Of all the ties that bind, love is the strongest. From the myriad of emotions people produce, love is one that can transcend through time.
As we all know, love conquers all. It's the most powerful colour in our lives, and the most prevailing element that makes living a joy. Life would be useless without love; it is not possible for anyone to achieve happiness without love. It doesn't have to be a person; it depends upon you on what makes you content. Even if you have all the money and luxury in the world, without someone to share it with or contentment in your life, it will all be empty. Love makes the journey through life a worthy experience.
It's important to take time to count your blessings and know that you are loved.
It doesn't matter who we are, where we come from, or what creed we belong to, our stories will all have love as its main character. This is what unifies us, and makes us human. Our capacity to love is as limitless as the stories about love, because true love never ends.
Welcome to my love manual, specially devised for people seeking a special kind of love twinned to the story of their own unique energy. My name is Mickie Kent and I will be your guide to help you write the greatest story of your life.
Click here to attract your twin flame NOW!
Yours in love,
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