Sometimes, the bad weather we experience in our lives can make us want to shut ourselves away and hide in our homes. I know how that feels, and I know many of us are stuck, struggling to make the right choices in our life. And life is all about choices.
You're scared to make the right choices because they're hard. They will force you to get outside of your comfort zone and finally start making progress in your life. But there is no shame in fear. In order to be brave, you must first start by being afraid, for true courage lies in the overcoming of fear, not in its absence. And when you defeat your fears, then you feel you can accomplish anything you put your mind to - that's why you should always be brave enough to face your fears.
So choose to be brave. If you have a dream, and want something better in your life, then the time is now.
Don't fret about your fears. For example, Warren Buffett seems to understand this - he doesn't have the fear of losing his wealth. In fact, he's famous for still living in a house he bought 50 years ago for $31,500. He enjoys his wealth, but he doesn't fret over it. He makes better financial decisions because he doesn't let the fear of loss control him.
You may be thinking, "That's fine for you to say. He is mega rich. He can afford to lose money."
But that's exactly the point. Because he is not afraid to be poor, he doesn't make foolish mistakes born out of irrational fear. The most important secret of wealth preservation is to make peace with your fear of becoming poor. Likewise, the most important secret of success is to make peace with your fear of failure.
My message today is you are your own worst enemy. Your negative actions and your mindset are stealing your time, potential, stealing away what you should be doing everyday to make your life worth living NOW. You better get your mind right. You better learn how to focus because before you know it, your life will be over.
Your very hopes and dreams are being stolen from you by your own lack of urgency and laziness. No more excuses. No more hesitation. Today you get the law of attraction working for you. Today you start attracting what you want when you want.
When you have this powerful law working for you, life gets easier, you succeed and achieve your goals, and you get what you want, not what you don't want. If you're not getting what you want then you don't have this powerful law working for you.
Instead, you have it working against you.
Now, that is something to be afraid of - be very, very afraid. Because the law of attraction is always at work. Always working with your subconscious and creating your life. But if you're not careful, if you don't do the right things the law will work against you.
You'll end up creating and attracting more of what you don't want.
If you're not enjoying the success you want, the wealth you want, the relationships you want, or if you're just not getting what you want in life, then the law of attraction is working against you. It's not creating what you want. It's creating what you don't want.
The law of attraction follows a simple rule: What you think and believe is what you get. Change what you think and believe you change your reality. Simple, right?
But you it may not be easy to change your thoughts and beliefs, especially if you don't know how. To attract what you want and to properly work with the universe you need to change or shift your energy.
Everything in this world is made up of energy including us. Other people pick up on your energy. If it's positive you'll attract positive people into your life. If you have negative energy, you'll always attract negative people and negative situations.
If you find that you're getting exactly what you don't want or if you're not getting what you want then you're simply sending out the wrong energy. You'll only attract what matches your energy. Negative energy attracts negative situations. Positive energy attracts positive situations. It's really that simple.
So if you're not getting what you want, you're sending out the wrong energy. Change your energy and you'll get what you want. Your energy is based on your thoughts and beliefs.
Your subconscious mind picks up on your thoughts and beliefs and goes out and creates situations that correspond to your thoughts and beliefs.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
Other people pick up your energy on a subconscious level. They're not consciously aware of your energy but they just develop a feeling about you based on your energy. If you have negative energy you'll attract negative people and negative situations. At the same time you'll push away positive people and positive situations. This goes against everything you need to do to create a positive and successful life.
This is how the law of attraction works. It's tied to the beliefs that your subconscious simply follows, and attract the people, situations and opportunities that mirror your beliefs. If you constantly think of the worst, if you find that you're negative, if you don't believe that you can ever achieve anything, if you constantly complain, if you always see the worst in situations, if you regularly put others down, if you're just a negative person you will develop negative energy and in the end you'll only attract more negative situations into your life.
In the end your negative energy makes your life miserable and it becomes difficult to achieve your goals and create the changes that you want. At the same time you push away positive people and positive situations. So by being negative or by developing negative energy things will continue to get worse.
Being negative is really a no win situation and you should do everything that you can to stop being negative and eliminate any negative thoughts and energy that you have. How do you turn things around? Change the way you see things and begin eliminating the negative thoughts and negative beliefs.
This will help change your energy so that you begin attracting what you want. Start directing your subconscious mind to bring positive situations and people into your life now.
To change your energy and get the law of attraction working for you focus on positive situations, understand that things will work out, look for solutions instead of complaining, be more understanding instead of getting angry, try to look at things from a different perspective, embrace changes and look for opportunities instead of focusing on the problems and no longer believing that the worst will happen.
As you continually change the way you think and see things you'll begin to naturally attract more positive situations into your life. You'll have the law of attraction working for you.
Start changing how you think. Create positive thoughts and positive beliefs. Focus on finding solutions and you'll begin attracting more positive situations into your life.
Improve and grow
It is tempting for us - myself included - to remain in our comfort zones. But that is not where we grow, improve, and make the changes necessary to dramatically move ahead. So my challenge to you is to do the opposite. Look at what you are doing to stay in your comfort zone and think, "What is the opposite action of my instinct? And would this opposite action be the better solution?"
You'll discover that by challenging your negative thoughts and being at peace with your fears, you can better your life.
One simple ritual you can use to better your life, is to remember that increased happiness and less stress come from enjoying the present. Increase your ability to be present on daily basis in ALL situations. Focus on the present. Wherever you are, be there. Living in the present moment is about allowing you to enjoy every minute you have on this Earth.
It was only yesterday my twin flame was telling me that he felt stressed about all these little insignificant things that have been scooping up his time and energy lately, so I told him the following:
What we think and worry about is always to do with something that's already happened, or something that could happen in the future. Both of these things are out of our control. We cannot change what has already occurred, nor can we control the events that are inevitably going to occur in the future. So why waste time and energy on something completely out of your control?
Instead live in the present moment. Take a breath right now, look around and observe everything that is around you and see the beauty that exists in it.
This is where you are right now - enjoy it, embrace it, and accept it.
When you give your focus and energy to this very moment, you will find a sense of peace within. Right now in the present moment, you can achieve an awareness that can forge a stillness where there are no worries or concerns - there is just right now.
I explained in my post "The Guiding Power of Love" that you need to junk your bad thoughts and get positive, that's what you are aiming to do with the following two step brain dump transition.
How to turn your brain off and relax
Here's what you'll need to do to achieve this. It's a simple solution that takes little more than five minutes and requires nothing more than a blank piece of a paper and a pen. You're going to do an end of day brain dump, and it's an effective activity to do right after you've made your short list of priority tasks to accomplish the next day. It's also something that you can and should do after any activity that gives you a lot of good ideas, like exercising or having a shower. And it's a quick task that you should do before any important thinking when you need a clear mind.
You'll get the odd idea here and there, but you'll be much better at being present where you are with this approach. Of course, don't feel bad if you can't completely turn off your brain. It happens to the best of us, literally. If it were easy to turn off your brain and to never be excited about your projects, that would be an even worse scenario.
Let's work through a specific example. Recently, a friend asked the following question. "Mickie, what do you do to 'turn your brain off' after a day of stressful work? Even when I'm supposedly relaxing, ideas are running through my head and I seem to not shut down. In other words, I can't seem to find my 'off' button."
I replied by explaining the brain dump solution. Grabbing a grab a blank piece of paper (or opening a blank word document) and writing down everything going through your head. will help clear your mind. Write fast and furious. Dump it all out.
Now there's one other easy step I recommend you take in order to make the transition from work to play, particularly if you work at home like my friend does.
Complete a mindset shift ritual - perhaps pouring yourself a cold glass of unsweetened iced tea - that signals "end of the work day". The brain dump plus the ritual will give you a relaxed mind that can best enjoy family time or to deal with the stress of a busy household and the myriad of activities, car rides, and conflicts that will need to be solved at home. You'll be a much more effective parent and/or partner if you can leave work at the office, even if you work at home.
But more importantly, this ritual can help you dump your negative thoughts any time of the day, not just to relax after a hard day at work. It's also a good way to face your fears. Write them down. Dump them on the paper. Then screw it up into a ball and throw it away. Or erase the document and delete it.
This isn't simply about erasing the fears, but acknowledging them, facing them and knowing that in dealing with them they are actually helping you grow into a better, stronger version of the only thing that can really limit your life - not your fears, but you.
Yours in love,
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