Always imagine what you have to do as easy, and it will become so. Most people don't think they have much of an imagination, which is a shame because your imagination really can be the key to your wealth, health, and happiness.
Unfortunately, too many people see their imagination as something for children and completely uncontrollable where nothing could be further from the truth. Imagination has no age, and is as enduring and timeless as dreaming and laughter. Your imagination is a highly potent force, and you can train your subconscious to harness its power.
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There are three words you can literally live by: "Perception is reality." Perception is a core function of your imagination, i.e. what you perceive to be true is effectively what you imagined to be true, and because you imagine it to be so, it becomes your reality. Hence the expression: "The World is a mirror".
Clearly, if you see a person walking towards you now that is not perception, but rather reality - you didn't imagine the event - it happened. But of course, life is full of far more complex situations, and that's where our perception comes in. If that person walking towards you said something in a certain way, it's about how you perceive, or imagine, their intentions, and you'll act according to how you perceive the situation. And thus, whether we like it or not, we make important, often life-changing decisions based on our imagination.
Like anything in life - the internet, technology, business, relationships, love and life itself, is what we make of it. Technology is not the evil or the cure, it is how we use it. Marriage can be a beautiful union of two souls, but it can also be a hot, bubbling chlorinated sea of lies, betrayals and addictions!
So, before you let your imagination get away with you - I've just proved a point. Everyone has an imagination!
We were ALL born with an imagination. Remember those pictures you drew as a kid? What about those crazy worlds you made out of modelling clay? It's what your social environment around you did to your imagination on the road to where you are now that's the problem.
Think about it. Your writing materials in kindergarten were blank paper and a box of crayons with colours you never knew existed. By the time you graduated high school your writing materials consisted of a black ball point pen and ruled paper with margins. That's indicative, don't you think? But thankfully, the damage is reversible.
It's been consistently scientifically proven that ALL children are far more creative than adults, and so we can learn a lot from kids. A child has an open-mind, the breeding ground for creative thought.
How open is your mind to new suggestions? To exploring outside your comfort zones? Can you even imagine yourself doing it? Name a success story, big or small, and you'll see a person's imagination behind it. The ability to think creatively and correctly perceive situations is the difference between wealth and poverty.
If a person perceives themselves as having a cap on their earning potential, or that they are and always will be poor, that PERCEPTION becomes reality. They will think and act like a poor person and hence watch opportunity after opportunity pass them by. Others will perceive them the same way and not invite them on potentially profitable ventures, and so the cycle continues.
A cycle YOU can break out of and control with your imagination.
Conversely, another person may well be poor in reality, but because they perceive the situation and themselves in a different way, an entirely different reality evolves. Think about all the wealthy people who became broke and then made it all again. Were they not poor at the low point and no different to the individual in our first example?
And in addition to how you perceive yourself and your situation, you can go one better and use your imagination as the most powerful wealth-creating weapon on the planet. I promise you, all your imagination needs is a specific task you give it and suddenly it goes to work all by itself. The creative mechanism within you is impersonal. It will work automatically and impersonally to achieve goals of success and happiness, or unhappiness and failure, depending on the goals which you yourself set for it.
That's not mystical fluff. That's science.
More on creativity at Mickie Kent |
Why? Because those people imagined themselves as sane, and so became as such.
Between your ears is the most powerful computer in the world, but it's a double-edged sword that humans have used to either build cathedrals or concentration camps, based on their PERCEPTIONS at the time.
Why do markets fall and rise? Why are there economic booms and slumps? Quite simply, because of the human emotions of fear and greed. This much is a well-documented and acknowledged fact the world over. That is to say, market values are determined by how we PERCEIVE them to be.
If our valuations of markets were correct (and were therefore reality rather than perception), markets and economies would just rise steadily without booms and slumps. It's the excess of both undervaluation and over-valuation (fear and greed) which causes that - the result of human imagination.
I'm a humanist, in that I look for the fine and noble in every human being, because we have the potential if you look deeply enough.
You have that choice today. You have the control lever to this computer in your head, and you can swing it towards a personal hell or personal heaven. You always have a choice.
Yours in love,
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