same faith and confidence that a farmer would have when he sows his seed into the ground. Just as he trusts the principle of life and growth, so too should you trust the laws of the mind, which will manifest your thoughts into reality.
The biggest hurdle in your life
According to the mail I get from my readers, the biggest hurdle in changing your life is time management, which is second only to procrastination, a deadlier time problem. There is also a hidden problem that most people don't think about when it comes to using their time well.
In a perfect world you would have your day scripted, your phone turned off when you need to allow yourself time to heal your mind, but there might still be one big problem. You could be doing it at the WRONG time of day. As I've said, everyone is individually unique, and we all have a magic time when we are at our most productive or receptive.
Likewise when you're pursing your passion but getting frustrated with the lack of results you're getting, you could be working on the WRONG projects. When you break it down, the best time management strategy is to make sure you are using your time for the right things - and at the RIGHT time. Timing is important in time management. There is a difference between being busy and being productive, as there is between sitting still and being focused.
Many people, confuse "activity" with "accomplishment". Writing things down on a white board is activity. Actually getting stuff done is accomplishment. That's a BIG difference. Sitting down to my 90 day programme for a few minutes but having your mind on other things will still change your subconscious, much more more slowly. Focus gives you a direct link up to get your concious and subconscious to work together - double power halves the time. That's not good time management, that's GREAT time management.
Discovering your magic time when you are most receptive (I find mine is in the morning and my daily mind healing programme is a great start to the) and spending that time in concentrated thought devoted to affirmations and visualisations will see success knock at the door of your life.
Next time you are tempted to waste time, ask yourself where the profit in such a time (and energy) wasting action is. Apply that to all of your daily work activities. Is there profit in checking Facebook? Or Twitter? If not, leave it for your leisure time. Don't let it distract from your work, or from getting your life into order.
Is there profit in reading seven blogs and news websites per day? If no, stop, and again, designate to leisure time or toss from your workday - or what I call getting-your-life-into-order day. If any of them are essential to your business of success, that's fine, you can read them during your magic time, but be brutally honest with yourself.
The bottom line is that if you're not happy with where you are right now, then you need to start making better use of your time. If you're struggling to get your product done, you need to STOP PROCRASTINATING.
They say take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, and kill nothing but time, but don't even kill your time. It's way too precious!
Create an outline of the life you want to achieve. Fill in the sections. Then get it done. The harsh truth is that you just have to glue yourself to a mode of action and get it done.
Every piece of advice I give on my blog, I follow. There's NOTHING stopping you but yourself, and that's a pretty flimsy excuse. The victory of achievement is victory over oneself, those who know this can never know defeat.
You can do it. Just get it done. You can always make your future better NOW. Do the right things at the right time. And don't let your challenges divert you and make you waste your time.
Let the struggle be your guide. This was a lesson I took from yoga. Practising yoga has been a good guide to life in many ways for me.
Anyone who does yoga will know that there will be poses that are a struggle, even from the outset - balance, breathing etc. - but starting a pose in struggle will usually be because of the instructions we have given our body.
But fixing it is a small matter of technique. We focus on the areas we are struggling with, and then we tweak our position, stance, breath to bring us into alignment with the pose where you feel rock-solid, balanced and deep in your breathing, so much so that you feel, "I could hold this forever"!
Focus on your struggle, don't ignore it, or waste time doing something that won't profit you in the long run. This literally can be the "difference that makes the difference". It's also why I say "let struggle be your guide", because where there is struggle, there is sure to be a technique to fix it!
It's a matter of staying positive as you remove the struggle in your life and make breakthroughs to reach the secrets to the "sweet spots" of life.
Finding breakthroughs in yoga poses has taught me that the struggles of life are lessons, that we need to learn from and combine with a strong mindset rewired for success.
It's a combination that will walk with you, and safeguard you against any eventuality. Because despite your best intentions, life will knock you down, and when that happens, unless you are ready, all your best intentions get thrown out of the window. In such scenarios you may need an instant emotional lift to get you through, that lift will be ready and waiting for you in the library of your subconscious.
Or while sometimes we need a mental boost and subconscious healing, other times we need shift our focus to our finances. Because money isn't evil, it's a choice, and opens up even more avenues for us to help others, because a life lived for others makes a life truly rich.
Or sometimes in a stressful, busy life, we just want to take some time out, to connect and resonate with our perfect true self, through music and meditation.
Whatever the reason, my mind healing programme goes to the root cause, the mindset to help you face your problems while discovering the hidden corners of your inner existence. And anyone who wants to undergo a spiritual transformation will need to seek a deeper self understanding - it is up to you whether you do this though meditation, mindful breathing, or yoga, tai chi or just intense prolonged reading on any subject. Everyone takes their own route on this journey we all share, there is no right or wrong in this sense, as long as you are not wasting your potential.
Because ultimately, the only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.
Yours in love,