Click here to attract your own twin flame NOW!
And planning becomes even more essential the deeper you get into a relationship. When couples no longer have the orchestrated passion of dates, it becomes critically important to stop waiting for sex to just catch you unaware. You have to start consciously carving out time for it. The good news is that pencilled-in passion has the potential to be even steamier than a spontaneous romp: The anticipation and preparation for it can actually function as all-day foreplay, building tension that heightens the encounter when you and your twin flame finally rendezvous.
Scroll down for 5 secret tantric tips for twin flames.
Moreover, don't get hang up if you feel that the spontaneity in your sex life seems to have disappeared, because spontaneous sex is really a myth. Twin flame sex is about stimulating a lifelong compulsion to explore each other's bodies. Most of the steamiest sheet twisting you'll do over the course of your twin flame relationship will be planned, anticipated, and orchestrated. Did you and your twin flame flirt your way through a romantic meal? Did you put on your sexiest outfit one morning in anticipation of what might happen that night? Guess what? You scheduled that sex.
Sex is the great equaliser between couples. We all do it. It's also the healing pool we can dip into to re-energise our twin flame relationships through challenging periods. It's about capturing those moments through the act of sex, when our bodies interact and affect the space around and within us, for each other's benefit. It's a passionate sexual experience for those parts of us that are single and require a match - our soul, our heart, our bodies, our sexual organs.
But bear in mind one qualification: Twin flame sex is about the art of seduction, not about being a master of seduction, or by using it as a tool to determine if someone is your twin flame or not. In regards to twin flame sex, this is discovered only after you've determined your special someone; great sex alone does not determine if your sex partner is your twin flame on not. In other words, we don't get freaky to find our twin flame!
Have sex responsibly
Living in a time where men and women can have double digit partners, some of us will confuse sex with multiple partners as getting love. A multitude of different sex partners is socially acceptable, and I don't interfere in what responsible, consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. If their choice of lifestyle infringes on public health and safety, then that's what our laws are there for - we should all make love responsibly and safely.
However, a large majority of us rely too much on sex in our lives, and it doesn't help when the media encourages us just as much. Optimally we feel we should have sex 3-6 times a week (and that doesn't include masturbation), which doesn't give ourselves enough time to sexually recover, maintain, and build our sexual thirst for our partners.
Or some of us get so bored with our partners that thinking of other individuals during sex becomes a way of maintaining excitement during sex. I am not saying this is a by-product of any chosen sexual lifestyle, even long term married couples will need some much need zing in their sex lives.
It's hard to ask someone (especially men) not to imagine someone else at least occasionally during sex. Especially because of the way men and women are made, for women to reach orgasm it will usually mean that men skip their own orgasms multiple times. Pair that with the fact that ideally men ejaculate too much in a week, sex a lot of the time will be reduced to a game of imagining something extremely sexy to make them more sexually aroused during lovemaking.
Twin flame sex will not usually suffer from these problems, because of the very nature of its love being based not on physical sex, but bonded at a spiritual level which enhances and promotes the act of lovemaking, without being obsessed by it. The sexual attraction between twin flames turns lovemaking into a spiritual seeking which empowers sex as a connector between couples, rather than a commodity to consume.
And this type of psychic link-up is the aim of those practising tantric sex, or any Eastern art (tao, tai chi, etc.,) that focuses on channelling our inner force during activity to recycle, conserve and enhance our energies - in this context during the sensations of sex between twin flames.
Five ways to get closer to your twin flame
“From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven. And when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being.”
— Anonymous
So, as promised in my "Tantric Sex and Twin Flames" post, I'm going to share five tantric sex tips specially designed for twin flame lovers, which you can use with your lover to reach new heights and delights in your infinite love and abundance. They will help you slide deep into the recesses of your twin flame's soul, as your bodies join together in heart, mind and spirit boosted by the power of tantra.
In part 2 I briefly expand on tantric sex, while in part 3 I provide guidance on five ways to get closer to your twin flame. You won't find guidance like this anywhere else, as these are tantric techniques specifically tweaked for couples that are twin flames.
And, as I said in my previous post, don't worry if you haven't found your twin flame, yet. These tips will help all partners boost their own and their current partner's sexual energy.
End of part 1 | Read part 2 | Read part 3
Yours in (sexy) love,
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