How does a girl cope when her twin flame is the definitive bad boy? (18+ Erotica)
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4: Sally’s Choice
Stephen couldn’t believe it.
Open your eyes, Sally. I want to see you.
That’s what he’d said, and in that split second, as she looked down at him, a kind of madness had struck. He couldn’t define it other than a type of temporary insanity, the sort of lunacy you were told soldiers got just before they went missing in action, and you wondered if it would strike at you next.
Sally... I want to tell you I-
Had he really been about to tell Sally that he loved her, before Daisy had interrupted them? If only his mates could see him now... Stephen pushed down the thought. He couldn’t believe it. He had never told any one that before. He couldn’t even imagine himself saying it, because he hadn’t really believed he could spend the rest of his life with just one girl. Girls were cock sockets to him. No more. No less.
But here he was, completely losing the plot while going down on one, thinking how a lifetime would be too short a time with her. Divine retribution wore pink knickers, who’d have thought it? An epiphany through pussy and pink lace.
He loved Sally.
But it was a cold and broken hallelujah, because right at this moment he didn’t feel like someone who’d seen the light.
The moment shot down, they stood swaying, as if to some inner music their chemistry made, magnetized bodies barely touching as their desire hung in the air like a smoking gun. The rational part of him knew Daisy could discover them at any second, but it wasn’t being heard by the rest of him who wanted to cover her body with his and burn out in her.
He stared at her wordlessly, his pupils swallowing hers in the shadows, filled with unbidden images of her eyes, the brilliant blue clouded with desire, her lips, slightly swollen from his kisses, breathlessly pleading for more, asking him to take her, to fill and expand in her.
Sally... I-
Shush- don’t stop-
This isn’t doing me any good, he thought, biting back a groan. A warmth began to spread through his limbs as he recalled the lush feel of her full breasts beneath his hands. How her pert nipples always responded to his touch and how sweet she had tasted as he parted that tender pink bud with his tongue and slowly slid her into his mouth.
Neither of them made a move, but his gut instinct told him to pull Sally back into his arms, and whisper into her ear all the things that would get her wet. Persuade her finally that he was no longer the man she’d found in bed with her friend. It had all been a con. If he was really honest with himself, he hadn’t been that man even since he’d met her.
He couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was about Sally, except she wasn’t just some girl. She was different. She was his girl. He’d known the moment he’d laid eyes on her. It was hard to admit that he’d been a fucking fool, and the realisation that he wasn’t just killing time with her hit him hard now, like one of his father's legendary uppercuts to the chin. She had left him standing at least, but he felt floored all the same.
He struggled with his emotions as he watched her get dressed. His timing was all out. Why her? Why now? When he had to return to England to face his demons, and she could have no part in those plans. But that still didn’t stop him from wanting her more than he’d wanted anything or anyone in his life. He wanted her more than words could describe, but the guilt he would feel afterwards far outweighed it.
You don’t drag someone you love into your own Hell. There you go again, his thoughts reprimanded him. Someone you love. Just fucking stop it. You’re only making it harder for both of you.
It would’ve been better for her if they’d never met. Better for both of them. He tried to persuade himself that it was probably for the best that she thought the worst of him. He had problems of his own and his life was complicated enough, so he couldn’t allow himself to think further than the present moment.
But wasn’t that what always got him into trouble? Stephen realised his hardened cock was unaffected by the unwelcome interruption, and he couldn’t help picturing one hand tweaking a swaying nipple, while the other found its pleasure teasing her clitoris. Trying to deny her place in his life was like denying himself.
Great. This was just getting better and better. Shit, will you listen to yourself? He must be insane. Now he sounded like one of those pussies in the chick flicks. Although deep down he knew it wasn’t a line, but the truth. She made him forget himself. A small taste of her was left on his lips, and his mouth watering for a taste again.
Sally... I want to tell you I-
“SALLY! S-A-L-L-Y! Where are you?”
They quickly awakened to the reality that Daisy was still approaching, all guns blazing. He stepped closer to Sally, watched her resolve slipping. He grabbed her hand, connecting their skin, and literally felt the humming of pent up tension. His hold was light but firm, the kind of softness that came with years of training for the right trigger touch to fire a rifle. Out on hunts with his father, he’d discovered as a boy that you needed the gentle touch to catch your prey.
“Stay in here with me, Sally. She won’t find us. Then we can finish what we started,” he said, craving to pull her ass tight to his groin to feel his erection. When he joined with her, he felt real. Touching her was like returning to his own body.
Still Sally said nothing. She took no step closer, but she hadn’t moved away either, he noticed. He read the turmoil in her face, and knew how she felt, realising reluctantly he was torn between wanting to save her from making a choice, and giving in to his own selfish desires. He wanted her, but he didn’t want to hurt her. So why did it feel like he was going to hurt her whatever he did?
He drew his hand away, his cock still hard, its mercury rising like a thermometer to the heat between them that burned despite the coldness of the air.
If she deserted him now, he’d literally be left with his dick in his hand. Some fucking bad boy, huh?
“It’s your choice, Sally.”

Sally knew what she had to do.
To remember the reason she’d kicked Stephen out of her life in the first place. The advice of the fortune teller and his sudden reappearance in her life had all conspired to make her momentarily forget that he’d cheated on her with Daisy. But Daisy’s unexpected interruption had thrown a stark beam over their tryst in the dark.
“SALLY! S-A-L-L-Y! Where are you?”
Caught in its spotlight, the tension whirled between them as they stood there, while Daisy’s voice continued to creep up on them like a recurring bad dream.
Sally was suddenly glad she had left her smartphone at home, otherwise Daisy would have rung it by now to alert her to their whereabouts. She felt her cheeks burn at the thought of the public humiliation of dragging herself out looking like she did, with Stephen in tow. This was a small community. She’d never live it down.
Daisy couldn’t have possibly seen them come in here, but as Sally couldn’t remember how they’d got in here either, she couldn’t be sure. What a mess.
Stephen pulled up his jeans and stared at her with those tar-black eyes. She swallowed hard, tried to avert her gaze from his, and was met instead with the sight of his cock protruding up through the jean’s waist band. Its inflamed head eclipsed the belly button of his washboard stomach.
Men! The cold light of reality might have defused the situation, but it hadn’t done much to cool his ardour, that much was plain to see. She hoped that there wouldn’t be any need for words, and that her actions spoke loudly as to her choice, because she hadn’t the strength for anything more.
“I want you to stay with me.”
She willed herself to move and make her presence known to Daisy to stop her from screaming her name all across the fair, but for some reason her body rebelled at Stephen's words.
“I have to go after her.”
“You don’t have to do anything. What do you want to do?”
When she didn’t respond to him, he reached out to touch her. “Do know how many people don’t have this. Isn’t that enough for you to forget Daisy and stay with me?”
His thumb brushed against her earlobe as delicately as a butterfly’s wing, causing the ones in her tummy to stir. She tried to move a hand to throw his away, but her body seemed to refuse her at every turn. It was feeding off his touch, and it was hungry for more.
“Just what does Daisy have over you?”
“What do you mean?”
Suddenly Daisy’s voice moved further away, growing fainter to become submersed in the noise of the fairground. Daisy had walked on, and they remained unnoticed, the choice seemingly made for them. Yet, she was angry with him, angry with herself more, for being so helpless around him.
“Whenever she calls, you run.”
“Daisy isn’t the issue here.” Stephen was like a dog with a bone. He just wouldn’t let it go. “She a part of my life, I can’t just cut her out of it. You said yourself there’s years of friendship there.”
“Can she make you feel like this?”
“Whatever this is between us, it’s nothing without trust, without knowing if you’re for me when you’re with me, or if you’re going to go off with every bit of skirt you find behind my back. I can’t share you like that, or love you with the fear of losing you.”
“Just tell me does anyone make you feel the way I do?”
“No, but that works both ways, Stephen. It also means no one can hurt me like you can either, and without trust it just isn’t worth the risk. You cut me too deep.”
He took a step towards her, but she finally managed to drag her arms up to stop his approach. It worked. “You can’t promise me anything past a single night, or day. Maybe what you have to offer me isn’t enough any more. Maybe I want more than this.”
“I never made you any promises when we first met.”
“You never make promises period, so you never break any. That’s a cop out.” She should have realised what he wanted wasn’t a relationship, certainly not a friendship, so exactly what did he want? “And if it’s a friendship with benefits you want, I’m sure you’ve noticed there’s a recession going on. Everyone’s cutting back on benefits!”
He grinned at her, his eyes shining. “You’re so hot when you get like this.”
“Don’t make fun of me!”
He dropped his smile. “I’m not denying I’ve been a bastard to you. But I’ve never lied to you.”
“But you haven’t been honest with me, either. Just exactly what do you want from me?”
“I- I don’t know.”
“So, you resolve it by saying goodbye and thanks for the fuck, is that it? Let’s have sex, but keep your distance.” She watched him struggle to respond, and seeing his controlled demeanour slip melted some of the anger inside her. “We’ve been as close as two people can be, but you didn’t give us enough time to get to know one another. You know what really hurts? I could’ve be a good friend, if you’d just let me in through that armour of yours.”
But you won’t let me get near enough to know you, she was going to add, but bit her lip just in time. Somehow she sensed that would be the wrong thing to say. Was what I wanted really so much for you? All I wanted was to know who you are.
He seemed to respond to the thoughts in her head. “I want you, Sally.” She heard the deep intake of his breath strike a cord with her. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life. But the choice is yours.”
“You already made the choice for us, Stephen. You chose to get into bed with Daisy, remember? You can’t get past the end of your cock, and I can’t get past Daisy.” She wet her lips. What she had to do was keep reminding herself why she’d wanted him out of her life. Because she did what him out of her life, didn’t she?
Well, didn’t she? Sally tried to ignore the little voice that mocked her from a distant corner inside her head. Was love really about choices, or did love mean you had no choice? Isn’t that why you were brought back down to reality with a bang, caught with Stephen’s face between your legs? You want him out of your life? Sure, believe that, and you’ll believe anything.
You might even believe that he loves you.
Sally gave a customary shake of her head to silence the uncomfortable thoughts. She couldn’t allow herself the luxury of wishful thinking, because that landed her in carnival side alleys with her legs wrapped around bad boys, acting like some teenage girl on heat. His body was still in close proximity to hers, so she turned her back on him. “Call me old fashioned, but not sleeping with your friends is an unwritten covenant in my book. Maybe I deserve better.”
“Not maybe. You do deserve better than me. You think I keep on my armour as you call it out of fun? It was more a case of only letting you see what I thought you could handle. In time you’ll find out I’m no good. I’ll only make trouble for you.”
The confession surprised her. She didn’t turn back to look at him for fear she’d want to reach out and touch the chink in his armour. “But that should have been my choice to make.”
He was right though, and she should have known better. He was a runner. He wasn’t available; he was a soldier on his way back to England, and it was obvious there was something troubling him that kept him company in his silences. Was he really just saving her from himself? She knew everyone had stories they’d never tell, including her.
But she had thought that, one day, he could be the boy she would tell them to.
“I fucked up with Daisy, I know. But this is all I can offer you for now.”
“You can’t expect me to act as if it never happened.”
“But nothing did happen. You know that.”
“Only because I arrived too early.”
“That’s bullshit. You arrived on right on cue...”
She paused for a breath, trying to comprehend what she had just heard. “You mean you wanted me to catch the two of you in my bed?”
Her hand smacked her forehead to resuscitate her thoughts. She spun around to face him. “In God’s name, why would you want to do that to me? Why?”
He said nothing. She could see the answer was hidden there in his eyes, but they were too dark to read. What was he hiding from her? Or should that be, what wasn’t he hiding from her. He was a dark horse, as dark as those eyes that read her like an open book, but were looking at her now as though seeing her for the first time.
““S-A-L-L-Y! SALLY!”
They both froze as Daisy’s high pitched voice signalled her return. She must have backtracked on herself, and by the closeness of her voice, she was almost upon them again. She was persistent, if nothing else, which wasn’t out of character, but this was pushing it even for her.
Without waiting for Sally’s response, Stephen took her by the waist and pulled her backwards, further into the shadows. She couldn’t help notice how the contours of his body perfectly matched her own, as he breathed into her ear. “She doesn’t give up easily, does she?”
“Neither do you.” She refused to look into his eyes.
“I know what I want.”
“You don’t have a clue what you want. Now, please let me go,” she whispered.
“What if I don’t want to let you go?”
“You should have thought of that before you started playing pranks.”
“Stay here with me. Just you and me. And we’ll play some games of our own that I promise you’ll like.” She felt Stephen’s lips brush across her the cheek, as he held her tighter and the cold air dissipated in his warm arms.
“Sally!” Daisy’s voice passed by them for a second time to disappear into the madding crowd, while they remained padlocked to each other.
For a split second, she was almost certain time had stood still. Then he released her, and her heartbeat resumed. As she turned her back against him, he moved his hands up to brush her hair away from his mouth. His fingers made contact with her skin making her treasonous goosebumps rise in pleasure. Stephen noticed, and he bent down to teasingly kiss the nape of her neck.
“Stephen- no...” she said, but made no move to put any distance between them, as though she was still stuck to him like an indention.
“Why is it you say no, when your body says yes? This is what makes me so hot for you... How your prim exterior suddenly drops when I touch you,” he whispered. “Who else makes you feel this way?”
Not trusting the words to come out of her mouth, she didn’t reply. Unlike his body, her compliant body always betrayed her feelings to Stephen. His touch electrocuted any sense she had. She knew it and he knew it, she thought, disgusted with her lack of self-control. But then again, she hadn’t the benefit of his military training. Stephen had a rod of steel that ran through him, and he held on to his composure like holding a sharp spear at arm’s length.
His hands slipped under her jumper from behind, and she squirmed against him as she felt his fingers begin to slowly massage her spinal column from the nape of her neck to her tail bone. His hips resumed their dance from before, the magnetic lines of his lips on the lobe of her left ear, sending tiny shock waves to course through her to the very soles of her feet.
Drawing a narrow trail with his tongue from the back of her ear lobe down to her neck, he gently breathed on the wetness he had left behind. It played on her skin, slivers of sensations vibrating like violin strings, and she finally let her head fall further back against him, her gaze blurring in the rise and fall of the stars in the night sky.
She tried to control her breathing as his movements became extremely slow, and the friction of their skin enveloped her in a sheet of fire. She had the impression that his movements had melted her vertebrae, one by one, to give them the suppleness of a flame. Crossing over from his hands to enter through her flexible cord, she felt the sexual excitement mount in her.
“Ste-ph-huh-” A small gasp of pleasure escaped from her lips. He gently bit down into her neck, and she looked up to see the stars spinning once more in their velvet folds. She closed her eyelids, but the stars were still spinning. They were back in the moment, stars in skyfall.
Her hands fumbled behind her to reach between his legs, and was frustrated to find the censoring material of his jeans refusing to fully reveal his excitement. But she kept her hold on the tip of him, and imagined its shaft slowly moving in her, maximising her increasing arousal.
“Show me Sally, show me what you want.”
Her hands rose to his stomach with such force, she was sure it would leave imprints of her nails on him. She rubbed against him, pulled by the basic instinct of her body wanting to become a natural extension of his own. She arched her back, and pushed deeper into him.
She pushed deeper.
And deeper.
Little by little, their shared sensations built and passed from her tail bone to him, and the resonant burning he had began in her spinal column seemed to spread out, setting the very night air on fire.
Her eyes closed, she listened to them breathe in tandem. Thought of his cock growing inside her. United in the night. One movement. One beat.

With a quick, strong pull, he drew her pants down. Her knickers fell unceremoniously to the floor, and she felt pinpricks of air tingle her skin. It was deliciously wicked.
“Sally... My Sally...”
A lot of people called you by your name, and you hardly ever realised it. Some had a habit of screaming your name so that it minimised you. But only he could make hers sound so memorable; he had a way of saying her name that made her feel as though she meant something.
But did she mean anything to him more than this? That was the one thought she couldn’t let pass. A cold line of fear, her last strand of resistance, pulled her back from the brink. Was this worth it? Only to feel worthless afterwards? A few good times to make up for the bad times that would ultimately number more? Was it better to love like this, than never to love at all? Which would cost her more in the long run?
And then she heard it, Daisy's voice sounding desperate now as it rang out, finally registering the desperation against her own which she had missed in the heat of the moment, distinct from the hub of happy fairground noises. She went numb at the mention of her brother's name.
“Sally, it's Iain! He's had an accident! Where the hell are you?!”
End of Chapter 4 | Read Chapter 5
Yours in love,