Although love is like a magnet, it is often the greatest testament to the power of love that it can cause opposite poles to attract and unify.
The best evidence of the strong attraction of opposites is my best friend and her twin flame. They have been together for two years, and are soon to be married.
Click here to read some true twin flame stories.
He is a proper gentleman, my friend is a bit wild and can curse with the best of them. He loves being at the gym every morning, she would rather have a fry up in bed. He eats healthy, she wants chocolate cake for dessert. He likes his hair long and messy, she likes her hair to be real short. He loves lots of romance, she just deals with it.
In short, they are two different people with two different minds, yet one true love. They love each other for what each person brings to the table in their lives. She will marry her man and hopefully enjoy many years of true love just as I have with my twin flame.
Still, although many of us enjoy to read about true love, many don't believe it is possible.
They are usually familiar with only another kind of love, where they have found someone who fills the needs of their ego. They feel empty and alone by themselves, so they expect this new person to guarantee their happiness.
However, it is false because it doesn't involve a deep and true connection, and because we can only bring about happiness with the right mindset. When you come together with someone for selfish reasons, it can only ever generate bad electricity.
So, it doesn't take long before the new partner displays needs of his or her own. Suddenly the needs of the two individuals are in conflict. This creates a repulsion of opposites, causing bodies of the same electric charge to separate.
And before they know what's hit them, the honeymoon is over. In its place is pain and emptiness, often more than they felt before the relationship began.
If this sounds familiar to your life, then today is the day to do something about it.
You won't find and attract your twin flame by just expecting him or her to come find you, like waiting for pennies to rain from heaven. You have to first tune your inner magnet to the beauty of yourself, and then have the courage to put it out there, so that your opposite half will feel your pull.
But remember, only when love is true will opposites come together to make one whole - so strong that no one can pull you apart.
Yours in love,