Saturday, 30 June 2012

Communicate with Love


Click to go back to the main menu for Mickie Kent's Love Your Mind, Body and Soul Series

“Dare everything, try everything ... Buy an atlas and keep it by the bed - remember you can go anywhere.”
Joanna Lumley

I always say we should really get out more. Our purpose is not to be isolated from the universe; humans are creatures of communication. We need to be part of a sharing reality. Most people want to feel like they're part of a tribe, it's about how you identify as a person and that's not necessarily a bad thing. If we're not a part of the system, we can't use it for success.

And moreover, when all is said and done, the best guarantee of a long and healthy life may be the positive and loving connections you have with other people. In addition to spiritual and health benefits of social connection, it's also good to get out and about, because it gives us a proper perspective of the wider world in which we live. It can be detrimental if you spend too much time looking at your mobile device and not observing the world around you.

If we risk to venture outside of our daily boundaries, we would see that what we think of the world might not in fact be true. For instance, if all we do is travel from home to work, and vice versa, you might be forgiven for thinking the world is one long grey ribbon of tar and concrete.

Notably for us Brits, with the 2012 Summer Olympics being held in London, the opening ceremony theme of England's "green and pleasant" image has sparked debate on how green England actually is. And even though humans have intervened with the ecosystem so much that even rural areas are human-made to a large extent - commentators believe England is still more green than grey concrete. The mass urbanisation we think came with the onslaught of the industrial revolution seems to be a myth - percentage-wise at any rate.

You venture out of your gate a little further each day, and new discoveries will find you. My twin flame and I were in London this week and took the new Thames cable car, spanning the river, which has opened to the public. It gave us a new perspective, and that is what learning is all about, too. Travel can broaden your horizons, and narrow the mind depending on what you see. Too much travel might make us blasé about the wonders of the world; but at the same time it can make us realise that what matters is the people, not the places. For some the places are pretty enough, but the human story is what makes the experience. For example, wherever you are in Italy - where a wedding is an excuse for an enormous feast - did you know that they eat confetti and throw rice? Confetti, from which we get the English word confectionery, in Italy means a type of festive sweet and not the coloured paper cut-outs we throw at a bride and groom.

Once you venture out, you'll see that life has suddenly got a lot more interesting. You'll learn something everyday. You'll find it has much more to offer than you might have previously thought. People aren't always awful. Sometimes, they're maybe even just a little bit wonderful. This is what being a human being is all about. The more we understand that we are all connected and that each action we make has lasting effects that spread out like a web into the world, the more willing we are to do good things whenever we can, and the more likely it will be that good things will come back to us. It's OUR world after all, here for all of us to respect, cherish and enjoy responsibly, and look after for future generations.

Undeniably we all need our own space, time out alone to rejuvenate and energise. That is understandable. But complete isolation for long periods - unless it's to retreat to drastically self-improve so that you can join the world better and stronger - will not help, but harm in the long run.

Want to find love? Then you have to put yourself out there. Want a career you're passionate about? Well 99.99% of us won't find it by hiding ourselves away from the world. Want to create, then connect with innovators. Innovative ideas are expanded within communities, some of the most popular ones, like the Technology Entertainment and Design (TED) conference, have even been described as a cult. But the difference between TED and being in church is that all the talks are verifiable by science - it's done within the spirit of critical thinking. Arguably, what is shared can inspire people all around the globe in the name of humanity, not dogmatic doctrine.

Imagine what would happen if all the good people stayed at home? We have to get out there, and shine a light. We have to open our eyes to the beauty in the world, and if what we see by the eye doesn't please us, then we can close our eyes and see it from the heart (or rather the mind!) - because we can see beauty and love from the inside more than mere eyes can ever wonder. Disconnecting ourselves from our world will deprive us of that.

Living in isolation breaks down our interpersonal skills, we forget how to talk to people (British people don't seem to have conversations any more) - and we forget how to shield our selves from hostility. You're not protecting yourself by hiding away, in fact you're making yourself even more vulnerable. We need to develop a thick skin against certain circumstances, and we won't do that by pushing our heads into the sand.

Look at the issue of bullying - when I was a little kid, my father taught me that names don't hurt you. And girls are some of the best name-callers out there! But it's not what people say, it's how you deal with it that matters.

A word is as powerful as the meaning we attach to it. When we give it meaning, they are as powerful as an atomic bomb. But what if we thought, "These are only words, I won't give them the power to hurt me" - what would happen?

Love protects from isolation

Humans need contact to surviveWhen we talk about empowering ourselves, the strength we need is inside all of us. People can turn challenges into a turning point that leads them straight to success. A girl can defend herself against big business in court and win, a guy persecuted for his homosexuality can overcome obstacles and become an icon that helped save the free world.

And had Alan Turing, who was gay during a time homosexuality was illegal in England, decided to stay at home, the Allies might not have turned back the Nazi tide in the Second World War. And had Turing decided to cow to his critics and hide himself away from life, we'd be devoid of a legacy that gave us the phones in our hands and the computers on our laps - as well as the freedom we enjoy them with today.

You see, what we see is a matter of perspective. Many will not appreciate anyone else's position until they fully go through it. But we all have the power of empathy. Think for a moment: What would you do if you were Turing? Do you find dealing with your critics a challenge? Well, why not charm them, instead of trying to fight them? Let positive thought have hegemonic control of all facets of your life. See everything in a good light, and pretty soon you'll shine with the same source.

Sadly, Turing was tormented by his problems, and although there is a mystery surrounding his death at an early age, he is believed to have committed suicide. As his achievements in life can inspire, the end of his life can also serve as a lesson. Life is a constant struggle, and bringing love into our lives can help insulate us from negative energy.

Finding something to complain about is always easy. We seem to be in a culture where people are being let down all the time - and some say the financial crisis was a perfect example of this. Bank leaders have let down the many honest and hard working people in the financial sector.

And we are too quick to let each other down in our personal relationships, too. The news that Hollywood A-listers Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are divorcing, bringing an end to a five-year marriage, should come as no surprise really. The only jaw-dropper is that it lasted five years.

It's a cynical outlook - and it's not mine. Because if we ARE cynical about our world, that negativity will very soon - and all too easily - seep into our own lives, and make it an unhappy reality.

Let's look at the science: The brain makes sure that the outside physical world is a reflection of your internal world. In the same way, we should aim for our internal world to reflect our physical outer appearance - the "earth" of us that the rest of the world sees from outside.

First, we all know we shouldn't judge people by the way they look. You can't judge a book by it's cover, right? Well, the aim is to be able to do just that - because that's what the cover is there for, to tell you exactly what's in the book. This is not about making snap judgements or assumptions based on how people look, but about YOU - by going through life being as you are on the inside, on the outside, too. Be a book that can be judged by it's cover, because you are as you seem to be, and what you seem to be, you are.

Remember the saying, Home is where the heart is? Well, when you're at home in your body, and at peace with yourself, there is no need to put on a mask to face the world - the "all is well" face that masks your troubles inside.

Once people start using repression to deal with their problems (especially family problems), it becomes very unhealthy.

Make sure you smile from the inside out. Because the glitter you sprinkle inside will shine on you on the outside, and people around you will notice and say, "Wow, have you changed your hair/got botox/found a new love? You look F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!"

Naturally, sometimes when we won't get on with family members - we think they're supposed to give us warmth and unending love, we want to be proud of our family, but things don't always work out that way - and so we get bitter. You can choose your friends, you can't choose your family, as the well-worn saying goes, and if you don't like your family, then you feel you just have to suck it up, because of the blood ties that bind. But forcing relationships and repressing emotions are hotbeds of activity for negative feelings.

Or let's look at it from another point of view - are we too quick to reject others because they don't meet our expectations? Your family is your gene pool and/or you environment programme after all, and any discovery about who we are will eventually lead us to want to rediscover our roots. Hacking away at them won't help us. Neither will keeping ourselves open to their negativity. The answer is to shield yourself with a strong mindset, and to learn to accept everyone as they are. We are all in this together.

We need to understand that diversity is an integral part of life; for instance the more the virtual world online is becoming a closer part of our lives, the more diverse it's becoming as it moves towards its third and fourth genesis. And whether you believe in it or not, we've even tried to emulate serendipity online, to see if happy coincidences can coincide online (or at least create a guise of chance meetings to let destiny do its work).

Only sitting at home in isolation won't bring you success, there will come a time when you need to motivate yourself to walk out of your front door and greet the world head on. And you'll discover that when you communicate with yourself and others with love, the reality that will meet you on the other side of that door will be something beautiful.

Now go out and live!

Mickie Kent

Friday, 29 June 2012

Passion is Love's Best Guide


Click to go back to the main menu for Mickie Kent's Love Your Mind, Body and Soul Series

Follow your passion. Do what you love. You'll enjoy life a lot more when you do what you love. You'll have more success. You'll attract positive situations and positive people. Life becomes a lot more pleasant when you follow your passion.

But you think you can't do what you love. Or you tell yourself you don't know what you love doing. Maybe you lost your passion. Forgot about it.

You're so caught up with your day to day demands you don't think you can do what you love. You tell yourself you don't know what your passion is. And so you get more and more busy. You have more and more stress. There's just too much to do. You think about what you'd like to do. Then you realize all the things you HAVE to do. Where's the time? you ask yourself. You just can't do what you love because you haven't got the time. A few weeks go by, then a couple of months and you're still as busy as you were, maybe even more busy.

Then one day you'll wake up to discover you have NO time left. We all have an appointment with death, and before we are called up, it's time to discover your passion, do what you love, make more time for yourself and still get everything done without all the stress.

There's always time to do what you love. Don't believe that there isn't time. Even a few minutes can be precious when you spend them doing what you enjoy. But over the years you spent all your time doing what has to get done, instead of doing what you enjoy. You stopped making time for yourself. You think one day, one day you'll have the time to do what you love. To follow your passion.

Discover your passions.

Before you know it the year has passed. Then another. And another. And you still haven't done what you enjoy. You still haven't made the time to do what you love. Or maybe you just forgot what you love doing. Maybe if I asked you: "What do you enjoy doing?" You might say: "I don't know." You've buried your passion. You've lost your passion for life. How can you enjoy life if you don't do what you enjoy? You can't. Instead you go through life doing the things you don't enjoy. Things that you HAVE to do.

Then you get angry and frustrated. You want more. You want to enjoy life but you tell yourself you can't. You're too busy. And so the misery continues. If you're not enjoying life you're not living. You're just struggling. You're just surviving. That's no way to live. You should be out enjoying life. You should be out doing what you love. But you're not. You lost that passion. You let it slip away. You buried it. Forgot about it.

You've told your subconscious and your inner powers that you're too busy. Your subconscious and your inner powers think you want to be busy. That you don't want to enjoy life. And so the struggle continues and things get worse.

Your subconscious and your inner powers are your good servants. They just go out and create your life based on your thoughts and beliefs. When you believe you can't enjoy life, they'll create situations so that you don't enjoy life. If you think and believe you're too busy, you'll always be busy - too busy to enjoy life. It's a vicious cycle that you've created. And if you don't break that cycle now - it will only get worse. You'll miss out on all of life's little pleasures because you're too busy.

Stop telling your subconscious and your inner powers that you're too busy. Give your subconscious and inner powers new information. Give them new beliefs so that you enjoy life. So that you live life with passion. So that you no longer struggle. Tell your subconscious and your inner powers that you want to enjoy life again and you will.

If you think and believe that you're too busy, you'll miss out on a lot because you believed you were too busy. How many birthday parties, family events, weddings have you missed of loved ones because you believed you were too busy. Hell is the truth learnt too late. If you don't take a break you'll never enjoy life. You'll be busy, but you won't be having any fun. And if you don't have any fun now, you won't have any when you're a long time dead.

I used to be a slave to my schedule. I tried to change it. I tried to slow down. But I still didn't have any more time. Then I thought, let's try a different approach. I changed my thinking and soon after, changed my beliefs. In a matter of months I went from being super busy to having the time to do the things I loved, like concentrating on my loved ones, on spending time on my gourmet baking.

I didn't change jobs. I didn't get a demotion. I didn't quit. Things just changed around me. I began getting new opportunities, the kind that let me finish up early and leave me with time to enjoy my life. I discovered my passions. I now do what I enjoy. I no longer think and believe that I'm too busy. I put new beliefs on my subconscious mind. Gave it new directions and that's when everything changed.

You too can do the same. I know you may have some doubts. And that's really your mind fighting back, trying to keep you busy. But once you change your thinking you'll change your beliefs. When you change your beliefs your subconscious mind and inner powers go out and create the situations that reflect your new beliefs.

When you do what you love you'll never feel like you're working. That's because you'll be "busy" enjoying life. You have more time and you live your life with passion. Yes you can discover your passion. It's in you - now let it shine. That passion will drive you to greater success, and you'll have the time to do what you enjoy. And then you start enjoying life again. Start directing your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you more time, more freedom, more joy, more happiness, more wealth, more of what you want.

Take a few moments out of your busy day to do something you enjoy. It can be anything. Do something you think you might enjoy. Just take a break for a few moments. Enjoy life - it's too short so make the most of it.

You are a powerful person. You have tremendous powers. Those powers are in your mind and subconscious mind. Start directing them to create the life you want. Get your subconscious mind to achieve your goals. Feed your mind and subconscious mind the right information and you'll enjoy greater wealth, happiness, confidence and more success. Remember, this is your lifetime, make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself. Create all the success you want and deserve today.

Now is the time

When my grandfather passed away, my grandmother had to manage the entire farm all on her own. They had been farming well into their seventies, and we all thought he'd live for a lot longer. He came from wealthy, farming stock. But twelve rooms, a yard that required two hours just to cut the grass (on a riding lawn mower), and old fixtures that seemed to break down one-by-one on a regular basis now that her twin flame had gone was too much for a woman who had come from a genteel middle class background. All those years, she had realised that she had loved farming because she had loved the farmer.

One day, she had enough. It was time to move to a smaller house with fewer stairs and a smaller yard. She had reached her breaking point and was ready for a change. Every farewell combines loss and freedom. She had lost her greatest passion, but she took the decision to fill the remainder of life with other passions. She died a year to the day she lost her husband, but for that year she followed her passions.

When will it be time for you to make your change? When will you have had enough with the way things are? When will you be ready to dedicate your resources to taking control of your future? Don't wait any longer. The time is now. Don't think it's too late to start over. You can start again. My message to you is this: things change.

You may end up starting from scratch at any age. The world is much more dynamic now than ever, for better or for worse. You could, I suppose, bury your head in the sand with excuses, but that's clearly not the type of person you are, or you wouldn't be reading this. If you sheltered yourself with excuses, you certainly wouldn't have made it this far.

Like my grandmother, you're up for the challenge to go after your passions. To turn sadness into a chance for something new. You're ready to take advantage of the incredible opportunity that the world has to offer. You have the ability to choose your location, dig your foundation, and lay down your driveway for prospects to come into your world for you to go after the things you love to do.

Look forward to each new journey. This is a good time to be alive. Sure, there will be obstacles, but with a positive mindset as your blueprint to overcome whatever the world throws at you, how can you possibly fail?

The world simply cannot stop you. As Victor Hugo once said, "Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come." The time is now, the idea is to let your passions guide you. Let go and get started so that you can experience the success you deserve.

You must truly believe in yourself. You must end the "I'll give this a try" mindset, and switch to a "I'm going to succeed" belief. However, also remember that personal responsibility is the ultimate freedom. When you accept that everything is your fault, and that it's up to you, and only you, to save yourself, then you'll be free. No more depending on others to rescue you. It's your decisions that control your future. That mindset is the ultimate freedom. YOU are the navigator of your life from this day on.

And to plan a journey, first you must know where you are going. You need to know what you want to achieve in your long-term vision. Only then can you chart the path that will take you away from a schedule that keeps you from your passions, and puts you on the path that will lead you directly to them.

It's amazing what just writing it down and putting the intention out there does for your progress. It immediately puts your mind into a positive mode, and you start to ask yourself (if you can be honest with yourself and list things that truly excite you), "How could I start doing some of this now? I don't want to wait!" That gets the ball rolling. Here's what you need to do:

  1. First, get out a pen and some paper and write down what excites you. Write down what excites you about getting out of bed.
  2. Second, identify what you want you - and your loved ones - to be able to do without compromise. Be clear. Clarity is an important factor here.
  3. Third, don't hold back on writing down what you want to achieve. A powerful vision creates a strong push towards taking action that moves you towards your goals. Don't hesitate to put your vision "out there". Put it in the present tense. Give it emotion, give it power.
  4. And finally, share it with positive people who will support you. There is a powerful 2-minute written exercise you can do for this one which I share below. Moreover it's the smartest way to assess and measure your progress in life - or lack there of. It's also the easiest way to precisely predict your own future.

The 2-minute test

Write down the 5 people in your life that you spend the MOST time with. Next, take a good hard look at this list and consider the "influence" it's having on your life. Why is this so powerful? Because this is your personal crystal ball. It's THE biggest predictor of what your future looks like. In fact, I can 100% guarantee that the five people you spend the most time with will have the biggest influence on the outcome of your goals in every area of life.

I've experienced this first hand and believe me - I've been on both sides of the fence. And every single time my success or failure is directly related to who I'm spending my time with. What about you? Just think about the times you've been with great people versus the times you've spent the majority of your time with negative people. There's probably a HUGE difference in your experiences and outcomes.

Many authors and big shots have always said, "success is a choice" but it all starts with "who" you spend all your time with. No matter how disciplined you are or how hard you try to get ahead in life if you're spending a lot of time in the wrong environments and with the wrong people, you won't get far. Especially if these people don't share - or more importantly support you - in your passions.

Focus spending more of your time learning from higher level mentors, coaches, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders and fitness business experts. The people you hang out with will determine the environments where you spend all your time and this ultimately will control your outcomes and your destiny. I'm not saying you should ditch all your friends and family if they're dysfunctional or abusive. I truly believe we should make our best effort to have unconditional acceptance of everybody regardless of his or her shortcomings. Besides, every time you point the finger you always have three pointing back at you.

But it's still in your best interest to do everything you can to spend time with quality people who support your goals and have a positive influence on your life. So don't delay. This 2-minute exercise has easily had the largest positive impact on my body and life of any other exercise I've ever performed. If you've never done this exercise before it won't take you long to see the light and reap the rewards. Do this powerful 2 minute exercise today.

  • Take out a piece of paper and write down the five people you spend the most time with.
  • Make a column that says "pros" and "cons" and start listing the positives and negatives for all five relationships.
  • Make the necessary changes to brighten your future and improve your quality of life.

There are 2 types of people in this world. Those who brighten a room when they enter it, and those who brighten a room when they leave it. So which ones are you spending your time with? Negative or positive? Even more important, which one are you? I have to admit it's not always easy, but it's definitely worth it. We ALL rise and fall to the level of who or what we follow.

Don't delay, your lifetime is a finite term. The only thing you should delay is gratification.

Don't mistake passion for simple gratification

What do I mean by delaying gratification? Isn't pursuing your passions all about gratification? If you want to turn your passions into a route to success, then delayed gratification is a valuable tip that will help you succeed in life. Someone once said, the temptation resisted is the true measure of character. In fact, it will help you focus, and promote incentives for you to do what must be done, so you have more time to pursue your passions. It's all about balance, and moderation.

The power of delayed gratification is, in fact, a research-proven phenomenon. There's a famous study that was performed at Stanford University in America. In the study, researchers tracked a group of four-year-old children, each of whom was given a marshmallow and instructed to wait twenty minutes before eating it. The children were then monitored for their developmental progress into adolescence. The scientists, led by Professor Walter Mischel, discovered that the children that were better able to wait to eat the marshmallow - delaying gratification - were generally more dependable and achieved greater scores in their Scholastic Aptitude Tests.

The experts don't believe, however, the ability to delay gratification is something that you are born with. Instead, it's a powerful habit you can build. However, it seems that most people (from the Boomer Generation to the much-maligned Millennial Generation) have missed this lesson. Instead, too many people spend their pay-packets when they get them - or even before. As a result, they get deep into debt. They want it all. And they want it now. But that's not how it works if you want to be successful.

With the right mindset, it will feel like success comes easy, but if something is worth it, you put in the effort. Work comes first. Then reward. It's not the other way around. No matter where you've stood in the past on this success equation, you can change. Just like we can all learn to get up earlier, make exercise a daily habit, or improve our diet, you too can build the habit of delayed gratification. The rock star Sting even suggests we can learn delayed gratification for the benefit of tantric sex, and you can read my tantric sex series for more information on that.

For other areas of your life, an easy place for you to start working on developing your power of delayed gratification is your emails. You and I will surely both agree that if you can avoid getting sucked into your email each morning that you'll be able to get more done each day. So do it. Just delay it. Wait one more minute each day before checking that first email of the morning.

I learned to do this and started my progression back in the summer of 2007. Up until that point, I was an email "first thing in the morning" person. I rolled out of bed and practically right into the chair at my computer (it helped that I was living in a 400 square foot single apartment at the time). Some days, I didn't even have to roll out of bed. I was able to check my email on my inappropriately named "smartphone" (as it wasn't making me any smarter at all) while my head was still on the pillow.

Over time I worked to decrease my dependency on morning messages. First, I stopped all email from being sent to smartphone. Next, I began the habit of writing for just fifteen minutes before checking my email. Slowly the fifteen minutes blossomed into thirty, expanded into sixty, and has grown into a magic five hours of productive time before I finally check my email in the morning. If I can do it, you can do it too, I promise.

Struggles will come first. But you must look at the work and the struggles as blessings. Practice (i.e. training) is the only way you can build up your delayed gratification muscle and with it the benefits you'll get in many areas of your life.

Like running hills or going to the gym, it's going to be hard at first, but you will come to appreciate your new power of habit. The rewards are well worth it. Mastery takes time. But mastery is worth the effort. Take action. Struggle. Fight. Flex. And work. The more you do this, the more the struggles will become effortless. The more your time will become productive. Remember, your passions shouldn't waste time, they should give your time a purpose - that's why you need to make time for them. You can do it. You will do it.

Stand up today and take action

So stand up to a challenge today. Face a fear square on. Attack an attitude that is holding you back. Make today your day. If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy, because it's not failure itself that holds you back; it is the fear of failure that paralyses you.

Miyamoto Musashi was one of the biggest toughest swordsmen of 16th century Japan. He also wrote of one of the greatest books on tactics, strategy and philosophy that my twin flame reads constantly - A Book of Five Rings.

Musashi knew what most modern success gurus can't seem to figure out: success takes work, even if it becomes effortless. And the key to making your goals a reality is massive action. That's the greatest difference between those who live their dreams and those who WISH for stuff. Hard work. We all know this.

So here's the question for you: If you know what you want and you know you have to take action to get it, why aren't you doing it? Experts will lay bets that it has something to do with fear.

You'll tell yourself it has nothing to do with being afraid. There are a thousand ways to rationalise your lack of action. You want to get in shape but you don't have all the right foods in the fridge yet. You want to buy those new running shoes before you start exercising. You just need to wait until things are quiet at work before you start learning that new language.

If a couple of those sound familiar then you'll know just how EASY it is to find an excuse NOT to take action. But the real reason you don't make progress is something else entirely. You're scared of the hunger and deprivation that might result from changing your eating habits. You're afraid of missing out on your favourite TV show if you start using those Spanish language CDs. Or maybe you're just worried you'll disappoint yourself again by quitting your new workout right after you start.

No matter what it is, I guarantee there's some sort of fear lurking beneath whatever justification you're giving yourself for not taking massive action on your goals today. And experts say this is completely natural.

Fear goes hand in hand with success. You'll never unlock your potential if you hide within the shell of your comfort zone. Keeping that in mind, here are 5 keys to dominating fear and taking massive action to achieve your dreams:

  1. Get some perspective on your fear.
  2. Take your first step - don't wait for the perfect time.
  3. Put one foot in front of the other - do the WORK.
  4. Don't compare to the "ideal" - compare to where you've been and seek PROGRESS.
  5. Divide your goal into small chunks so you can create SUCCESSES that motivate you.

The first secret to overcoming your fear is to put it into perspective. Think back to a time when you were scared out of your wits to do something. I bet once that mission was accomplished, you felt great about the outcome - and maybe even a little silly about being so scared in the first place. Take some time with pen and paper to make a list of all those experiences. And the next time you're having trouble getting out of your comfort zone, look back at that list for inspiration.

Once you've managed to put your fear into perspective. The next thing is to just take that first step. As Lao Tzu so eloquently put it, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So take action.

On to step three: Put one foot in front of the other - do the WORK. Ask yourself: What's one small step that you can take towards your big dream goal? Figure out what that is and just TAKE IT.

Put one foot in the door and the rest will eventually follow. You might falter a bit in the beginning. But if you never take that first step, you won't get anywhere - ever. Let your passion guide you, and you will go far.

Yours in love,

Mickie Kent

The Treasure Map to Love


Click to go back to the main menu for Mickie Kent's Love Your Mind, Body and Soul Series

“Align yourself with your life purpose and find your bliss, or else run the risk of falling out of love with life.”
— Mickie Kent

We are all searching for the most reliable, easiest-to-follow map anyone can possess to find every treasure he or she desires in life, whether that treasure be gold, love, health or anything else that adds richness to life.

How many times have you said to yourself, "I want my life to change?" And how many ways and times have you tried to change it? Did anything really work? What if YOU could give you the confidence you need to change it? What if YOU could give you the inner power to change anything in your life? What if YOU could flood your body with warm peace every single morning? What if you went through every day feeling deeply loved? And special? And worthy? What if? What if there were a way to infuse confidence, warm peace, power, and love into your body every single day?

If only we could all discover life's ultimate treasure map. It'd show you how you can unlock the power of your subconscious mind to achieve your dreams and goals. Paulo Coehlo wrote, "That's what makes life interesting - believing in treasures and in miracles". Think about how much more brilliant life is when you believe in treasures and in miracles.

Your treasure map is your compass to a life filled with blissFor many of us, going in search of our own treasure map for a golden life means altering our lives. And that is hard to do. We are creatures of habit, and you would need to drag most of us kicking and screaming out of our comfort zones. That's no exaggeration. For some, it takes a near-death experience to finally get the message that their lives need to change.

Have you ever had a near-death experience? For those who've knocked on the gates of mortality, the event is often life-altering. When you face death, you reassess your priorities. And faced with the enormous fragility of life, is usually the wake-up call that pushes people to transform their entire mindset.

But should we really only break out of out shells of stagnancy after nearly losing our lives? If by an incredible stroke of luck, you are able to escape an almost certain death then I can understand how life-altering that will be - for some their identity will completely change.

For some of us, however, it's not a major change we need - just a slight tweak to a good life. Have you ever awakened one day and realised that, although your life is going pretty well, there's just one thing tugging at you?

Something inside is telling you that something isn't quite "right" in your life. Or maybe it feels more like something is missing. Perhaps those feelings are trying to let you know you haven't been pursuing your dreams. For many, dreams about the future started when they were youngsters.

Ask yourself, are you properly using your gifts to build your success? Many of us are aiming to better ourselves, but we're using the tools of success in the wrong context. But you don't need to be at death's door to go through an intensive journey to reconnect with your sense of self.

You might have grown to admire your uncle who's a great golfer and wanted to try golfing to emulate him. Or maybe you do golf but there's that one golf course in Europe that you really want to play.

It could be that your English school teacher, whom you loved, always told you what a great writer you were. But after high school, you've hardly written even a short story. You always thought you'd get back to writing, but just haven't taken the time or effort. It's time to pursue your dreams and dig for the treasures in your life!

Follow a trail of bliss

Review these tips about following your bliss. You might realise that you can go after your special goals while living your life and "taking care of business".

  1. Ask yourself, "Is there something I've wanted to do for a long time?" If so, what is it?
  2. Write down your goals for the future. Obtain a spiral notebook and devote it to your dreams.
    • Take this "Dream Notebook" and pen to the park or front porch. Then, ponder your dream. Write everything that comes to mind. Record your dreams on a small bit of paper and affix them to your bathroom mirror.
    • Each day, when you see that message to yourself about what you want to do, it will inspire you.
  3. Pledge to do just one thing each day or week to chase after your dream goal. Maintain your momentum toward following your bliss.
    • Make your dreams a priority in life.
    • Avoid allowing anyone or anything to get in the
      way of pursuing your dreams.
    • Who knows what can happen when you "keep your
      eyes on the prize?"
  4. It's rare to accomplish dreams in a short period of time. Accept that you'll be following your most cherished wishes for the long haul.
  5. Think about ways to divide your path to your dreams into "chunks". For example, if you've always wanted to travel to France to see the Eiffel Tower, you could separate your dreams into sections like:
    • Read everything you can about France and the Eiffel Tower.
    • Explore the subjects on the web.
    • Become an "expert" about the topics of your dreams.
    • Even though you might struggle financially to make ends meet, set up a separate bank account for your "dream" trip to Europe and make regular deposits (at least monthly), no matter how small.
    • Regardless of what your dreams are, think of a way to move toward them somehow.
    • Vow to keep your momentum going so you can achieve your dreams.
  6. It's okay to re-vamp or even totally overhaul your dreams. You can let go of a dream you had for a while if you discover you really aren't interested in that goal any more.
    • As you grow and mature, it's not unusual to develop new interests and dreams.
    • You can feel comfortable transitioning into a new goal to pursue.
    • Give yourself permission to let go of an old dream, alter it, or even add a new goal.
  7. Avoid thinking of your dreams as impossible for you to accomplish. Dreams keep you moving forward in life.
    • Tell yourself it's entirely within the realm of
      your life to pursue and fulfil your dreams.
    • You truly deserve to have goals and dreams, no matter what your situation.
    • Following your bliss will enrich your life in so many ways. Allow yourself the opportunity to fulfil your special goals in life.

Live authentically by following your bliss

Most people spend their lives in jobs they either hate of tolerate. They even convince themselves that they enjoy the work by emphasizing the positive details of their employment. They are fulfilling, perhaps out of pressing family necessity, their lower destiny.

They may think if they did what they really want to do instead of the work they think society requires them to do, it would not be beneficial for civilisation. Actually it is better for civilisation that they do. If everyone "followed their bliss", some believe the world would emerge as an entirely different world whose inhabitants live authentic lives.

Only so many breaths are allowed us from the moment we are born until we die. To squander them on something we cannot call our own is to waste our natural inheritance, the most precious commodity we possess, time.

It is better to "fail" in the pursuit of our real work than to succeed at anything else that isn't. Success in the latter would actually be a betrayal of our own truth, while pursuing the former is living the authentic life. When we accept other people's notion of what is successful or not, we are putting aside our inner truth. To follow our higher destiny, we must have the strength and courage to be true to ourselves.

Men and women who steer the course of their lives with their inner truth travel the hero's journey. To them, it is less important that some heroes meet tragic ends than that they used their time heroically.

Life's real value is found only in the quest for one's own truth, regardless of the outcome. Coincidences are not rare, disconnected episodes. They go beyond themselves to form series of interrelating connections between you and your true path in life. They form a subtle guidance nudging you in the direction of your higher self. They direct you along a nobler path toward your fate, the hero's journey you must take in your quest for the authentic life.

You are worth the effort

Pursue your dreams because you're worth it. You must accept who you are and everything that you do. Dare to declare that you are the best and what you are doing is the best. The truth is that everyone is best in their own way.

Why should we expect anything less than the best from the gifts that others have to offer? Being the best doesn't have to mean better than others. You are different but best in your own way. When you dare to declare that you are the best, you are saying that you are enough. You do not feel less. You feel perfectly complete.

When you see others declaring their own greatness, do you feel resistance on the inside in anyway? What you feel is not about them but it is about yourself. When you allow yourself to acknowledge your own greatness, you allow others to acknowledge theirs. The less you use your word against yourself, the less you would use it against others. The first step to treating the world better is to treat yourself better. Both you and the world are one. The outer is merely a reflection of the inner. Love yourself truly.

Humility is important in life, but being humble doesn't mean bashing yourself in front of others. You must never use your word against yourself. The main rule to observe is, to thy own self be true, or follow thy own true will.

This means following your passions, aligning yourself with your bliss to bring purpose into your life, so that you can not only enjoy success, but that you may help others bring purpose into their lives - if not directly, then by example.

And what about the haters? Well, it doesn't matter most what others say about you. It doesn't matter most what you say about others. What only matters is what you say about yourself. You are the creator of the reality you observe about you. If you speak badly about the creator which is you, then a bad creator will only create a bad reality. Forget about the external world and your judgements about it. It all begins with you. You must judge yourself favourably.

And whether you need to completely redesign your life, or discover which passions to fulfil to bring a completeness to your life, you can experience illumination in your own home, as you learn how to manifest your heart's desires into reality with the power of your mind.

Click here to rewire your mindset for success!

Manifestation is about alignment

Let's clarify what alignment really means, because we use this term without really explaining it. Alignment occurs on two levels:

  1. Alignment with the laws of quantum physics: In short, in the world of quantum physics - thoughts (positive or negative) attract their equivalent or vibrational match. Think good thoughts to attract good things. Think bad, negative or needy thoughts and you'll attract bad, negativity and need. Because, whatever you focus on with intensity and emotion will set the universe in motion to bring that into your life.

    Emotion is a key here. Most of us send out far stronger emotional signals about the things we don't want than those we do want. And that's normal. It's how you and I are wired and it takes very deliberate thinking to overcome our emotional hard-wiring. But thankfully, it can be done.

    Read about the power of emotions.

  2. Conscious and subconscious alignment: Your conscious desires and your subconscious intention must be in alignment. If your conscious mind wants one thing and your subconscious mind wants something else (counter-intention) it is impossible to create what you truly want. You can temporarily trick yourself into getting something while you are out of alignment, but in the end it never lasts.

    For instance, maybe you get a new job but soon you're right back where you were before - barely scraping by and miserable. Or maybe you stumble into some money or even create some money through a side business. But soon it too disappears. You chalk it up to the cliché: "easy come easy go". The truth is it's just as easy to keep whatever you get once you are in alignment.

This idea of alignment may explain a lot of the ups and downs in your life. And science is teaching us more and more every day about the relationship between our conscious and sub-conscious minds, and about the immense power the brain has. It can be hard to separate separate scientific fact from scientific opinion, when there is a tidal wave of new information and insights out there, and it can get confusing when you want to apply them to your manifestation and self-improvement ideas.

I am often sent emails questioning why I share all this information, tips and programmes for free. Just sharing these ideas with you gets me excited. When I help others, I gain so much more in return. When I help others, I am doubly blessed. First, I know I am blessed to have something to give. Second, when I give of myself, my blessings are returned many times over. The investment of helping someone else yields returns at a much faster rate than self-absorption.

When I help others, in turn, they also help me when I am in need. In the end, I have created a community of caring relationships. These relationships are important for the health and fulfilment of every member of our world.

Communities are a symbol of humanity's reality that no individual is an island. I know I cannot go though life without the help of others, and strive to help my fellow human being. I am rewarded when I see the smile in another person's face because of something I have provided them. It is a great joy to be able to light up another person's eyes.

I feel a sense of fulfilment and accomplishment because I can go outside myself to meet another person's needs. I share in the joy that others experience when they receive help from me. When I help others, I learn lessons in humility by considering others above myself. Helping others reminds me that it is not all about me. I learn gratitude by putting myself in the shoes of others and being thankful for what I have.

Gaining a clearer sense of purpose, a heart filled with gratitude, a humble attitude, and caring relationships in return for merely helping others seems to me like an excellent trade.

This is my treasure map to a golden life. I discovered if after rewiring my own mindset, and I follow it to discover new treasures every day. I ask myself three self-reflection questions:

  1. Who can I help today?
  2. What do I have to offer?
  3. When was the last time I helped someone?

Many of us rely on our physical senses to guide us through life. We study, get a job to survive, marry, and if we're lucky have some wonderful babies. But the stress and responsibility of that can cause many of us to suffer from panic attacks. We find ourselves persuading our babies there is no monster in the closet, to discovering a very real monster in the closet of our minds.

For centuries uncharted territories lived in maps and imaginations, inside atlases and fears. And the unknown was always labelled with the legend, Here be monsters.If you suffer from anxiety issues then you're not alone, it is a modern day affliction for many of us. For me the way through panic is to go within and get in touch with what cannot be seen or heard or touched with the physical senses. I turn to meditation. I find it so beneficial, I made it part of my mind healing programme, and with regular practice I can now enter a deep, restful meditation within minutes.

I discovered that there is an energy and a connection which exists between us all - our actions, our words, even our thoughts can sometimes alter another's experience, either positively or negatively. A problem shared is a problem halved. We can help ease another's pain, soothe them through times of illness, help to try and lift their mood. We can fill another's world with our love and light. Even the most hard-hearted of us can't deny how therapeutic a cuddle can be.

However, we have our monsters to fight, too. Negativity in the form of self-defeating thoughts and the unthinking and unfeeling actions of others will bring darker entities into our lives. And we have the power - and the choice - to do that to other people, too.

In these times of global crisis, it would be easy for me to scaremonger and say that these dark entities are becoming bolder in making their appearance. But I don't believe that it's because they're getting stronger. In fact, I believe that it's because we are becoming more enlightened - now able to hold more light in our minds - that they are showing up in a form that is easier for us to see and recognise, revealing themselves as increasing bouts of worldwide depression, anger, and mental confusion. The shadows in which they hid are going away. Which is a very beneficial thing indeed.

Travel outside your comfort zoneShining a light on darkness means that what can be seen can be transformed; once you catch a negative thought, you can guard yourself against it, and you can change it.

Does any of this sound like your life, or the life of those around you? Then don't be frightened, the treasure map to your life might lead you through uncharted waters that say "Here there be monsters" - but once you bring your fears to the light, they will lose the power to stop you in your tracks.

For centuries uncharted territories lived in maps and imaginations, inside atlases and fears. And the unknown was always labelled with the legend of monsters. But people still sailed forward – nautically and boldly – challenging the latitudes that crossed their path and made discoveries that changed the world.

So walk boldly in life, surrounding negativity with light. Create positive thoughts, focused their concentrated light to disperse the shadows in your mind.

The following is a list of some very specific tools you can use to bring these "monsters" out of the shadow. Along your journey, you will discover many more tools as you follow your own treasure map to success. Share them with others, because it is by all of us working together that we can all move into a better world tomorrow.

  • Laughter: Good belly laughter brings your thoughts into the light and disperses the shadows, and it wouldn't be a bad thing if every nook and corner of every city had laughter clubs. Giggling is good for your mind and body, too. According to a study conducted at Vanderbilt University, the average adult burns 1.3 calories per minute from chuckling. And full blown out laughter is contagious. I dare you to try and not laugh while watching someone else laugh for a while, something which is utilised by laughter yoga. Part of a growing trend in parts of the United States, India and other countries - this can really make a difference in your overall health. While it shouldn't replace other types of exercise, laughter yoga is fun, and experts say it can help to reduce stress, enhance the immune system, burn calories and even tone muscles.
  • Mindset: My mind healing programme will hep give you the correct positive mindset. These practices, when carried out consistently, clears your energy space and provides a real opening to power and happiness.I implement the system in my daily life.
  • Awareness: Say hello to the present moment. Dark entities stay strong by keeping you out of the present moment - the place of your ultimate power. The try and drag you back to darker times in your past. By stopping throughout the day and simply asking, "Where am I now?" you bring yourself back to the here and now. If you then ask yourself the follow up question, "Am I OK in the present moment?" you will find that the answer is always yes - and every time you notice that you are OK you bring in more light.
  • Protection: If you're a Star Wars fan you can call this "activating your light sabre". When something negative happens, chop it away with a positive thought or action, and watch it dissolve.
  • Support: The right support will help you, so don't be afraid to ask for help. This can be like-minded friends and loved ones, or even professionals. Trained people can sometimes help us see things in a different light, and as we go on a journey of change, it is good to have a support group pushing us on. Even professionals, with all their years of study and practice and with all the tools at their disposal can find that they can't do it alone.
  • Action: I'm sure you have heard people telling you, "You can do anything, and be whatever you want to be." But if this was the case why aren't you, right now, enjoying the success, abundance, health, love and happiness you've always wanted? Could it be that you're not focused enough? Maybe you're not prepared? Or maybe you're missing direction? Or maybe you're just not taking action? Delay is the deadliest form of denial. Don't delay, act now to change your life and bring those monsters hiding in the shadows out into the light. Nothing is brighter - or hotter - than a person of action.

Procrastination is easy, we've all been programmed to think: "Hectic day today. I have a ton of unplanned stuff that I have to take care of and it seems like the important things I had to do will have to take a back seat. Oh well..."

But don't you deserve more than being put in the back seat of life? If I have important things I have to get done today and I don't care if I don't have time, I will make time. I don't care of there are suddenly numerous obstacles, I will use the difficulties every one of them brings to and keep moving forward.

When life gets hard, people do two things; they crumble and make excuses or (the people who are successful) they make small progress and hit every goal that they set for themselves. They keep driving forward. They are relentless. They swim through the uncharted waters despite their monsters. In a successful mindset, a challenge is an opportunity for you to shine your light against the darkness.

Grab your touch, get your map, and go exploring. Be strong. Set the example. Today's the day you take charge of your life. You achieve your goals. You eliminate the fear. You increase your confidence. You make the right choices. Today you believe in yourself.

Today you tell yourself you will succeed. You can do anything you want. You can achieve any goal you can imagine. Today you direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers.

You tell them exactly what you want. You eliminate the negative thoughts and the negative beliefs. You do the right things at the right time. You make the right choices. You meet the right people. You choose the right opportunities. Because you make the right decisions.

Forget or face your past - the choice is yours, but you must accept it. If our present is not to our liking, sometimes our youth can look better when we look back on it, but whatever your youth really was it made you what you are today. Love who you are, or love who you will become. But what happened in the past, is past. No longer dwell on any mistakes. If things didn't work out learn and move forward. Or better still, face your past and change your perspective of it. Maybe your youth wasn't so great, maybe your present is better! And you're future will be greater still.

You can succeed when you direct your inner powers and your subconscious mind to bring you what you want. To recap: Think about what you want. Be specific about what you don't want, too. Get a clear idea. Now don't focus on what you don't want. Instead, focus your attention on what you do want. Tell yourself that you have what you want. That you know what to do to get what you want.

Then direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you what you want. Give them the right instructions and you'll enjoy greater success. Today's the day you take control of your thoughts and direct your inner powers and subconscious mind.

Now go treasure hunting!

You're more powerful than you realise. You have amazing powers within you. All you have to do is direct these powers to create the success, happiness and joy that you want. Your subconscious mind and your inner powers are always at work. They respond to your thoughts, your beliefs and your attitudes.

If you're not enjoying life, if you're not in the right relationship, if you're not as successful as you want to be, if you're not making as much money as you want, then you're not giving your inner powers and your subconscious mind the right instructions.

Instead, you're telling them to create more of what you don't want. And so you you make the wrong choices, you don't take the right steps and and you continue to struggle. You doubt yourself to the point of disabling yourself - and you lose confidence.

Consequently, so you condition yourself to struggle, or not get what you want. The doubts continue. And things get worse. You've lost the treasure map to your existence. But it doesn't have to be that way. Take charge of your thoughts. Change your beliefs. Think about what you want - know what you don't want, but focus on what you do.

When you JUST focus on what don't want, you attract more of what you don't want. Your subconscious and your inner powers simply respond to what you constantly think about and believe.

So change what you think about. Direct your thoughts to what you want. Have beliefs that focus on what you want. Believe in yourself and believe in your ability. Start directing your inner powers and your subconscious mind to bring you exactly what you want.

You are a powerful person. More powerful than you realise. Believe in yourself and believe in your abilities. You can accomplish anything you want. Today's the day you take control of your life. Today you direct your inner powers and subconscious mind. Today you create the life you want.

Tune into your optimal state of mind so that you can get back on track with your life and open the gates to new exciting opportunities. The right mindset gives you the key to open doors and allow positive changes to follow you through. You'll find your greater purpose in life, quickly, safely and effectively. The treasure map of your mind will be stretched out before you hidden with all the riches the universe has to offer.

Yours in love,

Mickie Kent

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Be Optimistic with Love


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There are several components to success that need to be working in unison in order to live a completely happy and successful life. Many personal development and visualisation programs claim that, as long as you can imagine it, it will come to you. But the science - and I'm sure the results if you've tried it, too - seem to suggest that this is only part of the formula.

What if you're stressed, anxious or distracted in other ways, with a mindset that's not working in your favour? What if you, just like a finely tuned violin, have become off key and are not playing in tune with the rest of the orchestra?

In such circumstances, when it comes to reaching your goals, knowing what to do is usually the easy part. But actually getting yourself to FOLLOW THROUGH with what you need to do is sometimes another story. If you've ever felt like you lacked the follow through to get done what you know you need to get done, the good news is that one of the absolute best success habits I've learned to model is a state of mind I like to call "grounded optimism".

Grounded optimism is expecting to succeed, while also realising that you will likely bump up against some challenges along the way. With these more realistic expectations around your goals, you'll find you're often able to identify any possible challenges in advance and prepare for them ahead of time.In fact, just taking on this perspective seems to give off a mental vibration that makes your challenges become muted, as the universe begins throwing opportunity and unexpected short-cuts at you.

Here are two of the most effective steps experts have provided to cultivating a mental state of what I like to call grounded optimism:

  1. Expect to succeed. From building a business to weight loss or even quitting an addiction, people who really truly 100% believe they'll succeed are much more likely to follow through with the actions needed to reach their goals.

    The experts say this has been proven again and again by many of the thousands of people around the world who succeed because of a strong sense of belief, and also has been demonstrated in various studies. You truly become the person you think you will be, so start expecting the exceptional!

  2. Embrace the possibility in unexpected challenges and difficulty. This crucial second step is often missing when people teach about manifestation and visualisation with the power of the mind.

    To accomplish this, many people need to let go of the stubborn limiting belief that challenge equals pain or failure. Instead realise that challenge equals possibility. Your victories give you confidence, but it's your defeats that will give you strength. Now, I'm not telling you to focus on the negative. What I'm saying is you need to positively look at how you're going to overcome anything that gets in your way. (Remember, focusing on negative emotions will expand a negative influence in your life.)

    And being realistic about challenges is actually a huge gift to yourself that will strengthen your positive vibration, give you peace of mind, and endow you with true power and control over your life. By realistically assessing potential problems before they happen, you can prepare yourself to overcome any obstacle that gets in your way, so that step number 1 (expecting to succeed) comes easily and naturally.

    For example, while it's essential to your success that you use positive language, such as regularly telling yourself "I succeed at everything I put my mind to", that positive affirmation is not going to help you if you don't really truly believe it in your heart.

Suffering setbacks? Then ground yourself in love

What many find will power you through the dips of life is a long-term vision combined with the power of belief, and support from loved ones. There truly are benefits and beauty in the bad news, and there are ways to help you find that in any negative situation you meet.

There is no danger of developing eye strain from looking on the bright side of things. Staying strong is a UNIFIED matter of mind, soul and body - but the power of thoughts is conducted through the brain, so we must first focus on its technology to help us see how we can identify opportunity in adversity.

People often misread an event or circumstance as an adversity or setback. The problem is that we tend to judge events on the basis of their immediate impact, but, as life repeatedly teaches us, the long-term consequences of an action can be quite different from what we initially observe.

The bad is superficial and obvious; the good often takes investigation and long-term observation. It's important to recognise that the true result of an event may take a long period of time to come to fruition. Thus, misfortune and setbacks are frequently nothing more than illusions, which is why we so often fail to connect the long-term benefits to the seemingly negative situation that confronts us.

The truth is that adversity can serve as both a learning experience and a masked opportunity. In fact, I would take it one step further and say that there is an offsetting opportunity in every adversity and every obstacle. The trick is to develop the habit of automatically looking for the positive in every negative situation.

It can take years to develop this habit if you mindset has been negatively programmed since childhood, but when you rewire your brain, even when something seemingly terrible occurs, you can immediately take a deep mental breath and start thinking about where your purpose is trying to lead you. Most successful people discover that some of the unexpected roads this has taken them down are nothing short of miraculous.

A classic example of this phenomenon that is especially dear to my heart is the story of how a famous author's first book is rejected by numerous publishers. Then when it is accepted, it becomes a massive success. This is more usual than you might suspect. Iconic writers that have been rejected include Rudyard Kipling, William Golding, Dr Seuss, Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Marcel Proust to name an eclectic few.

So, what initially appeared to be an enormous adversity was, in fact, a hidden opportunity. Life is all about repeating thus lemons-to-lemonade trick, and if you do it often enough seemingly major obstacles will turn out to be great opportunities waiting to be exploited. And the more you do it, the more you'll learn.

Best of all, each new learning experience makes it that much easier the next time around. In the words of Richard Bach, "That's what learning is, after all: not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we've changed because of it, and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning."

"Looking on the bright side" bias

People often email to ask me, "What do you do when things are going bad? How do you keep going?" The answer for me is to focus on my vision and to be optimistic about the future. Looking towards a bright future motivates me no matter how rough the day might be.

It's important to have that positive bias in life, because the happiest people are those who see their lifetime as a positive and creative contribution to the human race. If you don't stay biased, you will lose your shield against the battering hailstorms of negativity that you will meet through your journey in life.

However, can a person be too optimistic? Everything needs to be in moderation, right? I put my hand up that I am an optimist, always have been. Every project I undertake, I expect to see to a successful conclusion. When events take a turn for the worse, I imagine how they will get better. My general attitude is that things will work out, even though - needless to say - sometimes they don't.

We all walk around carrying mental images of what the world is like and how the future will unfold. Some see the glass as half full. Others do not. Yet psychologists have discovered that the vast majority of healthy, successful individuals are optimistic, even when it isn't warranted. It turns out many of us truly are wearing rose-tinted glasses.

And now cognitive scientists are revealing that this illusion serves an important function: it turns possibilities into probabilities. Moreover, there is mounting evidence that those who take a pessimistic attitude - even if they are sometimes correct - are risking their careers, their personal relationships and even their health.

As neuroscientist, Tali Sharot writes in The Optimism Bias: A Tour of the Irrationally Positive Brain,

The data clearly shows that most people overestimate their prospects for professional achievement; expect their children to be extraordinarily gifted; miscalculate their likely life span (sometimes by twenty years or more); expect to be healthier than the average person and more successful than their peers; hugely underestimate the likelihood of divorce, cancer and unemployment; and are confident overall that their future lives will be better than those their parents put up with. This is known as the optimism bias - the inclination to overestimate the likelihood of encountering positive events in the future and to underestimate the likelihood of experiencing negative events.

Studies show that large majorities of us believe we are smarter, friendlier, more honest and better looking than the average person. (And better drivers!) This, of course, is impossible. Most people cannot be better than most people. (Yet generally, we are just as blind to this superiority illusion as we are to our optimism bias.)

However where one is about being a slave to the ego, the other is being liberated from your ego, and the ego of others. being positive isn't being selfish - as the opposite to negativity, it's about being selfless. And being positive, even if self-delusional, has its benefits.

Scientific opinion on this issue believes that positive self-deception is not only healthy but invaluable. Optimism evokes new behaviour that often creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, a prediction that causes itself to be true.

Take the example of two middle-aged men - one an optimist, the other a pessimist - who find themselves in the ER following a heart attack. Other factors being equal, the optimist has a better chance of a full recovery.

Some believe positive thinking itself is so powerful as to change his prognosis, but most tend to think it's because it leads to favourable changes in his behaviour. The pessimist feels resigned. But the optimist is more likely to stop smoking, avoid fatty foods and salt, engage in moderate exercise and avoid stress-inducing situations. It's this change in his actions - if not the sunny outlook itself - that most experts believe improves his chances.

Research shows that when we alter our perceptions and dreams about the future in positive ways, it reduces anxiety and improves physical and mental health. It also motivates us to be proactive. That's because human brains have a strong propensity to transform what we imagine into reality. Optimistic beliefs - even if they are unjustified - are often the precursor to positive actions.

You might think we should just confine our suggestions to one's own bailiwick - but facing challenges is something we all know about. And there are examples from all walks of life. For example, successful stock market investors have an optimistic long-term view that simply doesn't have an off switch. That doesn't mean they don't hedge our bets or take concrete steps to reduce risk and volatility. But they also tend to have an abiding faith in the ability of entrepreneurs, businesses and capital markets to meet people's economic needs.

In the depths of the financial meltdown in 2008, Warren Buffett penned an op-ed piece for The New York Times in which he encouraged investors to snap out of their funk:

"Today people who hold cash equivalents feel comfortable. They shouldn't. They have opted for a terrible long-term asset, one that pays virtually nothing and will only depreciate in value. Equities will almost certainly outperform cash over the next decade, probably by a substantial degree... Most major companies will be setting new profit records five, 10 and 20 years from now."

With the storm clouds gathering - and Wall Street titans falling like flies - few people agreed with Buffett's assessment. Some thought his forecast that American corporations would report record profits in five years was insanely optimistic. They were wrong. And so was Buffett. The companies that make up the S&P 500 were earning all-time record profits just 18 months later. And they have hit new records every quarter since.

Of course, optimism alone - wishful thinking - doesn't change much. And sometimes circumstances are entirely outside our control. It really didn't matter that the passengers aboard the Titanic were looking forward to a relaxing ocean voyage. But those who struggled with hope above hope will have made up some of the miraculous survival stories that surround the cruise disaster.

In many situations, optimism is the key difference. Here's what the experts say about the science: when you expect a positive outcome and it doesn't happen, the frontal lobes of your brain go into overdrive, frantically trying to figure out what went wrong and how to make the necessary adjustments. But when you expect a negative outcome, setbacks create no surprise or conflict in the brain. Changes and improvements aren't forthcoming because failure was already anticipated.

Studies show that pessimism promotes passivity and hopelessness. Research by psychologist Martin Seligman demonstrates that pessimists often behave helplessly, harming their chances of achieving desirable results and even feeding depression.

Other people, too, are hugely affected by the expectations you place on them. Employees are more productive when you expect excellence and industry. Students do better when teachers believe they are exceptional, even when they aren't.

Here's another example I found after surfing for examples of optimism, coming from the annals of American basketball. When the Lakers beat the Celtics in the 1987 NBA championship, coach Pat Riley didn't just predict the team would win again the next year, he offered Laker fans and the world his personal guarantee.

In an interview, Magic Johnson said, "Of all the psychological things that Pat's come up with, this is probably the best." Team mates showed up at camp believing their coach's credibility was on the line. The Lakers did win again. And when a reporter asked Riley during the victory celebration if he could guarantee a third consecutive championship, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar jumped up to cover his mouth. He later explained that he couldn't take another year of that kind of pressure.

Optimism doesn't mean we turn a blind eye to negative circumstances - or that we will never entertain darker thoughts. But, more than we realise, our expectations influence both our perception of reality and our actions - and so alter reality itself.

There is a huge pay-off in seeing grey skies as just passing clouds. Optimists expect to have meaningful relationships, good health and happy, productive lives. They live longer and make better financial plans, and they despair and worry less. They avoid needless anxiety and adjust better to stress. To protect against the killing electricity of negativity, you need to ground yourself.

Optimism isn't about avoiding reality, it's about facing it, and dealing with the struggles in a positive manner. Optimism is a source of vitality and hope, courage and confidence. It motivates us to set goals, to take risks. It encourages persistence in the face of obstacles. As Winston Churchill said, "For myself, I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else."

Yours in love,

Mickie Kent

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Love Your Mind, Body and Soul


Mickie Kent's Love Your Mind, Body and Soul Series, Train your mind body and soul to the vibrancy of love

In our household every morning, my twin flame wakes up and recounts his mantra: Live or die on this day.

And it sets up his whole mindset for the day ahead. He adapted the line from the movie The Grey with Liam Neeson. In the movie, there is a flashback where the father of Neeson's character had written a poem. The theme of the poem is always present throughout the movie and is revealed and integrated into the final scene.

Once more into the fray
Into the last good fight I’ll ever know
Live and die on this day
Live and die on this day

It's a movie with a big lesson. The very lesson he has placed in his soul, into his very being every day: to live. It reminds him that every day he has a choice. A choice to get to where he needs to go today. A choice to live.

Naturally, it's a choice we all need to make. As my twin flame says, "You better choose to live, or you will die without ever knowing what it is to live".

To me, life is worth living when we love our mind, body and soul. Success comes to us in all areas of our life, when we work in harmony with the world around us, and the world inside us, to create a oneness of the corporeal, spiritual and intellectual aspects of humanity.

How we reach this point of oneness will be an individual journey, as individual as we all are as human beings. What connects us all to this purpose is that we need to do this to really live.

Eventually, if we fail to bring awareness to any one of these important three connectors that wake us up to the energy of life, we lose vibrancy. Failure to connect to life in this way, means we are no better than the walking dead.

Created with this in mind, I've decided to share a series of important articles that will create an awareness about the importance of synchronising our mind, body and soul to the same vibration - that of love, the true source that gives meaning and purpose to a life filled with uncertainty and the fleeting sands of time.

Ultimately, we must love our mind, love our thoughts, and create a positive, life affirming mindset to attract the right people and situations into our lives. We must love and listen to our bodies, to keep them working at an optimum level for health and high standard of living. We must love, be mindful of, and listen to our soul, our spirit and sit not in judgement of ourselves or others for past mistakes, but sit in the seat of emotion that can heal all things.

Now to do this, imagine the triumvirate of mind, body and soul as three pillars of an exquisite statute or architectural temple, which exemplifies a certain symmetry, a certain harmony of the part to the part and of part to the whole that seems beautiful to the eye because of the harmony of its proportions. This is dependant on balance - and love is the great balancer and the measure of all things that help us to this aim.

Thus human beings are a coming together of principles, of proportions, of shapes - with the potential to be rather like an orchestrated piece of music, in which the harmonies of the three instruments of mind, body and soul are fused together in a glorious orchestrated symphony of oneness - where the three behave as one.

If you're ready and willing to harmonise your mind, body and soul - and design a lifestyle around this belief of oneness to attract only the best life has to offer - then enlighten yourself with the contents I share with you below. Note them carefully, they will help you train your mind, body and soul to sync this powerful triumvirate to the vibrancy of love.

Series Content

Analysis of the Mind

Before you can start healing your mind, and get it to balance in an harmonious whole with your body and soul, you need to understand the power of the brain, the power of believing, and the power of thought. What you believe is what you get. (Parts 1-7)

  1. Love Your Mind
  2. A New Future with Love
  3. The Love System
  4. Connect the Mind to Love
  5. Love Your Brain-1 -2 -3
  6. Create Your Future With Love
  7. The Real Secrets of Love

It's often said that a main disruptor to the synchronisation of a vibrant balanced life is the negative thought. Negativity unbalances us, but we can re-align ourself with life by following our passions. Read about how to challenge negative thoughts: (Parts 1-8)

  1. Clean Up with Love
  2. Anchor Yourself with Love
  3. Get Personal With Love
  4. Love is Your Secret Weapon
  5. The Treasure Map to Love
  6. Passion is Love's Best Guide
  7. Be Optimistic with Love
  8. Love When All Goes Badly

Going one step further, you also have to engage life fully and stop avoiding reality. If you want the world to help you, you must take part in and contribute to it. Isolation is not the answer for a healthy brain. Get yourself motivated. Read more about these issues here:

    Part A: (Parts 1-4)
  1. The Wisdom of Love
  2. Love is in Your Favour
  3. Communicate with Love
  4. Keep the Focus on Love
    Part B: (Parts 1-4)
  1. Declare Your Purpose with Love
  2. Use Love When the Dark Rises
  3. The Positive Possibilities of Love
  4. Love Will Make You a High Flyer
Anatomy of the Body

So far as a healthy body has a strong vibration, a diseased body has a weak, almost non-existent vibrancy. We need a strong vibration to be able to get our body to work in unison with our mind and soul. This threesome is the most powerful union and partnership for success in all areas of your life. Read some important information on what to do for the physical health of our muscles and organs: (Parts 1-8)

  1. The Energy of Love
  2. Shield Yourself with Love
  3. Function with Love
  4. Consume Life with Love
  5. Boost Your Brain-1 -2 -3
  6. Bring Love to the Body
  7. Love Your Sleep
  8. Get Physical with Love

Search for the Soul

Facing spiritual matters is probably the most difficult, but that doesn't mean it is any less important. Faith is as powerful as belief, and both are intertwined like star-crossed lovers. No one knows for certain what the meaning of life is, but some would argue that it is the soul that give life meaning.

Understandably, some believe this is the essential source of our vibrancy, with which our other two parts must align with for complete harmony. That's why articles on mind healing, as above, urge you to follow your passions and discover your true calling in life for a successful lifestyle.

Critically, whether or not you believe in a soul or think it's all just mystic literature, there will be times that life defies logic and you simply have to go by the voice in your heart. And as we need to feed the mind with positive thoughts, and the body with energising foods, what is the food for the soul?

Knowing the answer is thought to be in our feelings, as our major source to help us discover what it means to be human. And unlike positive and negative thoughts, some suggest there are no positive or negative emotions - we have the power to feel every emotion as love.

Enlightenment for everyone or just philosophical palaver? Read to find out: (Parts 1-15)

  1. Love Every Emotion
  2. Love Will Help to Change You
  3. Fuel the Spirit with Love
  4. Connect to the Spirit and Grow
  5. A Template for Love
  6. Speak to Your Soul with Love
  7. The Affirmations of Love
  8. The Unique Frequency of Love
  9. In the Absence of Love
  10. Trust in the Awareness of Love
  11. Choose Love Over All
  12. The Divine Perspective of Love
  13. Harvest What Love Sows
  14. Searching for the Spirit of Love
  15. Finding the Spirit of Love

Reaching out in love,

Mickie Kent