You may or may not know what a twin flame is, but we all have one. We instinctively spend a good part of our life in search of love from someone who will love us unconditionally, but what we're really searching for in another is the same fire that burns is us.
Experts say that a twin flame is someone who has been with you in at least 20 lifetimes. The two of you have evolved together over time. Even if you don't believe in past lives, you need to determine who your twin flame is in order to experience true love in this lifetime,
When you find your twin flame, there is an instant connection. It begins in the eyes, and there is an energetic attraction that is undeniable. It's not about looks as much as it is about energy. The energy of your twin flame is in your aura and visa versa. That makes the connection strong.
To know your twin flame, you need to understand that a twin flame differs from a soulmate in a couple of ways. A soulmate is someone with whom you'll have a deep connection with. It can be a close girlfriend or a cousin or a spouse. Again, experts on this subject say that the two of you have also been together in many lifetimes but not as many as with your twin flame. If you're not married to your twin flame, it doesn't mean you can't be happy for the present time. You came together for a variety of reasons - most of which is to heal.
Click here for the difference between a soulmate and twin flame.
We heal when we are in relationships, that's why it's beneficial to study about how to have a good relationship - and is a major reason why articles like this help. However, then we must apply what we learn with a partner.
For those who don't know who their twin flame is yet, it means that you're still not ready. You are meant to find that person, and are predestined to find him or her, but you may have fears around commitment or unresolved issues from previous relationships that need to be healed.
Twin flames are meant to come together and everyone has a twin flame, but every journey has twists and turns. If you don't know who yours is or you are not together yet, then let go and surrender to the will of destiny. That doesn't mean sitting at home and waiting, you have to actively get out there and involve yourself in love and life. Shine out your light, to attract your twin flame to you.
But it does mean don't try too hard to meet him or her, or force a relationship. Trust that when when you are ready it will happen. It will happen sooner if you release the blocks in your way of having a healthy relationship.
Finding your twin flame: -2 -3
Yours in love,
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