“Most of our body parts come in pairs, but not the heart. It stands separate, waiting. When the time comes, and it will, you will find a match for your heart; then two hearts will create one love.”Click here to attract your own twin flame NOW!
— Anonymous
If you've ever wondered why the journey to your twin flame is a rocky one, or what you need to do to attract or determine that special someone, then this article is for you.
The article comes in 3 parts. Below in part 1, I've provided answers for some of the more frequent questions that have hit my in-box on navigating the road to a true love written in the stars. You won't find a list of ingredients for spell casting or a magical love potion, but further on in part 2, I also share some handy practical advice on how to attract your twin flame. Finally, to make things a little equal, I've prepared a section specifically for men in part 3 on what women want in a true love relationship.
You may want to bookmark this post to come back to later, or for future reference. Read carefully, take notes, and remember: to be the catalyst that changes your life forever and for the better, you must first believe in yourself.
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To some, especially believers of twin flames, there is something deeply romantic in the notion of soul bundling; a cosmic connection between two people, a tender tendril that binds a couple together, looking deep in each other's eyes like you know its going to be forever – who honestly wouldn't want a romance like that?
Love... Isn't it such a great feeling? It's a grand tale as old as time, where two (not always lonely!) hearts meet and beat as one, to paraphrase John Keats who wrote,
Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.Sometimes it strikes instantly, sometimes you don't feel ready at the first meeting, and destiny guides you together again for a second chance. We've all the read the true life stories, we all know it happens.
However, they say the road to true love never did run smooth, and I think that's true. Meeting the love of your life has never been the easy road to travel – apart from those predestined by divinity to find their twin flame as childhood sweethearts. They got in early, because they were ready, and had no need of the lessons we learn from our mistakes. Learning is a gift, even when pain is your teacher, but some would say finding love early means saving yourself a world of pain without realising it.
Those of us left on the sidelines after the initial frenzy of our teens, have had a lot more time to get ourselves into trouble. Yet, although we were ever so much younger then, some things from these early misadventures remain the same. Like the terror of saying "hello" to that gorgeous someone for the first time still seems just as fresh as ever. I suppose it's because so much is wrapped up in this one great adventure, so many hopes, dreams and deepest of yearnings.
But experiencing love and heartbreak for the first time is an incredibly meaningful part of growing up and finding oneself. If you don't make mistakes, as the saying goes, you don't make anything. Good judgements come from experience, and that comes from making bad judgements. And it's through those mistakes we get to learn about ourselves and that special person so well.
Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. I hold to the theory that twin flames attract other twin flames. My late grandmother married her twin flame, my best friend is soon to marry hers. I count my blessings daily with mine. What you choose to do with the people you attract into your life is up to you. And if something is not happening for you it doesn't mean its never going to happen, it just means you're not ready for it.
Yet, because we don't realise that the road to love is rocky for the purpose of preparing us for our twin flame, many of us opt for the easy route, or lose all hope of ever finding the "One" - or treat it like some fictional myth conjured up out of the ether.
Who cares about the twin flame mythos?
Twin flames are not a new phenomena invented to persuade the modern cynic to believe in love again. If we research the beliefs of ancient civilisations, history shows that subsequent civilisations forget what past civilisations knew, and so we have to keep rediscovering them again.
The ancients knew about twin flames, and believed in the unique pairing of souls. Ancient Greek mythology speaks of Zeus and souls splitting into two genders, for example. This isn't a modern day fad, this belief is as old as the soul itself.
But some might say, what's the big deal about twin flames and love, when there are so many serious issues facing us today? Well, another theory I have is that the ancients were better equipped at finding their twin flames, and the more we failed at finding our twin flame in this and previous generations, to produce a new generation of twin flame children, the worse society has become. It has affected the delicate balance of the world.
There are examples all around us. Grown men continue to be addicted to war, while young male gamers fill their minds with war games, which are increasingly on the rise. Girls are jumping on the bandwagon, too; the popular Young Adult genre in fiction is filled with war and televised battles to the death. And this imbalance has nothing to do with a lack of education; it's becoming the norm for university students to goad room-mates to the point of suicide with their webcam hate games.
Think of it: if a child is not reared in a strong loving environment, then how will that child become a strong character willing to do good, to benefit their society and themselves? And if we feel that the evil people do is on the rise, and that society is deteriorating, that intolerance is growing - then isn't creating a true loving environment for children important?
It follows then, if we look at the bigger picture, finding your twin flame is paramount.
And if we don't improve our soul quality, how are we going to attract our twin flame? Do you think we'll find our twin flames by sitting at home playing war games, hooked up to the sound of guns blasting at others?
Why is true love the road less travelled?
Finding your twin flame is not like playing a game of chance; destiny does not play dice. It's not a game of one direction, rather it's a game of chess, and the moves we make, the choices we make determine the outcome - otherwise we'd be automatons and would not learn and grow.
There is a delicate balance between destiny and free will, like there is in everything, and allowing the scales to tip in favour of one side or the other affects us all. We are all interconnected, like a giant ribbon that weaves through and binds everyone that was ever born, and shall be born. Even our smallest actions cause a ripple throughout the cosmos. We are predestined to meet with our twin; but free will has a hand in it as well, and so our choices (and whether we are prepared or not at the time of the meeting) will greatly affect the outcome.
Jaded by bad relationships in the past and having the wrong mind set will affect our decision making negatively, unless we learn from our mistakes and turn negatives into positives. Self belief is important, too. But in modern day living, finding true love is becoming more and more difficult. Although social media technology has opened up greater avenues for meeting new people, we are leaving a trail of broken hearts, including ours, as crumbs on our journey to find the way home. We've lost faith in love.
And after all, how many of us believe there is such a thing as a twin flame? Most of us don't realise we have someone out there in the world so perfectly matched to our own unique blueprint that he or she is our twin flame. Some have written in to me to ask: but doesn't the mythos seem too much of a hardship - lovers made and then divided into two, left to wander in (what might seem) a desert of loneliness until we find our twin?
I can understand that point of view, particularly, if the length of time it takes to find our twin flame is a long one. While some are lucky enough to meet their twin flame as childhood sweethearts, others can meet theirs after after several marriages. Doesn't this in itself seem unfair? Why should love suffer so many challenges? Why is shorter for others, while for some it's a longer length of time to wait until we find our ultimate relationship?
The forces of creation do not involve themselves with fairness. Their purpose is maintaining balance and achieving harmony. It's the way of the world to put us on these journeys, otherwise how would we learn and grow? Would we understand the worth of our twin flame if they just fell into our laps? Love is about taking risks, so that we can appreciate its worth.
And if we meet that special someone too soon, without having gone through the necessary process of developing our spirit to the right degree, would we be able to fully recognise what was happening when our paths crossed? Then we could lose our twin flame, and suffer the forever fever - forever. When we eventually do meet our twin flame, let's not forget, the love is for keeps.
Moreover, because of the independence we've come to value so much in this modern age, we've all become fearful of giving up some control, and trusting that love does not hurt.
Believing that love hurts us is the real myth, not our twin flame. We've confused the meaning of love so much, that some of us don't even want to find a twin flame. We resist such a deep love, fearful that when we find our twin soul, we will have to let another person into those secret places in which we feel abandoned, lost, alone, scared and isolated, giving them the power to expose them. It's a scary feeling, like free-falling without a parachute.
But twin flame love can't kill you; it would be like committing suicide. The very nature of true love is that it provides a soft place for you to land. When you give your twin flame the key to your heart, the heart breaks open so permanently that there is nothing, nobody and no place where you can go that life and love will not find you. It's exhilarating. And if you don't feel alive, what's the point to living?
Life is a journey that we must travel one step at a time, and we must not be impatient. Instead of losing faith in love after the wrong relationship ends, we must see it as a step up, having learnt a bit more about ourselves. As every one is an individual, so will our paths to love be - our learning curves will all be different depending on what our souls need to do this in lifetime.
And because everyone's journey will be different, comparing the length of time to others is useless. However, each will be a journey to its twin flame - if we continue on the right path. But how many of us are willing to take the risk to find out?
End of part 1 | Read part 2 | Read part 3
Yours in love,
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