“Desire unlocks the mystery of who you are meant to be - it triggers genes said to contain vital information, some say even messages from our hereditary past. If we can access this information, there are those who believe we can gain greater mastery over our lives and our divinity. It is a worthwhile endeavour; who doesn't want a soul that is perpetually fulfilled instead of burnt out? Who doesn't want a heartfelt testimonial to a well-lived life?”Life, today, has become all about big data. Life is information, and our genes, as the bearers of that information, carry it in a tiny, complex code inside every cell of our bodies. How can we tap into this code? When we practise yoga, we are told to listen to our bodies. The awareness from your mind and body will create the inner yoga that you're really after, experts advise. In life, too, we need to listen to our body. Observe the signs and respond. Some call it letting the universe "take the wheel".
— Mickie Kent
Guided by the universe, it's the powerful "right" that every soul has to learn how to call upon it in difficult or challenging times. No matter what processes have failed you in the past or what missing link has caused you to miss-step in your own visualisations, you will quickly see how tapping into your genetic code is simply a reflection of the path you've always been destined to take.
Brixton 'celebrates'/MSN UK |
The 1980s was a deeply divided time, and British comedian Russell Brand wrote about his childhood reflections on Thatcher, which features on the Huffington Post, calling her a strict woman who damaged the lives of ordinary people and was no symbol of girl power.
It always struck me as peculiar, too, when the [pop act] Spice Girls briefly championed Thatcher as an early example of Girl Power. I don't see that. She is an anomaly, a product of the freak-conomy of her time.Thinking about it now, when I was a child she was just a strict woman telling everyone off and selling everything off. I didn't know what to think of this fearsome woman.
Her death must be sad for the handful of people she was nice to and the rich people who got richer under her stewardship. It isn't sad for anyone else.
All of us that grew up under Thatcher were taught that it is good to be selfish, that other people's pain is not your problem, that pain is in fact a weakness and suffering is deserved and shameful.
Interestingly, one mate of mine ... was melancholy. "I thought I'd be overjoyed, but really it's just... another one bites the dust..." This demonstrates I suppose that if you opposed Thatcher's ideas it is likely because of their lack of compassion, which is really just a word for love. If love is something you cherish it is hard to glean much joy from death, even in one's enemies.
Many blame Thatcherite polices for the decades of conspicuous consumption that followed, and which, some political analysts surmise, eventually led to the economic crisis of the day. Others go further to say that under her three consecutive governments, the poor got poorer, as she killed the spirit of provincial communities to push in privatisation and prosperity.
Although the celebrations that have taken place in wake of her passing is deemed in poor taste by some, caustic critics with long memories have been tweeting their jubilation that the "witch is dead". Described as racist by foreign colleagues, blamed for decimating the northern mining communities, and out of touch with reality towards her later years, however, some correspondents have remarked that the most surprising thing about Thatcher was not her unwavering support of fashionable policies of her time (which she took a lot of blame for) but the fact that she was a lady.
Will 2013 be the year of the goddess?
MP Dennis Skinner's speech condemning the Thatcher era |
Thatcher undeniably made history, and did a lot to dispel the image of the frail woman; the traits we so obviously berate as being "masculine" can fit the form of a woman just as well. There are matriarchs as well as patriarchs in this world. It's unclear whether Thatcher was eventually "punished" for not behaving true to form, discarding the conventional image of the ideal woman to be true to her own nature, but her rejection of consensus politics made her a divisive figure and opposition to her policies and her style of government led eventually to rebellion inside her party and unrest on the streets.
And in the cruel theatre of politics, her political downfall - being unceremoniously forced to resign while in power - ran like a Greek tragedy. But our choices and actions, some say, are the breadcrumbs that lead back to our true nature, and the path we are destined to take. In fact, all your choices and actions have themselves played an integral part of laying the foundation for you to avail yourself to the powerful material in this article.
It is no coincidence that you are reading this at a time of enlightened/heightened consciousness. We get guided by the universe through our intuition to consolidate years of experience to play our hand as we take action. It's time therefore to sync up our core values to this new awareness. It's a new age of information, and a new way of doing things. It is the new paradigm of thought/action. It's a new inspired way of achieving success in life, of realising our dreams.
As much as the problems that were around in Thatcher's time may still be around today, the overall theme of unity and transformation has arrived; it's time has come. Each and everyone of us needs to carve out the life of their dreams, and be at peace with the decisions made and the overwhelming results received, because each of us is a dot that, when joined together, will realise a beautiful panorama of existence. You cannot be a true individual without a sense of community. Be thrilled to assume a role in it.
Whether it's a consciousness decision to find an alternative to drugs for a certain disorder, or whether you get a "wake-up call" that leaves you with a very deep sense of gratitude for the path you have taken - and the decisions you have made, you will start to notice that every "bad" thing you believed happened to you, actually was a push for you to either let go of what doesn't serve you, or to move in the right direction.
Because you are here reading this right at this very moment, you can treat it as a milestone, a dot for you to connect up with other events in your life to see where you need to go from here. If you feel guided by the material available here to those who have arrived and are ready to receive it, then you need to believe in your heart that this for you. This is beyond learning a simple technique. It must resonate with your true nature for it to benefit you. So, for instance, if you remain sceptical, this might be your inner voice telling you that this isn't for you.
And that is absolutely fine; there is no wrong or right to this. It's not a matter of you being "wrong" and the information here being "right" or vice versa. It is about perception. This is both a process and a tool. A tool that aligns us with the source of creative power within to manifest our dreams, and more importantly, a process that will stay with us forever as we embrace this new paradigm, this new enlightened way of living and creating. Some will feel it is a divinely inspired truth, and although it may feel like you need to climb great heights to achieve it, you can start immediately, in the comfort of your own home.
To help us achieve this kind of "divine" perspective, some experts suggest that instead of getting stuck in a "why" phase, it's best to be in a "how" state of mind. Rather than asking "Why did this happen to me?" at a particularly challenging point in our lives, it is better to ask, "How can I use this difficulty to my advantage?" We might not be certain why something happens - and if the "why" questions don't give us really useful practical information on how to move forward, then it may be better to focus on the "how" for the time being. Namely:
- How can I benefit from this experience?
- How can I use this experience to bring more joy to myself and others?
- How can I love life more?
This 3-part questioning process is really to help you discover your true nature. Once we are comfortable with who we are, we can steer ourselves through any obstacles we will face along the way. Forging a bond between your body and your consciousness will help you see how things connect together, and although opinions and institutions and emotions seem to divide us, we're not really separate from one another. When we become aware of the dots in life, we can see the larger picture, and join them up ourselves to see what has shaped our life journey over the years.
This isn't about getting stuck in the past, or keeping blindly focused on the future - being able to see the bigger picture is about seeing everything in the now of time. It's about learning to lovingly embrace rather than resist the moment, because that is where you have the potential to change. In doing so, you are giving your divine expression your full attention. By keeping our energies in the present moment, stripped of all borders, limitations and boundaries that formerly applied to our personal visions of success - as we misused energy in our limited expressions of them - once you are in league with your mind, your potential to participate in the creative dance of life increases because potential exists in the now of time.
"I am here now" - make this mantra sound as you continue to read; make it a melody, make it the music for your soul. Sing it from your heart and body as you live - like a musical sculpture that emits different sounds depending on how people approach it, learn to take hold of your problems with both hands and dance them away. Because what stands between you and fulfilling your intentions and achieving your dreams is not simply, some say, how you set goals in a list of steps - these are the practical aids that can lead you where you need to go. Your car's sat-nav can't take you anywhere if you're not at the wheel. The real time execution of the steps taking you to where you desire depends on YOU.
In your dreams there is no limit to what you can accomplish. In your dreams there are no boundaries, you can dream away fear - but then what happens? You wake up and the dream is gone. What I'm talking about is dreaming the possible dream. What is your dream? What's stopping you? The only person with these answers, and standing in the way of your dreams is you. You hold you back. If you feel like a slave to your job, you're only really a slave to that perception.
Cut off from our true nature, we can't see a way out to change; we can't see with any clarity to know what steps to take to realise our true self, and follow our destiny. But what you are about to discover in this article will shatter every belief you've ever had about setting goals and why you've failed to achieve your dreams. It is a refection of you and how your dreams are coming to fruition, or not, as the case may be. We have to let go of attitudes that no longer serve us. Habits are hard to break, because they are our neural pathways and what my program does is to help rewire those pathways, so that we can break some of those habits that are so ingrained they keeps us treading the hamster wheel - on the vicious cycle of going nowhere with our lives, our diet, our relationships, or career.
Click here to change 6 negative habits.
For example, body health is about eating, drinking and thinking; and the thinking is a big component - where you can literally be carrying your negative emotions in your weight, which we use to numb ourselves out, or we have got so used to them we have physical, real world cravings around them, stopping us from dealing with the unfinished business of why you keep yourself stuck in the food coma. In such scenarios we can't get in to address the problem in our lives, if we don't address some of the bigger blockages holding you back. Once you handle these, and you realise there are only two ways you can go - nowhere or somewhere - it will have a ripple effect on all areas of your life. If you have a phobia of heights, for instance, once you handle that you may also find you can handle being out of control, or facing your fears in a new way.
To balance all aspects of your life, your brain and your body working in unison to channel your spirit is the best team of your dreams. It teaches and enables and empowers you to work smart - to move past resistance and relax in the faith that your needs can be fulfilled without pushing and worrying. Your life will be exponentially easier and harmonious once you achieve the perfect marriage of intention setting and markers of success, without all the potential negative trappings of goal setting gone wrong. This will be because you have discovered your true nature through your desires first, and so will be able to map out a success plan without the trail of disappointment that comes from a history of not achieving goals.
We all have goals we didn't achieve, and so might be sceptical of life transforming change. I totally understand that you may be reflecting on a lot of things you've tried in the past that haven't panned out, and I can appreciate that, because we've all been there. So, don't discard healthy scepticism, keep it by your side as you read this article. But once we have tapped into our true divine nature - and this will be unique for everyone - we can't go wrong. It's as simple, and as hard, as that. But it's time you gave yourself the opportunity for change, and to transform your life, and align it to your authentic self.
For some of us, there is a fine distinction between goals and dreams, and if we feel this in our nature it will mean - for us - more importantly that there is an energetic difference. So for some of us setting goals works, while for others the goal should be that there is no goal. This is why we each need to discover our true nature first, before we start to try and manifest our dreams. How can we know what we want, if we don't first know ourselves?
This is the missing link that 95% of the population has overlooked when it comes to manifesting abundance and reaching heights of success they will be destined to only dream. When you find who you really are, you will have found the key - once you do, it's up to you to turn it in the lock to harmonise your energy and increase prosperity.
Communicate with your genes
We are all born with a certain genetic make-up, and science once believed that this blueprint was permanent and unchangeable - essentially that our DNA dictated our destiny. However, an exciting new field of genetic science is emerging which demonstrates DNA alchemy - that our gene expression can be influenced and altered for better or worse, based on a number of internal and external triggers. These influences on our genes can change how we age, how our bodies react to lifestyle and environmental factors, our resistance to illness and even how we gain weight, among numerous other influences.
According to this theory, it is believed that gene expression can be altered both positively and negatively, and the study of how various factors affect our genes is known as "epigenetics". Advances in this field are showing how environment, diet, lifestyle and even thoughts and emotions can have just as powerful an impact on gene function as biological lineage. Epigenetics adds a whole new layer to genes beyond the DNA. It proposes a control system of "switches" that turn genes on or off - and suggests that things people experience, like nutrition and stress, can control these switches and cause heritable effects in humans. Small changes in the expression of one master regulator gene, coming from a number of potential influences, can cause a ripple effect and ultimately guide the way your genes, cells, and body systems function and communicate.
More profound scientific findings demonstrate how our mind influences genetics. It is thought that your mind and emotions send signals to your cells that also determine your genetic expression. The expression of your genes is influenced greatly by the messages received from YOU, your body, your mind and your emotions. Proponents to this theory say this is something that we have known intuitively, and that all the great spiritual traditions have been teaching for thousands of years. Now it appears modern science is confirming these truths, proving that our mental, emotional and spiritual states of being can greatly influence our DNA. Meditation is one ancient technique that has recently been shown to promote positive genetic expression and DNA function through practices which calm and focus our mental, emotional and physical states of being.
Read about the power of meditation.
Living a spiritual life focused on well-being is thought to change our genetic destiny. Sticking to healthy lifestyle habits, following a healthy, nutrient-rich diet with the right supplements for example, engaging in regular exercise and maintaining a positive state of mind can put you on the right path to wellness by balancing your body's blueprint for health and vitality. This expanding area of genetic research is a very exciting development within medicine, representing a much more holistic understanding of health and disease, and one that has profound possibilities for healing.
In theory, you can change your genetic destiny, and in fact you are doing it at every moment. Take the time to enjoy a warm cup of green tea, take some deep breaths and relax. You have just changed your genetic destiny. This is truly powerful medicine. It also changes our relationship with food, because by extension foods and plants communicate with our DNA when we consume them. It is thought that food has its own energy, and the complex interrelationship between genes, phytochemicals and nutrients, and lifestyle choices is just beginning to be understood by science. However, natural medicine has been using these principles for healing since ancient times.
Adherents to these practices claim that many plants, herbs and nutrients "communicate" with our bodies on a cellular level and influence genetic expression and our DNA specifically to promote health and balance. And the research seems to suggest that the chemicals contained in certain foods and plants send signals to our DNA, optimising healthy cellular function. Common examples include green tea, curcumin or turmeric, and compounds in the cruciferous vegetable family. Vitamin D also "talks" to your genes, which is one reason why adequate vitamin D intake is so crucial for your health.
In the same way you can also harmonise your energy to increase prosperity and enjoy prosperity. For many of us, our relationship with money is one based on fear. We consume too much, and appreciate little when it comes to money; we have become a throwaway society, where little lasts long, or has any value aside from what we paid for it, which quickly depreciates in most material possessions. But through our habits and actions, we can "genetically" change how we perceive, use and live with our finances.
For example, when you go shopping only buy what you really want. Buy one good outfit that you feel wonderful wearing, rather than several less expensive ones that you don't really like. This tells your subconscious that you can have what you want, and it will immediately go about bringing you more. Rather than focusing on how much money you can save by buying something that doesn't excite you, buy something that will provide you with many alive moments of pleasure that engage your mind, your body, and your emotions. Of course, if you can buy something for less that you love just as much, do so - the cost isn't as important as your loving what you buy.
When something has sentimental value, it becomes priceless. After buying something that means a lot to you, enjoy it. Play with it like a child who has just received a special toy he or she has been wanting. Appreciate what you have; become familiar with it; harmonise with it; learn all about it. Do this for a day, a week, or a month, until you’ve formed a complete relationship with it and put your energy into it. Harmonising your energy with your new things completes the relationship with what you buy and helps you feel more fulfilled by them.
The key to all these genetic triggers is our passion. In our desires, and our bliss, rests the answer to the mystery of who we are. It is by tapping into our consciousness at a cellular level that we can really understand ourselves, and set a plan for where we want to go. Because to set goals, and visualisations, we need to know specifically what we want, and what we don't want. To do that, we need a clear picture in our heads of who we are. Our passions are paramount in this journey of discovery.
Read how to discover your passion.
Very often we need to take a look at our core values, because it is these that help shape our destiny. But as the brain needs to be hooked up in the body to fulfil its potential, so to our core vales must be wired to the universal consciousness of our times. For example, Thatcher's downfall can be said to have come when her beliefs - which were always too rigid - did not change with the times. Her blinkered, tunnel vision was making her blind to her true nature, which wasn't to be malicious with her policies, but to make her country great again.
Long term power went to Thatcher's head and cut her off from her heart and true values; and thus, we, too, cannot know what shape our destiny will take, if we don't know the shape of our hearts. When we look at role models that inspire us, they do so because they challenged what was expected of them and found a different way to live. Inspirational people inspire us because they push back the boundaries and make us all feel like we can be anything we want to be.
One of the most important rituals in life that needs to be mastered is continually investing in your knowledge and always becoming better. This can radically help people in a multitude of life's challenges - whether spiritual, financial or health related. Some experts suggest setting your inner eye on a beautiful and peaceful life with affirmations, and you'll be motivated to keep your own personal resolve for change. Similar to meditation, this adheres to the belief we can use the brain to exert positive change over our lives at a cellular level.
Affirmations refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking - fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." More specifically an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. Like visualising something, it needs to be done with feeling. Emotions activate the brain and connects us to our genes - and we can elicit emotions not just by using our imagination and visualising, but with the help of our physical senses, too.
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It's clear that each of us develop a highly individual set of likes and dislikes over our lives, and the process by which we acquire and change our tastes may either be intrinsic to ourselves or our environment. Some tastes we are born with and are intrinsic, some tastes happen because we experience them in our environment (even in the womb environment) - but how do these two fit together? Scientific research shows our instincts cut in first - nature has programmed us to like sweet things for high calories (i.e., breast milk), and avoid bitter tastes that might symbolise poisonous foods (such as woodland berries). But then our experiences takes control, if we have been exposed to a bitter food before (even in the womb), it can help us overcome our intrinsic dislike of bitter.
We develop a liking if we keep on eating something, and although what we eat as children has a profound influence on us, your sensitivity changes as you age - your sense of bitter fades as your experience with food grows, so those foods you found hard to like as a child, become easier to enjoy. This is why some say it is worth re-trying foods that you didn't like at first. Evidence also shows that this is anatomical, too, as depending on the make-up of our tongue, some of us will have more potency or sensitivity of taste - able to experience stronger tastes.
However, sense of taste isn't that simple for everyone - scientific tests show that different people have different reactions to the same taste, and there is something that shapes your taste even more than what it is your putting into your mouth. It may sound strange but smell is also a factor, as it helps us enjoy the flavours we taste. Smell is said to be responsible for 80% of the flavours we taste. The truth seems to be that what many of us think of as taste, is in fact smell. How taste and aromas come together to be the flavours we enjoy - is at the forefront of scientific research.
Smelling food, and then chewing and swallowing, activates the flavours we experience, and these two smelling systems of nose and throat and mouth give off signals that finally come together in your brain. It's a brain construction, the brain sends it to an area where you get taste - they interact and that is flavour. The flavours we experience are unique to us - they're subjective - so you're sense of flavour doesn't really happen on your tongue or in your nose, but in your brain - and that's why it connects with your emotion and your memory - and memories from childhood are often strongest.
As proof of this, losing our sense of smell can impact greatly on our enjoyment of food, but just as importantly, we lose the connection between the world of our senses and the memories that go with them. Smell is tied very closely to our emotional memories. Our sense of taste is connected to our emotional experiences. Emotions and memories reinforce taste pathways and connections in our brains.
It is this knowledge that can serve us with some practical tips. For example we can boost our visualisations and affirmations by associating them with a favourite taste or smell. We can do this by preparing a room with ambience, whenever we carry out our morning affirmations we smell, or taste, the selected treat (a spoonful of organic honey, or green tea) or smell (a favourite perfume or oil) at the same time. Repetition will strengthen the association between the positive affirmations and imagery and our favourite smell, so we can trigger confidence for example by wearing a special perfume, just before a new job interview. Or drinking green tea not only benefits us physically, but "talking" with our brain in this way can enhance its benefits at a "genetic" level.
This can be likened to the method of anchoring, where it's thought we constantly make anchors (associations) between what we see, hear and feel and our emotional states. While in an emotional state if a person is exposed to a unique stimulus (sight, sound or touch) then a connection is made between the emotion and the unique stimulus. If the unique stimulus occurs again, the emotional state will then be triggered. Thus using your own sensory perceptions to anchor your affirmations (such as a particular smell associated with a memory or state) can deliberately create and trigger them to help access their target states.
Armed with such resourceful, powerful techniques, you can supercharge your life, motivate yourself and live with greater energy with affirmations that help you design the life of your dreams. And every time you feel the desire for an influx of positivity and inspiration revisit your affirmations. This also aids in dissolving urgency and resistance, and increasing patience - and as we address a multitude of life's challenges your will discover that your life will begin to read like a success journal.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
Utilising this science is my 90 day programme, which has helped me personally, can get to the heart of your unfinished business, emotional stress and phobias in such a quick and efficient way to unburden and release you into a new life. Creating new pathways to break those habits successfully, can also be frightening, because we can begin to question who we really are once all this emotional - and sometimes physical - padding of suffering is removed from around us.
There's nothing to lose by trying it (it is 100% free information) and I promise you you're going to feel great; if you feel uncomfortable or foolish it'll only be for a second, and who's going to see you? It's fast, it works really quickly, and can save you years of endless of therapy - not that therapy isn't important; it really is, it is wonderful and serves its place but my programme is like rocket fuel for coping skills.
Triple your power
For some actionable steps that you can take advantage of right now, provided below is a 3-part habit that you can do, to make sure the things you want reliably and easily flow to you - turning you into a authentic manifesting magnet by tapping into the universal energy in your genes. This material can change your life, awaken your heart, mind and soul and show you the way to attain your highest goals and wishes.
This is much more than teaching inspired technique. It actually cleanses the mind of old worn out, useless processes that only serve to impede our path to success. You are filling and training your mind with a new enlightened way of doing things. So, say goodbye to the life you used to know.
- How do you view yourself? Imagine yourself climbing up a giant to stand on their shoulders and look out over the distance to see where you must go in the road ahead. Now imagine yourself as a sheep in a large herd, head down following the rest. This is the difference between being inspired by others and lamely following others. Seek to be yourself, rather than simply following the herd. Respect other's opinions not above your own, or below it, but equal to it. Don't be afraid to spend time alone with yourself rather than others. Become accustomed to hearing yourself breathe. Re-evaluate how you see yourself or "public" image. Maybe you see yourself as an introvert, but could this be what others have seen you as - are you happy to be labelled as an introvert? Learn to listen to your inner voice.
Click here to take a personality test.
We are all created from the energy of the universe, and thus some would say are the "power of gods and goddesses" manifested into reality. Power does not necessarily imply superiority over another thing or being. There is the power of love for example, and the power to love. Both imply great action and vitality, and an aggressive thrust that has nothing to do with violence. See yourself as this power manifested. You are not powerless. Through your being this power is strengthened, for you are a portion of the universal energy. You are not simply an insignificant lump of clay through which the energy decides to appear. You are the energy manifesting as you. You are unique. There will never be another like you in the world.
- Know your own mind. It has been said that people who know their own mind are often vilified, and sometimes it can feel like everything in society wants to control your thoughts; telling us what to eat, what to wear, what to look like. The majority seems to vilify anyone who knows their own mind, and keeps people in line by ridicule. It can feel as though society want to prise open the top of our skulls and rake its poisonous tongue through our brains. And there is no place to hide, if not in our own heads.
We have fears of being laughed at, but the derision can set us free. Overcoming challenges when something you perceive as "really bad" happens to you can be an opportunity to grow stronger. When life breaks you down, it's not so you give up, but so you build a new you from the pieces. With every bridge back to our old selves ablaze, we can find the courage to think freely without caring what anyone else thinks.
So, imagine how much worse it would be, if your own mind was working against you? Therefore experts say, we must learn the workings of our mind, and learn to work with our mind - the real part of life's technology is your brain, your conciousness. The mind works through our physical senses, Albert Einstein's brain today sits silent in a jar, without its body it can achieve nothing. Some believe we are concious beings with psychic brain energy conducted from universal energies, and the brain is a conduit for higher levels of sense beyond mind which can change our perceptions of reality. Any truth can become accepted through repetition, break the loop and open your mind, and the prison of your current reality disintegrates.
You must understand the nature of reality before you can manipulate within it well. In physical reality you are learning that your thoughts have reality, and that you create the reality that you know. When you leave this dimension, then you concentrate upon the knowledge you have gained. If you still do not realise that you create your own reality, then you return, and again you learn to manipulate, and again and again you see the results of your own inner reality as you meet it objectified. You teach yourself the lesson until you have learned it; then you begin to learn how to handle the consciousness that is yours, intelligently and well. Only when you reclaim your brain can you form images for the benefit of yourself and then others, to lead and guide them. In turn, you constantly enlarge the scope of your understanding.
- Act with your heart. This step is last, but by no means least, and possibly the most important for achieving tangible outcomes. Action results in fulfilment, life experience, and wisdom, whereas procrastination leads to stress, poor health, and regrets that last for life. Decisive, inspired, positive action is required to get anywhere in life. But we must always come from the heart, even in the brain.
Manifestation shouldn't be viewed as a case of sitting back to see if something happens, and if it does it was "meant to be" - this is a form of procrastination, too. Rather we will know if something was meant to be once we act from the heart. When you don't get expected results, ask yourself, have you acted with all your heart?
Approach all challenges and joys from a place of love. Destructive fear denies self, it's false security that does not preserve; your passion, your bliss, your desires are the key to unlocking your authentic self. Once you find who you really are internally, you can sync up your external actions with the real you, to fulfil your divinity and the covenants of your soul.
In the Bible from the Book of Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7, it proclaims, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Although on a reading of the full passage it suggests that one should consider the true motivations of a person who is being uncharacteristically generous before accepting his generosity, the full passage, taken from the King James Version, is as follows:
Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.
It's only when our motives are aligned with our authentic self that we can attain our dreams. Honour your own truth, and by our actions and habits we teach the mind our true nature. And what is our true nature? There are many conflicting theories. Some say the real identity and character of a person is said to be formed not by one particular organ such as the brain, but by the whole body.
One theory centres on our nervous system instead of our brain, an organ system containing a network of specialised cells called neurons that coordinate our actions. Others believe the endocrine system of glands described as "ductless" has the leading role to the secret of who we are, not the brain. Ductless glands any of the glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones needed by the body directly into the bloodstream so it will be circulated to the entire body. The pineal gland, the thymus gland, the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, the spleen, and the two adrenal glands are all ductless glands.
This theory purports that a true individual is formed by the chemistry of our ductless glands and the pineal gland plays a big role. The thymus gland is also believed to be very important in the role of identity. The argument goes that culture makes us believe that our thoughts and the ideas born by the thoughts form our identity, but that this is not entirely true. Proponents to this theory distinguish this as cultural identity, as opposed to our true one.
It runs into the field of conspiracy theorists, however, when some claim that our culture has put the emphasis on the brain in order to hide the importance of the ductless glands. Experts in this field say that there is extensive research on how to control glands and if they succeed, it would give them the ultimate tool for creating the perfect slave, and that so-called "brain washing" would be nothing compared to it.
Secret theories aside, almost everything we are today is the product of the knowledge we've accumulated through education and living in society, so we can't deny that this also is part of our nature. But whether from the product of millions of years of evolution and inherited genetic codes, we are the product of glands, or the brain, or simply our environment, the end result is the same: We only stop sabotaging our efforts when we view ourselves as we truly are, and not as others would view us.
We will have the power to tap into the universal energy by owning our mind with love. We must feel in our hearts the spirit that is sewn from the same universal fabric of light and dark, because alongside knowledge, we also have to cultivate the spirit - as a spiritual parachute to land softly when we take a leap of faith. It is in this way we can "see around corners" when it comes to making decisions for our future destinations; we are ultimately connected with our future self, or god self - linked up to our true nature of love.
Yours in love,
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