I hope you agree with me when I say that I believe that love is unparalleled as an antidote to some of the selfish, greedier and less pleasant ways of our modern world.
But we're under threat! Globalisation, consumerism, technology enablers such as Facebook and Twitter (great to connect with, but hard to disconnect from), and the need to be 24/7 are pressuring us to be increasingly task-minded and forcing us to constantly multi-task.
Ask yourself this: When was the last time you had 30 minutes to yourself - let alone 90?
Our achievement-oriented society wants us to focus on what we can do - not on who we are. The trouble is, the more we focus on what we can do, the less emphasis is placed on who or what we are, and what we can be - or better yet, what we could become.
Try this at the next party or social gathering you are at: Ask other people you are meeting for the first time Who are you becoming? instead of What do you do?. That should create an interesting response, because in modern day living we are more focused on doing, then being.
I can understand how what we achieve can feel important to us. But our achievements can become an artificial part of us for something more important that's absent, like an artificial eye, an artificial leg, or a false tooth. Its benefits are purely social and psychological.
And the more the pressure increases, the more we need love in our lives. Lots of it, preferably every day.
I personally find sharing some quality love time with my twin flame to be my own personal haven in a world that constantly requires me to keep doing and doing. Thank goodness men won't be going extinct any time soon, right ladies :)
But seriously, I believe we are all human beings, not "human doings". And real love shared with your twin flame, and anything that adds spirituality into your life, stops us from getting caught up in our own egos and what we've achieved.
You see, once we give up the need (notice I don't say give up your goals) to do, we can use our lives to enjoy our journey to just be in the moment. And in so doing, we become at peace with who and where we are and what is happening.
That's why so many of us find yoga beneficial, because it's one of the fastest ways to unlock the best of both worlds of being and doing. Making love, especially with your twin flame, is another! The health benefits of both are enormous, for the mind, body and soul.
So here's to just being - being happy and content with our lot. To treating everyone with the gentleness and care they deserve. And to celebrate who we are, not what we do.
Yours in love,
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