We've tried so many methods, most don't seem to work for us and we get even more stressed out. Some self-development methods can make us feel guilty and ashamed that we're not doing everything we should be doing. They remind us that we're not as successful as we yet want to be, and over time we start to feel even less confident and less worthy and more stressed.
In a stressful world with people who judge us, the last thing we need is to stress ourselves out or to judge ourselves. It's time to end this destructive cycle. If you're not a total newbie to self-development, you already know that our biggest limitation is ourselves.
Take your financial situation, for example. You're either programmed to make more money or you're programmed to struggle with money. That's because you have a money programme that's planted on your subconscious mind. And this program is made up of your thoughts and beliefs about money. It either brings you more money or causes you to lose, and struggle with money.
A wealth programme creates more money and guides you to the situations, people and opportunities to make more money. A poverty programme forces you to spend money, lose money, make poor money choices and leads to more and more poverty. You'll meet people who will help you lose or spend your money.
If you're not making as much money as you want, if you struggle to make ends meet, if you can't find ways to make more money, if you're struggling with money then you've programmed your subconscious to create more poverty. You have a poverty programme. You try to make more, you want to make more, but you've got too many thoughts, and beliefs blocking you from having and making more.
That's not what you want. Because the longer that programme stays in place, the more you struggle and the harder life gets and it will get worse each year.
It won't get better until you change the wealth programme on your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious creates your life. You programme your subconscious everyday with your thoughts and beliefs. When you worry about money you direct your subconscious to make it difficult for you to make or lose money. When you think about what you don't have you tell your subconscious that you want less.
Of course you don't do this intentionally. And the only reason your subconscious is creating more poverty is because you adopted the negative thinking of others.
These are the blocks that you've placed on your subconscious. These blocks prevent you from making money, from being wealthy and from living the life you want to live.
It's our deep-seated beliefs and negative self talk like: "I'm not worthy of wealth" that has to change. And now you can remove these blocks. You can get rid of the poverty programme on your subconscious mind. You can plant a wealth programme. You can attract more money. You can get your subconscious mind to create the wealth you want.
You can have more. You can attract and build more wealth. You don't have to struggle. You don't have to work hard to make more money. You don't have to sacrifice everything. Believe in yourself and get your subconscious mind to create the wealth you want and deserve.
But if you don't believe in yourself, if you think you are not worthy to live up to your own potential, then it's no wonder that when other people criticise us, we begin to lose our confidence and our motivation. And on top of all that we criticise ourselves. We think, if only I were more positive, more confident, stopped procrastinating, more determined. And the sad truth us that never works! We should just relax and give ourselves a break - it's time to just say no to all the pressure and stress that wanting a better life can bring.
Self-development in the 21st Century should be simple, relaxing rejuvenating and and as stress-free as possible, because life is too short and too precious to stress ourselves out trying to change.
Who we already are is beautiful and powerful. We are just trying to reach that potential. It's time to find a new way to create the outcomes we desire. It's time to use science and technology to easily create the lives we want, and to feel the way we want to feel everyday.
The world's greatest wonder
Did you know that despite our advancement in technology, we have yet to scratch the surface of the world's greatest wonder? I'm talking about the human mind.
While it is capable of many amazing feats that set us apart from other species in this world, some believe we're only still using a mere 10% of the mind's potential. This theory has been misattributed to many people including Albert Einstein. By association, it is suggested that a person may harness this unused potential and increase intelligence.
The current wave of thinking believes that humans use 100% of their brain, just not all at the same time. Imagine, they say, what could be accomplished if we used 100% of this mysterious organ 100% of the time. There is still a massive amount of untapped potential that we have yet to access, but try as we might, it just seems so far out of our reach.
The brain has a huge job, and it is not just thinking and creating. It is responsible for all of our motor functions, including movement, balance and breathing, as well. It controls our conscious and unconscious activities and is active 24/7. Without us even being aware, our brains are constantly absorbing, processing, storing and recalling information thanks to millions of neurons communicating with each other non-stop. Everything you do in life is dependent on how well your mind functions.Have you ever noticed how you can never get any work done when you feel "addle-brained" or distracted? Recall the last time you didn't get a good night's rest; how alert were you throughout the day? Have you ever experienced difficulty trying to learn a new language, or pick up a new skill?
All the above is highly dependent on the brainwaves generated by the "building blocks" of your brain. These building blocks, or more specifically the individual cells of your brain, are called neurons, and these neurons communicate with one another through electrical changes. These electrical changes manifest themselves in the form of brainwaves that can be seen in an electroencephalogram, or EEG.
Brainwaves can help change your life, but what exactly are they? Every state of mind has a unique electrical signature that can be detected in the brain. These signatures are known as brainwaves. Brainwaves can be measured and recorded using specialized equipment - such as the EEG machine. That allows us to map what brainwaves are present during certain key states of mind. For example, we know the exact brainwave patterns that exist when we’re relaxed, or focused, or sleeping.
Brainwaves are measured in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz), and they represent the frequency of the brain's activity. By using a process known as "brainwave entrainment" - which involves playing specially-created audio sounds into each ear - some experts believe we can actually influence these brainwaves. Studies show the frequency your brain is tuned to, or the speed at which your brainwaves vibrate, directly relates to how you feel, and if you tune your brain to specific frequencies, you experience specific benefits.
For example, it's believed that if your brainwave pattern or rhythm is tuned to a frequency of 14 Hz, it will help increase concentration, and 10.25 Hz helps improve creativity. You might have heard that listening to certain pieces of Mozart music can increase your IQ. Adherents to this theory say that the difference between the world's most successful people and the rest of us, is that they're able to consistently tune their brain into the most positive and effective frequencies.
It's believed they can easily access states of effortless efficiency, laser focus, enhanced learning, reading and intuition. They can access states of deep relaxation or extra energy and vitality, and even states of accelerated healing. It sounds too good to be true, but this theory suggests that we can help bring about key states of mind at will - just by listening to special "brainwave entrainment" recordings.
Every state of mind has a different brainwave frequency, and the problem that most people have is that they lack the ability to tap into the exact brainwave frequency necessary to achieve a specific state of mind. Researchers in the 1930s have identified the different types of brainwaves, and they are as follows:
- Delta Waves: > 4 Hz. Occur during sleep
- Theta Waves: 4 – 7 Hz. Associated with sleep, deep relaxation, and visualisation
- Alpha Waves: 8 – 13 Hz. Occur when relaxed and calm
- Beta Waves: 13 – 38 Hz. Occur during active thinking, problem solving, etc.
Since then, other types of brainwaves have been identified, causing a subdivision within the traditional 4 brainwaves listed above. These additional brainwaves are:
- Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR): Around 14 Hz. Originally discovered to prevent seizure activity in cats, and appears to link the brain and the body's motor functions
- Gamma Brainwaves: 39 – 100 Hz. Involved in higher mental activities and consolidation of information
Most experts would recommend binaural beats or isochronic tones to alter your brainwave frequencies to achieve the desired state of mind. Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone, whereas binaural beats are two tones of differing frequencies mixed together to form an altogether different frequency that alters one's brainwaves into whatever state of mind the frequency was set to.
Isochronic tones work by emitting sound at regular intervals, which is said to excite the thalamus and cause the brain to duplicate the frequency of the tones, changing its thought patterns. The interference pattern that produces the isochronic beat is outside the brain, so headphones are not required for entrainment to be effective, however binaural recording is intended for replay using headphones and will not translate properly over stereo speakers.
Some, who are into "instant" meditation, use guided meditation tracks that sync binaural beats with heartbeats and ambient sounds to swiftly shift you into the right state. Binaural beats and isochronic tones can benefit you, as they put your mind into a state conducive for learning or relaxing or whatever it is that you desire to accomplish, but other experts suggest that natural, unaided meditation is a more beneficial way to do this, owing to the significance of the human mind.
An interesting fact about meditation is that it can help you enter the theta, alpha and gamma stages. Individuals using meditation have been shown to produce higher levels of gamma brainwaves compared to those who don't both before and after meditation. Thus it seems that with meditation you can solve your problems as easily and naturally as taking a breath.
Read about the power of meditation.
If you have ever been stressed out, in a panic to get something finished and you just can't stop making mistakes, even on simple tasks, or you've tried to do something creative, but seem to have lost you're your spark then experts say it could be due to our busy modern lives that we tend to operate in beta for too long.
When you are stressed out your brain produces more beta patterns, whereas when your brain produces alpha brainwave patterns you're more likely to feel really relaxed, confident and in a state of total flow where everything just falls perfectly into place? Our most natural state is the state of "flow" where you are relaxed, alert and able to complete even complex tasks easily.
Although necessary for when we have to do a lot of complex thinking, staying in beta for too long can cause a whole host of problems such as stress related diseases, anxiety and even depression.
It has been proven time and time again in clinical studies that meditation is one of the most effective methods for reducing stress and improving well-being by helping you produce more alpha brainwaves.
However for a long time meditation was something most people feared or just did not understand. Meditation is now much more widely accepted and practised by people of all ages with numerous celebrities such as Oprah, Madonna and Sting actively promoting its benefits. Many clinical studies prove that people who meditate regularly spend more time in the alpha state, have reduced stress, are more creative and even have bigger, healthier brains.
The brain is a powerful tool
The human brain is a very powerful tool, but it has been estimated by some people that we only use about 10% of our minds consciously. So, to use more of our brain, we have to learn to use our brain not just consciously, but also at subconscious levels. It is your subconscious mind that is the real power centre of your being.
The subconscious mind serves as our personal computer. It regulates your heart, plays chemist for your digestive system, and analyses input from your senses like an ultra sophisticated computer - which it is. The threshold of consciousness is the dividing line between something can be processed by the conscious mind and something that enters the subconscious mind without any processing.
My 90 day mind healing programme shows you techniques on how to send positive message direct to the subconscious mind, therefore bypassing the critical conscious mind.
This can be achieved a number of ways, such as whispering quiet suggestions against a music background, or flashing messages at high speed in front of the eyes.
While these suggestions cannot be consciously heard or seen, our subconscious mind will be able to receive and store these suggestions as the human brain is highly susceptible to subconscious messages.
These suggestions when repeated over time on a day-to-day basis with consistency will then be able to influence your attitudes and abilities. When these are done in a meditative state which changed your brain waves to consolidate the information at a higher level, then you can in effect rewire your subconsciousness - your mindset - to help improve your abilities and change your behaviour.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
Exposure to my mind healing programme can be a life changing experience. No matter what task you've chosen to accomplish, you will feel yourself becoming a more powerful, confident, and dynamic person as this programming process continues.
Customising my exclusive technologies for your own individual goals to create optimal results you'll gain control of your mind.
Control your mind, control your life
You will experience infinite possibilities when you unleash your mind's incredible potential. There is nothing you cannot achieve in this lifetime once you have total control over the infinite potential of your mind.
Now right about this time, I can almost hear you say, "I don't know". You say it more often than you realise. And the more you say it the more confusion you create. You want to make more money but what do you say? You want to meet the right person but you say: "I don't know what to do to meet the right person". You want to improve your health but you say: "I don't know what to do to get better, or lose weight or get stronger".
And every time you say "I don't know" you tell your subconscious mind and your inner powers that you don't want to know. And so they create more confusion for you.
You want to make more money. You want to meet the right person. You want to be healthier. You want to have a better life. You want to achieve your goals. But when you say "I don't know" you destroy any chance of success.
Because you tell your subconscious mind and your inner powers that you don't want to know what to do. You tell them you don't want the answers. You don't want any help. And you don't want every time we say: "I don't know" we create more misery and confusion.
But you can change things. You can eliminate the confusion. All you have to do is direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you the answers, and bring you what you want.
Simply saying "I know" instead of "I don't know" is a good start, but it isn't enough. You're saying you don't know because you truly believe that you don't know. So you have to change that belief. Because your subconscious mind and your inner powers respond to your beliefs. They follow your beliefs and create your life based on your beliefs.
So if you believe you don't know - you'll never know and you'll create more confusion. To end the confusion and struggle you have to give your subconscious and your inner powers a new set of instructions. Give theme new beliefs.
You also have to get rid of the belief tied to: "I don't know". Making these changes is a lot easier than you think. All you have to do is send the right messages to your subconscious mind and your inner powers. Once you do that they'll create more joy, more clarity and a lot more success.
Your subconscious mind is all knowing. Your inner powers can connect you to the people who lead you to success. Your subconscious mind and your inner powers can bring you all the answers.
You may not know what to do. You may not know what you really want. You may not know how to achieve your goals. But your subconscious mind and your inner powers know. They can give you the answers. They can bring you anything you want. They're connected to everyone and find you the right opportunity.
You want answers, they'll bring them. You want to make more money, they'll show you how. You want to meet the right person, they'll tell you what to do. You want to improve your health, they'll guide you. Your subconscious mind and your inner powers will bring you what ever you want.
You just have to tell them what you want. And you have to do it the right way. You have to speak to them, guide them and instruct them. Once you master that process, success becomes easy and you get more of what you want. Start directing your subconscious mind and your inner powers today.
Tell them what you really want. End the confusion. Open the doors to success. You can achieve your goals. You can get the answers you want. You do know what to do.
Now get your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you what you want. Give them the right instructions and you'll have more of what you want.
And there are bonuses that come alongside attaining your dreams. With my mind healing programme you will discover that your brain has new powers.
- Superboost your brain's ability to process and retain information. Superboost the part of your mind that processes and retains information, giving you access to a photographic memory that you never thought you had.
- Dramatically enhance your learning capacity. You'll experience a dramatic improvement in your ability to absorb new information quickly and easily, making learning new skills and discovering hidden talents as simple as A-B-C.
- Achieve laser focus and concentration. Using the techniques I provide in my 90 day system will greatly enhance your abilities to focus and concentrate. You'll even have the ability to multi-task with machine-like precision.
- Easier elimination of stress from your life. Handle stressful situations with absolutely no problem at all, which allows you to remain productive even during the most stressful conditions.
- Unleash the creative genius (we all have) within. With my mind healing system, you'll be able to access parts of the brain that only rare few individuals have been gifted with.
- Greatly enhance the right side of our brain that's responsible for creative flair. Find yourself creating masterpieces of art, literature, and music with ease! You'll even develop a mind for creative business ideas that will enhance your life success.
You could just as easily change your life today as any other day. You don't need to wait for January first to make life changing resolutions. Don't wait any longer. Take action today and make the changes you really need in life. Today is the time to make a change.
Click here for 5 ways to change your life!
What does it take to change your life?
If you don't set a baseline standard for what you'll accept in life, you'll find it's easy to slip into behaviours and attitudes or a quality of life that's far below what you deserve.
And at least once a year we promise ourselves to "turn over a new leaf". But before we can truly do that, we have to change something very fundamental about ourselves.
It's the simple realisation that if you don't change yourself,your life won't change - not now or ever. Once you can't stand the position your life has taken, it's time to direct your energies toward developing skills and habits that will help you succeed in attaining your personal goals and passions in life.
Read how to discover your passion.
Then you can plan your strategy for success. Taking the initiative to plan your success will give you a very positive feeling. You will actually feel yourself changing. You will become more committed to your life.
Have you made resolutions that you've failed to keep? Held dreams of success and happiness that you've failed to fulfil? Do you sometimes feel that, however much you've done, you are still, in part, an underachiever? If so, there is good news. Your past behaviour has no bearing on your future work habits. If you can change the way you work - even just a little - you can change the way you live.
Most people reading this will think, "I don't need another motivational speech. What I need is a change of luck."
In context of this, you will discover that most experts say luck had nothing to do it, and luck needn't have anything whatever to do with the changes you would like to make in your life. If you wait for luck, you might wait forever. Your life will change when you get fed up with the way things are and you start planning for success. One of the best plans is to heal you mind with my 90 day programme.
You can really take steps to change your life if you are: (a) dissatisfied with the lack of success you've had so far; (b) willing to make a big change - and not just a minor adjustment; (c) prepared to start working differently and thinking about yourself as a different kind of person; and (d) willing to start now by preparing yourself to succeed.
Challenges will come in life, make no mistake, and rewiring your mindset will help you change the way you view life's problems. But experts say there is also such a thing as internal stress caused by cellular memories that wreak havoc on your health.
Cellular memories are memories which have imprinted themselves in the cells as a result of life experiences. Some of these memories -- often times from early childhood (and beyond) - give off destructive energy signals of fear, anger, low self-worth, depression, sadness, anxiety, overwhelm, irritation, resentment, bitterness - you name it. There are hundreds of wrong beliefs that are interpretations of our cellular memories and our experiences.
Such cellular memories are like tiny radio stations transmitting destructive energy patterns within the body, causing disease, chronic pain and most importantly, shutting down the body's immune system.
When your immune system is shut down, your body becomes the ideal habitat for disease, including cancer. If you can heal those destructive memories or beliefs, then the destructive energy signal can no longer be transmitted. The immune system is thereby reactivated and it begins to heal whatever condition in your body that needs to be healed. That's why these cellular memories are the key.
So, if you heal your mind, and take back control of it, then in forging a better future, you are healing more than your brain, you're healing your past. This is proof you can control the evolution of your brain.
Rewind the negativity of the past!
Throughout our lives, we're effectively learning every day. The human brain perpetually stores information, effects continual learning, enables creation of art, music literature, technological innovations etc., this is what other species cannot do. We have the power to improve the quality of our lives. A hyper evolved brain can increase your intelligence, eliminate stress and help you gain perfect health dramatically improving the quality of your life to tap into your brain's full potential.
With my mind healing system it will seem as you're effortlessly infusing your new positive affirmations and beliefs into your cells and body. Just by spending a few minutes a day you can change everything - how you experience yourself, how others experience you, life itself transforms in the most beautiful ways possible. Spending a few moments a day to achieve this is so important, that we can all find the time to do this.
Bounce back with affirmations.
So many people share with me the challenges that keep them stuck, They just don't feel worthy enough to have their deepest desires become a reality, Many are afraid to go outside their comfort zone and really create a magical life. Others don't even know what beliefs are holding them back; they just feel depressed and unhappy about their situations. Many have lost hope that their lives can really change. Life can do that to us. WE do that us. And our minds overflowing with confusing beliefs can literally stop us from being able to change our lives.
This isn't just about finances. Often we realise that things go deeper than man-made currency; money isn't everything, success will mean different things to different people. We are each unique, even in terms of health, so much so that we really do need to tailor fit the solutions to our lives. That's why my mind healing programme is completely customisable.
Plus finally, share the system with your loved ones. Get your loved ones behind their own passions - so they'll get behind yours. Or start searching for like-minded friends - a support group has its benefits. As in a strong family unit, when you spend time to build your team and do the work, you'll find that nothing can stop you. Find those people who believe in you and who need you to believe in them. Together, you will become unstoppable.
Because that's the great wonder of love.
Yours in love,
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