“You know you are in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”Click here to attract your own twin flame NOW!
— Dr. Seuss
Are you tired of constantly dating people but having no luck finding that perfect someone for yourself? Do you believe that it is very difficult to find true love? Are you frustrated with trying again and again but failing each time to determine your twin flame? But are you willing to take the risk to go out and find love?
Well, if the answer to all these questions is yes; my regular readers know by now I like to share practical tips and ideas, so below in part 2 of this article on true love, I give some ways that can help you find your twin flame.
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Five practical ways of finding true love
Take advantage of social media sites, but use responsibly. One of the best and the most favoured places to start looking for your twin is on the internet. Why? Because by using the internet you would be able to reach and meet many more people than you would if you tried the plain, old dating method. And doing all this doesn't require a lot money. So instead of spending your money on blind dates, set up a page on several social networking sites and wait for prospective partners to contact you.
Get help from friends and family to spread the word. This method has been tried and tested for centuries, with a strong success rate. There are times when you need family members or friends play cupid for you. So try to spread the word that you are looking for someone who can share his or her life with you, and tell your family and friends to help you look for that someone. What can be said, your friend or a family member might know someone who is perfect for you and is suited to your lifestyle.
Take the plunge, it's worth the risk! If you want to find that someone special, then you need to take some risk in finding him or her. Men have traditionally been more ready to make the first move, but dating is a woman's game, too! Do not hesitate in asking a person out if you think that it is worth taking the risk. Do not hesitate and wait for the other person to take the initiative. Who knows, doing this might help you find your twin flame. Try thinking this way, the worse that can happen is that the person who you are approaching disregards your advances. That is not big deal, looking at the fact that this approach has the capability of finding a twin flame for you.
Purse a lifelong interest or get a hobby. Try to think of something that you always wanted to do but never got the time. It could be anything ordinary or extra-ordinary, but it needs to be something for which you have passion. Take up needlework, and sew for charity. Volunteer for charity work for your local community. Or do something for yourself. Buy some hiking boots and go on trail walks with accredited groups. Go urban sightseeing. Why do this? Because doing this would help you reach out to a group of people who share your interest and who knows you might bump into someone who is perfect for you.
Do things to keep you positive. This might sound like a catch-all, but you need to keep positive. Make an action checklist. Read tips on how to keep yourself occupied during your low days. Meditation and yoga is a good way to achieve a positive mind set; but just reading an inspiration quote a day could help, too. Only a positive mind set will help you achieve your dreams, negativity attracts negative situations. Take a minute every day to be thankful, and to re-evaluate your life. Know when to focus on the details, know when to take a step back and focus on the bigger picture. Do things that make you happy, don't dwell on the mistakes of the past. Use the experience gained, and look forward appreciating what you have, so that you can concentrate on getting what you want in the future.
These are some of the things which you can do in order to purse the path of love and find that special someone who is made just for you. But what are the signs we should look out for when we find someone we think is special?
We've found someone we're interested in; but pheromones and hot nights all wrapped up in the first steamy months of confusion can make us wonder whether it's love or lust. Add that to the fact that the modern stresses of daily living has made most of us forget how to listen to our hearts. We've become cynical, and no longer trust our instincts. Some ignore their inner voice at their peril.
To help us remember what true love is, and how to determine if someone we're interested in is sour twin flame or not, I provide ten signs of true love below. Read these with my five steps and four essential tips for twin flames.
So, you are experiencing true, real love when...
You are giving real love coupled with support. All love can seem a little selfish at first attraction (you want to get what you want, right?), but true love makes you consciously check your own intentions for getting involved with the person you're involved with.
Your desire to give to them on a daily basis without having to get something back in return is the reflection of true love. It should mostly be about understanding and giving your support to anything he or she wants to achieve. This is one of the greatest things we can do; it's a gift of a true twin flame. Once the both of you decide on, learn how to, and commit to supporting each other, there will be no question in either of your minds that you have found your twin flame, the mate of your life.
But remember reality will bite. Real romance is not fiction, but it is practical. True love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness, but realistically when couples become a working family, and children are involved, money will matter. We have to accept the way society is, and money has always been one of the main reasons for conflicts between couples. Together with sex and the in-laws, it makes up the "fearsome threesome" - subjects that cause havoc, resentment, bring couples to counselling and even break a couple apart.
So, if you have money problems - or other types of problems - talk about them. You get the idea, right? Support each other in everything. In true love support is essential. In real love it's more than just wanting the other person, you want the other person's good, too.
- There is stability in the relationship. Even true love has its challenges to overcome. Twin flame purists can give the impression of an ultimate pairing which suggests a perfection that we'll never attain. Because in real life mistakes are made in every relationship. After all, to err is human, to forgive is divine. Rather it's your feelings, or your actions toward one another, that should not not change in the face of adversity. You should still hold one another in high regard and favour, be tender toward each other, and feel loyal in the midst of storms, tests, and trials in life.
This kind of stability doesn't necessarily mean a stable relationship, however. It means a stability in your devotion to each other come what may. To take an overly dramatic example, like Sun-Hwa & Jin-Soo Kwon, the doomed lovers from drama series Lost. Through all their ups and downs (and there were many), they never seemed to lose their devotion for one another. There was just something so touching about them, even though their relationship is the proverbial roller coaster throughout the series. They come to a tragic end, where Jin makes the choice to die with his wife, the ultimate act of devotion.
You are considerate of one another. Are you both unselfish and take the other's feelings into account before you act? If so, this is a sign of true love. You won't do anything to deliberately harm your significant other. And an apology is swiftly given when one (or both) of you unknowingly or accidentally do or say something to hurt the other. But I also like to think that it's more about finding someone whose company you can enjoy without needing to chatter. As Mia Wallace says in Pulp Fiction: "That's when you know you've found somebody really special: you can just shut up for a minute and comfortably share silence."
Sometimes a simple touch can speak volumes about feelings, and sometimes it's just more considerate to stay silent when things go wrong. Or even just to lend an ear. Listening is an attitude of the heart, a genuine desire to be with another which both attracts and heals. Because when true love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul, and without love our soul is a tomb.
- Feelings of resentment, jealousy or discontentment, are quickly checked. These feelings don't exist between you two or they are quickly checked, addressed and put in order if they do arise. This is because you both understand the destructive consequences of the relationship becoming damaged or ending if you let these feelings fester and go unchecked. MSN UK's article for couples on arguments being good for a relationship explains that "clearing the air" with a passionate discussion can be good, if it is constructive.
Try to see each point of conflict as an opportunity to improve the relationship as a whole, aiming for compromise wherever possible. If constantly seem to be trying to make your partner realise you’re “right”, it’s a sign you feel unfulfilled and unimportant somewhere else in your life. Fix that instead.
An argument should not be to change someone's mind, and if that is the reason couples argue, then they should leave well enough alone. If you don't like what is being said, it's best not to say anything at all in the heat of the moment. But a constructive argument can become a reaffirmation of the relationship. If couples don't intentionally choose to keep growing together they tacitly agree to grow apart, and sometimes two people have to fall apart to realise how much they need to fall back together, too.
When it's true love, if you'll permit the pun, there's no point in putting up a fight. Love is a fabric which never fades, no matter how often it is washed in the water of adversity and grief. True love might not be love for you all the time - sometimes you can't stand being around the person, but other times you simply can't stand being away. However, it's worth the fall, because true love helps you make the wise choice to put your trust not in crisis situations, but in divine time to bring you through any obstacle.
For this to work, a belief must exist inside each of you that whatever love can do in the life of others, it can do the same thing and more for you. The only remedy for such a love, is to love more. You have to trust in love, and listen to your heart. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
- You two are not arrogant toward the other. In a true love relationship, neither of you speak or act in a manner that dishonours, disregards, or disrespects each other.
We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence, and its only end, and as such, true love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen in the old and is always young in the heart. Would you disrespect such a love?
- You don't remain angry at the one you love. Flying off the handle at the love of your life on a regular basis (or mistreating them because of your own mishandled emotional state) is not an option if you want the relationship to last.
Even twin flames must go through their challenges, but you both must take the necessary steps and measures to ensure that your strong feelings of displeasure dissipate or are appropriately managed as soon as possible. The feelings of fear (and the cause of your fear) that are the source of your feelings of anger must be quickly recognised and addressed in order to protect your true love relationship. When this is achieved you'll continually act with power, love and a sound mind toward one another - because the life and love we create is the life and love we live.
- You don't hold grudges. In a true love relationship you don't hold onto and keep rehashing the past. Sulky, complaining words can only mess things up in a relationship. You don't keep score of how many times you were right and how many times your partner was wrong. You refrain from harbouring negative feelings toward the one you love.
- You don't revel, boast, or celebrate when your significant other is in pain. Now you may think this is obvious when you read this, but it's an issue in many relationships because a large number of people are hurting, discontent and worn out in their regular everyday lives. As we know, misery loves company. People tend to take pleasure in the low points of others because they don't want to be in the ditch, valley, or pit all by themselves. This is not the case in a true love coupling.
You tell each other the truth. Twin flames both faithfully, consistently tell each other the truth. Being honest should be the standard in your relationship. Truth spoken in love will bind you two together, whereas lies which lead to mistrust will eventually break the relationship apart. Honesty will cause you to grow in your relationship with one another and mature in your relationship with true love. It is this that will hold your relationship together. Remember a threefold cord (composed of you, your significant other, and true love) is not easily broken.
Twin flame love cannot be used against itself, so if you're in a relationship where your partner has abused your trust, and taken advantage of your weaknesses - well then in your heart you know that it has nothing to do with love, true or otherwise. Honesty is also about making the right choices. So, if someone you're interested rejects your love, even if they seem to give the impression they would be a good match for you, it is not true love. Similarly, despite someone seeming bad for you at first instance, if the love grows between you - then the opposite could be true.
- You always look for the best in each other. Somehow you see the best in your significant other even when or if others around you see the worst. You see beyond where they are now, to the man or woman they can become. Twin flames envision their bright future and destiny, and encourage, exhort, uplift, and partner with one another to get there. Because it's love that makes the world go round, and the ride worthwhile.
Read part 1 | End of part 2 | Read part 3
Yours in love,
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