At an early age I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up. I loved to read and learn and to help people, and somehow I was going to find a way to make this my business. That set me on a journey of lifestyle design, and I am happy to say that I have been able to achieve my goal. There were a lot of success steps on this journey that I did naturally and that I stumbled upon but I want to give you a structured plan to help get you to your goals fast.
Your thinking literally determines your level of success in everything. Here's the good news: experts say this successful way of thinking is not something you're born with - it's something you develop. If you do have a flawed way of thinking that's holding you back, you can fix it.
Learning how to improve your thinking is more important than ever. We're living in the Information Age, where you're inundated with information - and you must be able to sift through that information, find what's important, and then maximise that information's value to bring success into your life.
There is a lot of important expert information that I will be sharing with you on how to improve your sex life, how to attract true love and how to better our lives - but if you don't improve your thinking, none of this will be much help!
This is why I have been focusing on articles focusing on the power and influence of thoughts in our lives.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
We need to discover that every stumbling block in our lives is a lesson. But it's more than just painful trial and error. There are short-cuts to better thinking you can use. Once you hear these short-cuts, you'll not only see more clearly, think more creatively, and plan more effectively. You'll also never make most of the mistakes that plague lives when they succumb to faulty thinking.
- First, I highly recommend keeping a journal. I've been keeping a journal to record my successes and failures for a few years now. It's how I think through everything, and challenge myself to be a better thinker.
What to write in your journal: I'm a visual person so I use diagrams and mind-mapping to think through any new projects. I also use my journal to grade my performance on how I did during the week, outline and define goals, and stay the course when I feel like I'm in a rut.
- Questions to get you started: Challenge yourself to answer the following questions in your journals: "What exactly do you want from your life? What's the absolute minimum necessary to have it? What's the fastest and easiest way to get it?"
The last three questions sound deceptively simple, but they're incredibly important. Trust me when I say knowing the answers to these questions will help you reach success faster than any course or programme you can buy.
Because if you knew exactly what you wanted - and the specific steps that would get you there - wouldn't you agree that you would have what you wanted by now? If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't.
You must focus on the what before you can focus on the how to get there. You must be clear on exactly what you want, so you can map out the steps to get you to where you want to be.
So take a moment right now, and start writing down your goals for your life in general. Then start outlining what it would take to achieve those goals - and the quickest ways to make those goals a reality. Take your time and give your answers some thought.
Remember: Thinking can be your strategic competitive advantage. Don't waste it.
Don't waste your life. The days we have are finite, but the tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live. Don't handcuff yourself to a lack of focus, or worry needlessly about all of those negative things that come to define our very existence as we grow older.
The hollow refrain of negativity is a choke chain on your confidence and creativity - so stop bitchin' and get out of the kitchen! Go out into the world and find your dream, find your true love, find your true self.
Because it's all about possession and control, between your positive thoughts and the negative ones; imagine it as never ending battle of justice that always depends on the fair minded outnumbering the fools, bigots and cowards. You'll get justice in life when the positive thoughts outnumber the negative, and you realise that believing in goodness (and love) is its own reward.
Because if you don't, they will keep coming. You'll try to push them out of your head. You'll try to get rid of them in the wrong ways. You don't want to believe them.
But if you allow negative thoughts the run of your mind, they'll overtake you so strongly that they'll just spread even more. And before you know it you're feeling negative and
doubt you'll ever succeed. Then you give up and say: "what's the point?"
They're negative thoughts and negative beliefs. They destroy any chance for success. They don't help you and they just make you feel like there's no hope. These negative thoughts tell you that you can't, that you don't know how, that you're not good enough, that you'll never succeed at anything. At first you don't believe them. But they spread like weeds and eventually you believe them.
Then life gets worse, a lot worse.
Sure you want more. Yes you want a better life. You may even think that you deserve it. But then, just as you start to think maybe I can - those negative thoughts creep back in and force you to give up.
Well it doesn't have to be that way. You can turn things around.
Getting rid of negative thoughts is a top priority. No matter what you do, what you try, what books you read you won't create the success or changes you want until you get rid of those negative thoughts.
This is about becoming a mind terminator and trying to completely eliminate every single negative thought. You won't be able to get rid of all your negative thoughts. But you can get rid of the negative thoughts that don't allow you to succeed. You can take possession and control of your own mind, and keep the negative thoughts challenged and checked - because battling with them with help you grow stronger.
It is only YOU that can make you become weaker. Any thought that says you can't or don't know how needs to be changed or eliminated.
At first this won't be easy. Your mind will fight back. It will insist on keeping those negative thoughts. Then they'll get stronger.
That's because these thoughts and beliefs are planted in your subconscious mind. You can't just reach in and pluck them out (like you do with weeds).
Instead, you have to re-direct the subconscious. Give it new information. Give it new thoughts and beliefs to follow.
So take a gentle approach and every time you catch yourself having a negative thought change it. Then give it some support, like why you can instead of why you can't.
For example: if you want to make more money but you get a thought that says: "I can't make more money. I don't know how." Replace those thoughts with something like: "I do know how to make more money, and I can make more money."
Next give yourself reasons why you can make more money, or why you can achieve what you want.
At first you probably won't come up with answers. If that happens - think back to when you earned your first pay cheque. If you've ever earned a single penny then you know how to make money.
If you want to meet the right person then think back to when you first met someone you were interested in or your first relationship.
This is how you give your subconscious mind new directions. When you keep giving yourself reasons you start to believe.
First you start to believe that maybe you can. Then that belief gets stronger. And when you believe without a doubt that you can that's when real changes happen - quickly.
Get an action list going if it helps:
- Track your thoughts.
- Get rid of the negative thoughts.
- Create new positive thoughts.
- Give yourself reasons to succeed.
- Believe in yourself.
- Continue to direct your subconscious and your inner powers.
- Give them new beliefs to follow today.
Keep in mind that your thoughts and beliefs create your life. What ever you think and believe you will see in your life. Your subconscious and your inner powers follow your thoughts and beliefs as instructions. They bring you exactly what you think and believe.
When you think and believe that it's difficult to make money then you will always get into situations that make it difficult to make money.
If you think and believe that it's hard to meet the right person then you will always have a hard time meeting the right person.
So get rid of the negative thoughts and beliefs. Eliminate them. Replace the negative thoughts and beliefs with positive thoughts and beliefs. Tell your subconscious and your inner powers to bring you what you want so that you enjoy your life and achieve the success you want today.
You can achieve your goals. You can live the life you want. You can make more money. You can meet the right person. You can enjoy better health. You can be free do what you want when you want.
You are a powerful person. More powerful than you realise. You can achieve anything you want when you direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers. Start doing that today. Tell your subconscious mind and your inner powers exactly what you want so that you get what you want.
And if you can break down the walls that negativity, loss and failure have built up, you can allow this feeling to spread throughout your life until it becomes a constant.
You will quickly discover that when you start becoming more positive, and maximising love in your life, the love maximises you to heights you had always dreamed would never become you reality.
Yours in love,
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