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Ever wished you could go to bed tonight and wake up tomorrow with absolutely no baggage? Nothing weighing you down, nothing holding you back, and no negative thoughts entering your mind? It'd be a relief right?
Well, today is a new beginning. Today you take charge of your life. Today you decide to move in a new direction. Today you start making more money (if that's what you desire). You get in shape and be healthy, you make more time for your family, you enjoy your life, you do the things you need to do, you no longer put things off. You get things done today.
From now on you believe in yourself. Because when you believe in yourself you give yourself tremendous power. When you believe in yourself you know you can accomplish your goals.
You really are a powerful person when you take control of your inner powers. You direct your subconscious mind. You eliminate the negative thoughts and the negative beliefs. You tell your inner powers exactly what you want. So that they bring you what you want.
For just a moment put aside the fears and doubts. Just imagine that anything you want is possible. It is possible. You can and will achieve your goals. When you direct your inner powers and your subconscious mind to create the life you want. Your subconscious and your inner powers are always working for you. They're always creating and shaping your life. They simply respond to your instructions. Give them the right directions and you'll get exactly what you want.
As an example I want to share with you an email I received the other day from a regular reader of the blog. Sally from New Zealand wrote:
I want to share something personal with you. When I set out on my own at age 17, I made so many of mistakes it just wasn't funny. At the time, I often saw these mistakes as utter failures on my part. In fact, there were times when I thought I must be a failure.
Though I knew I was destined for so much more, I felt trapped, and I didn't even know what was holding me back. I kept telling myself, "Failure is not an option" - but I have to tell you, there were times when things still got really dark for me. I felt so frustrated at my helplessness. Just when I'd think things were getting better, it felt like a new wrench would get thrown in my plan, or the tools I needed remained frustratingly out of reach.
But now, after reading your blog Mickie, I realize what was holding me back, and what I realized was this: I had these ideas, these beliefs about the world, that just weren't serving me. Worse, my mind was constantly full of thoughts that were bringing me down instead of building me up. I take responsibility for my actions and role in life, but this negative belief system passed down from my childhood was actually blocking me from being the true navigator of my life!
I got an epihany after reading your numerous helpful articles. Now, with hindsight, I can see that these limiting beliefs and negative "mental scripts" were sabotaging my success before I could gain any momentum.
These days, thanks to healing my mind with your 90 day program and my own positive affirmations, limiting beliefs no longer control my life. I am gradually overcoming my problems, and since I upgraded my beliefs system, I now have the freedom to choose the direction in life that I want to travel. I am the navigator in my life!
But what's just as important is how I feel, now that I've been freed from my mental trap. I finally feel like I can enjoy the present moment.
Thanks to your guidance, I now know, deep in my heart, that this abundant universe has everything I need. To tap into that abundance, all I needed to do was learn the right way to receive."
Now, I know what you might be thinking, "Mickie, I can't just change my
beliefs and suddenly everything will work itself out." And it's true, if you don't change your actions, just changing your thinking probably won't bring you the immediate results you desire. But if you're really honest with yourself you will probably realise that if you haven't changed your actions, you haven't truly changed your thinking.
Maybe there were changes on the surface, but not at that deep-down level that changes how you actually see and react to the world.
If you've been reading my articles as hundreds of others have done then that means you're interested in changing some aspect of your thinking or beliefs, which seems to be rooted in a deep, subconscious part of your brain. The easiest way to change the beliefs holding you back is this: when there's something about our lives that we need to change, we often need to learn new ways of thinking so we can navigate the same situations yet get different results.
Whether you've been held back in your finances, in your relationships, or in your weight loss goals, you can change your results. Today I want to give you a way to make this dream become a reality for you.
Click here to rewire your mindset for success!
You have to change your beliefs, upgrade your actions, to get new results. If you're still here with me, I want to ask you, "What's stopping you?" I promise there's a way to get unstuck, and I'm honoured to taking that journey together with you.
Your subconscious and your inner powers are all knowing. They're connected to everyone and everything. They can bring you exactly what you want. But you just have to give them the right instructions.
If you're not living the life you want, if you don't have the success you want, if you're not making the kind of money you want, if you're not in the relationship you want, if you're not as healthy as you want to be then you're not sending the right messages to your subconscious mind and your inner powers.
You're sending the wrong messages. That's why things never get better. Instead, they just get worse. And they'll keep getting worse. Because that's what your subconscious mind and inner powers think you want. They don't know better. They don't decide what's best for you. They leave that to you. And they just follow your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes.
So, if you have a mind filled with negative thoughts, if you're filled with doubts that hold you back, and you don't believe you can, and if you have a negative attitude where you don't think anything will ever work out for you, then you're creating your own misery.
Get your mind working for you
When you make the wrong choices, when you don't take the right steps and when you don't do the right things, you continue to struggle.
You doubt yourself so much, you lose confidence. You condition yourself to struggle, you get used to not getting what you want. The self-defeating doubts continue. And things get worse.
You think that's just the way it is. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can turn things around. All you have to do is change your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes so that they're focused on what you want, and not what you don't want.
As so many readers have discovered, with my 90 day mind healing programme you'll turn things around. You'll direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to create exactly what you want. And you'll put an end to any misery and struggle.
Commit to changing your life today, and open the doors to success and begin directing your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you exactly what you want.
You can achieve your goals. You can live the life you want. You can make more money. You can meet the right person. You can enjoy better health. You can be free do what you want when you want. You are a powerful person - more powerful than you realise. You can achieve anything you want when you direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers. Start doing that today and tell your subconscious mind and your inner powers exactly what you want with my 90 day mind healing programme, so that you get what you want.
For example, if you're struggling with money then things need to change. If your subconscious is programmed for making money you'll create massive wealth. But if it's programmed for poverty, then you'll continue to struggle. How do you know what's on your subconscious? Answer these questions and you'll find out:
- Do you spend money when you get it?
- Do you always find you never have enough money?
- Is it hard to make and/or save money?
- Is it tough to make as much money as you want?
- Do you have some money but need to find a way to make more - but haven't done it yet?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you're subconscious is programmed for poverty. It's not programmed to create wealth and make more money. You have a number of blocks holding you back that need to be changed. You have to re-programme your subconscious mind so that it brings you more money.
That means getting rid of the negative beliefs, thoughts, attitudes and actions that cause you to struggle with money. Instead, you create beliefs, attitudes and actions that drive you to create massive amounts of wealth. Once these are planted on the subconscious mind the process becomes automatic.
Having more money can be a good thing. It depends on your point of view. But you may not believe that. You may believe that it will change you. Make you a bad person. Make you selfish. But none of that is true, unless you believe it. You see when you do good things with money it can help a lot of people.
For me money doesn't buy happiness or love, but for many people financial security can lessen the stress in our lives, which can only be a good thing. Financial freedom allows us to pursue more creative endeavours, to help others, and to improve ourselves.
If you don't have the amount of money you want then you don't have your subconscious mind programmed to create wealth.
You're not alone. Most people I meet don't have their subconscious focused on creating wealth. Instead, your subconscious is focused on losing money or creating more financial struggle. And that's the main reason you don't have the kind of money you want. It will never get better, unless you change what's on your subconscious.
What goes on inside a person's mind is far more important than they will ever realise. If you have mental blocks, doubts about your potential or are sceptical, you will certainly see yourself as a "failure". You will never be free unless your mind is first from how you have been brought up to think in a certain limiting way. You have years of brainwashing to overcome if you are to become truly wealthy and free, but you'll find it simple with my mind healing programme to train your subconscious.
Your subconscious is creating your money situations based on your thoughts and beliefs about money. When you don't have the wealth you want, then you've got some powerful negative thoughts and beliefs about money that need to be changed. These negative thoughts and beliefs are blocks that prevent you from making more and having more.
You have to remove these blocks. Change what's on your subconscious when it comes to money. Begin sending the right messages to your subconscious mind about money and making money. Get rid of those blocks; those negative beliefs and negative thoughts about money.
But maybe creating wealth isn't your heart's desire. Maybe you want to discover your true calling, and pursue that for a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Whatever it is you want, get your subconscious mind focused on creating and building the life you deserve - whether that's more love, more wealth or more of both! You need to make lasting changes in your life, so that you constantly enjoy success and happiness throughout your life.
And discovering your true calling is a crucial element to enjoying a life filled with happiness, because when you follow your calling things just flow naturally and easily.
Discover your calling
At some point in our lives, many of us ask that age-old question: "Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing that I'm not doing?"
Maybe you haven't asked yourself that question. Maybe you just feel like you're not getting the most out of life or that it's become routine, possibly even boring. The reason why this happens is because you're not following your passion - or you haven't discovered your calling.
Each one of us has a separate calling. They may be similar, but the way we go about it, the benefits we get from it and ultimately the true nature of that calling is different. When you are not centred or balanced, when you are not following your calling you end up being restless, agitated, bored and frustrated.
Why is it that some people seem to have such a good time with life? They're successful, in happy relationships, comfortable yet not bored. Why? Ask any of them and they'll tell you: they do what they love. They follow their calling and their passion.
If you find that you're just not enjoying life or feel that you're not getting the most out of life you may not be on the right track any more. You may not be following your calling.
Although I have covered this ground in my "Love is Your True Calling" post, let me explain something about "following your calling".
By this I mean following your passion. Of course in order to do this you first need to know what your passion or your calling is. This passion or calling can and likely will change at different points of your life. Meaning your calling or passion today will likely be different than it was 10 years ago. That's okay. It's actually a good thing. It's a sign of growth, and growth is good.
Now you might say: "Well, how am I supposed to know what my calling is or how do I know if it's changed?" I'm about to help you resolve this.
The first step is to understand and accept that you do have a calling. That you do have a passion that you can follow. That your passion and calling will allow you to live a happy fulfilled life.
Why? Because when you follow your passion, your spirit, or your higher self, or that part of you that is not tied to the ego, is in control. It is happy and doing what it was meant to do. When this happens - that higher part of yourself - that part that we do not scientifically understand but we know exists - begins to connect with the universe on a deeper level.
When it does this it brings together the people and events necessary for you to enjoy your life. I know what you're going to say: "Yeah but Mickie, I don't know what my calling is. What am I supposed to do?"
Don't worry, you're actually half way home. The mere fact that you understand you have a calling and that you recognize your need to follow it is an incredibly positive step. What you need to do next is begin to tap your inner wisdom and subconscious mind to guide you - so that you discover your calling and follow your passion.
Click here for 5 ways to change your life!
How do you do this? First start by telling yourself that you do know what you want to do. Tell yourself that you do know your passion and that you're ready to follow it.
Right about now I usually get the following comment: "Mickie, I just said I don't know what I want to do - how can I tell myself I do know what I want to do when I don't know what my calling is?"
I discuss in my "Let Love Shape Your Destiny" post how every thought that you have can lead to a belief. Beliefs are picked up by the subconscious mind and manifested in reality. If you believe that you don't know what you want to do or that you don't know your calling or that you don't know your passion, then your subconscious mind will simply create opportunities for you to be more and more confused. It will create situations for you, so that you don't know what you want.
If instead, you say you do know your true calling, that you've discovered your true calling, that you are on the right track and you are following your passion - your subconscious will start creating opportunities for you that are in line with your calling and passion.
Sometimes these opportunities are simple signs that would lead you to a path that seems to be off the beaten track. It may even sound like something completely ridiculous at first thought.
But as you follow those signs, those opportunities, you'll find that things fall into place rather easily, you'll start to enjoy the process and then begin to get excited. This can and will only happen when you no longer let your ego mind dominate. When you are no longer doing things to impress other people, but are doing things that you simply enjoy.
Understand these signs along the journey, so that you recognize opportunities and start following your passion as you being living a happy and rewarding life. So get on the right track, discover your calling and follow your passion.
The next step is to start thinking. Put on your thinking cap and get your mind moving in a new direction. Write down want you want. Think about all the things you like doing. Don't worry about how you're going to make money from them for now, just start thinking about all that you like doing. If you had a day off or a week off - what would you do? Don't say: "nothing", because you would likely do what you enjoy.
Start doing those things that you enjoy. Why? Because when you're happy things start to flow naturally. With daily positive affirmations using my mind healing programme, you can tap all your powers - so you get them all working for you - so that you discover your calling and begin living the life you want.
Have some fun
When you enjoy doing something, things start to come together for you.
As you continue doing this you'll find that there are many things that you enjoy, things that you may have stopped doing for some unknown reason.
My twin flame's best friend, Andrew, loved playing basketball every weekend. But after he got married and had a child he found he was no longer playing basketball. He said life was just too hectic. I suggested he start playing again - in fact - I urged him to start playing again, and asked him to call some old friends and get back on the court.
At the time he was fed up with his job. He was no longer satisfied with it and was yearning for a change. He didn't know what he needed to do. He just needed a change. He started playing basketball - at first it was just a few guys, but after a few weeks they had enough for two 5-a-side teams.
One of the guys had just moved here and was looking to start up a small furniture business. Andrew loved buying old furniture, he told me he would often walk around the markets looking for antiques that had been overlooked. He didn't want to buy antiques, he just liked the old style of furniture.
The two of them got to know each other and a year ago started a small business, a furniture shop that specialises in replicating old style furniture, antique style furniture without the antique prices. Andrew found his passion while following another passion, playing basketball.
When you follow your passion, when you do what you enjoy, you get back on track and end up doing what you really want. It all flows naturally, because you're opening yourself up to greater possibilities and you're doing things just for the fun of it, and you're no longer letting your ego dominate. You're just having fun.
Stop banging your head against the wall trying to figure it out. You have all the answers within you. Go inside and learn how to get connected to powers greater than your ego that will allow you to live a rewarding, fulfilling life. This is exactly what my mind healing programme allows you to do. It teaches you how to get your mind working for you. It teaches you how to tap the power of your subconscious, your intuition and your higher self.
Life doesn't have to be painful. It doesn't have to be difficult. Make some time for yourself - you are just as important as all those things that you do that tie up your time during the day.
I can only encourage you to take a chance, and discover your true calling by looking within. The answer is not in a new job, or a new home or a new relationship - it's within. Let your inner powers guide you to the life you want and deserve. Start by doing the things you enjoy - have a little fun - and the road will be wide open and filled with new possibilities.
Take a look at what you like doing in life and start doing it. See how you feel while you're doing it and after you're done. If you don't have the time - make the time, after all it's your life, and this is the only life you have right now. So, make the most of it - start doing the things you enjoy.
Remember - if you don't change your thoughts and beliefs, everything stays the same. If you don't take control - nothing changes. Learn how to regain control of your life. Heal your mind and take back control of your life. get ready to begin living the life you always wanted, to enjoy success, happiness and more, to be more confident. Start healing your mind today, and begin achieving all your goals.
Get started today
Today you're going to learn how to put everything together so that you stay on track. You'll also learn how to continue enjoying success after success.
In order to work with the techniques I outlined in and create the kind of changes or improvements you want in life you have to start doing - you have to start working with the exercises I outline in my 90 day mind healing programme and begin taking charge.
We are all unique individuals, and because of the special way my technique allows you to tailor make your own affirmations, this means that it will work specially customised to your unique needs. There is no magic pill; there is no magic potion that is going to create change for you in an instant. You're where you are because of years of practice - it may not have been something you intentionally did - but you've been thinking and doing the same things, getting the same results for years.
Bounce back with affirmations.
Now you're going to change that practice and it means incorporating new actions, new thoughts and a new philosophy. This will take time and patience. Doing this on your own will take a lot of effort - you'll have to train your mind on your own and learn to direct your subconscious mind on your own. Having a support group is beneficial, as some of us work well and succeed better in groups. But some prefer to do this alone. Use what works best for you.
Understand that you're not going to change your entire life in a day, two days, week, month or 2 months. You can change your brain in two months, but changing your life will be an ongoing process, with your goals changing as you grow and develop. From now on, the sky is the limit.
However, creating change requires discipline and patience. Look at it this way - you're telling your subconscious mind to create a new life for you - it has to change the old one and create new opportunities and a new life. Some people will see results right away - for others it may take longer - it really depends on where you are and where you want to go. The key is to not worry about results, but to just keep on with your affirmations and taking action.
I know everybody wants results and you will get results, but worrying and stressing out, monitoring your progress everyday is actually counter productive, it can go against what you are trying to accomplish.
The changes will happen and the results will come - the key is to continue doing the work and applying the techniques.
With my mind healing programme you'll learn how to set up a system that you
can implement into your everyday life, because you'll take control of your mind and subconscious mind.
The programme can be done during the course of your day. It will create a new habit of thinking and train the mind to send the right messages to the subconscious mind, so that you create the life you want and attract new opportunities to improve your life.
Why people "fail"
The reason most people are unable to improve their life or change their circumstances is because they don't want to learn how to do it, and when they get the information they need - they give up. Why do they do this? Because they fall prey to the excuses generated by their mind.
I can give you hundreds of excuses I've heard. Here are some of those excuses, see if you recognise any of them:
- Not enough time
- Don't know if it works
- Not sure
- I'll get to it tomorrow
- Not motivated
- Not sure if I'm doing it right
- Something came up
- I'm not ready
Do any of these sound familiar? This is your life I'm talking about, is it not important to live the life you want?
Now, those who succeed at changing or improving their lives by working with my programme do so because they learn the process and enjoy the process.
They enjoy working with the techniques and seeing what kind of results they get. Most of them can't wait to get started in the morning, because they embrace the process and don't look over their shoulder constantly waiting for results. They know the results are going to come, because they see it having an impact on their lives and they enjoy the process. I know that if you do this course consistently for 90 full days, you will see results. Slack off and you're back where you started.
Success requires commitment and discipline, then it becomes a habit. This is what you develop with my mind healing programme.
You begin to work with the power of your mind and subconscious mind, so that you create the life you want and enjoy success, happiness, and much more.
I've given you some valuable information to work with and hopefully you have a better idea of what you can do to improve your life. I hope you take advantage of my mind healing programme and begin working to achieve your goals. A crucial aspect to finding true happiness, success and fulfilment is to follow your bliss, discover your passions. Remember, if you don't change your thoughts and beliefs, everything stays the same. If you don't take control, nothing changes.Everyone's life is a hero's journey in many ways. I have heard about so many inspiring personal journeys, where so many incredible things have occurred as a result of changing our negative beliefs. It carries the underlying inspirational message that anyone with courage can go out and build the life that they secretly yearn for. It can in turn leave us feeling inspired and prepared to take on the world.
Your adventure has to come from inside. If you are ready for it, then doors will open where there were no doors before, and where there would not be doors for anyone else. And you must have courage. It's the call to adventure, which means there is no security, no rules.
So, tap into your brain's extra, unconscious potential and use it to attract more more money, love, health and happiness into your life. Be the navigator of your life. Achieve your goals and live the life you want - today.
Yours in love,
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